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Maryam | 8 months ago
Hello All, Writing In With An Agonizing And Drawn Out Struggle With My Cat Petra.. I …

Hello all,
Writing in with an agonizing and drawn out struggle with my cat Petra..

I rescued a feral kitten in 2022 who developed cryptococcosis the following year – confirmed through a biopsy.
She has the cutaneous and nasal form, and while we tried itraconazole for a few months, it did devastating damage to her nose.
Vet switched her to fluconazole 37.5 mg (at that time my cat was just over year old and weighed 3.5 kg) once a day… and the symptom relief was remarkable!
Within a month, her nose was much less inflamed and starting to look “relatively normal” again, and best part was she was no longer having difficulty breathing, no stertor or mouth open.
Her many crusty skin lesions and nodules under the skin cleared up miraculously!

But, the success was short-lived, because a couple of months later she developed a big bulge on her abdomen/side under the skin – which eventually erupted. She had had several of these nodules and lumps, that ulcerated last year but the fluconazole seemed to clear them all up. Until now. I was so disheartened, to say the least.
The crater-like ulcer got infected and our vet (RCVS licensed in UK) decided surgery was the best option.
We did this, and the vet found more ulcers which needed to be removed to patch up the skin. It was a horrific looking surgery aftermath when she came home.

Petra required to wear a cone for 3 weeks after her surgery so she couldn’t touch her healing wound. It got infected anyway, and this increased her “cone suffering” duration.
The impact of many vet visits, surgery, and follow ups while the vet checked if the wound was healing and if the stitches could be removed, was quite an ordeal for Petra.
She gets very stressed and is difficult to put in a carrier. I feel that the stress of cone duration + all the vet trips triggered an inflammatory response in her and her nose started showing signs of the fungus again. Inflammation, distortion and worst of all the stertor was back.

The vet increased her fluconazole dose to 75 mg a day (37.5 mg morning, 37.5 mg evening). This had no noticeable effect and her nose got more inflamed as each day went by. 2 months later and her nose is worse than ever and the tip is so inflamed. With the loss of scent and ability to breathe sufficiently, she’s become reluctant to eat more than half a tin of food a day. Sometimes all she will eat is half a tablespoon and then runs off, upset.

Petra’s vet wants to put her on a maximum dose of 150 mg of fluconazole, daily, before assessing her quality of life and potential euthanasia.
I decided to try homeopathic remedies first, while continuing 75 mg a day of fluconazole) but it doesn’t appear to be helping 3 weeks in.

I’m concerned about continuing vet interventions, because Petra is so stressed by them, and at 150 mg a day she will need to see the vet frequently and likely need blood tests. At 150 mg a day, it’s also a non sustainable chunk of my monthly expenses (taken from diminishing savings), and she is not my only cat or responsibility… this could go on for years..

If she has no positive response (symptoms relief) at 150 mg, the vet is out of ideas other than euthanasia. I live in Bahrain and the options for treating this fungus are very limited.
They have not seen it in over 40 years of vet practice, so this is a first time.

I love Petra and it’s been hell witnessing her struggle to breathe for over a year. That’s what makes me panicky and consider quality of life, if she cannot be cured or brought to a level of management where the fungus doesn’t impede her breathing.

I need advice from a community of animal lovers, vets, who can also understand and take into consideration her temperament and adverse reaction (inflammation) to vet visits.

I was really hoping the homeopathic medicine would help and the practitioner I found has many years of successes working with animals. It’s either the wrong remedy, or just going to take a long time. In the meantime, in my opinion, my cat is suffering and struggling. She takes gasps of air every so often and her mouth is slightly open while she makes a snoring sound as she tries to breathe through her blocked airway. She has lost weight as she eats much less now. She was 4.7 kg in April before her surgery. At the beginning of June she was 4.5 kg and now she is closer to 4 kg.
Also within the last 2 months, her eyes have gotten affected by the nodules. One above her right eye, under the skin and affecting the bone. The other is in her left lower eyelid.
During this whole ordeal, her right lymph node under her jaw has been the size of a golf ball.. and the left one also swelled up a few months later. But that side seems to have gone down.

Any help or advice on what to do.. would be very much appreciated.

Pics from most recent (today June 3rd 2024) to last year before fluconazole and way before, late 2022, when she was a kitten.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am so sorry to hear of your frustration over your cats case.
    I am not able to give much advice on this case with specific details to treatment but I will add that I think seeing a feline practitioner (someone who just sees cats) and see if they can help.
    I am sorry but I cannot advise a homeopathic vet on this case, it is too far advanced.

    I wish you the best of luck

    1. Maryam Post author

      Thank you, Dr. Magnifico,
      I have agreed to up her dose to 150 mg of fluconazole and it’s been a week with no improvements so far – except I noticed her drinking more water. Living on a small island, we don’t have any feline only vets, every vet here sees both cats and dogs. I really don’t want to elect euthanasia (which the vet said is an option) and the other end of the spectrum is my fear that she will suffocate eventually. It’s been so painful watching this unfold. Thank you for responding, about homeopathy. It is an added cost and couriers to get the medicine in. I have been desperate.

  2. Shiria

    I’m so sorry to hear that your cat is so unwell. I’ve luckily never seen ryptococcosis, but if it is treated with itraconazole or fluconazole, maybe ketaconazole is an option to try, too?
    Thank you for trying so much for your cat and not giving up on her. You are both amazing.

    1. Maryam Post author

      Hello Shiria, thank you for your kind comment. Petra is amazingly resilient.
      Animals take on suffering without complaint so I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing at this point, if she won’t get better. I’ve read about ketoconazole but it seems like the least helpful of the two azoles for this condition, and it seems like it has more adverse effects too. I will look into it, though, I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing for her as she struggles to breathe and trials take time. It hurts to think of putting her down and it hurts to see her suffering without knowing what will help, or if anything will. At a certain point I ask if it’s selfish to keep her alive & suffering in the hopes something will help, over a year on.

  3. Maryam Post author

    Hello. An update for anyone in the future researching on behalf of their pet who develops this fungus.
    A cure is possible, some cats respond very well to anti-fungal meds. My Petra did not. Initially, her nose cleared up very well and she could breathe much better, but the fungus returned with a vengeance a few months later.

    She has been on Fluconazole for 11 months total:
    (37.5mg – 75mg), and on 150mg for 3 months. 2 months into the higher dose, I found her with anisocoria (one pupil very dilated). It went away and came back over two days. One of her eyes is droopy (Horner’s syndrome). Yesterday I found blood smeared on her paw and couldn’t find a wound.

    I took her to the vet, who opened her mouth and discovered the fungal growths are pushing through her soft palate (roof of mouth) and causing anatomical separation. Her nose is swelling up considerably and distorting again. It began regressing 6 months ago but was relatively stable, but now it’s increasing in size and doubling almost overnight. She has lost 1 kilo. The vet has recommended euthanasia, unequivocally. Petra is struggling to get air in, and while we hoped for a cure (with medication) that is not happening. It’s cruel to continue with no hope of quality of life and only more suffering, and the outcome if left would be suffocation.

    We have decided to let my sweet girl go, while she is still mobile, eating, before she suffocates to death.

    It’s been so traumatic, to witness this and I want to send good vibes to anyone in the future who is struggling with the same disease (mainly the nose – which causes so much suffering).

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Naomi | 8 months ago
Hello! I Have A 14 Month Bernese Mountain Dog Who Has Been Limping For Quite A While …

Hello! I have a 14 month Bernese Mountain dog who has been limping for quite a while now. He started off with lameness shifting over all 4 legs, but now he is just lame in the front left. It’s constant and gets worse when he runs about and will hold his leg up. He doesn’t whine and it doesn’t prevent him from activities. I’ve reduced his walks to lead walks, and even reduced his walking to see if that helps but it hasn’t made a difference. He’s had an x ray of all four limbs, checking for hip and elbow dysplasia and his legs and joint all look good with no issues… We’ve been advised this is growing pains, which we suspected and heard is quite common in young large breed dogs. However, this lameness has been going on for a more than a couple of weeks and no sign of it getting better. Checked his paw pads and in between to see if there is anything stuck. No heat or swelling or cuts anywhere. Anyone else experienced prolonged lameness with no obvious source? Or any advise as to how I could identify a source? I’m just concerned something’s been missed as it’s been going on for a long time.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Not a vet, but someone who was heavily invested in Doberman breed education. We see this a lot in Dobermans fed puppy diets (not large breed puppy_. What are you feeding, and is it an adult or All Life Stages food? Have you consulted an ortho vet?

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Pam | 8 months ago
I Could Really Use Some Advice About My 7 Year Old Cat, Squeak. I Posted A Comment …

I could really use some advice about my 7 year old cat, Squeak. I posted a comment on Dr. Magnifico’s YouTube video about a cat named Bear that had ear polyp surgery but thought I’d post here, too. I am an emotional wreck right now because yesterday morning I got some very bad news regarding Squeak’s cytology results from a FNA that was done at a specialty hospital. Sadly, my poor boy was diagnosed with malignant melanoma for the 3rd time in two years! I’m heartbroken… The trouble started at the end of December 2022 when I noticed a small lump on his right pinna. My primary vet did a lumpectomy and sent it off to be evaluated. Came back malignant melanoma. Excision was complete with clean but narrow margins. All was well until September 2023 when I found another lump at the base of the same ear. My vet advised me to go for a consultation with an oncologist and it was recommended that Squeak get a TECA-BO done. I was told that this procedure can be “curative” in some cases. The cost was astronomical but I wanted to do the best for my cat. He means the world to me! I began calling specialty vet hospitals to schedule the surgery as soon as possible but none near me were able to fit Squeak in. I finally found one in Pennsylvania and made an appointment for a surgical consultation. The surgery was done on September 25. My boy was a real trooper and recovered well. He did lose the blink reflex in his right eye but it resolved in about 2 weeks with me putting moisturizing drops in his eye daily. I was thrilled with Squeak’s progress and I thought we might have won the fight even though there was no guarantee that he’d be out of the woods now. I had to take money out of my retirement savings to pay for this surgery (it was actually more than $10,000!!) but it was worth it to save my cat’s life. Recently, I noticed that Squeak had been shaking his head and scratching where his incision was. I had an appointment scheduled with my regular vet for a checkup and to get some chest x-rays to make sure all was well. While there, I mentioned about the scratching and head shaking and asked if maybe it was scar tissue causing the reaction. My vet wasn’t concerned and just said “Maybe he feels something.” X-rays were clear and showed nothing concerning. I was told to come back for a recheck in 6 months. However, the symptoms gradually became more frequent and I brought Squeak back to the vet. This time, thinking it might be an infection of some kind, he prescribed Baytril and prednisolone for a course of 2 weeks. There was no improvement and this was very concerning for both the vet and myself. He said that it would be beneficial to get a CT scan to find out what we were dealing with. I was beginning to panic because I had a feeling where all this was leading. I took Squeak to the same hospital where he had his oncology consult. He was examined by a veterinary surgeon first and she did a FNA . Unfortunately, the CT scan could not be done because their machine went down. I got the cytology report yesterday morning. The pathologist’s interpretation was “Lymphocytic proliferation and many atypical multinucleated cells; suspicious for lymph node with metastatic amelanotic melanoma.” The vet that did the FNA said she would consult with an oncologist and get back to me with options for “treatment”. Surgery, radiation and/or chemo was mentioned . Meanwhile, I have been scouring the internet for any information I can get to help me make the right decision about what to do next. I have also posted on numerous cat health forums but only got one response from a vet in Virginia. He said that radiation would be recommended if there was a concern about margins but chemo would not be a good choice for this kind of cancer. He wanted me to keep him posted so I told him about the cytology results. I have not heard back from him yet. Can I please ask for your opinion about all this? I posted this in hopes that Dr. Magnifico would see it because she has done a similar type of surgery for a cat. Can anyone give me some guidance about how I should proceed? I will be discussing this on Monday with my regular vet after he reviews the report that was sent to him. I know I should just calm down but I’m basically a mess! Any information about a way to extend Squeak’s life and keep him comfortable would be SO much appreciated. Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I apologize for the delay. This case is likely too complicated and difficult to provide much assistance via text.

    In all of these cases I think it is best to contact as many local rescues and pet care providers as possible. This might mean reaching out to your local shelter and veterinary college. You can also start a go fund me page. Post on all social media accounts and personal accounts. Start with general practice vet who the rescues recommend. Give them a realistic budget for you. Ask about payment plans and payment plan companies like care credit or There are places to help. Keep trying and keep asking.

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Ramin | 9 months ago
Need Second Opinion. Our Cat Shows All Of The Signs Of A Nasopharyngeal Polyp.

Hi Dr. Magnifico,

Our adopted cat (former stray cat, now 100% indoor) has always shown all of the signs of a nasopharyngeal polyp (about 4 years now). I didn’t know what it was until I saw videos of cats with similar breathing noises and eventually saw your YouTube polypectomy videos.

Three short videos of his breathing sounds (turn up your volume) follow:

Called our vet for a surgeon referral, but they’ll only refer for a CT scan ($2000) before they’ll refer to a surgeon. Surgeon’s websites all indicate that they will only accept appointments by referral from a general Vet, so I can’t just make an appointment for examination by a surgeon (which I’m happy to pay for).

Bottom line, looking for a second-opinion / consult (happy to pay!) on whether it’s really necessary to do a $2000 CT scan *before* being referred to a surgeon for (a probably $2000) surgery. I’d rather just have a surgeon put the cat under anesthesia, go in, look for the polyp, and remove it if they see one. Happy to pay $2000 for just that surgery, even if it turns out there’s no polyp.

Thank you in advance for any response.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry to hear about your dilemma. You are not alone. I know that a lot of people are in the same position that you are.
    I am not sure how vetmed got to this place. I am not sure why so few veterinarians are willing to go and look for a polyp that if it continues to grow will kill, by suffocation, its host.
    The idea that every single one of these cats needs a CT is incorrect. What every single one of these cats is is to breathe. Some of these cats will have polyps in places that we may not be able to get our hands on,, these cases may need a special scope to access. For this reason the price of care may increase.,, but for all of the cats I have seen I think I have given them a second chance at breathing, and a second chance at life.
    Call every vet in your area. Try every single veterinary practice that is single doctor (therefore privately owned) and every practice that has some old guy (or girl) working there. I promise that every veterinarian over 50 knows how to, and already has experience with this. They can help.

    If you cannot find anyone please come find me.
    I will do my best to help.

    Dr Magnifico

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Jessica Terzigni | 9 months ago
Hi, A 6-y/o Female Feline Cat With A Persistent Cough Diagnosed With Moderate Asthma Has …

Hi, a 6-y/o female feline cat with a persistent cough diagnosed with moderate asthma has been prescribed to use an inhaler twice a day, until symptoms improve, then recommended at least once a day, everyday. I have not heard of a cat needing or prescribed an inhaler. The cat has been on prednisone for a few weeks to help the cough, which did help improve the cough. Would you recommend seeking a second opinion? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I’ve heard of it and have friends with a cat who needed a nebulizer treatment daily.

    If you can afford a second opinion, by all means, but it’s not unheard-of.

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Ivan | 9 months ago
Please Help, So My Dog Just Had A Fight And I Noticed That His Upper Tooth…

PLEASE HELP, so my dog just had a fight and I noticed that one of his upper tooth is very loose and looks like it’s about to come out of his gum. What should I do? Do I just leave it alone until it falls out? My dog doesn’t seem to be in pain and there is no blood.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I have had a few dogs throughout the years that this has happened to. They getting a fight and avulse (pull the tooth out of the socket) the tooth in the process. For these cases I always do a dental and remove the tooth (it will not heal) and then close the gums after removing the broken bone around the tooth root. Your dog is essentially going to lose that tooth but with the dental surgery you can close the area so that they don’t have pain or get infections. Please see your vet asap and talk to them about this. Until then I would feed soft food and avoid playing with toys.

    1. Ivan Post author

      Thank you so much for the advice. I’ve attached a picture of my dog’s teeth.

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April | 10 months ago
Help Saving Ava, Our 7 Yr Old Chihuahua! She Is Currently At Our Vet In Oxygen, Fighting …

Help Saving Ava, our 7 yr old chihuahua! She is currently at our vet in oxygen, fighting for her life, her trachea is 100% collapsed. She also suffers from epilepsy and is on 3 different meds to control her seizures. The specialty vets want at least $10k to just get in the door. We are fairly close to you, is there anyway you or someone you know can perform this surgery??? They have her on numerous injectable medications to try to bring the inflammation down including several antibiotics, we went to visit her today but if we take her out of the oxygen even for a minute or two her tongue starts to turn blue. Please help if you can, we are desperate at this point! She’s only 7 ????

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jewel | 10 months ago
How Can I Best Extract Bowels From My Injured Cat? She Is Not Using The Litter …

how can i best extract bowels from my injured cat? she is not using the litter box, but there is some leakage. she has no tone in her anus and most likely is healing from nerve damage. i have figured out how to extract her bladder. she is still eating and lively. more details of her condition and our process to support her below.

moonstone is about a year old and showed up at our house 4 months ago brave and spirited. she disappeared for a week and came back with a serious injury. we took her to the er because she was leaking urine and had a limp tail and left hind leg. we learned that her bladder needed to be urgently expressed and that her bowels were backed up. we also learned that she had a tail avulsion and a fracture in her left femoral joint. they expressed her bladder and bowels and sent us home with pain meds and anti-inflammatory medication. we went to aspca the next day hoping to get treatment for her fractured bones, but they suggested nursing her at home and learning how to express her bladder and bowels to see if she could regain control and tone in her anus. they said that maybe in a few weeks she could regain feeling and be able to use the bathroom on her own, and then they would consider amputating her tail and treating her leg. we have quickly learned how to express her bladder, but are struggling to get her to poop. please help us keep moonstone alive!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.

    I think that you need to find a veterinarian or a veterinary technician who can show you how to do this. I would also recommend you start gentle physical therapy and feed canned food to keep the feces soft and able to pass more easily.

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brian | 10 months ago
Stage 3 Dental On A 11yr Old Shih Tzu With A Grade 3 Heart Murmur
Treatment Cost (USD): $678.00
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Kate | 10 months ago
Hi . I Have A 9yr Old DSM/Tabby Female Cat. I’ve Recently Taken To JVet …

Hi . I have a 9yr old DSM/Tabby female cat. I’ve recently taken to JVet but for years she was seen at Banfield Pet Hospital since I adopted in March of 2015..for years she has chronic ear infections most of the time tested positive for Yeast bur one year was positive for bacterial, however usually it is her left ear that bugs her the most then her right ear…however I thought maybe this could be an issue with possible food allergies because I do see her scratch around her face, neck and ears.. I first had her on Purina kitten. Pro plan then transfered her to adult pro plan..bur noticed she had stressed locked some fur off her back right leg due to maybe a grain allergy so I changed her to grain free diet of Purina Beyond; which she was fine for awhile but by the time she was 7 yrs of age Banfield recommended she be put on Royal Canin Satiety support diet …..which ik not sure if maybe the carbs in the dry food may be causing her to have an allergic reaction…. recently ive decided to take her off dry food completely and go to an wet food diety. I have her trying backwoods , weruvia and backwoods.. she seems to like the weruvia gluten free. Grain free and Carrigan free series and the backwoods duck & rabbit giblet/shreds … how would you recommend to portion her wet food so she go from 11 lbs to 9 lbs over time gradually and for allergies what symptoms I should look for if it may collate to her chronic yeast infections in her ears?

I have her schedule to be seen at JVet soon again since I don’t feel at all satisfied with the care at Banfield

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think this question is best answered after an examination. I have to say that I don’t see a lot of cats with food allergies. If they do it’s usually the face and not the ears.