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Jana | 11 years ago
Question For Dr. Krista; Sorry, Complicated Question(?)

First, To Review For Benefit Of Others Reading This…

Question for Dr. Krista; sorry, complicated question(?)

First, to review for benefit of others reading this question:

Patient: Cookie
Rottweiler, spayed female, 2 years old

Presented with lethargy, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea (threw up only twice and one time diarrhea, then taken to vet, given antiemetics and antibiotics; diagnosed with pancreatitis; getting better since – this was Monday)

During exam foreign material found in stool (grain and corn; we think she got into the horse feed) painful cranial abdomen, low and large bowel diarrhea, enlarged submandibular nodes – this part worries me because these were temporarily enlarged not long ago; resolved quickly, though)

As I’m reviewing the blood results, there are things I could understand as being consistent with digestive distress/pancreatitis but some which are concerning me, namely the globulin and lymphocyte levels, even though they are not extremely low but low nonetheless.

Beside the cPL which is clear in its meaning, the free T4 is low – I assume this is what is meant by not testing for hypothyroidism in ill animals, because the thyroid hormones would be low with any disease process? Is that correct?

I would figure that the ALT/unhappy liver enzymes would also be consistent with such insult to the body, is that correct? And I imagine same would apply to bilirubin in a situation of digestive upset?

The values that concern me are the globulin and the lymphocytes, particularly together with the "easily aggravated" sub mandibular lymph nodes in the mix, particularly as it seems that lymphopenia would be present with both CPV and lymphoma … ? I’d assume that a) Cookie was recently vaccinated for CPV and is improving too rapidly to think CPV? Lymphoma has been on my afraid mind since the first time they were found enlarged.

It also says, though, that lymphopenia could be a result of underactive glands (the source doesn’t say which ones) so would that perhaps have to do with the lowered thyroid function during the digestive distress?

Didn’t find much on low globulins, other than immunodeficiency types of situations, which doesn’t seem to apply. What is the "life-span" of a globulin, and if short, would the low globulins have to do with the unhappy liver?

Can you, please confirm about the free T4 and talk to me about the globulin and more importantly the lymphocytes?

Blood results attached.

1 Response


  1. Christina Chambreau

    I will let Dr. Krista address your specific blood questions. Were you interested in the holistic approaches to evaluating blood work?  Also, not being able to tolerate an occasional eating splurge is considered an early warning sign that a dog is not completely healthy, so there would be many things to do at this point. 

    I wonder if Cookie has had prior digestive issues?

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have A New Kitten That Isn’t Eating Much. He Is Drinking. He…

I have a new Kitten that isn’t eating much. He is drinking. He was at the vet (Dr. Magnifico) on Sunday because he was sneezing. Just adopted him and his brother on Friday. Brother seems to be fine. He is taking an antibiotic twice a day. He has been opening his mouth a lot, kind of like his nose is clogged and he is breathing through his mouth. He comes to the food (wet) when I put it out but he hovers over it and licks it, but I don’t think he is eating it. What can I do? It is snowing here and I will probably not be able to get him to the vet today. Thanks,


1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I will call you as soon as I get to work.

    In general if cats can’t smell then they don’t eat well. I would guess his nose is stuffed up. He really needs to be seen ASAP. Can you bring him in now?

    He should have his temperature checked, listen to his lungs and probably be put on a stringer antibiotic. Also we will give him subq fluids to keep him hydrated.

    The over the counter product called Little Noses helps to unclog the nose. one drop in each nostril twice a day.

    But I cannot over express how important a recheck is. Those young kittens can get very sick quickly and need hospitalization. I am at the clinic in 30 minutes


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Pawbly | 11 years ago
What Is The Best Remedy For Hairballs In Cats? Every Spring My Cats Get…

What is the best remedy for hairballs in cats? Every spring my cats get horrible hairballs, throwing up almost daily. Once shedding season is over it subsides a little bit but they still throw up from time to time.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Amy

    There are a few good options for you.

    First be sure that the problem is hair all related. You may need your vet to help you understand hoe to correctly and accurately identify vomiting in cats ( for example we need to identify vomiting versus regurgitation and be sure that it is a foreign body (hair) versus other problems…. The list is long and wide). If it is determined to be hairballs then I would recommend brushing daily to reduce the amount of hair your cat ingests, or even shaving the coat once or twice a year. Any reduction in the amount of hair ingested will help. I have many clients who shave their cat down. I have to admit that both the cat and the owner are happy afterward.

    You can also try a hair ball food. I like science diet. I put my cats on it and I think it worked very well.

    There are also oral hair ball medications. These are available over the counter. They help lubricate the hair so that it passes.

    I hope that this helps.

    The most important thing to do is to be sure that your cat doesn’t have a gastrointestinal problem causing excessive grooming, or a skin problem causing an excessive shedding problem. All of these should be discussed with your vet.

    Best of luck.

    Thanks for visiting. And for posting a picture. She’s a cutie.


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Sarah | 11 years ago
Hi Dr. Mags!!! Thank You For "The Scoot Story". This Looks EXACTLY Like…

Hi Dr. Mags!!! Thank you for "The Scoot Story". This looks EXACTLY like what happened to Dierks today. I am so grateful that I came to check my e-mail again and saw that you had posted something. I will be calling the office tomorrow to bring him in. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Sarah Greco

0 Responses
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Sarah | 11 years ago
My Lab/shep Mix Seemed To Have A Small Swelling Around His Rear, A Bit Below…

My lab/shep mix seemed to have a small swelling around his rear, a bit below and to the left of his anus that we noticed on Saturday. I thought to keep an eye on it because he seemed content, was pooping and didn’t appear to be in any pain. Today it was more swollen, but as it is Sunday, I was planning on calling the vet tomorrow. He pooped a while ago, when we were outside playing in the snow and then when we came inside. When he came in, he licked himself and then the swollen area sort of popped, like a big pimple, and has been draining puss/blood at first but now it has stopped and only seems to be draining blood when he licks himself. I still plan on calling the vet tomorrow, but should I be more concerned and take him to the emergency vet, even in this bad weather?

1 Response


  1. Eleanor Wood


    It sounds very much like one of his anal (scent) glands became infected and formed an abscess, which has now burst. It is not an emergency unless he is bleeding profusely, but he will definitely need veterinary attention tomorrow.
    If he will tolerate you doing it, I would gently bathe the area so there is no gunge stuck in his fur, and try to stop him licking at it too much.
    Also, if you are unsure, you can usually call your emergency vet and ask for advice over the phone without charge.

    Eleanor Wood
    UK vet

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Recently Began Fostering A 15-year-old Blind (and We Think Mostly Deaf) Dog. He Seems…

I recently began fostering a 15-year-old blind (and we think mostly deaf) dog. He seems to get around alright and walks on a leash (though you do have to guide him so he doesn’t collide with walls and things), but how can I get him to get to know the layout of my house? When he walked in for the first time, he took a few steps, nudged a wall, then plopped down where he was and doesn’t seen to want to move from there. Obviously we’d like him to be able to get around to some extent on his own (at least enough to drink/eat and not run into furniture), but he doesn’t seem to want to move. When I went to the next room and I wanted to keep an eye on him, I just picked him up and moved him with me. Is there a good way to be doing this? Should I keep him leashed at first to bring/show him around? Help!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Anna,

    Thank You for the question, and more importantly, A BIG GIANT THANK-YOU for fostering a pet. Especially for fostering an older pet. Without people like you many rescues, and many rescued animals would never have a second chance at finding a loving home. It takes a very special person with a very big and generous heart to take a pup in need of so much assistance. I applaud you for not only being courageous enough to foster him, but also for seeking help in understanding how to best care for him.

    Because I am a veterinarian I would recommend that you first address and understand all of his medical and health issues. Your veterinarian can help you assess the degree and cause of blindness (sometimes it is due to a treatable disease and therefore the blindness can be corrected), and the ears should be examined also. In an older dog I would check for glaucoma, infection, retinal damage, and any other age related changes like osteoarthritis, joint disease, etc. A thorough examination will help you understand his needs both now and in the future.

    Next I would recommend that you think about his world from his perspective. He is likely unsure and a bit afraid of his new environment so it is logical for him to just sit still when he encounters an obstacle. Can you imagine being blind in a new place? I know I would be afraid of falling, and bumping into things. So I would first set him up in a small area of a very safe place. I would make that place a place where you intend him to spend most of his time. Be very careful of any sharp edges, like chair or table legs, and I would spend as much time with him in this place as possible. So that he can build a mental picture of the layout of his new environment with your encouragement, support, and guidance.

    Once he is comfortable there I would very calmly, slowly, and gradually open him up to other very small areas of the house. But remember once he is comfortable navigating around one area you can’t change the floor plan. So the furniture should stay in its original location to keep him from getting lost and confused again.

    Most blind pets are very quick learners once they are comfortable on their environment. If your dog has been through many households he may just be so confused that he has given up trying to learn his territory. Or maybe he has other impairments that make him reluctant to be adventurous?

    My best piece of advice is to be very calm, gentle, and patient.

    I wish you the very best of luck!


  2. Jana

    Hi Anna.

    Blind dogs are able to use other sense to make their way around. This includes the sense of touch (their paw pads are actually very sensitive and "read" the terrain for them, as well as their whiskers), their sense of smell and even their hearing.

    What you can do is to "map out" the place for him using different textures, smells and sounds. For example, if you had different texture flooring in each room, he’ll know by that which room is which. It might also help to "line" the walls and doors with different textured strip, which would indicate obstacles or dangers, similarly to the rumble strips on some roads.

    According to Dr. Coren, they can use the sounds of a clock, for example, to also know where they are, as well as different smells, such as different potpourri.

    Of course, you do want to block stairs where he might fall down, though with some practice, a texture change would make this possible for him too.

    To further assist him from bumping into things, you could consider something like the Halo Vest

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Ok So My Mom Passed Away Almost 3 Months Ago And I Now Take Care…

Ok so my mom passed away almost 3 months ago and I now take care FULL TIME of her 14 year old shin tzu who knows me very well. He is completely blind and deaf. My issue is that I cannot leave his side for more then 10 minutes or he will start panting and crying like really crying, witch I’ve never heard him do in his entire life. I don’t know what to do ???? I can’t go anywhere or even clean the house because he starts to freak out. I’ve though about maybe having him put down but I don’t because he still does what I call his happy mode, after he eats he does this thing where he rubs his head into the bed kinda under the pillow and I engage with him using my hand. It only lasts for a couple minutes or so but he does this about 2 or 3 times a day. And I feel like that shows some signs of still having a good quality of life. But oh my god he is driving me crazy with not being able to be alone. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Hi Angie,

    I am sorry to hear that you and the dog are having a tough time.

    If you think the dog is still having a good quality of life then there are some things you could try.

    -Treat puzzles such as Kong. The dog can still smell so get something like a Kong and fill it with treats the dog enjoys. You can even fill it with his food. Let him smell it and see if that takes his attention off of you. They make these toys for senior pets too so it won’t be to hard on his teeth.

    -Dirty laundry. Leave a shirt or something that you have worn that has your scent on it near the dog
    and see if that calms his nerves

    -All natural calming aides. You can find these at almost any pet shop. They are drug free and usually contain chamomile.

    It is important to remember that dogs mourn the loss of loved ones in a similar way that we do. This has been shown time and time again. Maybe the dog is really missing your mom?

    Also, because he is blind and deaf he is probably even more confused. Continue to be patient.

    If you think the dog’s quality of life is suffering due to his health then of course consult with your vet. Additionally, it maybe a good idea to have your vet check him out as he could be in pain.

    Best of luck!

    Margot Ahlquist (

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Pawbly | 12 years ago
I Rescue Dogs. I Am A Foster Failure. My Recent Foster Failure Is Shelby. I…

I rescue dogs. I am a foster failure. My recent foster failure is Shelby. I have had her for a year now. She is a border collie mix who was rescued at 1 1/2 years old at 7 lbs. (should have been 25 lbs.) with no shelter, no food or water, and on a chain. Couple of things that bother me and what I think attributes it. I want to get your opinion.

First, she licks constantly. If she can’t make contact, she licks the air. I attribute this to anxiety from her past. She has no reason to be anxious since being with me, she is treated like a queen !!

In public and around other people/strangers, she squats a lot. I have checked her for urinary tract infections….all negative. I, once again, attribute this to anxiety.

She constantly tries to herd everything. I know its in her blood lines but she never stops. She has an older brother she herds and she even herds me. ?? How do I correct the behavior with me ??

Lately I have noticed her humping stuffed animals in the house. I assume to establish dominance. I find this weird for a female dog. How do I correct this behavior ??

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Ed!

    Thank you for your question but THANK YOU even more for being a foster parent to Shelby. Without people like you countless pets would never get a second chance at finding someone to love.

    I hope that you can understand how grateful I am for your kindness, care, compassion, and generosity. Please don’t ever underestimate how special a person you are for giving your time, attention and home to a pet in need. You are not a failure!! You are just being challenged..and what’s worth achieving is only gained through challenges. So don’t give up and don’t beat yourself up..I will help, and I know of an army of people who have insights, experience, and ability to help you and your puppy. Best yet, Pawbly has a world of people to jump on board and be your support staff, your cheering squad, and even your safety net..

    OK, here’s where I would start. It sounds like you have done some medical work-up, but if you haven’t done a complete physical exam, especially with a veterinarian who either focuses on behavior and/or neurology this is a very good place to start.

    Secondly, I think it is very important to talk about this breed. Border Collies are very very (like THE MOST very) active dogs. They need constant exercise and a serious job.

    I agree that the licking might very well be anxiety (if the mouth is clean, the physical exam,blood work, and all other diagnostics are normal), a veterinarian or behaviorist can help diagnose this. The squatting, humping, and maybe even the herding are all examples of exerting or claiming dominance. They all could be anxiety, or magnified by anxiety also.

    I think that you are providing a loving, caring, and compassionate home to Shelby, but I do think that you and Shelby might need some help in figuring out what needs Shelby has that you might be able to resolve and also help her deal with her anxiety.

    As a last note I want to add that ten years ago very few of us vets ever thought about prescribing anti-depressants to dogs. I have changed my tune over the last five years. I now urge my clients to consider using this when we have a pet who seems to be struggling to be calm and happy. They are relatively inexpensive and I promise you I have seen miraculous results in some dogs. All of the clients I spoke to about trying this drug were very very skeptical, but ALL of them have come back to me saying that their pet is so much happier. I am not suggesting that this be the answer for Shelby but it might be a discussion to have with your vet along with a behavior plan.

    Try to find a behaviorist that is local, reliable, and works with a veterinarian. They are incredible resources and can help immensely.

    I hope this helps, and I thank you again for your question and your helping Shelby.

    Please don’t hesitate to ask me for any additional information, or to find me at the clinic.

    Have a wonderful weekend..go out and play some fetch, and see if Shelby is calmer afterward.

    Best of Luck and warmest of wishes,


    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD

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Gary Thomas | 12 years ago
I Have A Feral Cat That Has Given Birth To 5 Kittens In A Old…

I have a feral cat that has given birth to 5 kittens in a old shed out back. This was 5 or 6 weeks ago.

There was another cat that is much more tame that also gave birth to 4 kittens in our yard leaves. These kittens and the mother were brought inside about 1 – 2 weeks old. They were exposed to people and are pretty tame. The mother comes in and out by the cat window. We did this so that we could possibly find homes for them.

We would also like to do the same with the other 5 kittens but the mother is very feral. The 2 mother cats I believe were from the same litter and live in the woods out back.

The cats in the back began to escape and wonder. 2 were abandoned and we thought we would try to incorporate them with the other litter. It was easy and we have made sure the other mother is not overwhelmed. They immediately began to eat solid moistened kitten food. They are a little older then the others. They are all now very friendly with humans and again hoping to find them homes. They are all in a childs play pen, modified, doing well and all beginning to try solid food. Mother is still coming in to check them and feed them. Sometimes we have to remove the 2 "outside" cats so that the mother is not overwhelmed and the cats not really eating solid food have milk, the "outside" cats are at least a week older and stronger.

So.. We happened to come across the other 3 kittens under a palate of landscaping stone. The mother was still around and had not abandoned them like we had thought.

We moved them back into the sheltered shed. They hissed a lot but once we were handling them they were ok. We have been going out there and holding them whenever the mother is not around cause she gets bent out of shape and attacks us.

We would like to remove the kittens in the shed and put them in a crate to acclimate them to humans in hope of finding them homes. They are all very beautiful and unique kittens. So we have a separate crate for these cats and I am pretty sure they have learned to eat solid food cause the other 2 from this took to it and had learned. We did not want to put all 9 kittens in the same pen now cause we did not want to overwhelm the one mother, what are your thoughts? Should we put them in a crate where the mother cant get to them and feed them food an water, making sure they do eat?

Any thoughts?

Also, we would like to trap and get this feral mother fixed so there are no more kittens from her, any thoughts about how we should do this or a place that could do this inexpensively? When can we do this? Did not want to do it while she was nursing.
Same goes with the other mother cat. When can we get her fixed, how old should her kittens be and when can we give them away?

I live in Delta PA area.

Thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Gary,

    Thank you for your question, and thank you for being so proactive and compassionate to these kitties.

    I think that in general you have a very good plan and it sounds like you are doing everything just as I would recommend. I think that 9 kittens is too much for one mom if they are all nursing (it sounds like they are not though). A mom that has too many kittens nursing can get hypocalcemia (we call it eclampsia). This can be life threatening.

    By 4 weeks old the kittens should be able to be transitioned to kitten food. I would recommend leaving dry kitten food, wet kitten food, or softened dry food with kitten formula out every 4 hours. If the kittens continue to nurse I would start to rotate them so they have more individual time with you and a better ability to be encouraged to eat.

    We estimate the age of kittens by one pound per month of age up to about 7 months old. A one pound kitten is about 4 weeks old.

    If a kitten is not socialized and tamed by about 6 to 8 weeks old it gets increasingly more difficult. Spend as much time and attention that you can with them before this age.

    Please be warned that unvaccinated cats and kittens can carry rabies. It can be deadly to them and to you.

    I would also recommend that you contact your veterinarian and any local rescue groups for help in humanely trapping, spaying, vaccinating, de-worming, feline leukemia and feline immuno-deficiency testing, and microchipping. Many of the non-profits or rescues have low cost options for these.

    I have included information about some local groups below.

    Of course, if you would like to talk to me, or anyone else at Jarrettsville Vet about any of this you can find me at the link below.

    For help on affordable pet care;

    Alley Cat Allies;

    Animal Rescue in New Freedom Pa;

    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD

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Pawbly | 12 years ago

My Dog Recently Had Part Of His Tail Amputated. We Were Told To Look…


My dog recently had part of his tail amputated. We were told to look for a number of symptoms and one of them was colorful discharge. He has not really had any excessive bleeding episodes with his tail,just a little blood softened at the tip (assumed to be from dryness). Now the area has turned to a darkened red, and we can no longer see his stitches. Is this normal, or should we bring him in?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Anna,

    Thanks for your question.

    This is very hard for me to answer because I don’t know how long ago the surgery was, and I don’t know why the tail was amputated.

    Here is the advice I give all of my clients,

    "If you ever have a question or a concern you should come in so I can take a look at it."

    For any surgery that I, or any of my other doctors do, we do not charge for a re-check. We want you to feel completely at ease with coming to us with any question post-operatively, and we never want you to hesitate to come in. We also know that any problem is easier, safer, quicker, and cheaper to fix sooner versus later.

    With that said, and without knowing all of the information, and most importantly, without being able to see the tail (which I think a veterinarian needs to do ASAP), dark, almost black skin is a sign of necrosis. When tissue dies it turns a dark red and then a black color. So anything other than nice fleshy-colored pink skin is a reason for a quick re-check with the veterinarian who did the surgery.

    Normal helaing tissue stays a nice healthy color and does not get dry.

    If your pup is acting normally then you are probably safe to wait until your vet is back in the office (like Monday morning), and I don’t think that you need a trip to the ER for this.

    If the tissue is dying and not viable then the tail may need to be re-done. This sometimes happens (especially with the dogs who have amputations because of "happy tail").

    If I can be of any help you can find me at Jarrettsville Vet on Monday, but we are also open tomorrow for walk-in appointments from 1-3…

    Best of luck with your dog.


    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD