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Sandra | 5 years ago
My 12 Year Old Jack Russell Just Recently Had A Some Drops Of Blood In Her Stool. …

My 12 year old Jack Russell just recently had a some drops of blood in her stool. She was straining a bit the last time she went, and this time she was straining a lot. Her stool wasn’t completely solid, nor was it diarrhea. She has been very gassy the past couple of days. Now her stomach is making noises, but she just passes gas and it stops. She ate her food normally before this happened, and now she doesn’t seem to have any other problems besides being gassy. Do I need to be concerned, or could it be from straining so much?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning,
    I would keep an eye on her bathrooming. Hoping she just ate something that isn’t agreeing with her. If she continues having difficulty, then I would definitely call the vet. Sometimes, it may just be a one off and they get back to normal just fine, but if it doesn’t resolve quickly then they could get into trouble. Try to give her bland food… boiled chicken and rice. That might help settle her stomach from grumbling. When she passes that, I would check the stool. Then go from there. Good luck!????

  2. Sandra Sellers

    Usually a few drops of blood is normal if they are constipated. A large amount or not happening every time would be a sign they need to see a vet. I agree with some bland food. Also a little pumpkin can help move the stool along. It could be a small episode that will never happen again. I would monitor and if it continues they would need to be checked out for a blockage or tumor or something.

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Archer The Pug’s Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $303.50
Archer was about a week past his first birthday when he was brought in for a routine neuter.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Yoshi The Lab Gets Neutered
Treatment Cost (USD): $270.60
Yoshi was just over a year old when he came into the clinic for a routine neuter procedure.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Tucker, A Lab/Retriever Mix, Gets Neutered
Treatment Cost (USD): $342.05
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Oakley, A Golden Retriever, Presents For Routine Castration
Treatment Cost (USD): $321.25
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Patton The Tibetan Terrier’s Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $380.50
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Oliver’s Story – Canine Cryptorchid Neuter In A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Treatment Cost (USD): $683.00
Oliver is a one year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who had two abnormalities: a small umbilical hernia, and an undescended right testicle. This is known as cryptorchidism, which is a medical term that refers to the failure of one or both testicles (testes) to descend into the scrotal sac. In most cases of cryptorchidism, the undescended testicle is retained in the inguinal canal or in the abdomen. In Oliver's case, it was located in his inguinal canal. Neutering a cryptorchid dog is a bit more complicated than neutering a dog whose testicles have descended normally, so the cost is often a bit higher in these cases.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Jake, An American Bulldog, Gets Neutered
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Canine Neuter – Jax’s Story
Treatment Cost (USD): $498.20
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Ian’s Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $481.80
Ian is an otherwise healthy and happy pup who has a history of ear infections, and was also diagnosed with an umbilical hernia at a young age. During one of his puppy visits at about 6 months of age, his owner was counseled to consider having Ian neutered.
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