Hi there! I’d be tempted to call and ask if you can soak the wound to release the gauze.
My 12 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer has a bump on her face I discovered two days ago. The bump was originally pink and matted over by hair. She got a full hair cut about a month ago so the bump wasn’t there before that. We’ve been putting Neosporin on it and a liquid band aid but after cutting more hair from the wound which had scabs over it with the hair, it is red and still fully exposed with a black edge. Not sure what this could be. Is it life threatening or do I need to take her to the vet?
Our 2 year old Pitt mix recently suffered from a laceration to his front paw pad. We ended up bringing him into the ER for stitches, which he received. However, neither the vets or ourselves were able to get him in his cone of shame. For about 4 days we were able to deter him from interfering with his wound through careful monitoring and a sock with cayenne pepper placed over the bandage. Day # 5, however, is when things went to pieces. Sometime between lunch and when I get off work, he was able to get his bandage off and proceeded to gnaw at his stitches… We took him back to the ER last night, but given how he is with strangers (not good), we opted to forgo getting him sedated and re-stitched, and try to take care of him from home. He lets us change his bandage, but when I tried changing it this morning, some of the gauze had adhered to the wound. I’m afraid if I pull more of it off, I will make the wound worse, but I can’t imagine that leaving it on there is a good idea either. If we can avoid even more costly medical bills without jeopardizing his health, that would be great. That being said, I’m reaching out to the canine community for any advice available! Thanks for taking the time to read my post 🙂
Is it normal for a cat in heat to have abdominal swelling? My cat is 3 yrs old and we have been meaning to spay her, but she goes into heat so often it’s hard to find time to do it. She is currently in heat and has been for over a week, and last week she had shown asymmetrical swelling on the left and right of her belly. The next day it went down so I figured it was nothing serious and probably swelling from being in heat. Now it has been a week she is still in heat and her abdomen seems just ever so slightly fuller on the right and left and firm. She is crazy in heat and doesn’t show any signs of being sick, acting normal, eating drinking, playing and jumping.
Is it possible for a cat in extreme heat to cause extreme swelling of the ovaries to where they would be palpable? I’m worried it could be early signs of pyometra, or if this is normal with heat. Her cycles have gotten more intense and extreme, as well as longer and more often, which makes me think it could be possible her reproductive system is simply engorged with blood causing it to be palpable.
If that (the swelling) is not normal with heat then I’ll take her to the vet ASAP, but again she is not grossly distended, she just appears “full”. Also there is no chance of pregnancy. Thanks.
I recently purchased a “furminator” brush for my cat with medium long hair so that I can brush her daily to help cut down on her hair balls. The brush works great! So, I am working on brushing daily and have purchased over the counter hair all control dry cat food to use with basic wet food. What is my next step if she is still vomiting Hair balls once in a while? Thanks!
i apologize i’m advanced if this is confusing to read its kind of difficult to explain what im trying to say. i have an 11 year old rottweiler named Roxy. she’s been more amazing than you could ever ask for. as she has gotten older she has obviously gotten slower and it got to the point recently where when she would sit down she would sit on the side of her leg, she needs assistance getting up, and when walking you have to support her back half for a minute then she can walk on her own for a while till she needs a break. She can’t really bend one of her hind legs anymore. i’ve took her to the vet but am currently looking for a new vet because this one kept her 5 days, he called on day 2 and told me she was responding to some medication good. then called me on day 3 and told me she seemed paralyzed in the back half, then called me on day 4 and told me she didn’t seemed paralyzed and was walking better and i could come pick her up the next morning. i get there and he is very short about Roxy’s problems, doesn’t tell me much of anything wrong with her just gives me $300 in medication to give her at home. i’m working with her everyday helping her walk anytime she wants to move and she does seem to be slowly getting better. She never whines or acts like she’s in pain when moving or if you touch the back legs. She’s still full of life, her back legs are just holding her back. I’m going to do anything it takes to make sure she’s living as happy as she can and was just looking for any suggestions on what her problems could be and any thing i could do to help her
Thank you for any help i’m advance!!
Hey! Just found your page from YouTube, was wondering if it’d be possible to chat about my cat? Almost certain he has a nasopharyngeal polyp but I am having trouble convincing any vets in the Dallas area to sedate him and take a look without him first getting scans and tests that cost thousands of dollars. Is there anything I should be asking them for differently? He’s been fighting a URI for about 5 months now and we have done six rounds of antibiotics with steroids and antihistamines to help and nothing has stopped his symptoms from returning and we have only now made the connection as to why that is. He has the distinct snore noise while breathing and every other listed symptom associated, I just can’t afford the tests the vets are saying they require, it’s very heart breaking. Any help or wisdom is appreciated, we just don’t have the money to do much else and he is degrading quickly since his last round of antibiotics ended this week. I wish I didn’t sound so sure, we just are panicking that we have wasted so much time and money and may have missed our chance to best this this while we could and now may be unable to. Just heart breaking all around.
Hi! I have a question about my cat who will be 4 at the end of this month. Sometimes when he stretches, I notice that his rear end (particularly his anus) looks like it is protruding. I thought he had a hemorrhoid but then he stood up and walked like normal and it went “away”. I have another cat and I never noticed this on him. It’s not red, it just looks puffy sometimes. He is eating, drinking and playing like normal. I just want to make sure he is okay and he is not in pain or anything or if this warrants a vet visit. I tend to worry about my boys a lot because I love them so much but I don’t want to be “missing” something. Thank you so much!
We have a beautiful beagle boy who is around 10, he has gained weight as he had gotten older and is currently on a diet. He has IVDD in his neck. He is still able to move on his own and has no issues with the bathroom however has spasms of pain during which he is very painful. Currently he is on pain killers, steroids and is taking joint supplements and is crated. The vet has also recommended getting an arthritis shot per week however the weekly trip to the vet seems to aggravate him and whenever we get home he has another spasm. We are trying to manage him conservatively for now and I am wondering if we should persevere with his diet while he is recovering and if we should stop taking him to the vet weekly until he is a bit better as these trips seem to set him back. Thank you!
I have a 3 year old rottweiler with an ear infection (it is a reoccurring problem). He has a vet appt Monday. The ear is oozing and he is in pain.
He is very aggressive when I take him in with ear issues so I have to give him Gabapentin and Trazadone to calm him down.
Can I give him either of those for pain now? He weighs 110 lbs.
I have 3 100 mg gabapentin pills which is his normal does
I have 2 trazadone (he normally takes 1 1/2)
but he’s only taken them before appts.
Thank you for any guidance.
On Monday my cat slid off our grill, and his back paw got caught in between the handle and grill cover. He was hanging by the leg, the back paw bent over, unable to get free. (He’s 15 pounds). Went to local vet. X-rays taken. Told nothing broken. I called the next day, since he wouldn’t walk on it. Was told they didn’t get good X-ray of foot, so I brought him back in. Was told 1 bone broken, no need to cast. Was sent the X-ray. Appears to have 2, maybe 3 breaks. Not sure if this can heal without casting. Don’t feel comfortable just giving him pain meds for 2 weeks, and then find out it didn’t heal correctly. Already spent $350. Does he need a second opinion, or casting?
Good morning-
It is so hard to tell from a picture. I think I would call and get an appointment with the vet- it could be something simple, but I would make sure. Best of luck.
To the vet, for sure. They’ll want to put hands on it to help in diagnosis and cure.