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Monila | 4 years ago
I Found A Brownish String Like Object Sticking Out Of My Cat’s Anus. There Was …

I found a brownish string like object sticking out of my cat’s anus. There was also a little bit of blood near his anus. Is this a symptom that he has worms? He has been given a tablet of allwormer. He also has fleas but they are not evident anymore as he has also received medication for fleas. He does not have bloody stool or vomits or sneezing. Please help ! ????

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always diagnose worms by sending a fecal sample submitted to the lab. I do not guess and I do not presume. The dewormers can be especially harsh on animals so I only use them if I know the worms they treat for are present.

    1. Monila Post author

      How about the brownish string like object sticking out of my cat’s anus ? Is that a shedding of a worm or you cannot tell? I will submit a fecal sample but I wanted to know if he is in danger because of the brownish string like object. Thank you !

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Heather | 4 years ago
My Cat Is 12 Years Old. We Noticed She Had Lost Some Weight Over A Short Period …

My cat is 12 years old. We noticed she had lost some weight over a short period of time and booked a visit to see our vet on Monday. Then she stopped eating over the weekend and became lethargic so we took her to the ER vet. They diagnosed her with CKD and it is very advanced. Her values were so high they needed to dilute their sample to get a reading. We were told it would not be inappropriate to euthanize her right then and there or we could hospitalize her but she might not handle the treatment well because of her heart murmur. It was such a shock I had no idea she was so unwell, but I couldn’t put her down without trying anything. She was admitted for 2 days and hydrated and while she did perk up and start eating, her numbers did not go down significantly. She came home and was perky for roughly 45 minutes, then laid down to sleep on our sofa and has been using that spot as home base for the last 2 days. She’ll get up to drink and use the litterbox and greet us but then promptly returns to her spot. She is grooming herself. These are some good signs. What worries me is she has already gone off eating. She didn’t have much the first day but today she licked some gravy off some wet food and has had a few treats. She is less perky already. The vet sent us home with mirtazpine ointment and subQ fluids… but nothing for nausea. My question is: should I force feed her? Should I have a tube put in? Should I let her go? I don’t want her to suffer if it’s her time but I also want to give her a chance if she can still lead a good life. She’s an agreable cat and tolérâtes the sub Q fluids well, though I don’t think she would like to be force fed. I won’t give up on her but I don’t want her to suffer either by putting in a tube or force feeding if it will only keep her with me another week.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I wouldn’t force feed without vet guidance. I would, however, call your regular vet and have a serious conversation about what you can do for her, and what sort of prognosis your vet can give you.

    I will say she needs to start eating, so I would get her in to your vet today if at all possible.

    I’m so sorry this is happening. It’s scary when it’s so sudden. My heart goes out to you as my stinky kidney cat burps in my face. Let us know what happens?

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Mary Fischer | 4 years ago
I Have. 2.5 Yr Old GSD That Has Had Diarrhea And Vomiting. He Is Drinking Water And …

I have. 2.5 yr old GSD that has had diarrhea and vomiting. He is drinking water and does not seem lethargic. Some sleep might do him good, but he still wants to play. Is there anything i can give him??

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Depending on how long this has gone on, I would fast him for 24 hours, then slowly introduce bland food in the form of chicken or ground beef cooked well with no other seasonings and mixed with plain white rice, with a higher rice to meat ratio at first. Give SMALL amounts to see how he does. Give plenty of water. If the vomit and diarrhea persist, call the vet. If the vomit and diarrhea have persisted more than 48 hours already, call the vet.

    1. Mary Fischer Post author

      Thank you. It has been over 24 hours. I did make an apt with his vet. Hope its not premature.

      1. Laura

        I think it’s fair, especially if you’ve never dealt with this before. We were definitely more willing to call the vet over every little thing until we began to understand how our dog handles things. Better to be overly cautious than let something go for far too long, you know?

        I forgot to add one thing: once he’s keeping food down, plain yogurt is something I’d keep in your repertoire of things to help gut health. Bonus, most dogs absolutely love it.

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Kerry | 4 years ago
My 11 Year Old Yorkie Began Trembling And Having Trouble Walking 8 Days Ago. I Took Her To …

My 11 year old yorkie began trembling and having trouble walking 8 days ago. I took her to the vet the next day and she suspected IVDD. She put her on a pain reliever, prednasolome, and a muscle relaxer. She could still walk a bit when she went outside to go potty. 3 days ago she started to have extreme pain in her left shoulder/neck. She completely stopped walking but she tries and can stand and sit, but she falls over. I took her back to the vet and had an x ray done. They showed that the vertebrae between the neck and shoulder was very messed up. They kept her on the same meds. Is there hope for her? She is extremely healthy and fit. She is not over weight and was still very playful. She starts shaking and her neck muscles tighten and start twitching about 4 hours after I have given her the muscle relaxer, and she takes it every 12 hours so she is very tight for hours! What can I do for her? We cannot afford an MRI although wish we could. Also how often do I move her during the night? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hello- so sorry that you and your pup are going through this. If you look up on YouTube, Dr. Magnifico has posted a lot on ivdd. You may be able to find some valuable advice from her. Hoping that she see your post here- she’s very knowledgeable and will hopefully be able to offer some tips on how to help. Best of luck ????????

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Kate | 4 years ago
I Live In A Studio Apartment With Two Female Cats (ages 1.5 & 5) And When I’m …

I live in a studio apartment with two female cats (ages 1.5 & 5) and when I’m not in the apartment, they get along fine. During the day if I’m home, they only compete when they are hungry. But all of a sudden between 12am and 1am if I’m home, they start to chase each other to the point of some scary yowels. I can only assume it’s jealousy-triggered. My question is, how do I mitigate the fighting if i can only separate them between a cold bathroom and the huge main room (that has me in it)? Would separating them like that only make things worse? Any herbal remedies to calm newly competitive kitties?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- there may be an underlying issue that is unknown or unrealized to you that is causing this change in behavior. So that might be worth investigating. As far as keeping them separated in your studio- have you tried to make places where they can “escape” to? For instance, we used to have a cat that was very sociable, but when she needed her alone time she would go up on the window sill of our basement window (high up) where no one else could bother her. When the cat we currently have needs a break from the dogs, she goes on the shelf in our closet where she can be alone. Maybe a cat tree or a high shelf might be helpful? ????????

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Sara | 4 years ago
My Cat Has Been Limping On His Hind Left Leg He Hissing Aggressively Meows When He …

My cat has been limping on his hind left leg he hissing aggressively meows when he moves I’m pretty sure he either has a fracture or sprain or dislocation. he is eating an drink and using the bathroom but I can’t afford to take him to the vet for treatment what can I do for him and for his pain?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I’m sorry your cat is in so much pain. Really, you need to get him to a vet… especially since he is in so my pain.

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Jessica | 4 years ago
My 3 Y/o Lab Has Chronically Had Bad Breath Since He Was About 1 Y/o, No …

My 3 y/o lab has chronically had bad breath since he was about 1 y/o, no matter what food he is on (currently Purino Pro Plan Lamb & Rice). When he licks you, his saliva residue smells really bad, and can actually feel stinging, leading me to worry about the possibility of acid reflux for him that we’ve missed all along. Is there anything we can try with him either OTC or natural supplements for him to address this? Or does this warrant a trip to the vet to address?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    If it’s gone on for 2 years and you haven’t gotten it addressed in that time, it’s most likely something that REALLY needs a vet’s involvement. Could be medical, could be dental, but you should call the vet about it.

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Jessica | 4 years ago
I Adopted A Barn Cat About 6 Months Ago. She Has Been Doing Well Up Until 2 Days …

I adopted a barn cat about 6 months ago. She has been doing well up until 2 days ago… I noticed she wasn’t eating her favorite food, she’s lost weight and now she is vomiting. Her first vomit was foamy and her second was straight runny wet food.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Has she been to the vet yet to be tested for parasites and other diseases and given her vaccinations? Either way, I would call first thing in the morning and get her in to see the vet. Keep an eye on her this evening- if she stops drinking water you might need to go to the ER. There are so many different things that could be causing, your vet will probably do some blood work. Hope everything is ok!!????????

    1. Jessica Post author

      She is up to date on all vaccinations and is also spayed. I haven’t taken her to the vet yet because money is an issue at the moment due to Covid and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t overreacting. She is a barn cat so it’s hard for me to watch her drink etc…. I know what she eats because she does eat on my deck.

      1. Sarah

        I would double check her vaccination record then to be safe- and make sure she is not due for any boosters. (Concerned because of the symptoms) I hope it is nothing serious, but being that she is vomiting and you have noticed weight loss, I would definitely err on the side of caution.

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megan | 4 years ago
Hello! My Cat Has Been Going To The Vet Constantly, For Coughing, Gaging, Gulping, And Loud …

hello! My cat has been going to the vet constantly, for coughing, gaging, gulping, and loud breathing? noises. The vet examined him under anesthesia and said his throat was just red and irritated and sent him home with some antibiotics and prednisolone. He took it for a while but there were no changes. He mostly does the whole coughing gaging thing when he is exited. His vet can’t seem to figure out what is wrong with him, so i’ve been researching different sicknesses and seeing which ones matched his symptoms. I came across collapsed trachea. This is the only one i’ve seen that matched his symptoms and says it gets worse with excitement. What can be done to diagnose him with a collapsed trachea? I’ve seen that a fluoroscopy would be a good option but the animal hospitals around me don’t have the machinery to do that. There is a high tech specialist vet office about 2 hours from me, but it’s by referral only. Would i still be able to get a proper and correct diagnosis by getting a normal x-ray? is there any other options that could tell he has a collapsed trachea? he’s had chest x-rays before and nothing seemed abnormal, so that rules out some other sicknesses.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Sorry that there has not been a response yet. Have you spoken to your vet about your thoughts?

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Jesse | 4 years ago
We Have 3 Female Cats. Our 2 Cats, Margo And Edith, Are Now 3 Years Old And Grew Up …

We have 3 female cats. Our 2 cats, Margo and Edith, are now 3 years old and grew up together. Gwen is the 3rd, a kitten we rescued a few months ago. Gwen is not yet spayed but she is peeing on things throughout the house and causing Margo to mark her territory. I am here to get help with our situation and resolve the peeing and behavioral issues.

We found out the Gwen has elevated liver enzymes so she is being treated for that. Margo is on prescribed calming treats to help. Both older cats chase Gwen with intent as if they are annoyed or angry with her.

We have multiple litter boxes and plenty of places for them to avoid each other if they please.

Gwen is giving us a lot of trouble with peeing on clothes and random objects in the house and it is getting progressively worse…she is not yet spayed but we are at a loss as opposed to what to do or what is going on.

Can anyone provide some answers and suggestions as to why this is happening?

Thank you in advance!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Anytime I get a case like this I recommend a urinalysis be done. It is imperative to rule out a urinary issue. I also do a full blood work too. After that I talk about Feliway trying lots of treats and catnip and trying to understand what she is trying to tell you. They do everything for a reason so I don’t just medicate and turn a blind eye. I do talk about anti anxiety medications and there are lots of options s for this but it doesn’t change the fact that the case should be investigated thoroughly. This is a huge topic and in the texts book it can take up a hundred pages. There is not a one size fits all remedy.

    1. Jesse Post author

      Thank you for responding. We have tried Feliway wall plug ins and she gets a lot of attention but that doesn’t help. She’s had blood work done which revealed elevated liver enzymes but she it’s taking medication for that.
      Is her not being spayed yet a possible reason?