I am sorry to hear about your dog. If your dog did get into rat poison it certainly an be fatal. The longer you wait to get help the worse your dogs prognosis is. It is helpful to know what kind of poison he ate. With this information we recommend that you call the pet poison helping and the product manufacturer to get help for your dog. In most cases we pre-emptiness stray dogs on vitamin K supplements to slow or stop the clotting problems that rat poisons kill by. I cannot over emphasize how important it is to get help. I also cannot over empathize how quickly you need to act. Rat poison is a cruel, painful, and awful way to die. No one should ever buy or use this product. There are better, safer ways to manage rats. I suggest a cat, or two.
My Serbian Husky is throwing up constantly. Today she has at least throwed up 20 times. I just recently got her 3 days ago. She’s 5 years old. Her stomach cringes and she will stop gagging then a puddle of slimy clear liquid with a little foam like substance will come out. After she eats she throws it up and you can see the food and it looks like it hasn’t been chewed up. When it does this, it’s ALOT. It’s really white and foamy. I have no clue what it is and I’m freaking out!
I think my dog ate rat poison 2-3 days ago. Is there any thing i can do from home to help him? He had ran off a few days prior to this and attacked a neighbors livestock so i was supposed to take him to be put down but didnt, so cant really take him to vet..
my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.
Hi there- my dog basically got mauled by another dog 2 weeks ago. Her sutures and staples are to be removed this week. Yesterday she developed a hard lump under her armpit to her chest. She’s limping a bit on that leg, started yesterday and she seems to feel much worse this morning.
I took her in last week to the vet (one week after the incident) because she has a lot of soft fluid build up on her side and belly. The vet said it was due to the trauma and she’s probably moving more and she’s not completely healed.
I’m very concerned about this since its gotten worse so quickly. Can anyone give me input?
My dog has a lump on her snout/mouth and I’m very worried. I have booked to see a vet tomorrow but I won’t be able to sleep tonight because I’m scared it is cancerous. It is the size of a ten cent coin, crusty and red. I’m very scared 🙁
Can someone try to guess what this is?
How do I stop my dog from pooping in his crate and trying to escape? He has extreme separation anxiety, which we are working with him on hopefully getting him over. We have to keep him in a crate when we are gone or he destroys the house. He hates being in his crate, and is constantly trying to get out and hurting himself and pooping in his crate and getting it all over him. How do I stop this? He is 3 years old.
My puppy was spayed 6 days ago and 2 days post-spay, we noticed a red bump the side of my thumb just above the incision. It grew throughout the day and then the next day, it seemed to have leaked through an unhealed part of the incision. Not knowing what it was, we brought her to the vet and were told that it seemed that she had an infection…her incision was quite enflamed. We were given an antibiotic that we are currently still giving twice a day. After that, the bump shrank…and after then, if we’d push on it, it would leak through…very pink and watery fluid. Now at nearly a week after surgery, the bump is back(same size…like a thumb print), but now that the incision has healed, it no longer is drainable… What could this be? I was thinking an abcess(which is what I assumed the vet thought), but it was never filled with pus, just very watery.
Should I take her back to the vet to get it checked out or is this something that may resolve on its own and I’m just overreacting…?
I included the image from day 3 when it burst and then today, day 6.
My dog won’t listen!
She is normally very chill and hasn’t done anything in a long time to get herself in trouble, but right now she is in the bedroom (make shift kennel bc I didn’t think she needed one anymore) because she won’t listen! Her and my other dog got in to it bad and I separated them and asked them each to lay down and she sat but would not my down and just completely ignored me. after a few minutes I let her out, brought her back in to the living room and asked her to lay down again and she continued to ignore me. I don’t know what to do.
My six month old pitbull has a large hematoma after a routine neuter. He was fine with no swelling for two days after the surgery, but day three his scrotum started swelling. We took him into the vet who explained it was normal for some dogs and sent us home with some sedatives to stop his moving around and told us to monitor. Later that day, the scrotum swelled to the size of a medium to large orange. We returned, and we’re given antibiotics just in case, as there was no evidence of fever to indicate infection. The next day, he the wound started draining, a pink substance likely blood mixed with some other bodily fluid. The suture area looks fairly normal, just a small amount of redness and swelling, and the fluid smells of iron, not infected. We were advised to place a warm compress on for a few minutes a couple of times a day, but our pup won’t let us near the area. He is a sweet dog, but the sedatives combined with the pain are causing him to snap at us when we go near the back legs. He refuses to even sit down for hours at a time. Do you have any advice for how to help him through this? My wife and I work 8-9 hours during the day, though we have family that stops by for a few hours at a time to watch him. I’m just worried that he is in so much pain he won’t let us help him heal.
My puppy suddenly stopped eating. She will sniff the food then walk away, normally she gets excited if she just sees me open the door to the closet with her food in it. I have to literally beg her to eat.
Has she ate anything new? Like change of food or new treats? Human food? Are you feeding her the same foods her last owner fed her?
She has parvo.. 🙁 I got her medicines today!
She should go immediately to the closest emergency clinic. They will examine your dog, provide injectable anti nausea medications and even sedate your dog so the vomiting stops and the tissue can begin to heal. I also get extremely concerned that these cases might be something like gdv/bloat, obstruction, toxin, or disease. Any dog who vomits more than a few times, or has intractable vomiting needs a vet immediately.
I’d get to a vet as soon as possible. Simply because if she isn’t keeping anything down at all, dehydration will become a serious issue. The vet can get fluids into her and then better assess the situation. Good luck.