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Samantha | 5 years ago
Hi I’m Messaging In Regards To My Aunt’s Dog Who Has Alot Of Blood …

Hi I’m messaging in regards to my aunt’s dog who has alot of blood and swelling coming from her vagina (I will also add a picture below) the problem is my aunt has covid-19 and isn’t allowed to leave her house the dog is still eating but BARELY and she is drinking TONS of WATER, my question is does this look like a regular heat cycle? I forgot to mention this dog is almost 9 years old and is a frenchie do you think this is something that is a emergency the problem is my aunt doesn’t want to expose anyone to the virus but if this is urgent I will go pick up and transport to vet myself

6 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. Given that the dog is 9 and there is so much blood and swelling, and that the eating and drinking habits have drastically changed- I would call the vet and get her in right away. Best of luck ????

    1. Samantha Post author

      The problem is my aunt has covid-19 and she doesn’t wanna expose anyone to the virus we live in maryland (harfor county) and it’s really bad here in MD

      1. Sarah

        Please get this dog to a vet somehow. Perhaps someone can safely pick the dog up and bring her? I know our vet has protocol in place for bringing pets to to office.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    This pup needs a vet help!. Covid or not. Please seek vet help ASAP. An exam, blood work and xrays are needed. My fear is cancer, a hormone related issue. She needs help ASAP.

    1. Samantha Post author

      Dr magnifco question can I bring her to your office today I found out your clinic is only 20 minutes from me and also how much would it cost to get blood work and xrays my aunt said she has around 400 to get her emergency care do you think that’s enough or can you work with payments if it isn’t enough we need to get her help

      1. Krista Magnifico

        Hello I am not working today. Please call the clinic and ask if you could be fit in 419-692-6171. Tell then that you spoke to me on Pawbly and when you get there (we are doing curbside service so you won’t t be able to come in. Also tell then that you are on a budget. If they can’t fit you in today we have tomorrow available also. Walk ions 1-3. Keep me posted. I hope we can help.

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Mackenzie | 5 years ago
My Puppy Is Breathing Fast And Sometimes Panting. He Feels Warm But I’m Not Sure …

My puppy is breathing fast and sometimes panting. he feels warm but i’m not sure if that is normal or what to even look for.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello. If this is a puppy call your vet immediately. We always err on the side of caution with the very young and the very old. Don’t wait.

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Jordan | 5 years ago
I Have An 8 Year Old Dalmatian That Out Of The Blue Started Crying Out In Pain …

I have an 8 year old Dalmatian that out of the blue started crying out in pain when lying down or getting up as well as being unable to shake his head to itch ears. Emergency vet has suspected IVDD as likely problem. He is not dragging, going to the bathroom fine and seems energetic but cautious because of pain. I just watched a video by Krista Magnifico on IVDD recovery without surgery should I be crating him as much as possible for time being? The doctor sent him home with anti-inflammatory, steroid and pain meds.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My advice for these patients is to treat them like an IVDD dog even if I am not sure what the cause is? I start with strict cage rest for 3-5 days (as long as nothing else is worsening and they are eating and drinking normally. If they worsen at anytime or aren’t better in a few days I have them come back for a recheck. If I am still not sure what is going on I refer to a specialist for help. Best of luck.

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Mackenzie | 5 years ago
Hi, Madonna Vet Suggested I Post On Here To Get Some Advice. I Have 3 Cats, One …

Madonna vet suggested I post on here to get some advice. I have 3 cats, one is around 7 1/2 and the other two are around 4 1/2. Last week I noticed one of them had pooped out side of the litter box and there were drops around it that had bright red bloody mucous around it. I tried looking it up and found that this can happen sometimes and not to be too concerned as long as the stool was formed. So I kept an eye out when cleaning and scooping the litter box to see if it happened again and who it was. I hadn’t noticed any more blood until today, I found some in my bathroom (picture attached). One of them is over weight and likes to eat random things sometimes, but none of then are acting any different than usual. Without trying to sound super weird i tried to inspect all 3 of them, but i can’t tell who it was so i can take them to the vet (it would be impossible to get all 3 at the same time especially with this whole pandemic going on). I guess I’m just hoping for some advice on what to do and whether or not to be super concerned. All of the vets I’ve called to talk to are booked, and I’m not really sure how to go about it.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like the first thing is finding out who is having the issue. The ways we usually do this are as follows:
    1. We separate them in the home and monitor closely. Not always the easiest.
    2. If we are sure it is a urinary issue we talk about adding something to the food to change the color of the cats urine.
    3. We drop them each off at the veterinary clinic to watch them there.
    After we know who and where the problem is we start working on a treatment plan. In some cases it can be blood from the colon from intestinal parasites (as an example), or, blood from a urinary issue, like cystitis or infection or stones are all possibilities.

    I hope this helps.

    Let me know if you have questions. And just so you know we are all happy to help you even during covid.
    Thanks for the questions. . .

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Kelly | 5 years ago
My Rats (2 Months Old) Are Sneezing. Sometimes It’s One, Sometimes Its Like Three In A …

My rats (2 months old) are sneezing. Sometimes it’s one, sometimes its like three in a row, but it is not consistent. I have read that this could be linked to respiratory issues, but they have no other symptoms. They ping, brux, boggle, play fight with their siblings, eat, socialize with me and other members of my family. They are not secreting porphyrin either. They do sleep a lot during the day, which I thought may be a symptom, but they are also still babies and are EXTREMELY active during the night. Should I be worried about the sneezing?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Sneezing is a very broad clinical sign. In general it indicates that there is inflammation or irritation to the nose and nasal passages. This can come from infection, allergies, allergens, foreign bodies and even masses. If it is happening to both of them I would worry about allergens or infection. Infection usually causes other clinical signs like lethargy and deceased appetite. For allergens or inflammation things like removing all household irritants (no spays, powders, diffusers, etc) and minimizing dust and particles with a household filtration unit all help. Also fresh air if you can provide it safely. If the sneezing persists please call your vet and ask for an examination. For now scrutinize their environment. And keep it very clean and allergen free

  2. Laura

    If this is environmental: add an air cleaner (one that just blows dust into a filter) near their enclosure. I really like the system made by Swiffer – it’s literally a fan in a base, blowing dust into a filter sock. It looks nice and does a great job at reducing dust. Furthermore, make sure you aren’t using harsh cleaners, or anything with airborne scents. This means no candles, no aerosols, no oil diffusers.

    Make sure you vacuum in their area frequently, and make sure you keep the room free of dust. The aforementioned air cleaner helps but it doesn’t completely remove the need to dust.

    Also consider their bedding. Do you clean it on a schedule which is correct for their needs? Is it dust-free? Some bedding types are NOT recommended for small mammals.

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. We Took Boogie To VRA In Gaithersburg, MD, A Couple Weeks Ago, Hoping …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. We took Boogie to VRA in Gaithersburg, MD, a couple weeks ago, hoping to have the Radioactive Iodine Therapy done for his hyperthyroidism, but Dr. Conway said she did not think he was a good candidate for it and was very concerned with his constipation.

She did bloodwork, an ultrasound, chest x-rays and more. We took him there on 4/16 and again on 4/27. I asked her to send all results to you and I hope you have received them by now.
Dr. Conway said he has a tumor or mass on his kidney but no abnormalities found from the chest x-ray.
She quoted me $5,000-$6,000 (gulp) to do the surgery, but I can not remember if she said that was to remove the tumor from the kidney, or remove the entire kidney.
She also mentioned something about his blood being thicker? I really can not remember exactly what she said about that, but it didn’t sound good. It may have something to do with his red blood cell level being high due to the tumor on his kidney.

She said to cut back his methimazole to 1/2 pill every 12 hours. *Dr. Conway told me that his hyperthyroidism is very mild.
She also said raise his dose of cisapride 5 mg/ml from 1 ml every 12 hours to 1 ml every 8 hours (three times a day), and she said to raise his dose of lactulose to 3 ml every 8 hours.
I started all of the above on 4/17.

He has since sprained his leg and is limping. He’s been hiding under the bed more, but not completely. He will still come up on the bed to visit me once or twice a day, but just not as often as he used to, and is still coming up on the bed to sleep with me. I’m not sure if he’s not feeling well because of Dr. Conways findings, because of his sprained leg, or both, the reason he is under the bed more.

Here is the last email I received from Dr. Conways office on 4/29, after his ultrasound on 4/27:

1) His calcium results was fine and within normal limits. Dr. Conway suspects the prior calcium elevated was due to lab error.
2) His thyroid level is good on the lower dose of Methimazole – please continue as directed with this medication.
3) His blood cell count shows his red blood cell level is HIGHER – this is due to the tumor of his kidney. If you are not interested in pursuing surgery for Boogie, Dr. Conway’s recommendation would be an oncology consult to discuss any palliative care options.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Julia Conny, RVT
Internal Medicine Lead Technician
Veterinary Referral Associates

Dr. Mag, We have been clients of yours for several years, as four of our cats are all seen by you and your wonderful staff. We are begging you on hands and knees to please help our Boogie boy. He is only 12 years old and we are not ready for him to go. Can you please do the removal of the tumor or kidney? We realize it is a very risky surgery, but we would feel better knowing we did something, than not. We know you are a big advocate of doing everything you can to help bring pets back to health, instead of just giving up.
I’m in tears as I write this. Can you please look at all his records you have at your office asap, and also what Dr. Conways office sent you. Please, can you help our baby?

Terri and Steve

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I know how much you want to help your kitty. I will do my best to call you tomorrow to go over some options. Please understand that this is not a routine surgery and it comes with a significant amount of risk and many adverse possible side effects. It is something to discuss further. I am also on personal leave as my mom is very ill and in hospice so it is very hard for me to schedule surgeries at this time. I will do my best to call as soon as I am able. Hoping you are all safe and well.

    1. Terri S Post author

      Hi Dr. Magnifico,

      I am so sorry to hear about your mom ????
      I’ve not been on facebook much the past few weeks, so did not know.
      Your mom should be your only thought at this time, so I will call Dr. Ahrens tomorrow to speak to her about options, since she has also seen Boogie.
      Please know I will say a prayer for your mom, and you.
      Thinking of you both!
      Terri Xo

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Me | 5 years ago
Dr Krista – I Am A YouTube Watcher With A 22yo Cat That May Have Nasal …

Dr Krista – I am a YouTube watcher with a 22yo cat that may have nasal or ear polyps. We have spent 8 weeks trying every antibiotic, nasal steroid drop, antibac nasal drop and still fighting the snorking sound and her inability to breathe. Did nasal swab wk of 4/20 – found 2 bacteria, getting compounded anti bacs at this point since both bacs are super resistant apparently – Citrobacter freundii and pseudeomonas species. Antibacs will arrive to me in California by Thur 4/30 . She has a grade 3 heart murmur and hyper thyroid (on 5mg Methimazole daily). Just as your YouTube vid about Stripes with polyps (2/23/2018), I think I may be in the same situation – I have a vet telling me to go to a specialist for $$$ because everything we are throwing at this isn’t working. How in the world do I find someone like you who is willing to help me for a reasonable cost? I am calling all over for vets and everyone is ‘specialist focused’. Do you have tips on what to ask, experience, and honestly, I need someone with your confidence to do this. Or I need you 🙂 I have been in cat rescue over 30 yrs and ‘get; the lingo but have never had such difficulty finding a vet who could assist. Thank you in advance!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I think that based on age alone it is less likely that it is a polyp and more likely that it is cancer. I say this based solely on experience. I think that I would call all the rescues and shelters around and ask for a trusted vet who would be willing to do a sedated exam to look for a polyp. After that it gets expensive to do the rhiniscopy and ct scan and honestly there is little to gain if it is cancer as it is not treatable. I would try the antibiotics, inquire about a steroid (difficult based on the thyroid and heart murmur but might be worth a trial) and even ask about intranasal cerenia drops. Also look for a feline medicine specialist and be honest about your budget.
    I hope this helps.

    1. Me Post author

      Thank you Dr Magnifico. I have now been/talked to 11 vets since this message to you 2 weeks ago, been to specialists, had nothing but the run around. This process has been agonizing, thousands of dollars, vets more interested in ensuring I know risk and that their liability is removed than caring for my kitty. I have labs, xrays, eco results, UA’s, spent thousands of $$ – and no one will do what you do – do a quick sedation and see if there are any polyps. Maybe she does have cancer but we DONT KNOW THAT FOR SURE. Is there anyway to pay you to review her records and advise me? I am up at nights, crying to figure this out and meanwhile losing valuable precious time and money where I could be helping my baby have a few more quality months/years. Thank you for considering.

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megan | 5 years ago
Is There Any Symptoms Of My Cat Having A Heart Murmur That I Could Tell At …

is there any symptoms of my cat having a heart murmur that i could tell at home?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    A heart murmur is diagnosed with a Stethoscope. A severe murmur can be an indicator of heart disease. Heart disease in cats can cause many clinical signs like lethargy, decreases eating and trouble breathing. I would say that it would be hard to identify a murmur at home. .

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Yamini | 5 years ago
I Have A Semi Domestic Cat With Maggots At Its Tail On Uper Body. It’s …

I have a semi domestic cat with maggots at its tail on uper body. It’s not completely a house cat and can be very aggressive when in pain. Lives mostly in parks in front of my house. I want it help but vets are all closed due the covid 19 lockdown. And the infestation of maggot is really bad. There are 3 wounds on its tail.
I need some tips to sedate it at home so that I can treat it. Any tips?

7 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat.
    All vet clinics in the us are open to emergencies. This is an emergency. Please call and explain what is going on and have your cat seen.

    1. Yamini Post author

      Can I apply Ivermectin on the wound to kill the maggots? Or turpentine oil is better?

  2. Sarah

    Our vet remains open as well as those in the surrounding area. I would call around to find a vet as h this is an emergency.

    1. Yamini Post author

      I don’t live in the us. I live in India. I’ll post u a picture of its condition soon after it returns. It goes in the park at night.

    2. Yamini Post author

      Can I apply Ivermectin on the wound to kill the maggots? Or turpentine oil is better

  3. Krista Magnifico

    This needs to be seen by a vet. If you are unable or unwilling there are videos on YouTube on flushing them out. I cannot offer advice on how to safely sedate. A vet needs to be contacted for that. It’s too dangerous to attempt at home. Also there are products available that have been used in rescue for many years to help. I have known rescuers to use capstar. In the USA it is available over the counter.

    1. Yamini Post author

      I have seen many videos on youtube and have been doing some research since yesterday when I found out about it. Unfortunately catstar is not available at shops. Most suggestions on net I found are of ivermectin or turpentine oil. I am just confused between the 2? I have bought both and will start the treatment soon as he comes back.

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megan | 5 years ago
My Vet Thinks My Cat Has A Nasopharyngeal Polyp But He Needs To Go Under Anesthesia …

My vet thinks my cat has a nasopharyngeal polyp but he needs to go under anesthesia so he they can know for sure and get it out, but he was also listening to my cats heart and said he has a grade one mitral heart murmur and that he needs to have xrays and ultrasounds and such done to make sure his heart is ok before going into surgery because they said his heart could fail while under anesthesia and he could die. My dad said they we should just go ahead with the surgery without spending $550 extra dollars because he doesn’t think he has anything serious wrong his heart considering it was only a grade one heart murmur and my cat was already very nervous about the car ride and being at the vet and that could have caused his heart rate to be off a little. Would it be necessary to look into his heart further or just go ahead with the surgery considering it would only be a 20-60 minute surgery? Would a cat with any type of heart conditions die during surgery? What should I do next?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases often arise in my practice. Hears how I address them. I present my findings of the physical exam to my client and discuss recommendations and suggestions to provide the best care possible. Ideally all cats with heart murmurs should have echocardiograms Especially before anesthesia. But based on a cost of about $600 most people decline to do it. It doesn’t change the need for removing the polyp so we typically do the procedure with as many precautions as possible but not knowing everything we would like to because we don’t have the heart scan to know what’s going on in that department. We veterinarians want all of our patients to be as safe and receive the best care possible. But in a lot of cases this isn’t feasible so we do the best we can knowing that we don’t have all the information we would like. Talk to your vet and find the place everyone is comfortable. If you have a bet that isn’t willing to work with you based on budget or diagnostics ask for a referral or seek a second opinion.