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Amorphous | 4 years ago
Hi, While Looking For Information About My 15 Yo Beagle’s Combination Of Symptoms, I Came Across …

Hi, while looking for information about my 15 yo beagle’s combination of symptoms, I came across IVDD and a youtube video about Hank by Dr. Krista Magnifico. Several years ago, my beagle started having short tremors that would last a few seconds. Those are fairly common now, occurring multiple times an hour. Last year, she became incontinent at night, and leaked sometimes during the day. She is on Proin for that, and it has mostly stopped that issue. And in the last few months, her legs have started giving out from time to time. She doesn’t seem to act like she’s in pain, though she pants a lot, but always has, especially in the evenings. I have some short videos showing the tremors and her legs giving out, and I can provide you a link to Google photos if Dr. Magnifico would view them and let us know if it looks like IVDD or not. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a diagnosis that needs to be provided by an inperson examination. In some cases an X-ray can help and in others a CT is needed. Please don’t diagnose without a vet doing an exam on your dog.

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Melissa | 4 years ago
Hi Dr Magnifico . . . . First, Thank You For Catching Our Pony That Got Loose Earlier This Summer. …

Hi Dr Magnifico . . . . first, thank you for catching our pony that got loose earlier this summer. I still can’t believe she ended up 4 miles away! But she has stayed put since. I am writing because your front desk told me to reach out to you on here. We are going to be changing vets. Our current small animal vet is just too pushy with trying to sell me everything under the sun, but mainly I have concerns with our one dog going there. He is a 5 yo pitbull. I took him to PennVet Behavioral vet about a year and a half ago upon recommendation of our vet. They diagnosed him with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and prescribed him gabapentin. Our primary vet later changed to fluoxetine and he does really well on that. However, he gets nasty when he’s scared . . . especially at the vet. I muzzle him and feed him peanut butter through the muzzle to try to show him it’s all okay (all recommended by Penn Vet). I give him composure pro prior to the appointment. He is just very scared there and as a result growls and snarls, etc. The current vet is so scared of him she doesn’t even touch his stomach, look in his ears or eyes, etc. I am looking for a vet who can remain calm/reassuring for the dog and show him he has nothing to be nervous about and doesn’t mind completing a thorough exam on him, with his muzzle on of course. Please let me know if you feel your facility would be a good fit for him and which vet we should schedule with. He needs his fluoxetine refilled soon and I hope we can find the right fit before then. Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am happy I could help. This is a tough one for me because there are so many things that need to be discussed in person to help get the needed information and expectations settled. Have you followed up with the team at penn? Has anyone spoken to you about what other options exist on both the medical and training fronts? My preference is to start with a brief visit outside with you present to see what triggers and options exist and then start a medical plan to find the right combination of both short and long term options exist. Ie medications, soft muzzles and restraint tools. It is a process and it sounds like your dog needs some help in finding a compromise to the detonation of happy place care. If you want to try to see what we can do to help I would ask you to call the clinic and ask for a late day weds introduction meet and greet. That’s the safest and calmest entry intro to us and each other.

    Call the clinic and ask for them to have me call you back and we can settle the details.

    Have a wonderful weekend. .

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Sandy | 4 years ago
Princess, One Of My Cats Was Seen Sunday For Having Her Days And Nights Mixed Up …

Princess, one of my cats was seen Sunday for having her days and nights mixed up and a lump on her belly. Up through last Thursday she would do anything she could to get me up from knocking things over to stepping on the alarm clock and my CPAP machine.

She was seen Sunday and overall visit looked good.

However, starting Friday night she has only meowed one time. Unknown to me at the time of the visit was that she had thrown up a strip of soft plastic that covers the sticky side if envelopes. My husband saw it and cleaned it up. He said it was folded similar to an accordion. This probably happened during the last night that she was talking all night and into the morning.

She is eating okay but is sleeping most of the day or night. She also is either sneezing or coughing at times. I don’t know which one but she stretches her neck out and makes this repetitive noise.

Is it possible that the plastic may have scratched her throat and that is why she will not meow? I have an appointment for today that I made before bringing her to the clinic on Sunday. I am debating as to whether I should bring her back to be checked.

1 Response


  1. Gloria

    If she were my kitty, I would bring her in just to make sure all is well now.

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Mandi | 4 years ago
11 Month Old Puppy Has Welts/hives/bumps All Over Her Body And Legs.. Not Sure If …

11 month old puppy has welts/hives/bumps all over her body and legs.. not sure if it’s from something she ate, bees, allergic reaction to some type of plant? She’s acting pretty normal otherwise, just looks terrible! Her vet doesn’t have any appointments available for 10 days. He did say to give her Benadryl, which she has had two doses of and doesn’t seem to be helping much. When should I worry and consider taking her to an emergency vet clinic?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Call around and find a vet who is available to see you ASAP or ask your vet which emergency facility they refer to. I would start there. If it lasts longer than 6 hours I recommend an ER visit.

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Kyle | 4 years ago
Kitty With A Coughing Attack

Hello Dr. Magnifico!
I found you on YouTube! I wanted to tell you how wonderful I think it is that you are going above and beyond to help pet owners worldwide!
I have a 4 year old female cat named boots. For over a year now, she has been having pretty severe coughing attacks daily. I have taken her to multiple vets that can’t tell me what’s going on. I have heard both upper and lower respiratory conditions could be involved. We got a chest X ray 2 weeks ago and it came back negative. Tried asthma medicine with no help. Tried an antibacterial in case it was an infection, and only very mild relief. Using 5mg Zyrtec daily has some relief. My vet suggests it may be nasopharyngeal polyps. I visited your page and saw your video removing these polyps in a cat, and the symptoms I have found for polyps don’t seem to quite match Boots. She doesn’t have a snorting sound while breathing, but her breathing is sometimes audible at rest. I am very fearful to proceed with further testing or procedures because I don’t want to spend so much money without knowing the problem will be fixed. Any suggestions?! THANK YOU!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry for the delay. Covid has had me working like crazy.
    I think that a polyp should always be considered and your vet, or some credible accessible vet, should be willing to sedate to look behind the soft palate. It is a quick and easy thing to do, but, they also have to be willing to try to remove it. There are a fair number of vets around who love this procedure. Call everyone you can and ask for help. We are out there. You just have to dig. The other helpful tips are to call the local shelters and rescues and ask them if they have someone they can recommend. You can also try to find a feline exclusive practice. If you do find someone locally please (please!!) add it to our storylines section so we can pass along the info to the next person who asks.

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Gloria | 4 years ago
Xyzal Safety For Cats

Anyone know whether half a Xyzal tablet would be okay to give a kitty? (My spouse says “It’s the same as Zyrtec minus one stereo isomer,” whatever that means.) We currently give him half a Zyrtec when he gets super itchy, and it helps. Reason we are wondering is we have a huge bottle of Xyzal but no more Zyrtec.

He is treated monthly for fleas, does not go outside, and we’ve tried every way we can think of to help him other than meds. But sometimes he still scratches so much he makes his ears bleed, poor guy. The meds help him a lot.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but we cannot advise on medications. That needs to be done with your vet. Also I think they can help treat this if you call them and ask for assistance. Best of luck. I hope the ears are better soon.

    1. Gloria Post author

      Understood. Thank you. We’ll take him to the vet. I hope your pets are okay!

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Andrii | 4 years ago
Good Afternoon, I Have A 3 Years Old Cat, Neutered Male. Last Monday He Had An Obstruction, …

Good afternoon, I have a 3 years old cat, neutered male. Last Monday he had an obstruction, I went to ER, could not afford to hospitalize him, therefore, they just unblocked him and we went home with meds. 6 days later my cat became more alive, however, he is using litter box frequently and producing small amounts of urine. My question is- is this because of the medications that he cannot hold it and empties it little by little or is this because he is getting blocked again? Current medications are Buprenorphine, prazosin, gabapentin. Also, because he has not been hospitalized for 2 days, does that mean I have to try to find someone who will keep him on fluids for 2 days or there is a chance he can recover?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello- I definitely would take him to your regular vet…. they know him best. They run some tests to determine if it is blockage or not. I can say that years ago, we had a male cat who had to have expensive surgery to be unblocked and he then had to be on Rx food for the rest of his life. Please get him in to see your vet ASAP. I hope he recovers and is ok????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Cats who block always (I know I am not supposed to say that but I have found it to be true!) always reblock, or at least struggle for weeks to months with urinary complications. In my experience it is not uncommon to unblock them numerous times over the first few months. They need lots of fluids and TLC along with medications. We have a cat now who had a stone (found on Xray). We spent weeks trying to get him better only to discover the stone was the underlying problem and we did surgery two days ago. It is a long road getting to being blocked and an equally long road to getting cured.

    1. Andrii Post author

      Thank you so much for the response and for clarifying everything. For some reason, I thought that they were supposed to get back to normal right away. I saw your video that you uploaded a few years ago on Youtube that you have a cage that can keep him there even at night. I live about 4 hours drive from you and I was wondering- if I don’t find anyone who can help me around my area, is this possible that I can bring him to your clinic? Thank you!

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Catherine | 4 years ago
I Have A 8 Week Year Old Kitten He’s Very Active Until Today My Daughter Accidentally …

I have a 8 week year old kitten he’s very active until today my daughter accidentally jumped on his back right leg he’s been limping and crying when touched but still walks on it without meowing he’s still playful and eats he will lay down more then usual and sleeps more often then usual as well should I make a splint for him or go to the hospital does it seem broken

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Being that he is only 8 weeks old, I’m assuming you have a vet appointment already booked for regular visit? I would call and ask if they can see him sooner and explain what happened. Hopefully he is fine????But an X-ray will help confirm anything.

  2. Catherine Post author

    Took my baby to the vet it’s a sprain he has a splint on and he’s resting but still his lovable self thank u guys

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Annalissa | 4 years ago
My Cat Is Home From A 3 Day Stay At The ER With FLUTD. He Was Partially …

My cat is home from a 3 day stay at the ER with FLUTD. He was partially blocked. His kidneys suffered slightly. He was sent home with pain medication, antibiotics, and something to relieve him of urethral spasms. It has already cost me $2700 and I cant possibly offered another stay as he isn’t peeing too well already after 24hours being home. He is still only trickling pee rather than fully expressing his bladder. What do I do? I can’t afford another hospital visit.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    You need to call the vet who did the surgery and speak with them. Is it possible your cat was not ready to come home? Are there signs you should be looking for… signs of milestones or setbacks? Explain that your cat is still struggling with no improvement and you’re concerned if it should have been sent home at all. Are you already scheduled for a follow up appointment? Also explain your budget concerns and ask about options of payment as well. Hope he is ok !!! ????????

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Raychelle | 4 years ago
I Have A 2 Week Old Orphan That Has Upper Respiratory Infection And Low Weight. It Is …

I have a 2 week old orphan that has upper respiratory infection and low weight. It is suffering with anorexia as well. The kitten is also tube feeding. Today is day 5 and the kitten has started showing lathargic behaviors again and has not had a bowel movment in 24 hours.

I am wondering if this is normal or if I should take it to the er.?

1 Response


  1. Gloria

    I would definitely take her to the vet or ER. This baby is too small and weak to overcome all these problems on its own. This is an emergency, in my opinion.