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Pawbly | 6 years ago
When We Get Home My Dog Loves And Licks And Jumps Over All Of Us…

When we get home my dog loves and licks and jumps over all of us but no matter how hard my youngest child tries to hig him etc he just ingnores her

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    Most dogs don’t like hugs. If your dog is ignoring her while she attempts this, that’s his way of sharing he doesn’t want it. Please, stop your child from hugging your dog. Teach your child appropriate dog interactions, instead. If you need help, find a good, balanced trainer who can train every member of the family, including your child.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My Pug Is Getting Like Small Red Bumps In His Fur Are They Allergies Should…

My pug is getting like small red bumps in his fur are they allergies should i be worried

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    It could be allergies, or it could be a parasite, or something else. Your best bet is to have your vet examine it and check your pup over to be sure. Best of luck!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with sarah. Please see a vet. Bumps can be just about anything. But I always start with suspecting fleas first.

Regular Vet Visit
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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
Stella’s First Vet Visit With Us (her New Owners) And A New Vet
Treatment Cost (USD): $70.00
Stella wasn’t showing any symptoms or conditions but we had never personally taken her to a vet (we just adopted her 2 weeks ago). We wanted to confirm that she was healthy, and we did know she was a little overweight.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Edie Is A 7 Month Old Kitten Who Has Had Chronic Snoring And Nasal Discharge…
Treatment Cost (USD): $500.00
Edie has had chronic mucoid (yellow and thick), and making snoring/loud breathing sounds almost all the time. She was originally thought to have an upper respiratory infection, but after four attempts of treating for this she came to see me, Dr Magnifico, for a second opinion.
3 Responses


  1. Gary Stokes

    Good thing it was a polyp! My cat was doing the same thing and no polyp was found.
    This went on for about 4 years and her vet kept giving her different antibiotics and nothing helped. I asked if they could do a nose culture.
    And they said no they couldn’t so like I said it went on for 4 years!! It wasn’t until moved back to Lexington SC from Nashville TN that her doctor in Columbia SC saw her. And I told her what was going on and what they said about they couldn’t do a culture! And she said sure they could have! And she said I’ll do one now!
    And she sent it off to be tested and it came back that she had pseudmonas!! It is resistant to most all antibiotics! That’s why nothing they had given her helped! But the good news is there was one antibiotic that it wasn’t resistant to it was marblefloxin ” zinaqun ” she but her on a two month round of doses and it cleared it right Up!!

  2. Gary Stokes

    Be very careful pseudmonas outbreaks in cats are running rampant in the United States in the last several years so if your car shows any signs of nasal discharge and whising and sneezing get him or her checked for a polyp! If no polyps them get them checked for pseudmonas! Pseudmonas is very Dangerous!! It can cause nerve damage! Nurolagical problems heat problems peralisis and even Death!!

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Am Going To Buy A New Puppy And I Already Have A 8 Month…

I am going to buy a new puppy and i already have a 8 month old pug and he is in heat will he try to hump the new puppy or will i be fine if not how can i introduce the new pug puppy

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello? If you are adding another dog into your home, I would strongly advise that you have your existing pup well trained. It will benefit everyone involved. Honestly, the better behaved your current dog is, the better the example will be set for any newcomers. It sets the stage for everything. If your dog is exhibiting undesired behaviors that you ar concerned about, I would get that sorted out before adding another dog into the mix. My advice would be to enroll in a dog training class and after you are comfortable with your success there, then decide on adding another dog. Best of luck to you??

  2. Laura

    PLEASE wait until your existing dog is an ADULT before bringing another puppy into the home. PLEASE.

  3. Laura

    Also, male dogs do not go into heat like female dogs. Please do research on basic biology of canines.

  4. carrie Urquhart

    Male dogs humping things could be because he isn’t fixed, and if the new puppy is female, yes he will try and hump, maybebif it’s a male too. I would definitely get them both neutered or spayed and that could solve your problems. Some male dog will continue the behavior afterwards, it just depends on the dog.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Daisy Had A Week Long History Of A Drooping Right Side Of Her Face.
Treatment Cost (USD): $300.00
One week onset of progressive paralysis on the right side of the face. This includes decreased blink on the right and a sagging side of the face.
1 Response


  1. Megan Tholin

    Could it maybe be caused by a tick-bourne illness? Erlichia, etc? Were any labs run? Tick PCR, etc? Or even a foxtail, maybe?

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Debra Brenner | 6 years ago
Stella (the Morkie)’s Other Owner Here. Today We Took Her To The Vet For Her…

Stella (the morkie)’s other owner here. Today we took her to the vet for her first lyme disease vaccine. She was doing pretty good for a while, and even went on her walk when we got home. I left her alone for an appointment for about an hour and when I got home all she wanted to do was cuddle. She sat on top of me and was shaking. I thought that maybe she was cold, but she ended up throwing up. Could a lyme disease vaccine make a dog vomit and if so, do we need to tell our local vet about it? She got all sleepy after and curled up on me again. My poor girl 🙁

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yes it sounds like it might have been related to her vet visit / trip. Often it is hard for me to tell whether the vomiting was the vaccine (probable) or the anxiety/car sickness associated with it. Taking her temperature and listening to her heart and lungs may help push me one way or the other. But YES! You absolutely need to tell your vet. I would recommend splitting up her vaccines in the future and maybe even pre medication like diphenhydramine.

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Gwen Kvech | 6 years ago
My Dog Got His Duclaw Caught On A Piece Of String And Is Whining A…

My dog got his duclaw caught on a piece of string and is whining a lot. Is there anything we can give him to help with the pain? He won’t let me near it to see how bad the damage is but if I can give him something, maybe he’ll settle enough to take a look.

2 Responses


  1. Megan Tholin

    Best to bring your dog to your veterinarian who can administer sedation/pain meds and get a thorough exam of the foot/toe. If he has rear dewclaws, they may recommend surgical removal to avoid a reoccurrence.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there isn’t anything safe to give him to sedate him enough for you to both look and and treat. Also start working with your dog so that you can keep the nails trimmed which makes ripping or traumatizing the nails less likely.

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
So, We Just Adopted A 3 Year Old Morkie, And Were Warned That Sometimes She’ll…

So, we just adopted a 3 year old Morkie, and were warned that sometimes she’ll steal an article of clothing, hide under a table with it, and possibly bite if you try to get it back from her. Well, I just doctored my girlfriend’s fingers after a little fight they had over a sock. Other than yelling at her (the dog) and saying “no” we’re now ignoring her. What’s the best way to handle this and train her to behave better?

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The fact that you just adopted her and don’t know much about her previous training, behavior and attitude makes advice for this a little difficult. In general I start with a very minimal access approach. She has to earn everything and you aren’t setting her up to be “bad or disappointing”. You are going to have a very difficult time teaching her much other than to be afraid/untrusting of you when you get in between her “stuff” or try to reprimand. In my opinion anything this early that is negative, I know even when you are being beaten, (sorry) teaches her to be untrusting and afraid of you. Too often people want to start at “well trained” when they really have a new pet who doesn’t know you, your expectations, or their new world. I suggest crate training all the time. She is kept there, where she can slowly acclimate to you and her new home, and she earns toys after some basic training is implemented. I strongly suggest a puppy class to start. Take her for lots of walks. Spend time together doing stuff together on neutral territory, like outside. As she starts to understand you you can start progressing toward other activities.
    I will add that she needs to feel safe and loved. So always put her in her crate with an affectionate word and give her a toy to keep her company (if she doesn’t guard that).
    Overall she has a lot of adjusting to do and you need to be patient and understanding that this is a process. A process dependent on patience, love and dedication. Never get angry. Never yell. You both need to adjust to each other.
    No toys, no decisions, no options except love and start really slow. Letting her have a safe space that is her own and building on this is where I would start.
    Let me know how things go. Sending ♥️ And best wishes.

  2. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    Thank you for the sound advice! We appreciate the sentiments on positive reinforcement and building trust. She spent the next hour following my girlfriend around and apologizing trying to lick her wounds away.

  3. Sarah

    Congrats on your new dog? I’m just adding to the good advice you’ve already gotten. I am a firm believer in walks… no matter what size of dog. It’s a fantastic way to share quality time and bond, while getting the exercise needed. A tired dog is usually a better behaved dog. Even a ten minute walk has the potential to change behavior for the rest of the day, for the better. And I agree strongly with everything shared above, especially getting involved in a basic obedience class. Even if your new girl already has basic obedience, she needs to learn you and what you expect. It is another great way to bond and earn trust. Another plus to the walks is practicing your homework from obedience class? best of luck and again, Congrats!!??

  4. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    Thank you, Sarah! I do see that she has a LOT of energy to play. The more we do that and walk her it seems the better she is for sure.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello, I Have A 12 Week Old Kitten Who Was Spayed 11 Days Ago. I Noticed…

I have a 12 week old kitten who was spayed 11 days ago. I noticed after the 4th day that she had some swelling under her incision. I took her to the ER vet who did an US and said the internal stitches were still intact and there was no hernia. She aspirated some sanguious fluild and looked at it under the microscope and said she was infection free. The kitten had been confined to the bathroom since the spaying but I found out on the third day she was jumping in and out of the bathtub. Hard to keep a 12 week old kitten still and quiet! So after the vet visit we confined even more so- in a free standing shower for 5 days. I then noticed it was firmer- maybe 10% smaller- but definitely firmer looking- more defined. So back to the Er vet who did a second US and said all looked good- no hernia. She then said to let her out of the shower and resume normal activity- the serima should resolve. I was like what! That’s the opposite of what the other vet said. The kitten has been eating and acting normal all through this recovery period. I check the serima daily and it’s the same size. Do I let her tossel with her sibling? How long will it take for the body to reabsorb it? And why did it get firmer after she drained it? I’m so conflicted what to do. Some sites says it takes weeks- I might be impatient. The incision has almost completely healed and looks good. I’m so confused as to how I should be treating this!
Thanks so much!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are all questions for the vet who did the surgery. In general kittens heal very very fast. I would guess she is fine at this point but you should ask your vet for their opinion. I hope you have a regular vet. The ER is for emergencies. Your vet is for the day to Day questions.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning.? I would start to make regular appointments at the vet you will be using… fo check ups, inoculations, etc. that way you will be able to establish a good relationship and they will get to know your kitten well making future visits easier and more relaxed. As far as your kitten’s spay- I agree, the vet that did the surgery is the best person to speak with. Best of luck and congrats on your kitten!