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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I’ve Got A 9 Week Old Puppy At Home, She Is Passing Stools Normal Colour…

I’ve got a 9 week old puppy at home, she is passing stools normal colour not to much but is crying when trying to pass. She has been wormed and I’ve just given her, another one as requested by previous owner. Will this fade eventually once worms are killed she is scooting her bum on the floor too

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Since she’s only 9 weeks old, you can’t have had her long. Which means either you have a vet visit happening in the next couple of days, right? Ask your vet. 🙂

  2. Jennifer Taylor

    I would speak with your vet. There are different wormers that are parasite specific. It could be as simple as the wormer you are using is not covering the parasite the puppy has….or it could be something completely unrelated. If she is crying when passing stool I would try to get in to your vet as soon as possible. I hope your puppy feels better soon!

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I always tell people that if their puppy isn’t acting normally that you should assume something is wrong and see a vet. If you are worried tell your vet. If they aren’t helpful or reassuring seek a second opinion. You are the only advocate your puppy has.

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
George The Cat – A Girl With A Painful Mouth
Treatment Cost (USD): $642.48
George, an older female cat, was rescued by a neighbor after her original owner passed away. Her new owner brought George to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because she seemed to be in pain when eating, often pawing at her mouth.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Ginger Boy: Just Because You’re Missing Most Of Your Teeth, Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Need…
Treatment Cost (USD): $462.63
Ginger Boy's owner brought him to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center because his mouth seemed to be bothering him. He was drooling excessively, and had become reluctant to eat, even when his food was softened. This is despite Ginger Boy having had a dental cleaning and multiple extractions a couple of years prior - most of his teeth were actually missing at this point. The treating veterinarian recommended that Ginger Boy have full-mouth dental X-rays before scheduling another dental procedure, just in case he had any "retained roots." Retained roots from previous extractions can cause pain and infection.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Beau The Cat Had A VERY Painful Mouth
Treatment Cost (USD): $1065.38
Beau is an 11 year old Domestic Shorthair cat who was showing signs of severe dental disease. He was pawing at his mouth, not eating well, and his owner wasn't able to give him any oral medications to treat what appeared to be an abscess.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Pepper The Cat Gets A Dental Cleaning & Tooth Extraction
Treatment Cost (USD): $376.50
Pepper, a 3 year old domestic shorthair cat, came to Jarrettsville Veterinary Center when her owner sought a second opinion as to whether or not she needed to have a tooth extracted. Pepper's owner had been to another vet in the area, and was given an estimate of $800 - $1000 for a dental cleaning and extraction, and due to the signficant expense, she wanted a second opinion. While Pepper's owner wanted to the right thing for her cat, she found the original estimate to be cost prohibitive and was concerned about raising adequate funds for the procedure.
0 Responses
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Cathy Testerman | 6 years ago
I Rescue Kittens And Find Them Forever Homes. I Currently Have 5 Kittens. …

I rescue kittens and find them forever homes. I currently have 5 kittens. Took them for initial check up Friday. All have upper respiratory infections. I was given Clavamox and terramycin eye ointment. One has developed severe conjunctivitis despite above treatment. Went back to vets and was told to continue above meds. The last kitten I had with this required an antibiotic injection. This kittens eyes have gotten worse since Friday not better. I am frustrated and this kitten is miserable.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would call and speak to the vet. Let them know if your previous experience and that this kitten is having similar issues. I would ask for the stronger treatment and explain why you’re so concerned. Best of luck!

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Our Outdoor Cat (1yr) Wasn’t Around During The Day, Like She Usually Is, For Lots…

Our outdoor cat (1yr) wasn’t around during the day, like she usually is, for lots of love. When she finally came around that night, we noticed the top of her tail seemed skinned on the bottom part (just meaty flesh), about 2.5inches. We went to our local farm store and bought a spray to keep infection out and help heal. She seemed to feel better a couple days later, eating and coming around more. Then we noticed the whole tail was looking abnormal, like skinned, with fur hanging. She became more herself, following us around property, wanting alot of love, moving easily, jumping up on things, eating well. 2.5 weeks since this first began, and today, the whole outer part came off! It was almost like a cacoon type looking, hollow inside! All the hair and everything is now gone, just about 4-5″ of completely bare flesh.
I have documented with video/pictures the whole time. We weren’t sure if an animal tried to bite her, or she had gotten it caught in a trap? We love her so much, my 5yr old has raised her after her mommy died 6wks after birth. We are a one income family, and my husband is about to have surgery that we have to pay for upfront, as well as coming up with the money the short term disability won’t pay for 6wks…we are at a loss?
First pic is how it has looked for about 2 weeks, then the other 3 pics are from today ?)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My guess is that the tail should be amputated to the point where there is viable skin to close the incision. I am worried that the hair will not grow back and she will be in constant discomfort to the point of self traumatizing. I don’t have any cheaper options for you. I’m sorry. I suppose there is a chance the tail might heal but any and all open wounds should be carefully monitored for infection and maggots. Please see a vet. At least for an exam and ask for guidance.

  2. Sarah

    I am soo sorry this happened. I know you’re on a tight budget, but I would definitely get her to a vet to examine it and get her some antibiotics at the very least. Explain to the. You’re financial situation up front and that you of course love this cat but have to take the most cost effective option at this point in time. As she is an outdoor cat, it is going to probably be a bit difficult to monitor her closely… having said that, I agree with Dr. Magnifico and really recommend getting to a vet to assess the situation and get advice. Best of luck!!??

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello, Do You Think Rimadyl And Gabapentin Are Sufficient Pain Meds After A Leg Amputation? Thank You! Carrie

Do you think rimadyl and gabapentin are sufficient pain meds after a leg amputation?

Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that this is an impossible question for anyone to answer except you and your vet. Please ask them if you think that your pet needs more analgesia.

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Joanne Tweit | 6 years ago
My Rescue Cat Of 5 Years Is Showing All The Symptoms Of Nasopharyngeal Polyp. He…

My rescue cat of 5 years is showing all the symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Polyp. He is my everything!
OH please I am begging for help here ! I am disabled and he is the center of world . I am on the south west coast of Washington State, my rescue cat Kiki presents with all these symptoms ( I come from a family of RN and Bachelor in Nursing ) I have called vest around here and ALL of them say they do not do this surgery because they dont have the scope, or they will not even discuss possible price or treatment without me coming in and the vet seeing them. They say they will diagnose and refer me to a specialty clinic not far away . The specialty clinic gave me a quote of $3,500-$5,000 !! If this is even what is wrong with him . I am devastated that no one will even discuss this with me without paying for a vet visit. It looks like i could spend hundreds in visits before i can find someone who is even willing to think about this surgery without referral to the very expensive specialty place . PLEASE HELP I CANNOT AFFORD THAT MUCH !! Meanwhile my poor sweet Kiki is slowly getting worse. I dont know what to do anymore !!!!!!!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kitty. I recommend that you keep calling and start with any of the small privately owned feline practices. Also call the vet school and all of the local rescues. Go to Facebook and and ask for help. Someone out there has to be able to look for you. And to do it affordably. I really wish you the best of luck.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Have A 3 And A Half Year Old GSD With HYPOthyroidism. I’m Curious If…

I have a 3 and a half year old GSD with HYPOthyroidism. I’m curious if anyone else has dealt with this disease in itself. So to begin, when she was about a year old I started noticing redness on her stomach. The vet I was currently with kept telling me she had ringworm and providing me with medicated shampoo and treating her with ketoconazole. It always seemed to clear up but would come right back soon after. So I searched and found another vet and he did all the testing and blood work and diagnosed her with HYPOthyroidism. She has kept a chronic skin infection which he diagnosed as a type of yeast infection due to the fluctuation of thyroid levels. She has been on levothyroxine for a year now. We have adjusted her dosage 3 times and each time she seems to do well for a month or so and then it seems to “level out” and her skin flare up comes back full force. It seems to get better and lightens up and starts to pink up and then goes right back to the hair loss and crusty on her stomach and under her legs/pits. I continue to do the medicated baths as told but it’s getting frustrating. I’m in the vet’s office every couple months it seems and spending hundreds each visit for the same thing with no resolve. Dont get me wrong I will do whatever it takes to help her but somethings gotta give. I’m just curious if anyone else has seen/heard or has dealt with hypothyroidism and the chronic skin infection. Have u found anything that helps or resolves it? What is your experience? Also she keeps bad ear infections (also tested and diagnosed as a type of yeast) daily flushes and drops in her ears as well. Still not seeming to get any better.

I feel so helpless and quite frankly I’m getting discouraged. I love the vet she sees now, he is a million times better than the one she seen previously.

Does it ever get better?

The pic is an older one, shes alot better now but still has the hairloss and discoloration over the better part of her stomach and under her legs. Just not as dark or as much.

6 Responses


  1. Laura

    I would wonder if there’s an allergy situation going on in addition to hypothyroid.

  2. Elizabeth Crisp

    Her vet seems to think it is unlikely due to the fluctuation in thyroid levels. Heck I dont know anymore. It may be time to find another vet?

  3. Laura

    That’s possible, too. I certainly wouldn’t rule out a second opinion. I’d also look for a veterinary dermatologist, if there’s one near you.

  4. Laura

    oh wow, apologies for the crazy number of responses. sometimes this site glitches in the strangest ways.

  5. Elizabeth Crisp

    Ha ha it’s not a problem. Thank you for the response! I talked to a different vet awaaaaaaaay the same office and he suggested ruling out a food allergy, then told me about a Veterinary dermatologist nearby. So we will start next week and see what we find out!

  6. Laura

    Good luck! Do report back, if you think about it? We see hypothyroidism leading to hair loss in Dobes, but it doesn’t usually come with rashiness. I’d be very curious about any other vet’s ideas about it.