I will call you as soon as I get to work.
In general if cats can’t smell then they don’t eat well. I would guess his nose is stuffed up. He really needs to be seen ASAP. Can you bring him in now?
He should have his temperature checked, listen to his lungs and probably be put on a stringer antibiotic. Also we will give him subq fluids to keep him hydrated.
The over the counter product called Little Noses helps to unclog the nose. one drop in each nostril twice a day.
But I cannot over express how important a recheck is. Those young kittens can get very sick quickly and need hospitalization. I am at the clinic in 30 minutes
I will let Dr. Krista address your specific blood questions. Were you interested in the holistic approaches to evaluating blood work? Also, not being able to tolerate an occasional eating splurge is considered an early warning sign that a dog is not completely healthy, so there would be many things to do at this point.
I wonder if Cookie has had prior digestive issues?