I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information to provide any reliable or credible direction. Your pup really needs to see a vet ASAP. I just don’t know anything about your dog to help you otherwise. At my clinic an exam starts at $50. From there we often work with a very limited budget. The sooner your vet sees your dog he better. Also the longer you wait the more serious the condition may become which worsens the prognosis and the budget. Please look into carecredit or see if any of your local rescues or shelters offer low cost options. Best of luck.
Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months old and he’s a really healthy dog. He eats a lot, he drinks a lot. However since 2 days ago, he hasn’t eaten anything. He doesn’t want to eat anything, he drinks water though. But he really doesn’t want to eat. Whenever we gave him food, after a few hours, he’ll vomit that food that he ate. We think it’s dehydration, but just like what, I’ve said awhile ago, he likes to drink a lot of water so I don’t think that he’s dehydrated. Since 2 days ago, he has lost around 4 pounds I think. We’ve tried giving him electrolyte like Gatorade, we’ve also given him metoclopramide, and dextrose also. But he always vomits his medicine after a few hours also. What should I do? Please help me, he’s really gloomy.
Hello, my 4 year old Staffordshire Terrier all of a sudden has become sick and we don’t know what is going on. He has suddenly started to cough which ends with him gagging. He doesn’t want to eat and just lays around sleeping. Occasionally, he will get the shivers. He has still been drinking water and will still go out to use the bathroom. I just hate seeing my little ball of energy looking so tired and miserable. I’m wondering if it’s kennel cough that has progressed or something of the sort. Anyone have any opinions or ideas of what it could be or what I can do to help him? We have very limited income right now.
How do you tell if you’re bunny is an American White, a New Zealand or a Florida White rabbit?
My bunny is a white bunny with red eyes and they all seem to look exactly like her.
My parakeet was on my finger, and i took him to the edge of the cage, but he freaked and flew out. His wings were clipped so he bumped into alot of things, we finally got him back into his cage, but now he wont take millet out of my hand, what do i do?
There are are small (smaller than the size of pea) bumps on my dogs head, that were not there yesterday. She’s a 5 year old beagle. They seem to be underneath the skin with no redness or any other noticeable protrusion above the skin. They don’t seem to be bothering her. She’s up to date on all vaccines and flea/tick treatment. I wiped the top of her head off with a wash cloth with dawn dish soap on it and they gown down significantly. I’m not sure what it might be and what caused it
Is the red puffiness allergies? Both her eyes look like this, I can’t tell if she’s in pain, she’s acting completely normal. It just concerns me, because they look painful
Hello, I have a bunny named Martin. He was attacked by my dogs on thursday. He was not hurt externely. Plus he was doing okay. But he was having loose poops and now he is being lethargic. What should i do?
Based on your puppies age I have to urge you to go to the vet immediately. Any illness or disease in a puppy this young can be and should be regarded as an emergency. I worry about parvo, parasites and a slew of other things that can be dangerous and even deadly if not addressed quickly. Dehydration kills puppies. Quick. Please see a vet immediately.