GOod morning
Itโs hard to tell from a photo, but it could be something as simple as a clogged hair follicle or a pimple, which hopefully that is all it is? I would still call the vet and make sure, but try not to stress yourself out over it. Good luck!
i have an amstaf,last night he get into a fight with other mixbreed giant mastiff,and now his stools are dark red,but no signs of diarrhea , he’s not eating at all.
what i have to do…..?
I have a 1year and four month old chihuahua mix. She is 8 lb full grown, not over weight, and eats a grain free natural diet. Last night as I was petting her, I noticed this red bump. I am scared to death and am going to make a vet apt when they open today, but for now…anyone know what this bump could be? It is red, moveable, topical (doesn’t feel like it is attached to deep tissue at all), and is not causing pain. She is eating and drinking normally. should I be worried? Anyone have any ideas as to what it may be?
Hi pawbly friends…
It was a snowy, no school day here. Try as I might, I could not get the dogs to stay in while the kids were out playing in the snow, and all that running and horse play took a toll on our 12 year old GSD Butch. He just fell going down the stairs…. not the whole stair case, the stepto get onto the landing. My husband picked him up and rather than having him try to use the stairs tonight, we brought him round the outside way to use the hill instead. He seems fine on his walk just now, but slow going. My question is this: heโs got rimadyl that we give him sparingly for pain from his arthritis. Should I give him some tonight, or wait til morning when he will probably be really stiff, or give tonight and tomorrow? Thanks for anyand all advice!
My 6 year old shar pei/golden retriever mix has a mysterious bump on her lower leg. It appeared out of nowhere on Jan 1. She doesn’t seem bothered by it, it just looks like a pink bump really. I took her to the vet who took one look (barely a look at all because it had all of the fur covering it) and said it was either a cyst that maybe was a little infected or a pappilloma. She said to put neosporin and aloe vera on and cover with a sock daily. I have done that for more then a week and the bump looks the same (I trimmed the hair to get a better look). Do you think I should be concerned or push for a further look or is something like this just that easy to diagnose as she seemed to think?
Our 8-9 month old cat is a stray adoption from the humane society, but he is a total pig! You would think he is starving all the time. We have another cat in the house, but if he’s not at his dish during feeding time Jimmy will eat his own food and the other cat’s food. I have tried feeding him several smaller meals throughout the day or a large one in the morning, but nothing seems to satisfy him. He is on his way to being too fat. Any suggestions for satisfying his appetite or giving me some peace with his constant begging?
Starr Henry I often rescue strays and it seems the longer theyโve been on the street the more likely it is they do this. Most likely because they are used to not knowing when the next meal is coming from and when itโs coming. I have one cat that will beg for anything with pasta sauce on it. You just have to try to show them they will have food all the time it might be easier because heโs young but thereโs really no telling how a cat will delve lip with time.
I have a male German Shepherd Dog( 3 years old). He has recently developed a few red bump(with dark pigmentation on the top) around the center of his belly. They cause him no discomfort or anything. They are about 5mm wide and 3-4mm high in size . I am wondering if that is something I should worry about.
Hi, I brought my cat to the vet on Thursday. She has been straining to urinate since Wednesday night. She had also been throwing up her food and had had diarrhoea on the Thursday morning. The vet prescribed antibiotics for cystitis and I am brining her back after a week for a recheck. She had quite a lot of blood in her urine before she started the antibiotics but this has stopped since. She is still frequently going to the litter tray and is still straining and doesn’t seem to be able to get much out. She has stopped getting sick and is eating and drinking as normal. Apart from a little bit of diarrhoea on the Thursday morning she has not defecated at all and prior to that it had been at least 4 days. Could you give me some advice on when I should begin to see improvements?
E Thank you for your responses. I rang the emergency vet today and she told me that it would take a few days until she is urinating normal again and as long as she is eating and drinking she should be ok. She no longer has blood in her urine, however I am still quite worried as there doesn’t seem to be much improvement in the volume of her urine output and she seems to be straining a lot with only a a little dribble of urine each time. She is also licking the area after every time she tries to urinate. Other than this her temperment seems normal and she is lively.
Anonymous This might be useful for you:
Tracy Moore My cat used to have seizures, it was really scary. Come to find out, it was caused by feeding her people food. We stopped giving her people food type treats and she hasn’t had a seizure since.
I would hold her and talk to her while she siezed. She was always very disoriented when it was over and went exploring the house like she’d never been there. It turns my stomach in knots remembering those horrible times.
my dogs has been poisoned, 3 weeks ago, 6 puppies died as well. 2 puppies survived and one of them started showing a lump on his back last night. they are 6 weeks old. the mother did scratch them – not sure if the scratching could have infected the little ones please help
Dr. Magnifico (and anyone else), a friend has a difficult situation he’s trying to rectify with his cat.
He has a male cat who was treated for a UTI very recently – 2 weeks ago, to be exact. In the past two days, the cat has taken to urinating on a specific spot on the carpet on the same floor as the litterboxes (they have 3 boxes for 2 cats). He is not actively AVOIDING the boxes, he’s just preferring the carpet for urine. He isn’t marking, either – he’s emptying his full bladder in this one particular spot. I’ve suggested cleaning the heck out of the spot with an industrial shampooer with Nature’s Miracle added to the mix, to get the urine out of the pad. What other suggestions can I give him? I have zero experience with a cat with a UTI, and I’m at a loss at the moment.
Anonymous Just to update, friend rented a Rug Doctor and thoroughly cleaned the spot. Once it’s dry, he’s going to do another round of cleaning on the spot.
Anonymous Sarah – Thanks! I suggested the box move. Even if it’s just plopping ONE box in that spot, it can’t hurt, right? I don’t think they’ve furnished the basement yet, so it’s a great idea. ๐
Dr. M – THANK YOU! I’ll recommend another urinalysis. My gut feeling is it’s not quite gone, especially when this started a day or so ago, and he was seen by their vet 2 weeks ago. I’ll recommend another visit today. I’ll also dig through the blog. ๐
Anonymous Update! He will cover the spot with plastic and put a litterbox on top of it, and he’s trying to get his cat in today to get a urine sample captured today or tomorrow. He also washed the spot again before returning the Rug Doctor this afternoon.
Thanks a ton, ladies! I’ll keep updating as things progress.
Julia Morrell are they declawed? some cats dont like the feel of the litter. have several types of litter boxes high, low, covered, open, etc. to encourage proper elimination
Has a vet examined him? For infection? (I suspect every dog fight dog will get infection from the bite wounds). Has he been examined for possible internal injuries? Has he been given pain medication? I suspect these are all in order before he goes back to eating and feeling better