Also I forgot to add she is a 12 year old German shepherd/lab mix
My dog had a slipped disc a few years ago and injured it again last year. Last night I was carrying her and set her down on the floor and she started yelping. I immediately though it was her back but i noticed she would help if she moved her left leg. She would lay down and kick her leg back and Yelp some more.
I gave her some pain medicine and later on I took her potty with her sling and I felt a pretty big pop in her left leg. I took her to the vet today’s a he took an X-ray. He said that the hip didn’t look dislocated and her knee looked fine, he said he noticed a calcification in one of her discs from her injuring it.
She would hold her leg up and not put any pressure on it. The vet tested her reflexes and said they were almost non existent and he only got a pain response when he pulls her leg back. He put her on some anti inflammatory and now she try’s to use the leg but it looks like the leg sort of tilts inward.
I think her pain is finally under control now. The vet said it could be that she dislocated her hip and the pop I felt was it going back in. He also said she could’ve torn a ligament but her leg felt ok, it just had a tiny bit of extra play. And he also said that it could be the calcification is pushing on a nerve and that’s why she can’t really feel her leg.
I have her on pain meds and anti inflammatories and crate rest.
I don’t know what to think or what is going on, I got no straight answers. Does anyone have experience with hip/leg/back issues? What does it sound like happened to you?
My 12 year old dog is having hip trouble. Not putting weight on right leg and left gives out. she seems happy but is in pain. What can I do.
Anything found around the house, not very smelly and not something that would sting which could be use to soothe skin itching and irritating after being shaved for a procedure? (neck area, dog)
Her eyes are watering, excess snot, sometimes it’s mixed with blood, excess sneezing, lethargic, her appetite is down. Shes been having trouble breathing and coughing. Sometimes her breathing sounds “wet”. My vet said there’s a chance something could be stuck in her nose or could be cancer. I’m very short on money but if theres a really good chance she could have something stuck in her nose I’ll find the funds to get the tests done.
Recently, my cat has had possible seizures. This only happens when he gets in a grooming position where he twists his upper body around to be able to lick his back. He then stiffens up, and falls over. A couple of days ago, he urinated on my bed while he was having a possible seizure. Are these seizures or a nerve getting pinched?
My dog had emergency surgery on Tuesday to remove an obstruction from his small intestines. He was discharged on Friday afternoon. He had 2 small bowel movements that afternoon – both were diarrhea or very soft. He is eating a bland diet of chicken and rice. He is not vomiting, but he has not had a bowel movement in almost 48 hours. He is also taking tramadol. His surgeon is not in today to answer if this is normal. Should he be taken into the emergency vet?
My dog is 12 1/2 and had a seizure. I took her to the vet and they said she has heartworms. Started her on the medication and the next day she had another seizure. I rushed her in again and they did X-rays to find out she has cancer(I’m not sure what kind) but it is on or near her lungs. They put her on seizure meds and it doesn’t seem to be helping. She rests most of the day and when I get her up to go to the bathroom or get home from work, she has a seizure. And now she seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet while walking. I took her for a short walk and she walked good. She has lost some weight, I can feel her spine very easily, but her stomach seems to be a bit bulgy. I want to know if this is all from the cancer or could she have possibly at something toxic or something that could block her to cause these symptoms? And is this most likely the end or is there other things like diet and vitamins I can give her that would help?
My beagle puppy, 8 weeks of age, is rather underweight and isn’t gaining weight as she should. She has already been to vet and been cleared but now refuses to eat. Have tried puppy milk formula, wet and dry puppy/dog food, etc. and nothing. The only thing she would eat after countless efforts was small pieces of prepared chicken. Any advice as to what to feed her that she may like and that will help her to gain weight?
My beagle puppy, 8 weeks of age, is rather underweight and isn’t gaining weight as she should. She has already been to vet and been cleared but now refuses to eat. Have tried puppy milk formula, wet and dry puppy/dog food, etc. and nothing. The only thing she would eat after countless efforts was small pieces of prepared chicken. Any advice as to what to feed her that she may like and that will help her to gain weight?
My pet rat front paws or feet are a bit scraped up and were bleeding but Isn’t anymore, plus one side of he’s face is puffy and swollen, what do I do?
I use pure cocoa butter.