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Kaitlin | 5 years ago
My One Year Old Cat Threw Up Twice On August 23rd, But She Was Not Acting …

My one year old cat threw up twice on August 23rd, but she was not acting lethargic and was still eating and drinking normally so I thought she maybe threw up because of a hair ball. She threw up again today twice, with one being a very small amount. She is not acting lethargic and is active and playing. She is also drinking normally but she has not eaten as much as normal. Both times she threw up when I was not at home. She did start eating when I got home today though. I also free feed her but haven’t had issues with her vomiting due to eating to fast or vomiting in the entire time I have had her (one year). I’m not sure what the cause of her vomiting could be.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    I hate to sound gross, but was her food fully digested? Was the event close to when she was finished eating? If that is the case, she may have just eaten to fast. Also- have you switched foods? Sometimes that can upset a stomach. If she is acting normally and going to the bathroom and being her normal self, I would just keep an eye on her and make sure she stays that way. Any sudden change, I would call the vet. If you have an appointment soon, I would mention it to them.

    1. Kaitlin Post author

      Hi! Thank you so much for your comment! Her food was fully digested I believe. And both times it happened in the hallway outside my room. I live in a shared apartment and keep her food in my room, so it didn’t happen by her food bowl. I’m guessing it was not close to when she was finished eating since her food looked fully digested. I can’t say for certain because both times it happened when I was at school or at work. I did switch her food but the first time that she vomited she was on her old food (which was kitten food) and after that I switched her to an adult cat food since she turned one that month. I’m not sure if stress could cause her to vomit, but I was home with her a lot this summer and now that I am back at school, she’s home by herself a lot. When I come home she meows a lot and rubs up against me, wanting to be pet for a while. I think she may have some separation anxiety, but I am not sure if that could possibly cause her to be sick or if I’m just overthinking it.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Based on age alone I think that if I were your vet I would talk to you about intestinal parasites (best diagnosed with a fecal exam sent to the lab) and a discussion of food and environment. I think these are really good places to start. And best for your cats well being. Hope this helps. Please let us know what happens.

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Pam | 5 years ago
Buster Had A Cyst Removed
Treatment Cost (USD): $1300.00
Buster had a large cyst/mass on the outside of his body , near his hind leg . I was very concerned because it came out of nowhere . I was as large as a golf ball . I took him mediately to Jarrettville Vet center . We immediately decided to start planning bloodwork and pre opt test for removal of Mass We talked about surgery with options to remove the mass within a week he had his surgery and had no complications afterwards. During pre opt , we also noticed rotten teeth and with the Discussions we had . We removed this rotten teeth while under for his mass removal . I was thankful that she pointed them out and had no complications removing his teeth.
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Meet Bosun. This Is The Story About His Lateral Fabellar Suture Repair For His Knee Injury.
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Bosun's knee injury occurred like most of them do; he was running/playing in the park, having a grand time, then turned quickly, YELPED! After that he was chronically lame.. The lameness for this injury is typically bad for a few days, then improves marginally with rest, only to recur with any slight amount of exercise or activity.
1 Response


  1. Scott Landry

    Bosun is doing very well! Slow but steady recovery. Bosun is getting around noticeably better and can steady himself fairly easily when he gets up instead of having the leg fall away underneath him. I mean, we know at the age of ten, that Bosun will not be running around like his younger puppy days or anything, our expectations are realistic. He is much better getting up and moving around post surgery and his quality of life is considerably better. In my opinion, and I like to believe in Bosun’s too, the surgery was totally worth doing. Bosun is such a good boy and seems much happier since getting his knee repaired. Thanks again Doctor Krista!

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Kennedy | 6 years ago
My Cat Has Been Scratching Her Neck And Behind Her Ears Lately (which Is Normal), But …

My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but when i watched her do it, today, clumps of her hair came out. I looked at her fur and noticed a couple kinda bold spots. Her skin isn’t red or anything, you can just see her skin more. I am wondering if this is just a shedding thing or if something else is wrong. I live in Illinois so weather is pretty average, and my cat is an indoor cat. She has been throwing up a lot lately, but i think thats just because she eats so fast. She also is allergic to some food. The vet said she is allergic to the protein in some types of meat, she will get red spots on her face and ears but after trying a couple types of food i think the rash is mostly gone. I really hope this is a normal thing but i am not sure. The bold spots keep getting worse with every scratch. What should i do?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning???? I’m sorry about your cat. My first guess is that there is some sort of skin irritation or allergy. Although it does not look red in the photos, the fact that she is so itchy/uncomfortable is what makes me think along those lines. I know you said the weather is average…but sometimes if it goes from humid to dry or vice verse, it might lead to a skin reaction.

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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
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