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Pawbly | 5 years ago
Hello, I Am Wondering If Any Of The Vets Or Anyone Who Has Encountered This Could Give Me An Idea What …

I am wondering if any of the vets or anyone who has encountered this could give me an idea what might be going on with my 10 yr old Corgi. He was coughing and spitting up water sometime after drinking water but he started coughing worse a couple days ago and sometimes phlem (white,yellow or water) comes up. He isn’t in contact with other dogs but our family had the flu and pnemonia a couple weeks ago.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but this is so vague to offer much assistance. It is best that you see your vet. I think a thorough physical examination to include ausculting the heart and lungs and a very good overall whole body exam is in order. It might also be helpful to take a chest X-ray for things like pneumonia and megaesophagus and maybe even blood work to include low thyroid. My point is that there are numerous possible causes and until you start ruling some in or out it is a guess at best. I hope this helps.

  2. Sarah

    Hi there-
    To be safe, I would call the vet and have it checked out.

  3. Laura

    Run, do not walk, to the nearest vet who can do an echocardiogram and 24 hour holter.

  4. Sharon Gainer

    I have a 13 year old (best estimate because he was a rescue) Chi that needs a dental, but he has CHF. He takes 2.5 mg of Enalapril daily, and 12.5 mg of Lasix daily. Would it be safe for him to have a dental?

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Bella Is An Indoor Cat. She Was Brought To The ER For Vomiting And Not Eating. They Cut A String Under Her Tongue Bc They Couldnt Afford Surgery. Linear Foreign Body, String Surgery.
Treatment Cost (USD): $950.00
0 Responses
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William | 5 years ago
Lucy Is A Rescue, She Is Female Chihuahua Mix. We Notices She Has Not Been Bearing …

Lucy is a rescue, she is female Chihuahua Mix. We notices she has not been bearing weight on the back leg. More like she was limping, bearing weight more days than other. I was thinking old age, sore muscle. We watch her closely, it seem to be getting better. Then last night on her walked something spooked her and she darted for the house. Since then she does not even extend that leg, she hobbles and wobbles on the three. I am waiting for the vet to call back for an appointment. What should I expect has for as cost for x-rays, I only ask because I assume this will be needed and when I ask an approximate cost, I was told that information is not available to give. What is the best case scenario for Lucy given her age, What is the wort I can expect? I check her leg for mobility and she is moving in all directions and does not appear to bother her. ( the leg in question) Thank you for your time and consideration in this.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- so sorry Lucy is in pain. It think that when you get into the vet, you should discuss cost up front. They should most definitely be able to give you an approximate cost of at least the exam and an X-ray. If not, ask them why. At my vet, the pricing is listed upfront- it is $100 for 1 image, $150 for 2 – 3 images… Just be honest and let them know you need to know how much to set aside to be able to pay them. Depending on her exam, and how long ago her last check up was, they may also want to do blood work. Hopefully after an X-ray and exam, you will have a better idea of what you are dealing with. Very best of luck. Please keep us posted on Lucy.

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Kelly | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat That Is Experiencing Sneezing, Nasal Discharge Followed With Blood In …

I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? So glad that you were able to search out and find a vet that could help you. Have you had a heart to heart with him about other management options for your cat?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    i see lots of cats with lots of nasal issues. In general most older cats are some degree of inflammation and irritation, or even perhaps an allergy component. I think that before any suggests euthanasia it would be helpful to get a second opinion. I would ask to see either an internal medicine specialist, or, a feline specialist. If she is happy, eating and functioning I would give her more time an try a few other treatment options. In some cases long term cerenia nasal drops, a steroid, or even an inhaler can help. Also look at her environment. Remove all potential allergens, even think about litter. Anything that might be in her environment that might irritate her nose and nasal passages.. No perfumes, air scents, or powders anywhere. No diffusers, no smoking (even outside), no pollutants of any kind. Tghen try lits of different antibiotic treatments, and even perhaps an antiviral.. Everything should be tried before succumbing to euthanasia. Even with the worst cases (the facial neoplasias) I can often buy some good tie with some medial therapies. And I never give up until I know my patients have exhausted all options and can no longer find relief.
    I hope this helps,, please ask your vet for more help,, or find another who will help you.
    good luck,, let us know what happens.


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Joseph | 5 years ago
Small Lump On Dogs Ear. My Dog Is Around 10 Years Old At This Point, He Is …

Small lump on dogs ear.

My dog is around 10 years old at this point, he is a King Charles spaniel x Patterdale and has never had any major health problems. He is an extremely active and energetic dog but has a small hard red lump on his ear.

I probably noticed it a few weeks ago, as far as I can tell it hasn’t changed in size. He quite often gets thorns stuck in his skin as he likes to dive into absolutely anything to retrieve his ball, so maybe it could be an infected thorn wound? Even so, I will most likely be taking him to the vet but would like some other opinions first.

(It doesn’t seem to be giving him any discomfort)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t think that you need to rush to the vets office but I do think it should be seen by them. It is utterly impossible to diagnose any limp or bump via a photo. And honestly even in person I usually have to say that the only way we know for sure what it is is with biopsy. It is small so your vet might also ok the watch and wait scenario. But if I do this with my clients I always preface it with the following:
    I measure the mass with a ruler. And I tell the client to measure it at least weekly so monitor growth. I also give a “return for recheck” instruction if it grows by 20% or more. And I further go on to say “remove if it gets ____ big”. So it doesn’t grow too big to allow surgical excision.
    I hope this helps. Let us know what happens. Also ask your vet if they think it might be a histiocytoma. I’ve seen lots of them. Good luck.

    1. Joseph Post author

      Hi, thanks for the advice!
      As I haven’t noticed much (if any) growth, I’ll give it about a week or so to see if it does grow or shrink. And if it stays the same or increases in size I will take him to the vet. Like you said, it’s very difficult to tell what it it just by a photo or without a biopsy, but I did do some googling and it does look similar in appearance to a Histiocytoma. Even so, he will most likely go to the vet.

      Thanks for the advice!

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Gina Lastner | 5 years ago
Good Afternoon! I Volunteer At A Local Rescue In Their Feline Only Facility. We Received A …

Good afternoon!

I volunteer at a local rescue in their feline only facility. We received a young cat, named Cami, recently that is 9 months old. She has a right head tilt that started about 2 months ago (7 months of age) according to the person who had her since she was a kitten.
A local vet attempted an exam but did not have a scope small enough to look into her ear and the exam became very uncomfortable for Cami. The plan was to get a smaller scope, knock her out and do the exam. Unfortunately, they are unable to acquire the scope at this time. The suspicious is that this is a polyp.
Any ideas what this could be? We are currently wondering if this could be something treatable with medication (to try first) or should we pursue the polyp investigation. Since we are a rescue we are trying to balance the cost but still address Cami’s needs.
Cami shows no distress because of her condition. She does not scratch the ear or shake her head. And is awfully cute!
Thank you, in advance, for any help you can offer!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In cases like these I really prefer to get a good exam before jumping on other treatment options. After I am sure there is nothing abnormal in the ear we talk about other possible causes of head tilt. I think it might be best to sedate and examine for ear issues and even a polyp in the oropharynx area. Start here. Try not to do otics until you get an exam done. I hope this helps. Let me know what happens.

    1. Gina Lastner Post author

      Thank you! I appreciate your advice – I’ve seen your videos on polyps and you’ve seen a friend’s cat for nasal polyps. Will let you know what we find out.

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Paige | 5 years ago
Facial Swelling In Puppy

My puppy has a lump on the right side of her face. My dog sitter pointed it out to me when I picked her up from daycare today. It is soft and tender to the touch. She does not like when I try and touch it and I am unable to look inside of her mouth. It seems like it is really bothering her. She is eating and drinking normally this evening, but created herself and seems like she is in pain. I made her a vet appointment for tomorrow afternoon but is this something I should be seeking more immediate attention for?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    Sorry that your pup has an issue. I think if it is worse this morning that you should give a call to the vet and see if they can push your appointment up. And I would definitely note any changes…. more swelling, warm to touch, lethargy, change in appetite, etc. also try to think back and maybe even ask your dog sitter for help- see if you can pinpoint when it first appeared and what it could possibly be connected to. For instance, could it be a spider bite or some other bite? Or has pho’s mouth been tender lately? Could it be a tooth abscess? Anything to help your vet narrow down the possibilities to get the right treatment. Best of luck to you!!!????????

  2. Paige Post author

    Hey! – We took our girl to her appointment yesterday and the vet said that everything seems normal (temperature, eating habits, energy level, etc.) so we were directed to just keep an eye on it for now. There isn’t any point of origin around the lump so the vet speculated that it could possibly be a hematoma from playing rough with other bigger dogs at daycare. It doesn’t appear to have changed in size, but Norma’s (our puppy) disposition seems just slightly off. She vomited a little bit this morning as well, but she did also get a Lyme’s vaccine yesterday so there are a lot of factors at play. She’s staying home from daycare today and my partner is keeping a close eye on her. Thanks so much for your response and for checking in!! 🙂

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Victoria | 5 years ago
Cat With Feeding Tube Vomits Water And Food Post Surgery. Hello, My Cat Had A Squamous …

Cat with feeding tube vomits water and food post surgery.
Hello, my cat had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from the left side of his face. He wasn’t interested in food or water after the surgery, so the vet installed a feeding tube. After one day of tube feeding, he started vomiting everything out – can’t hold down water or food. He was treated for nausea twice – with a Serenia injection one day, and with Zorfan (forgive the spelling errors) on the following day, but he continues throwing up (within minutes of administration of the medication. He hasn’t pooped for 11 days now, but x-ray found stool in his colon – but he is too weak to excrete it. So currently he is at the ER on IV fluids. Any ideas on why his vomiting can’t be treated? Could he have a gag reflex to the feeding tube? Is there an alternative to tube feeding (he won’t eat or drink on his own). Thank you.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    i am sorry this wasnt answered in a more timely fashion. I will try to answer it for others sake. I would say that the issue is the primary cause to the vomiting has still not been addressed or resolved.. I think its time for a review of the diagnostics you have run, xrays, blood work and possibly adding or rechecking an ultrasound. Also at some point we talk about biopsies of the stomach. I hope your kitty ended up doing ok.

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Josephine | 5 years ago
Hi, I Have A 16 Yr Old Shih Tzu That Has Had Brain Tumour Surgery But Had …

Hi, I have a 16 yr old shih tzu that has had brain tumour surgery but had complication of regrowth of a cyst several times and went for fine needle cyst drainage quite a few times. She has degraded to the point of being totally non-ambulatory except for some head movements. She has to have her urine and stools expressed everytime and she has to be handfed. But she still eats very very well. I need advise on what my pet needs at this point and whether is there any reason/last wish that is making her hang on so dearly to her life despite her quality of life and body already failing her? Shes like a family. i am torn between keeping her alive and letting her go if shes suffering but my love for her and our bonds is muddling my thoughts and decisions. I have taken care of her intensely for almost a year now from prior surgery to post surgery and she had so many complications, cyst regowth several times, loss n regain limbs ability, pneumonia, anemia. She always pulled through but now shes at a stage where shes really just hanging onto her dear life i feel, lying the whole day, only able to move her head during mealtimes when she is hungry. I have spent over 30 thousand dollars this while for her medications and procedures and vet visits, she even goes for rehab/pt/accupuncture and hyperbaric which are very costly. It has gotten to a point that I am spending more than I earned every month on her rehab (even though she cannot move, she still does ultrasound therapy on her severely arthritic joints and some accupuncture to relieve any pain from not moving everyday and her mountain of medications and supplements. I really cannot imagine life without her, she is my pillar of hope and support in my dark and depressed life and family full of issues. Now my pillar is crumbling. I still take care of her, i dont care about my finances, i stopped going out except to work, i bring her everywhere whenever i can in a dog pram she just lies motionless. Its amazing how she would wake and eat so very very well and finish all her big plate of food every day twice a day but lies motionless and tired after that. Its amazing how she would use her whatever remaining energy to poop when i try to rub and stimulate her anus once everyday without fail. She would be so tired after all that. It kills me to see her like this. Before that she can move n walk or at least drag ard the hse n look happy still so its ok worth all these. I wake up 3 4 times every night to help her drink water eat snacks she would wake from hunger and pant everynight even now maybe from prednisolone. But now shes just motionless and heart murmur has reached grade 5 or 6 and anemic and totally cannot move at all but still eats super well and pee poo normal with help express. A part of me feels like euthanasing her to end her misery and my own heartache seeing her suffer yet i cant bring myself to do it thinking that she would be reallly gone and that i might have done it wrong because shes still wants to be ard and live that is why she is hanging on so dearly. Please advice me..please. i am so loss and torn between choices its killing me every moment im awake.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    this question was answered elsewhere. I applaud you for your dedication and devotion to your pup. You have gone above and beyond. i wish you well,

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Sarah | 5 years ago
Hi Pawbly Friends- My Neighbor 2 Houses Down Has Chickens- They Are Free Range, So They Frequent …

Hi Pawbly friends- my neighbor 2 houses down has chickens- they are free range, so they frequent our yard. I honestly do not mind; we live in the country and I’m not worried if my lawn looks like a golf course or my garden is picked through. A few months ago, one of our shepherds got one of the chickens as it was running from our yard, I assume back to it’s yard. Sadly, she got it right next door at the house between us. Since then I have tried to be diligent about when I let the dogs out to check and see if the chickens are out and where they are. On Saturday my son had the dogs with him in the driveway and didn’t notice the chickens down below and one of the dogs got one by our garage at the bottom of our driveway. He did not tell me this by the way until this past Thursday. He told me Thursday because yet again, he was in the driveway with the dogs and one of them saw a chicken in our front yard and gave chase- ended up killing it in the house between’s yard again. I of course went to the neighbor down the street right away and told her what happened. She is very angry and upset, understandably. I asked if there was anything that I could do- but honestly she wanted nothing to do with me, so I let myself out. I’m devastated and have told the kids they cannot be outside with the dogs anymore unless I am with them or the chickens are not out. I got some gift cards to shoprite and wrote another apology and left it on her door as she didn’t answer. We are looking into a fence of about 900 feet if we can afford it, to put up just between our acreage and our immediate neighbor’s yard in an effort to keep the chicken out and the dogs temptation at bay. My fear is that I won’t be able to let my dogs outside now that they have found out about chasing chickens. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry about what happened. I’m sure you are devastated. Here’s my best advice. I would call animal control and ask for their advice. This does two things. One it protects you and your dogs and two it puts her on notice. It’s hard to be good neighbors with bad blood in between. Next I would keep your dogs leashed at all times and in your yard. While she is ultimately at fault as her pets were on your property I worry that the prey drive will increase and it might be a dog or a cat next time. My dogs are squirrel obsessed and leave the house everytime with squirrels on their first to do list. They run out and chase them all. I am also fearful that one day they will see a cat so I am trying very hard to break this focus. So far it has been only squirrels they are interested in but I have no doubt they will escalate if allowed.
    The fence is the best idea I think but I know it comes at a considerable cost. I am here for you. Sending love to you all