I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m not sure what your question is but if it’s not bothering your cat why don’t you just give it some time to see if it resolves on its own?
My dog was recently given the prognosis of intervertebral disc disease or herniated disc. His hind legs currently are not working and are possibly paralyzed but he still has feeling in them. The surgery for him to get better is something that we can not afford and our not sure what to do. Is there any way for him to walk again without the surgery? Is there any other treatments we can try?
My 11 year old cat has a lump on her hind leg which I believe was caused by a knock to the area after being chased by a neighbours dog that entered my garden, causing my cat to run under the house, I heard the scuffle & not long after she developed this lump, which my vet diagnosed as a seroma, they took a biopsy which was inconclusive. The assesment states Distal left hindlimb mass 1.5 cm tumour (bening or neoplastic) with enlargement due to seroma. She shows no signs of pain in area only when touched, walks fine and is acting perfectly normal. Vet recommended surgical removal costing $1800 .Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I include an image of actual lump
My groomer told me Holly has a fungal infection on her pads and to use Apple Cider Vinegar which I did. Poor Holly nearly went crazy, I believe it stung her. Any suggestions please? Also Holly has lots of lumps everywhere which my vet says are harmless. however she has licked those on her toes and they are now raw and bleeding, suggestions please for a treatment.
My dog ran out of my house and got bitten by dogs and returned back . The right front leg has some bite marks and that’s all. It’s day two and he is yelling in pain. In day 1 , he used to walk with 3 legs. But in day 2, he is struggling to walk at all. He got pain in the other 3 legs too. I think rabies is not the issue as it shows symptoms only after a week.
Has anyone noticed that orange cats are more “itchy” or is it just me? We have one now who itches an awful lot–way more than his brothers who are darker colors (black and tabby). They are all treated with Revolution every month.
Previous to these cats, I had a different orange cat who itched so much the vet ended up giving him steroid shots, which helped some. Since redhead and blond people seem to have more hay fever etc., I wonder if it’s similar for redhead cats.
PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS… I SERIOUSLY NEED HELP N ADVICE… Backstory…… ive been out of work since 12/26/20 bc of unforeseen medical issues. and still haven’t received any ssi or unemployment. so with that please be a little understanding. my cat had a really bad eye cold n respiratory thing going on… it kept getting worse. I was told trevor supply sells cat and dog safe penicillin. so i got some bc i literally can’t afford a vet right now. i came home and looked up dosing via injection penicillin. apparently it should have been less the 1 ml (i realized today). i didn’t do the math correctly (didn’t carry decimal over right) and ended up giving him 10ml. now i I’m freaking out about his kidneys and liver. He’s currently acting fine. Playing and eating but i am still very very worried. Please please any advice?? ????????????????????????
HELP I put sentry flea medicine on my cat’s last night I woke up this morning and my my smaller cat not a kitten she’s just small is like drooling really bad and panting I called Jarrettsville vet but they can’t get me in because I’m not a patient and I don’t have the money for the pet ER it’s too expensive even to walk in I’m desperate can I give her Benadryl what can I do to try to help her any answers will be greatly appreciate it thank you very much…
16 month old female husky (40 pounds) had a double patellar luxation surgery on 6/30. Grade 4 in both knees, severe muscle wasting and arthritis. The surgery was more complex than anticipated and involved the addition of rod placement. First couple of days fairly uncomplicated except that she would urinate in her kennel while asleep despite attempts at potty breaks.
She has now developed two huge seromas, one on each knee. She’s walking well, eating and drinking well. If anything she’s so close to her normal self. She’s still on gabapentin, trazodone and rimadyl.
The seroma on the left “burst” between sutures on Sunday despite the meds and confinement. It has continued to “burst” and release a LOT of serous fluid EVERY day since (today is day 4 of this).
She’s been back to the vet twice for this.
They said to:
Keep the meds
Stop passive ROM
Confine and keep down as much as possible
Warm compresses 3 times a day
They want to push back suture removal and have assured me that this will eventually stop. And if it continues for the next few days then we may consider other options.
She is walking around, standing up and turning around in her kennel despite the meds and obviously needs short walks to go pee/poop. These things cause the ruptures.
I am beyond frustrated and worried.
Does this care plan seem reasonable?
Does heat actually help? She’s so squirmy when I come near her kennel that it hardly seems worth it.
Any advice? Thank you!
My six year old male mini pin was crying out in pain four nights ago. He sticks his neck foward in a downward gaze, arches his back and lifts one leg. I timed each cry and they were 10 minutes apart. We decided to take him to the emergency vet, which was located 25 miles away. During the car ride, my baby did not cry out loud once. After completing blood work, the vet. did not mention anything concerning other than she thought he hurt his back. She prescribed two medications. Fast forward to today, and the pain continues, although it’s not every ten minutes, but almost every single time he moves his body. He can walk on all four legs, eats and drinks as he normally did, but he is not the same. You can tell he is in extreme pain- the medication does not seem to be helping. Why did the emergency vet not screen for IVDD? Do you think these are the early signs of the condition? If so, how should I go about mitigating the pain?
My 6 year old female pit was diagnosed with Chylothorax yesterday, 7/5. My vest was only able to pull a little of the gel type liquid from her lungs. She referred us to a specialist, but they cannot see her until Aug 4. Do you know if there is another specialist in the Baltimore, Maryland area that could see her? She is currently taking 50mg of Lasix. I don’t want to wait four weeks. She has barely eaten anything over the last two weeks as it is. She’s lost about 7-10 pounds.
I’m sorry to hear about your pup. Some dogs can recover from this even if they don’t have the decompression surgery. It takes time, a lot of intensive at home care and assistance and patience. I have a lot of information on conservative management on my blog and YouTube channel. Please search my name and IVDD on both sites and you can see a patient named Hank who recovered without surgery. It took him almost three weeks to be able to walk again. It is absolutely imperative to have access to pain medications, and the time to invest in their care. It is also very important to have a vet who will help you. Good luck.
I watched your videos and they were very helpful! I just have a couple more questions though. What type of therapy/rehab did u start hank with? Will starting therapy too early hurt the process? Do you think acupuncture is a good idea?