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Richard | 5 years ago
Any Assistance Would Be Greatly Appreciated. Sophie Is An Extremely Active 12 Year Old Tibetan Terrier Who …

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sophie is an extremely active 12 year old Tibetan Terrier who appears to have cervical disc disease. This diagnosis is not definitive, though signs and symptoms point this way. All tests have come back negative, antibiotics were not successful, so we started her on Prednisone 5 days ago. Day 1 and 2 she was a new dog. Happy and running. Unfortunately we weren’t aware of the necessity for bed rest. Day 3 she went downhill and now she is in significant pain when she attempts to get up. We addenda Gabapentin 2 days ago and this seems to give some relief. I carry her outside and she can support her weight and limp to do her business. Front right paw is most involved. Her feet will splay and she goes to her stomach in pain if she tries to get up without me helping. I have attempted manual traction which she tolerates. My question is what other medications or conservative treatments can we add (surgical intervention is not an option for us for a number of reasons). At what point can we hope to see changes. Should we limit her from trying to get up on her own, as this is the most painful for her? If so, any suggestions on how to do that?

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. It sounds like it might be IVDD. I wish your vet had impressed upon you how imperative it is to cage rest these patients. I insist on cage rest. I know everyone wants to convince me that this is cruel and they can adequately watch their pets, BUT, these guys all do the same thing. They start to feel better and start to do too much, and then they end up worse then they started out.

    I have tons of information on IVDD, Please visit my blog and YouTube channel for all the advice I have.

    you can also go to YouTube and search “ivdd krista magnifico” and all of my videos on this will come up.

    I am sure that all of the answers to your questions are there. please let me know if you cannot find what you are looking for.

    good luck

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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Canine Neuter And Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery, Meet Beau And Baxter. Brothers With The Same Surgery, Same Day!
Treatment Cost (USD): $357.00
Beau (black) and Baxter (brown) are brothers. They are 8 months old and their parents wanted to neuter them to try to help the urine marking, aggression which can sometimes occur with brothers, and surgically correct their umbilical hernias. The hernias were found on physical exam with the veterinarian who gave them all of their puppy vaccines. hernias can be small and benign to large, severe and in need of immediate (or as soon as possible) surgical intervention. The severe hernias allow abdominal contents (usually intestines) to "slip" out of the abdomen. If this happens, and, if the intestines stop working, strangulate, dilate, or twist (torse) it can be life-threatening. For Baxter and Beau the hernia was small, (about 1/2 inch) but a pinkie finger could go into it, and the fat coming out of it could be pushed back into the abdomen. It is best to fix these and always spay/neuter as this is a congenital issue that can be passed on to the offspring.
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Patton The Tibetan Terrier’s Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $380.50
Patton is a 6 year old Tibetan Terrier who presented to the veterinary clinic to have multiple masses removed from various areas on his body. Since he had never been neutered, this procedure was completed along with the mass removals.
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