It is not possible for anyone to diagnose via a photo. Please bring your pup to the vet as soon as possible. I am very worrie this is going to rupture and it will not stop bleeding as it is not normal tissue. I am concerned it might be some kind of cancerous lesion but I also hope and believe ( based on how slow growing it is ) that is is not a malignant or aggressive kind. Please see a vet and have it removed. It looks like this can be done without too much difficulty. I wouldn’t waste time or money on aspirates. If you are on a tight budget find someone who will remove it before it becomes a bigger problem. Please let us know what happens. And best of luck.
I have a two year old male yellow lab that has already had two obstruction surgeries. Both of these, Scout stopped eating and drinking and was vomiting. Last week we believe he ate a sock in which he has been eating on and off, he is drinking, peeing and is pooping. He wakes up every morning wagging his tail and is in good spirits, just lacking some energy on the days he doesn’t eat. He weighed 80 pounds on his previous checkup, yesterday we took him to our local vet, he weighed 70 lbs. The performed an x ray on him and said they believe it was a soft material that he swallowed and couldn’t determine if it was in his intestine or in his colon. While at the vet Scout was wagging his tail, holding the leash in his mouth as he usually does and ate about 20 treats. My vet charged me $360 and told me they recommend me to go to the animal hospital for an ultrasound to get a better idea of where this sock is located. I waited for 4 hours for them to tell me that they performed the ultrasound, it was somewhat inconclusive, his colon was enlarged and recommended exploratory surgery. I requested we wait to see if he will pass this. They kept him overnight, asked for an $800 deposit and called this morning saying that he was the same, and took x-rays to say it hasn’t moved. Your thoughts, suggestions or advice?
Need help!!
My 9 year old dog has had a lump on the side of his face which looks like a cyst for a couple of years now. It didn’t look serious and he appeared fine so we never took him to a vet. Now we are getting worried as it keeps getting bigger and now appears a reddish colour and appears to be bleeding slightly. We are going to be taking him to a vet but I also would like some opinions before I go there.
In the image I have put in below is the lumps current state.
If u could please give what a normal procedure would be to treat it and estimated price(UK) that would be greatly appreciated
My 18 month old pit mix woke up with this nodule type bump on her face. It was hard and crusty and now it’s open. I dint think it’s painful but she doesn’t like me to mess with it. I got the best pic I could. No other symptoms at all.
My dog is on day 9 after being diagnosed with ivdd . He was walking a lot better after losing mobility in his right front and back leg but today it looks like he’s losing the mobility in his 2 front legs all over again. What happened?? He was doing so well. His pain looked like it had gone away and he was sleeping through the night without the pain killer.
Hi, I have a 15 year old chihuahua named Peanut. He was diagnosed with IVDD on Sunday. He is able to stand for 30 seconds on his own and can walk a few steps before falling over. His right front leg and right back leg are the main limbs that knuckle over and give out when he stands. He can’t get himself to an upright standing position. He is currently on Gabapentin and galliprant. When the pain killers don’t have him knocked out he is crying and whimpering. He looks like he is pain and can’t get in a comfortable position . He is eating and drinking water. He is able to use pee and defecate on his own but most of the time does it while he’s laying down in his pen.
I feel so bad for him I’m honestly just crying all the time because it hurts to see him in pain and I feel helpless. I try and let him stand and walk for a few
Minutes a day with my support but should I be letting him walk? Or should I be trying to make him rest more? Also he doesn’t let me switch the side he lays on. He only lays on his right side . I know Dr. Krista said we need to switch the aside they lay on but he looks like he’s in more pain when I try to switch him to the left.
Any advice , thoughts, or feelings? I really just needed to not feel so alone in this.
Have a 16 year old cat that has been very sick with so much mucus coming out of his nose. Been sick for for a while now. Gave him 10 days of amoxicilin from vet. He’s having a really hard time breathing from all the mucus so we have Ben doing everything possible to keep him alive cause he is a fighter. He stops breathing a lot cause h’s so clogged it’s heart breaking. We give him warm steam and humidifier along with taking him outside to get more oxegen. He stays up most of the time cause when he puts his head down it blocks his airways. I have been pulling the discharge out with a small eyedropper when the bogies show. Really hoping he can beat the illness and get better soon but vets are taking all our money with doing much. We are on limited income. I think he needs a nasal flush maybe but can’t do it myself cause of lack of knowledge and medical equipment. Please contact me at 619 453 1747 if you have any ideas. Some days he looks like he won’t make it but then other days his eyes look so clear and beautiful. We have been giving him syringes of water and blended food to help him k==p the weight on cause he stopped eating a few days ago from lack of smell. He never did drink much water but maybe cause there was some underling issue. I have a Web cam and could show you or talk to someone if they care to reach out. He is a huge part of the family for many years and I know he wants to live longer but unless he gets better soon we will be at a great losss. He has a vet appointment today but I don’t think they will offer many answers besides sending him to more specialist we can’t afford. He has been sneezing fluid for about a month. He is the sweets cat ever and would do anything to keep him around.
I am very (extremely) concerned about e weight loss. In my opinion in a dog rhat age it is a huge red flag. It cannot be ignored and should absolutely put everyone on high alert that there is an issue. For this reason alone and the hyporexia I would say an exploratory is indicated after all other diagnostics have proven unhelpful.
In my experience nothing (absolutely nothing except maybe a ct or mri ) at helping to put answers together. I also think that if they don’t find a foreign body that biopsy samples are helpful to diagnose weight loss (the worry is cancer). The other diagnostic option is a barium study. It’s old school but helpful in gi cases.
Now I say all of that assuming there aren’t any budgetary constraints. If there are and a foreign body is on the list of possibilities I recommend an exam, cbc, and Chem panel and X-ray or ultrasound. If the patient is bright and active and eating drinking ambulating and NOT vomiting you can watch and wait as long as they remain acting and feeling normal. If they are vomiting or not acting like themselves the best to do is surgery. If surgery is not affordable call around and try to find a place it is more affordable. (For example it might be 4-6000 at a speciality hospital but 1-2000 at a general practice. If even this is not Affordable try a few days of intravenous fluids and lots of walking. Both keep the gut moving and help move stuff through. Hope this helps.