I’m sorry all of this has happened. I will try to answer your questions BUT you really need to stick with a vet you trust and be prepared for this to take a while to resolve. In some cats it is a lifelong issue.
I prefer wet to dry as it is a much higher water content and usually much less fattening. I even recommend adding water.
I also advise clients to try to give Sq fluids at home.
Prazosin is a question for your vet. Some stay on this medication long term as it seems to be very beneficial.
I am not sure what the shaking is. Maybe try to get it on video and discuss with your vet. Maybe pain?
You should also ask about anything you can try for stress? Like Feliway? Catnip? Toys? Confinement at night? An anti anxiety medication? This is a discussion for your vet. What really matters is that you have someone advocating for you and your cat and you do everything you can to avoid another blockage and learn how to manage this long term.
Best of luck.
If possible can you share your vet experience (with the costs included) in our storyline section. It might help others.
This clinical sign is always best answered by a trip to the vet. Coughing for longer than 12 hours is a problem. Please see your vet.