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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi, My Dog Whines When He Lands On A Hard Enough Surface.He Was Fine Yesterday…

Hi, my dog whines when he lands on a hard enough surface.He was fine yesterday but all of a sudden hes not wanting to move alot now.Usually, in the morning he jumps up on my bed for a little bit but today he didnt so I helped him up.But immediately hes jumped down and squealed and the same for going down the steps to let him out to pee.I thought his legs might of gotten hurt but I checked all his paws and they were fine.Hes not walking as much as he did now and just lays in his cage and is hesitant to move.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Was Spayed On Wednesday And It Is Now Sunday And She Stil Is…

My cat was spayed on Wednesday and it is now Sunday and she stil is laying around not active should I worry. She seams to be not in pain but lays around all day not doing much. She eats and drinks but not as much as before she went in.

1 Response


  1. Robin Laybolt

    Normally it will take 2-3 days after being spayed to feel better, if your cats is older then she might take a little longer to feel like herself again, but if you are worried then you could call the vet that you went to and ask them if you should be worried. I think as long as she is eating and drinking then she should be ok, and your baby will start to eat more when she gets back to herself again. Good luck 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pitbull Has Allergies And When She Scratches She Causes Skin Infections. Is It Safe…

My pitbull has allergies and when she scratches she causes
skin infections. Is it safe to give her Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 800
mg / 160 mg ( The human kind ). What dosage is appropriate? Thanks for any help
you can give.

5 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Please don’t give your dog human medication it could be toxic to her. Only give meds the Vet prescribes. 

  2. Anonymous

    agreed with Julie.  vet time.  don’t give your dog human meds.

  3. PK Dennis

    First, get all grain out of her diet — find a grain-free premium dog food.  The first 2 ingredients must be meat — such as elk, chicken, turkey — words that you understand as meat.  Meal means the whole animal was ground up and dried, so ‘salmon meal’ means meat too.  Avoid any thing that has “by-products” listed such as “chicken by-products” this could be just chicken feathers!  Not a good source of protein.  

    Be sure the treats are grain-free also!  Stop sharing cookies and bread crusts!  Grains impact the dogs ability to fight off allergens.  If she is really chewing off hair or damaging the skin try a generic Zyrtec. Same dosage for a human (typically one pill in the morning, one pill at night.  

    Rinse your dog’s feed and belly when she comes in from outdoors to help remove pollen and mold spores, and to keep those things out of the house.  I keep a tub of water at the back door and change the water daily.  It can be plain water or a mix of water and vinegar (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water).

    You can rinse your entire dog with the vinegar mix — either just that, or after an Aveeno bath (Aveeno is an oatmeal soap that helps sooth skin).  Allow the vinegar mix to dry on her skin and fur.  This will help with itching and help heal the skin.  Organic cider vinegar is best, but it may stain a white dog to beige. 

    If she has raw, wet spots (hot spots they are often called), I would take her to a vet for evaluation.  You can help heal a hot spot with witch hazel with aloe and blot it on the spot to help with itch and heal the skin.  You can find the witch hazel with aloe in any pharmacy over the counter.

    Grain free, primo diet, reduce the allergen load of pollen and spores.  These things will probably help over time.  In the mean time, work with your vet to give her some relief.


  4. Anonymous

    Chicken is one of the more frequent dog food allergies out there. Anna needs to get the allergy bit sorted with a vet’s assistance.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 4 Year Old Pit Bull. The Last Few Days He Has Been…

I have a 4 year old pit bull. The last few days he has been sluggish with sneezing, runny eyes and an occasional nonproductive cough. Today, I noticed two enlarged lymph nodes. No appetite or voiding problems. Our other dog is fine. He is not around other dogs. We live in the country and his yard time is supervised.

14 Responses


  1. Melinawantsa Cupcake

    Yes so be careful with your pet try to avoid bee stings and poison ivy if they do get allergy give them Benadryl

  2. Cyndi Mattox

    Oh he has terrible allergies just never noticed the lymph nodes before.

  3. Melinawantsa Cupcake

    Yes give him Benydrl mix with water

  4. Cyndi Mattox

    Gave him Benadryl. He is on the couch with his blankie now.

  5. julie brader

    Sorry pressed wrong button! 

    I don’t know what Melina is telling you to be honest but your dog needs more than Bendryl. This doesn’t sound like allergies to me it sounds like infection.  Sneezing, runny eyes, cough and enlarged lymph nodes, sluggish? need to take him to a Vet before he gets any worse. 

  6. Cyndi Mattox

    He is on antibiotics so hopefully he will perk up soon. Thanks everyone! He has never been sick before.

  7. Cyndi Mattox

    Thanks. He is on antibiotics now. That’s my baby so I couldn’t sit and wait. He isn’t happy right now because he got shots but a doggy cookie helped.

  8. julie brader

    So pleased you saw Krista and my replies….I’m sure he will recover soon with antibiotics. Can i just say some Probiotic would help while hes on the meds. Natural live yoghurt on his food, a couple of teaspoons a couple of times a day. Hope hes better soon!

  9. Melinawantsa Cupcake

    My baby got stung by a bee 2 times about every month so we gave him Benydrl , Benydrl is Medicean for allergy if u google it then u would understand but since it’s strong for him u need to mix with water like my baby

  10. Cyndi Mattox

    I have probiotic tabs. Will that work? He really isn’t hard to give oral meds to.

  11. julie brader

    Are they Probiotic tablets for dogs? If they are and you know the dose to give him then yes. I wouldn’t give him Probiotic tablets for humans though….I don’t know if they would be safe for dogs. I know you’ll be safe with yoghurt though.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has Just Started To Develop A Red Bump On The Top Of His…

My dog has just started to develop a red bump on the top of his front paw. Its the only one he has. He doesn’t seem to notice it. It seems to be getting a bit bigger over time.

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    How old is your dog?  This could be many things.  Monitor it and if it keeps getting larger or appears to bother him its best to get it checked out by a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi There!

My Cat, Stella, Is Seeming To Have A Hard Time Passing A Hairball…

Hi there!

My cat, Stella, is seeming to have a hard time passing a hairball. She will have a coughing fit and then lay down and moan and breathe loudly for about 10-45 minutes after her fit, purr and then go to sleep.

I’ve tried giving her hairball assistance treats but it hasn’t seemed to work. She just can’t seem to get the hairball out. Is there anything I can do to help her?


1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Briar,

    I am sorry your cat is having such difficulties.  Because she is having breathing problems (and for such a long time) it is probably best to go to the vet and get some additional help.  I hope she feels better soon!


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, My Kitten Is About To Become 1 Year Old Now, She Has Had Several…

Hello, my kitten is about to become 1 year old now, she has had several health issues that stopped recently and last was a gastro anteritis ( kept vomiting and got dehydrated) that started just around the time I changed her food from Burns to Orijen kitten (about 2 weeks later). I have her on Burns again now as recommended by my vet until she’s 1yo and am considering changing for a grain free food however I am not sure which one to chose. I do consider trying Orijen again however the protein level in that food is much higher than the level she is on right now. My cat is an exotic shorthair neutered female. Here are my 3 choices for the new food:

Would you be able to give me some advise or personal opinion?

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Zee, 

    I am sorry your kitten wasn’t feeling well.  I am not an expert on food so sorry I can’t help there.  Has your vet run all the basic diagnostics already: ran a fecal and blood sample to rule out a medical problem before changing the diet?  Maybe the root of the problem is not the food.  You could ask your vet about seeing a specialist too.  I hope your kitten feels better soon!


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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
My Siam. Is Licking Alot Pulls Out Hair On Her Belly And Under The Bind…

my siam. is licking alot pulls out hair on her belly and under the bind in there front paws

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Hamster Eye Is Swollena Dn Red

My hamster eye is swollena dn red

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    vet time.  don’t delay with infected eyes, which is what may be the case here.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Year Old Chihuahua Just Threw Up Brown Liquid. I Recall Him Eating Cats…

My 3 year old chihuahua just threw up brown liquid. I recall him eating cats stool but that was like 2 weeks ago can that be the reason why? Should I be worried? He seems fine like his usual self.

2 Responses
