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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She’s 9 Months. She Bites And Scratches Her Back Legs And Under Her Front Armpits…

She’s 9 months. She bites and scratches her back legs and under her front armpits. These places are now red raw and have no fur. Vet changed her food to hills allergy and skin care food and gave me a special shampoo to wash her twice a week but nothing seems to help. She’s also been treated for fleas. Please help as I’m worried about her.

2 Responses


  1. Alan Abrams

    Did he do any lab work?  Skin scrapings?  Allergy testing?

  2. Debbie Harris

    I have been working with my pets.  It’s not easy to treat them when they have skin problems. 
    If your pet is still scratching and etc.  get a second opinion,  Also be aware of the surroundings for example is there mold in the house; how often do you spray air fresheners in the air; when you mop the floors are you making sure to throughly rinse them so that the floors don’t have residue from the cleaners. 

    Rule of thumb what goes up must come down.  In other words anything you spray,mop,clean make sure the pets aren’t around because if they are they will be breathing,walking,or licking it. 

    People don’t realize these factors are very important to the health of their dog.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Jumped Off The Couch. I Think When She Landed She Broke Her Nail…

My dog jumped off the couch. I think when she landed she broke her nail off or split her pad. It’s bleeding a little. I tried a warm wash cloth but she didn’t like it. Anything else I should do?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Is it still bleeding?  If it’s the nail push corn starch into the nail.  If it’s the pad then apply pressure with a dry washcloth or paper towel.  She isn’t going to like it but it needs to be done.  I would take her to the vet tomorrow.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pet Rat Hasn’t Really Sneezed As Bad Only Like Once Or Twice For The…

My pet rat Hasn’t really sneezed as bad only like once or twice for the past week he’s been here, but just now he was sneezing a lot over and over, he’s better now, but should I be worried?

1 Response


  1. Lindsey Knouse

    Hi, I’m not really sure what your question is so you may try re-phrasing it. He was sneezing a lot, then stopped? Was there new bedding or something in his environment? Any discharge from his eyes or nose? Trouble breathing? 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Year Old German Shepherd Has Always Had These Issues: Excessive Water Intake, Scarfs…

My 3 year old German Shepherd has always had these issues: Excessive water intake, Scarfs down his food in seconds, Will not gain weight, Urinates and Defecates in the house and seems un-trainable, He constantly paces and just wont set still unless he is kenneled and he will still do circles and pace in his cage if he does set still out of it its for a minute at most, He recently though lost some hair on his stomach in a larch patch close to his chest.

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    get his kidneys checked with an ultrasound.  get a full urinalysis done as well as bloodwork.  we had these symptoms in our first dobe, and it turned out he had something called renal displaysia – his kidneys were underdeveloped.  eventually he went into renal failure after a bout of dehydration. 

  2. Shelby Allen

    How long could a dog live with Renal Displaysia? And those tests are under way waiting until next paycheck and I am taking him in just wanting to be prepared for something exactly like what your saying.

  3. Hamster Beagles

    do what Laura says i think thats a good idea

  4. Anonymous

    your dog has already outlived mine, so i can’t really give an accurate estimate.

  5. Shelby Allen

    I was only asking since he is 3 I am just looking for some hope that thats not it although its really the only thing that has made any sense. He goes in Friday for tests this is more just a form of support in a sense I am preparing myself for what the answers could be at first I thought the worst thing would be diabetes so hearing this is pretty concerning. Another thing about him that would lead me to believe that correct me please if I am wrong though, he was the runt….Would that be more likely to give a dog that diesese?

  6. Anonymous

    though, according to the folks at UPenn, it CAN be the reason a dog doesn’t develop properly. that’s what happened to our boy. he didn’t develop properly, was the smallest at birth, etc.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Has Big Puncture Wounds All Around His Neck And Is In A Lot Of…

He has big puncture wounds all around his neck and is in a lot of pain what can I do for him he has blood all over him can I bath him and what can I put on the wounds and can I give him baby tylonal for the pain he can’t hardly get up he keeps calapesing

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has A Dark Green Discharge In Both Of His Ears.

My dog has a dark green discharge in both of his ears.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    your dog needs a vet.  he’ll need an antibiotic and probably prescription ear drops.  while there, talk with your vet about preventative measures you can take to avoid this in the future.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Need Help With My Leopard Gecko. She Has Shared A Tank With My Other…

I need help with my leopard gecko. She has shared a tank with my other female leopard gecko. They have been with each other since I first got them with was 12/27/15 I was feeding my other geckos and came to her’s and Binx tank and her head was bleeding from her right eye and is bruised around her head. She’s barley moving but we can’t get her to the vet till tomorrow because the ones that take reptiles are closed. Either something fell on her or Binx got to her..? I have her in a smaller tank with a hand warmer under a rag, a place for her to hide, water, and a heat lamp slightly turned away from her because her tank is small(not to small) and I don’t want it hurting her eyes.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i wouldn’t be surprised if there was a fight.  leos are very solitary and territorial, and unless you kept them in a VERY large enclosure, they probably fought.

    for now, what you’ve done is fine.  there isn’t much else you’ll be able to do until tomorrow.  once she’s healed, i wouldn’t put her back in with the other female.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Friends, My Beagle, Abby Is On Bed Rest And Will Be For 6-8 Weeks. It’s…

Friends, my beagle, Abby is on bed rest and will be for 6-8 weeks. It’s been a little bit over than a week and I think she is getting fussy/lonely. She would always howl and bark during the day & night. As much as we want to keep her company and be with her 24/7, it’s hard because we all have school, work and other obligations.

When she first started doing this, the family thought there was something wrong and rushed to her side but she just wants to be petted and see people. It’s getting very annoying to having to wake up at 1am because she won’t stop howling or barking, especially when we have to wake up the next day, and sometimes (this is what’s told by my vet) we would ignore her because she has to learn that this might be her life now for a long time and she needs to learn how to self sooth and accept the fact that no one is there to clean her poop or pee right a way…

I understand where my pet is coming from, we cannot communicate with them and they cannot communicate with us. My dog is probably terrified out of her mind as to why she cannot move and has to stay, and truths to be told, I would be bored too if I had to stay in bed for 6-8 weeks. We’ve tried our best to keep her company when we can, but if any owners out there can provide us with some advice as to entertainment wise for pets (maybe a bone she can snack on without gaining so much weight), or some kind of a toy that can keep her entertained, it would be much appreciated.

2 Responses


  1. dakoda peterson

    Try diapers for one. For two give that dog as much attention you can when your home. Do not give up.

  2. debra yuhasz

    I didn’t read back so I don’t have all the details, but I’ll bet your dog is terrified and looking to you to fix it. Is she in pain? Dogs absolutely do communicate with us. If I told you some of what my dogs do you’d be convinced. All animals communicate with people but you have to “listen”. Her barking and howling and having to soil her crate have her totally stressed and frightened, Her whole life has changed. Your vet should be giving her something for anxiety. Same as with people…stress is a killer. Her howling is a cry for help. How can you ignore that?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dogs Left Front Paw Towards Where Your Wrist Would Be On A Person And…

My dogs left front paw towards where your wrist would be on a person and the arm part as well it is very stiff and the swelling has been there for 3 weeks about every other day she has been limping very bad putting ice on it does not help

7 Responses


  1. Eboni Wright

    maybe you should get the dog a check up becouse if the ice didnt work it could be something seriouse .

  2. Eboni Wright

    try giving him treat the to the best of my knowledge , this should get him to stop laying around he could problay excersize it out like therepy , he might be just mimicking someone .

  3. Betheny Davis

    She does get up and walk on it she even plays on it

  4. PK Dennis

    I seriously doubt this dog with a swollen joint is mimicking anything.  She could have a broken bone, or torn ligaments.  If rest has not solved the problem it is time to take her to see a vet.  Many vets offer Care Credit that allows you to make payments over time.  Some vets will allow you to work off payments.  Call the vets and rescue organizations in your area and tell them your problems – someone out there will help you and your dog get that medical treatment she deserves.  She is probably in terrible pain – dogs are very good at hiding how much pain they are in!  Do the right thing, get her help.

  5. Eboni Wright

    i guss so i was just thinking positive know one want to think so sickly about this creature . animals to mimic even dogs .

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Malamute Is Acting Very Lethargic And Has Mucous In Both Eyes. The Past Two…

My malamute is acting very lethargic and has mucous in both eyes. The past two days is when he’s turned

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    My suggestion is to visit your vet, it sounds like your dog is starting to fight off some disease and only your vet can diagnose what is wrong.

    Good Luck

    Dr Dawn