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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello My Friend Has A One Year Old In Spayed Staff She’s Has Had Two…

Hello my friend has a one year old in spayed staff she’s has had two seasons so far. After her second we began noticing after she would urinate she would drip roughly 4-8 drips of blood. Then the same thing began happening when she pooed I was wondering if what this could be and if we must take her to a vets

10 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    YES, SHE NEEDS A VET.  urinating blood is VERY abnormal!  he should also schedule her spay while there…

  2. Charlea Downey

    They don’t want her spayed they want her bred as they wish to keep some of the pups when she is of age (of course that would be after thorough veterinary examination and an all clear to go ahead with breeding) she plans to take her to the vets as soon as possible thank you very much for your feedback. Much appreciated

  3. Anonymous

    unless she came from parents who:
    1 – are BOTH titled in something (AKC Ch, Obedience, Agility, Rally, etc.),
    2 – are BOTH fully health tested to the specifics of the breed (almost none of which can be done in a normal vet’s office),

    she should not be bred…and unless SHE is titled in at least one of the aforementioned venues, plus full health testing (which includes going to a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, and OFA-certified vets for eyes, hips, elbows, thyroid), then she should not be bred. there are far too many bully mixes in shelters and rescue.

    that they haven’t taken her to the vet yet makes me very, very worried that they aren’t going to do the rest. please, try to talk them into reconsidering, or at least finding a mentor in the breed who DOES show and work titled dogs.

  4. Anonymous

    and if they aren’t doing all of the above, their priorities are unethical at best.

  5. Charlea Downey

    I don’t own animals my self as I can’t where I live but this dogs owner is the most kind and loving person towards animals. This is however her first female dog as she had a german shepherd who lived to a ripe old age of 13 before passing away due to cancer so she knows what to do with animals and is not being “unethical at best”

  6. Anonymous

    unless she’s doing EVERYTHING i listed prior to breeding, her goals are suspect…which would make her an unethical breeder.

    loving one’s dogs does not make one an ethical breeder. there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it, and the right way is expensive and requires an entire lifestyle change to focus on trialing and titling those dogs. it’s HARD to do it right.

  7. Charlea Downey

    A title doesn’t make a dog. I’d take a untitled mongrel over a titled purebred any day

  8. Anonymous

    so what happens when the dog ends up with a horrible temperament because the breeder didn’t title their dog(s) to prove they fit the standard of the breed? ethical breeders make a point to ensure they breed dogs that fit the standard…because predictability is exceedingly important, ESPECIALLY for working breeds. i have never known a person to put down a well bred purebred dog for temperament issues, but i’ve known LOTS of mutts and poorly bred dogs with significant unfixable temperament problems over the years.

    what happens when someone dumps one of her puppies? an ethical breeder requires a puppy go back to them with a legally binding contract.

    what happens when one of those puppies has a birth defect or something that could have been prevented through health testing? an ethical breeder tests annually to avoid preventable problems and will assist puppy buyers with birth defects and/or agree to take the puppy back and refund the buyer.

    what happens when the puppy buyer has questions and concerns? an ethical breeder is there for the life of the dog.

    i have NEVER met a mutt breeder who did these things. i have NEVER met a mutt breeder who actually cared where their puppies go, or care what happens once they’re sold. i’ve never met a mutt breeder who cared about keeping their puppies out of shelters.

    have you been to a shelter? have you seen all the mutts there? if you want a mutt, GO TO A SHELTER. don’t continue to fund people who have no business breeding. please.

  9. Charlea Downey

    Pure breeds are more commonly in bred and most likely to have health problems. Cross breeds were bred for the genetic benefits that come with it ie no/less health problems.
    Yes I have been to shelters.
    Yes I have worked in kennels.
    I have experience with many different types of animals.
    But temperament isn’t just bred in to a dog. It is about your environment and their surroundings. Even the nicest and most easy going of dogs from the highest quality breeder can turn bad if brought up in the wrong environment. And a cross breed who’s raised in the right environment will havr a wonderful temperament perfect behaviour and be a perfect dog. It’s not just the dog it’s the owner aswell.
    I personally would get a shelter dog not as my first dog but I would get one. Or a rescue dog or any animal many many animals…… However I would want to spend time with the animal first to see if we bond and to check them out see if they are friendly with me etc

  10. Anonymous

    i’m referring to ethical, reputable breeders who do thorough pedigree research. it’s easy as hell to avoid inbreeding.

    though the shelter system never sees these dogs – they never enter the system due to the contracts in place to protect those dogs. those breeders always take those dogs back, regardless of age or reason for return.

    support ethical breeding and support shelters. do not support people who intentionally mix breeds or don’t bother doing the most basic things (titling their breeding stock to prove they should be bred, full health testing, full pedigree research). it’s pretty simple, really.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Hasn’t Vomited, Is Drinking Lots Of Water, But Hasn’t Eaten Today. Should I…

He hasn’t vomited, is drinking lots of water, but hasn’t eaten today. Should I take him to an emergency vet?

2 Responses


  1. Elaine Borowski

    Thanks for the fast response. So far his behavior is normal, but pancreatitis hadn’t occurred to me. I will definitely keep an eye on him.

  2. Elaine Borowski

    Troy, our bacon-lovin’ Yorkie mix, is much better today. Last evening, he threw up some undigested bacon several times. Today he is much perkier/more playful, is eating & drinking normally, and hasn’t thrown up again.

    He’s obviously a tough little nut! I’m still keeping an eye on him. I so appreciate Dr. Krista’s input. Thank you!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Younger 3 Year Old Cat Chunk Has Been Having Eye Discharge For A Few…

My younger 3 year old cat Chunk has been having eye discharge for a few months. He uses the bathroom just fine, eats just fine, seems to be playful and very aware. The discharge is predominantly in one eye although it happens in the other too. It is a brown / rusty red color that seeps from the inner tear ducts. His eye looks okay when you look up close but Im no DVM. (He has been tested for FIV as well as Herpes in prior checkups years ago and tested negative). He doesn’t sneeze, although he does breathe some what heavy but that could also be attributed to his Chunky frame (working on it). I’ve read several possibilities including herpes, conjunctivitis, and respiratory infection. I am hoping this is something that can be resolved through an ointment like terramycin? Any recommendations / suggestions / advice? Thank you!

*Also may be beneficial to note my other rescue Captain Hook has one eye. The non working eye is flipped backward and does not function. As a result that one eye has always had blackish discharge (not the same color as chunks nor does it come out in the same way as chunks). Our vet said this is normal for his eye condition, but just wanted to mention because perhaps could be related? Or no?

Disclaimer *My cats are indoor cats on a strict wet food diet. Chunk is 3 and Captain Hook is 7. I take them to the vet when needed. Their last general checkups were two years ago. I realize they need to go every year, but my cat Captain Hook had many many medical problems (bowel disorders) so thousands of dollars in care credit we try not to take them unless needed, especially since they are indoor.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, We Are Sitting For Some Friends And Pedro The Pincher Mix Seems To Be…

Hi, we are sitting for some friends and Pedro the pincher mix seems to be trying to cough something up. we think its bark from a tree. is there a home remedy for us to try?

1 Response


  1. B PJ

    I had a dog for 15 years, she Loved to chew apart a log or stick and this same sound of coughing would happen but only for a few hours, so I know thi IS a common problem. Thanks anyway.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Puppy 4 Month Old Lab, Yesterday The Vet He Did A…

i have a puppy 4 month old lab, yesterday the vet he did a surgery for the stomach,because is not well for the last 4 days ,he has diarrheas and vomiting ,is in the vet on in the fluids and medication the vet said to me he has gastroenteritis .someone tell me is chance to survived?i miss him so much i really want him to come back home

7 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i BELIEVE gastroenteritis is something a dog can survive but you need to change his diet drastically.  what do you normally feed him?  have you asked your vet what food you should be feeding?

  2. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    the food is royal canine ,i am relly worry for him i don’t want him to die,he is still in the vet clinic with the fluids

  3. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    yesterday he has surgery for the stomac to see if he has eating a toy or something not good,and he find out he has gastroenteritis thanks to talk with me

  4. Anonymous

    hmm. that’s odd…i don’t believe Royal Canin should be causing gastroenteritis.

    beyond this, i don’t know if I can help you. i am not a vet and i am not a nutritionist. but talk with the vet about what could have caused this and how to avoid it in the future.

  5. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    thanks so much i wish his to come back home i love him so much and i miss him

  6. Anonymous

    i understand! he’s so young to be away from home!

  7. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    i dont want him to die

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Need Hell Please.
my Mane Is Alexandra And I Have A Puppy Lab Mix…

hi i need hell please.
my mane is alexandra and i have a puppy lab mix golden retrieved 4 months old and for the last 3 days is not eating,not drinking is vomiting and had diarrhoea,i was bring last night in to a vet clinic and i left him in to the drops and antibiotics,and i did a scan for the stomach and check is blood and is possible to tell me what is wrong with him or if is change to die?i don’t want to lost him thanks so much

10 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Alexandra, this is a question for the vet that took a look at him.  what did they say?  what other diagnostics did they do?  i would also talk with YOUR vet this morning about it, because emergency vets aren’t necessarily as thorough as your own vet would be.

  2. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    he said he cannot not find anything ,he said he need to open his belly to see if is something in his belly .i am really worry for him

  3. Anonymous

    so he didn’t do x-rays or anything like that?

    go to YOUR vet, tell him your concerns.

  4. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    is still not make improved after 24 hours in the vet,

  5. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    and the belly he se is in pain,and look full

  6. Anonymous

    wait, are you saying his belly is distended and in pain? that’s bloat. vet, NOW.

  7. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    hi laura,my dog is not well for the last 3 days and i bring in the vet,and he make scan to his stomach and nothing is see ,he is in fluid and antibiotic,and check is blood 2 times,nothing show,and the vet ring me and he said he need operation to see in his stomach if is something stock.and i get the answer for the operation ,nothing inside but is inflammation and irritation and he said is virus tummy bug , the vet is said is give a chance for live but not 100 pro-cent,is sleep now and is still back in antibiotic and fluid and pain relief, and tonight i going to see him. please god to make some improve.thanks

  8. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    after the surgery the vet said to my my dog has gastroenteritis ,i really want to back i really miss him so much

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chitzu Coughing And Molly Getting Up Litte Phlem Molly Always Threw Up Mucus Molly…

My chitzu coughing and molly getting up litte phlem molly always threw up mucus Molly is 15

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chit Zu Has Always Threw Up But My Sister Died A Year Ago And…

My chit zu has always threw up but my sister died a year ago and I have her and a few days ago she started coughing like she can’t get something up but molly does a little plem

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would get her to the vet. A persistent wet cough could be something related to heart problems.

  2. Amy Cagle


  3. Amy Cagle

    Molly has always threw up phlem nut I’ll take molly cause it hacking most all day now molly was my sister she passed and I got her I’m on a fixed income so are there any free vets that take her and me pay payments

  4. Anonymous

    I don’t know what is in your area. Contact your local shelter for suggestions.

  5. Amy Cagle

    OK I’m in Tennessee and I will molly 15yr she’s getting sicker in the last year Pearlie passed I don’t no bur I’ll check into it I’m fortunate my mini you keep is in good shape where I have gotten all her shots she got really bad since Sammy died she been with him long time

  6. Amy Cagle

    Laura thank you so much I love my babies like always I love all animals

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Just Lost One Of Our Cats To FIP. Our Surviving Cat Has Not Been…

We just lost one of our cats to FIP. Our surviving cat has not been himself, he won’t even play. He does not appear to have any FIP symptoms. He did lose his appetite for a few days after she passed, but he has since been eating regularly. He is very healthy, he just seems sad and lonely. Will we be able to get him another buddy (Could he get another cat sick now that he’s exposed to FeCV?) and how long should we wait?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i believe the virus is active in the environment for 3-7 weeks.  i’d get him checked out before you bring home another cat, and discuss prevention with your vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Juat Got A Puppy Today Got Told He Was A Runt He Also Has…

I juat got a puppy today got told he was a runt he also has an ear smaller then other one has his shots i guess she said vet said he was healthy but his hip bones pop out badly not sure if i should be worried

6 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    How old is the puppy?  You should take him to a vet within 3 days of adopting this pup.  Also, unless he is at least 16 weeks old he still needs vaccines.

  2. wendy mcnabb

    Hes 2 months ……she gave me the vet papers stating he got his shots already….but he looks too thin to be healthy …..i know runts are small but his weight doesnt look right….also a deformed ear….

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Get him to your vet for a health check ASAP!

  4. Anonymous

    you purchased this puppy? i know you have the puppy now and it’s too late for this, but why did you buy a puppy with an obvious deformity?

  5. PK Dennis

    Being a “runt” indicates he is smaller than the other puppies in the litter.  This can mean nothing, or it can mean that he was born with a problem that impacted his ability to take in food and use it properly.  Only a vet can check your pup to make sure he is healthy, and make recommendations about feeding, tests he might need, and shots to prevent diseases that would put his life at risk.

    Don’t take the breeder’s word for this – you will fall in love with the pup and may have very expensive vet bills ahead of you if he was born with major problems.  

    So, off to the vet — you may feel so much better once you know one way or the other.

  6. debra yuhasz

    His hips could look that way because he’s thin or it could be a real problem. He needs to go to your vet to find out ASAP.