Hello…the wound looks very red and sore. Your Labrador needs to go to his Vet for diagnosis and treatment. It could be a “hotspot” but it could be something worse. Hope he recovers soon.
My Boston terrier is in a lot of pain. His jaw is swollen and he keeps tilting his head sideways. I don’t know what happened,if he was maybe kicked or bit by a spider or if it is a tooth or ear infection? I live in a small rural town and the closest 24 hour emergency vet is 2 hour drive away. What can I do to help him. Do u have any suggestions or advice you can give me?
Yesterday I spotted hair loss with bleeding near neck of My Labrador. That wet spot and hairloss with bleeding has increased today. Plz suggest me what problem Is he facing and solution for it.
When I take Holly to be groomed or to the Vet and lift her onto the table, not a peep out of her. However when she asks to be lifted onto the bed(she sleeps with me) she growls like mad. Why is this when she so obvously wants to get up. She can jump up when it suits her.
So my dog has an abscessed tooth, I took her to Festival vet and I’m quoted over $1000 to do the surgery. I don’t have that kind of money!
Any recommendations?? Any vets on here can do it for less or work with me? She had blood work and is on antibiotics.
You can see her little face is swollen. Just popped up yesterday…
Has anyone had a kitty that developed an autoimmune disease where their body attacks the plaque on the teeth causing extreme pain and inability to eat? I have 2 now that have developed it and have had to have all their teeth extracted. I’m having such a difficult time making sure they get the nutrition they need. Looking for sugggetikns and possibly an explanation as to why this happens to cats. I just want to make sure I’m not doing anything that caused it.
my french bulldog is scooting, Scratching, and barking at butt what could be wrong she has also developed hives from soap allergy about a week ago could that be the issue
I think my dog may have worms. We collected her from kennels after two weeks and her appetite is insatiable. She has also been dragging her bottom along the floor. She is an eight year old Cocker Spaniel and in good spirits.
1 year old cat left home alone for one day (not unusual for her). When owners camehome she was very clingy and needed to sleep in primary owners lap. As she would sleep her head would suddenly drop down and she seemed to have slower heavier breathing. After sleeping off and on for a few hours she began to get very aggressive especially towards male owner. Has also been moving head erratically and seems to shake head when moving it. Will only eat if food is on the floor and out of the bowl and has shown irregular signs of back pain sometimes being sensitive and sometimes not at all.
How much medication at the same time without damaging the bodytoo much?
So, we have a group of 22 kittens (6 months) and 2 mothers. All are treatet for ringworm (Microsporum Canis) and in 3 days are finished (only 8 showed symptoms, but since they all had contact, all had to be treated).
They were treated with Itraconazole (1 week treatment, 1 week break, 1 week treatment, another 1 week break and a last week treatment). Additionally they were bathed 1 once a week in Enilconazole.
Some of them are treated with marbocyl for cat flu right now (most likely Calici).
Additional they were tested positive for giardia and worms (Toxocaridae?) last friday after most of them developed bad diarrhea that smelled incredibly bad.
For the Giardia they get treated with Metronidazole (twice a day).
Fenbendazole is not an option, as it doesn’t help anymore most of the time.
So now I still need deworm them and make a flea treatment (as they have also fleas). I don’t want to do worm and flea medication at the same day – as that would mean that at least the ones with cat flu would get 5 medications at the same time.
Only two more days till the ring worm treatment is finished, so I thought of doing flea treatment the following day and deworming the day after that to spread the treatment a little.
Some of them are clearly not well right now, so while I would normally deflea/deworm at the same time, I’m a bit hesitant here.
What do you think?
What I have to add – one of the kittens died this morning without known reason. It was not extremly thin or dehydrated and acted normal when I saw it the first time this morning. When a collegue wanted to clean their room she called me because it would lie on the floor and couldn’t move. (I was like 20 meters away in another room) She said it made strange noises and lost poo (diarrhea). When I arrived it was already gone. The hair on his tail was poofed up, eyes/pupils wide, but no heart beat and breathing. I tried to bring it back, but without success.
It had no signs of being extremly sick. It was not affected by ringworm itself and hat no catflu. It had diarrhea, but ate well. It played, was active and so on. It showed no signs of liver problems (as Itraconazole could cause that) like yellow skin.
No one has seen what happened. I was thinking that it may has fallen off a wooden layer that are left and right to the door, right beneath the windows. The cats like to sit in it and look out the windows or wait for someone to come inside. But those are only like 1,20m in height.
So I’m even more worried that all those medicaton already was too much for that one :(.
My Bengal cat was diagnosed with pyrometra and I was unable to afford the surgery 1000-1400 I took her home and treated her with antibiotics and now she is no longer sick. Is the infection just cleared up and she still has the desease or will it come back when she goes into heat? Will she be able to have kittens again?
Hello Amie, when does your Vet open? Is there one closer than the emergency Vet? We couldn’t begin to tell you whats happened to your dog it could be any number of things. Have you checked his ear for infection? One thing is for sure he needs a Vet urgently. You could try a hot water bottle, not too hot but warm) held against his jaw it may ease it a little. Other than that please get him to a Vet for diagnosis and the correct treatment as soon as you possibly can. Good luck.