Hello Briar,
I am sorry your cat is having such difficulties. Because she is having breathing problems (and for such a long time) it is probably best to go to the vet and get some additional help. I hope she feels better soon!
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My dog has just started to develop a red bump on the top of his front paw. Its the only one he has. He doesn’t seem to notice it. It seems to be getting a bit bigger over time.
Hi there!
My cat, Stella, is seeming to have a hard time passing a hairball. She will have a coughing fit and then lay down and moan and breathe loudly for about 10-45 minutes after her fit, purr and then go to sleep.
I’ve tried giving her hairball assistance treats but it hasn’t seemed to work. She just can’t seem to get the hairball out. Is there anything I can do to help her?
Hello Briar,
I am sorry your cat is having such difficulties. Because she is having breathing problems (and for such a long time) it is probably best to go to the vet and get some additional help. I hope she feels better soon!
Hello, my kitten is about to become 1 year old now, she has had several health issues that stopped recently and last was a gastro anteritis ( kept vomiting and got dehydrated) that started just around the time I changed her food from Burns to Orijen kitten (about 2 weeks later). I have her on Burns again now as recommended by my vet until she’s 1yo and am considering changing for a grain free food however I am not sure which one to chose. I do consider trying Orijen again however the protein level in that food is much higher than the level she is on right now. My cat is an exotic shorthair neutered female. Here are my 3 choices for the new food:
Would you be able to give me some advise or personal opinion?
Hello Zee,
I am sorry your kitten wasn’t feeling well. I am not an expert on food so sorry I can’t help there. Has your vet run all the basic diagnostics already: ran a fecal and blood sample to rule out a medical problem before changing the diet? Maybe the root of the problem is not the food. You could ask your vet about seeing a specialist too. I hope your kitten feels better soon!
my siam. is licking alot pulls out hair on her belly and under the bind in there front paws
My hamster eye is swollena dn red
My 3 year old chihuahua just threw up brown liquid. I recall him eating cats stool but that was like 2 weeks ago can that be the reason why? Should I be worried? He seems fine like his usual self.
Two weeks ago is probably too long ago. Keep monitoring him. Keep us posted and I hope he feels better!
Thank you and will do!
my budgie is making a coughing noise and bobbing his head
My pitbull puppy recently started scratching and licking at his skin and he’s getting these spots. How can I get rid of them? Is there any medicine I can get for it?
Noticed today my dog has been dragging her butt across the floor most of the day, she has a small red bump under her hindend
Please take your dog to your Vet!! She could have an absess on her anal glands; they could be compacted or worse if there is a lump. It could also be a prolapsed bowel. Shes in obvious pain too or she wouldn’t be dragging herself across the floor trying to relieve the pain.
This can’t be left any longer please see your Vet urgently it will only get worse and she needs treatment.
she had surgery years ago to remove breast cancer, I know cats don’t show their pain like dogs do but I don’t know if I should take her to the vet either then again I don’t want her to suffer — thoughts?
How old is your dog? This could be many things. Monitor it and if it keeps getting larger or appears to bother him its best to get it checked out by a vet.