This is a tough one. The problem really lies in the inability to localize and identify the lesion causing all of the clinical signs. I would look into Horners Syndrome and see a cat specialist. I also would consider a long discussion with a trusted vet on what is treatable and what isn’t based on most likely diagnosis. That’s really what you need. Help from someone who will talk about your case within your budget and comfort zone. I have to add one more thing. It really bugs the heck out of me to have a vet who won’t talk to you further after you discuss and confide in your inability to see a specialist (who will likely want a ct that you also can’t afford). Sorry. Soapbox moment.
Keep me posted on your cats status please.
1 of our 2 orphaned newborn kittens (6 days old of age) started eating less the last 12 hours. Before 3 hours I noticed his right front leg was swollen and took him to vet immediatelly. The vet said it might be broken bone or soft tissue injury but she cant tell or do anything before the kitten reaches 3 weeks. I keep the routine of feeding, cleaning + toilet. Is there anything more I should do?
Thank you
My cat was taken in to the vet in May to treat allergies, difficulty breathing (snoring sounds) and a head tilt. Was given an anti inflammatory, antibiotic (convenia), vitamin b-12, ear drops, and an X-ray. Diagnosed with asthma brought on by allergies. Lungs ok. Three weeks later breathing and itching had improved, but third eyelid started showing.
Vet would not see him and said to go to a specialist.
Took the cat for a second opinion. That vet said we should check for nasal polyps. Was sedated and had an exam of ears and throat. No polyps were visible. Vet felt a small enlarged area under the soft palate, but could not confirm this was a polyp. Head tilting stopped after first visit. Recurred a few days ago. Not present now. Second vet recommended going to a specialist for ct scan. It is cost prohibitive and I’m not sure it is necessary. Third opinion from an online site recommended we try antibiotics for the respiratory issues. Started on one antibiotic today for ten days. And started on purina fortiflora.
Looking for any other advice or experience with issues like this. I’ve never had a cat with these problems.
#cats #nasal #headtilt #respiratory #polyps
I’ve got a 9 week old puppy at home, she is passing stools normal colour not to much but is crying when trying to pass. She has been wormed and I’ve just given her, another one as requested by previous owner. Will this fade eventually once worms are killed she is scooting her bum on the floor too
I rescue kittens and find them forever homes. I currently have 5 kittens. Took them for initial check up Friday. All have upper respiratory infections. I was given Clavamox and terramycin eye ointment. One has developed severe conjunctivitis despite above treatment. Went back to vets and was told to continue above meds. The last kitten I had with this required an antibiotic injection. This kittens eyes have gotten worse since Friday not better. I am frustrated and this kitten is miserable.
Our outdoor cat (1yr) wasn’t around during the day, like she usually is, for lots of love. When she finally came around that night, we noticed the top of her tail seemed skinned on the bottom part (just meaty flesh), about 2.5inches. We went to our local farm store and bought a spray to keep infection out and help heal. She seemed to feel better a couple days later, eating and coming around more. Then we noticed the whole tail was looking abnormal, like skinned, with fur hanging. She became more herself, following us around property, wanting alot of love, moving easily, jumping up on things, eating well. 2.5 weeks since this first began, and today, the whole outer part came off! It was almost like a cacoon type looking, hollow inside! All the hair and everything is now gone, just about 4-5″ of completely bare flesh.
I have documented with video/pictures the whole time. We weren’t sure if an animal tried to bite her, or she had gotten it caught in a trap? We love her so much, my 5yr old has raised her after her mommy died 6wks after birth. We are a one income family, and my husband is about to have surgery that we have to pay for upfront, as well as coming up with the money the short term disability won’t pay for 6wks…we are at a loss?
First pic is how it has looked for about 2 weeks, then the other 3 pics are from today ?)
Do you think rimadyl and gabapentin are sufficient pain meds after a leg amputation?
Thank you!
My rescue cat of 5 years is showing all the symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Polyp. He is my everything!
OH please I am begging for help here ! I am disabled and he is the center of world . I am on the south west coast of Washington State, my rescue cat Kiki presents with all these symptoms ( I come from a family of RN and Bachelor in Nursing ) I have called vest around here and ALL of them say they do not do this surgery because they dont have the scope, or they will not even discuss possible price or treatment without me coming in and the vet seeing them. They say they will diagnose and refer me to a specialty clinic not far away . The specialty clinic gave me a quote of $3,500-$5,000 !! If this is even what is wrong with him . I am devastated that no one will even discuss this with me without paying for a vet visit. It looks like i could spend hundreds in visits before i can find someone who is even willing to think about this surgery without referral to the very expensive specialty place . PLEASE HELP I CANNOT AFFORD THAT MUCH !! Meanwhile my poor sweet Kiki is slowly getting worse. I dont know what to do anymore !!!!!!!!
I have a 3 and a half year old GSD with HYPOthyroidism. I’m curious if anyone else has dealt with this disease in itself. So to begin, when she was about a year old I started noticing redness on her stomach. The vet I was currently with kept telling me she had ringworm and providing me with medicated shampoo and treating her with ketoconazole. It always seemed to clear up but would come right back soon after. So I searched and found another vet and he did all the testing and blood work and diagnosed her with HYPOthyroidism. She has kept a chronic skin infection which he diagnosed as a type of yeast infection due to the fluctuation of thyroid levels. She has been on levothyroxine for a year now. We have adjusted her dosage 3 times and each time she seems to do well for a month or so and then it seems to “level out” and her skin flare up comes back full force. It seems to get better and lightens up and starts to pink up and then goes right back to the hair loss and crusty on her stomach and under her legs/pits. I continue to do the medicated baths as told but it’s getting frustrating. I’m in the vet’s office every couple months it seems and spending hundreds each visit for the same thing with no resolve. Dont get me wrong I will do whatever it takes to help her but somethings gotta give. I’m just curious if anyone else has seen/heard or has dealt with hypothyroidism and the chronic skin infection. Have u found anything that helps or resolves it? What is your experience? Also she keeps bad ear infections (also tested and diagnosed as a type of yeast) daily flushes and drops in her ears as well. Still not seeming to get any better.
I feel so helpless and quite frankly I’m getting discouraged. I love the vet she sees now, he is a million times better than the one she seen previously.
Does it ever get better?
The pic is an older one, shes alot better now but still has the hairloss and discoloration over the better part of her stomach and under her legs. Just not as dark or as much.
Elizabeth Crisp Her vet seems to think it is unlikely due to the fluctuation in thyroid levels. Heck I dont know anymore. It may be time to find another vet?
Elizabeth Crisp Ha ha it’s not a problem. Thank you for the response! I talked to a different vet awaaaaaaaay the same office and he suggested ruling out a food allergy, then told me about a Veterinary dermatologist nearby. So we will start next week and see what we find out!
Hello Pawbly friends-
Quick question. Our youngest GSD (1 & 1/2)is not comfortable getting his nails trimmed, and it is getting worse?I will admit- ever since I quicked our Dierks years ago, I am always apprehensive about doing nails. Butch HATES getting his nails trimmed. Riva “tolerates” it. I know it is important, so I take a deep breath, calm myself and keep going. My thinking is that Rontu can still sense my anxiety and I need to get it in check. I realize that I could bring him in to get his nails trimmed, but at this point, and how involved with my dogs I try to be, I feel bringing him in is a cop out of sorts. I am also feeling like trimming nails, as small as that sounds, has great potential in building a better level of trust- but I need to approach it just right. Any advice is so very appreciated ???thanks
Anonymous Try a dremel. It requires desensitization but it’s easier to use, as you’re less likely to quick your dogs with it, especially with dark nails. While you work on desensitization, take your dog to a groomer for trims.
Or, since we’re local to each other (I’m just down in Baltimore), I could show you the basics of using a dremel sometime soon? I’d be happy to do it.
My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.
Good morning. I would call the vet right away and let them know about the change in appetite. I would also ask if there is anything at all that you should be doing… rest, for example. I would definitely watch her closely, and make note of any changes at all and call your vet right away if you notice anything.
Thank you, Sarah, for your reply. I had taken him to a vet near me 5 hours ago and the vet said cant do nothing but wait until the kitty gets older to fix his (perhaps) broken leg… Because I see this poor kitty in pain I booked an appointment to another vet for a second opinion 3 hours from now.