Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The blood spatter was on the outside of the litter box. I could see no traces of blood in her urine. Is it okay if I just observe her for 24 hours ?
My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?
This morning I went to clean my cat’s litter box and found little droplets of blood on the litter box liner, She is drinking normally, however she does seem to be straining to defecate. Otherwise she is roaming around normally.
Hi I have a pitt bull female that had been in a fight with our other pitt bull female had to take her to the vet she gave us antibiotics gave her a ivy and a shot to bring her fever down that was about three weeks ago then she was better she yesterday has been in another fight left leg just bitten up but elbow wide open in places we did everything the vet told us to and gave her antibiotics again yesterday so she doesn’t get a infection but her leg is swollen today is that okay I took her temp she doesn’t have one and she is eating and drinking
Brittany sullivan I just need some advice help n e thing..
Andrea Cox Advice is to get this animal the hell away from any other animal for a very long time. You are the responsible party here and you managed to get your injured dog in another fight!
Brittany sullivan No it’s my brothers dog and my dog it’s mom and daughter
Brittany sullivan I am asking for dog owners no I did not manage to let them get in a fight they got in a fight cause randomly they don’t get along
PK Dennis Take her back to the vet to make sure she is getting enough meds, etc.
Females will fight to the death. It is your responsibility to make sure these dogs NEVER have an opportunity to fight again.
Anonymous And why are you allowing them to coexist? You should be crating and rotating which dog is out at any given time. It is YOURS and your brother’s job to prevent this from happening.
PK Dennis I have to point out that there is NOTHING RANDOM about why and when dogs fight. You are just not experienced enough to spot what is setting these 2 off. Are they both spayed? Do it if the answer is no. Until you can get a behaviorist in to spot the problem, and train YOU and your family in how to fix it you have to keep these girls apart. If you can’t afford a behaviorist that will come to your home to work with you then you have to find a new home for one of these dogs. Seriously.
My 1 year old cat has been diagnosed with FLUTD last night. They gave her fluids and a pain med, along with prazopan (is that right?) I haven’t noticed her having went pee yet since they empties her bladder…. Is this something I should be concerned about?
My dog is acting very lethargic, has a loss of appetite, wobbles when walks or stands, wobbles head while sitting down, and is drooling excessively. Any suggestions? She is one year old and is a cockapoo.
I try to feed my cats tuna/seafood flavored wet foods as sparingly as possible, but Sebastian is becoming picky to the point where he will only eat his dry food (Nutro high-protein) or tuna (Blue Buffalo gourmet) or a now discontinued shrimp/chicken/duck combo (Wellness). He will eat some chicken canned foods from those brands, but not always and not much of it. Is it unhealthy for him to have tuna about 4 times a week? He gets 1 3oz can a day, split into 2 servings and about 1/4c of dry food.
I’ve tried mixing a small amount of other food in with the tuna but then he refuses to eat any of it.
debra yuhasz I was taught, too many years ago, that a seafood heavy diet it not good for male cats. Can cause kidney problems. I have four male cats and I take it very easy on the seafood. Asher is very picky, but when he gets hungry enough he will eat. We’ve had several stand-off’s over canned food. I give him 20 minutes to start eating a new food. Then I take it away and put it out again at the next feeding time. I leave dry food out all the time. Canned is once a day at 8 p.m. He constantly tries to convince me that he’s starving at 7 p.m. and the new food is no good. He’ll even knock the dish on the floor. So far he’s letting me win.
At first we thought it was food stuck in his ear so tried to comb it out last night. Today he’s been scratching his ear. It’s become worse and become a scab/sore.
Natasha Clarke Try mixing about a teaspoon and a half of salt with a bowl of warm water and wash it with that. Salt water works miracles☺️
Dawn Ferara, DVM At 10 weeks old he should be seeing his vet about every 3 weeks for vaccinations etc, so I would make sure to show this to your vet during his next appt. However, if the area gets worse I would schedule an appointment sooner.
Good Luck
One month kitten has large growth on chest with pussing hole in middle
I rescued an abandoned 10 day old kitten. Now 16 days old. just starting have diarrhea and now sore red bottom. Appetite is waning. Also meows constantly as if in pain. Please help!
It’s under the skin about the size of a dime it’s squishy not hard, he also doesn’t seem to mind when we touch it or push it. What should I do? It has only been 2 days since I noticed it. I want to take him to the vet but I think theyll just say keep an eye on it. It’s not red or anything you cannot see it.
I agree, I’d get him in today.