Could you tell me what you are feeding, what supplements you give and how long the gas has been going on? How are his/her stools – firm, soft? When does the gas occur – anytime, or only after meals? If the stools are soft it would be good to have the stool checked for parasites by your local veterinarian.
The quick and easy answer is to begin using probiotics. My favorite is Mitomax, a super probiotic. I have had many animals’ smelly gas clear up while using
this, though sometimes they need to stay on it. Unlike other probiotics, it is
very stable and is ok at the low stomach pH.There is an icon on my home page for it ( You could also get other pet probiotics if near a pet health store. (by the way, if you put in your city, we can be more specific in our answers)
The longer answer is to generally improve health. There are 7 keys that can help you do this, with a link on my home page.
Please let me know a little more and if you have questions about the holistic approach (7 keys to health).
Would you recommend using a shock collar as a training aid?