she needs a VET.
I adopted my cat Loki more than 2 years ago when he was a little over 1 1/2 years old. He is going to turn 4 on October 9 (in just over one week from now). He is neutered, and vet records show he was neutered as a tiny kitten. His only medical issue is a viral infection in his sinuses which requires daily Lysine doses in his food and he does very well. He is not de-clawed. He has always been very good about using the litter box for the 2+ years I have had him.
Just last week he peed in a laundry basket of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. While cleaning that up I noticed he had earlier peed on a pile of dirty clothes about 6ft from that basket. I’m embarrassed to say I left my laundry get out of control and my room was a disaster area, so I thought it was possible he peed on the items as a call to action for me to clean up my mess. Since then I have been sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t claw at the door while I’m keeping him out of my bedroom for a while. I though it was an isolated incident and we were over it. Now it’s 2:30am and I smell urine on my couch right next to where Loki and I were sleeping. It’s not wet and does not smell like ammonia- just a minimal amount of urine. He has never, EVER marked anything or demlnstrated anything similar to marking behavior before.
I live alone in a 600 square foot apartment with one immediate neighbor who makes almost no noise. I do not have any other pets. The only major change that has happen recently I went from working 60-hour workweeks (November through July) to a 4pm-1am(ish) 4day/week schedule (July-August) and started a 9-5 in the second week of October, where I leave at 8:30 and return by 6:00.
The litter box is kept clean and he does use it daily. No sign of straining and the pee clumps are the same size as usual. He is eating and drinking normally and shows no sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, disinterest or fatigue.
What could the problem be? How can I get him to stop? It is so sudden and I am worried about him!
One dog gets anxiety when I’m not around, and she also currently has digestive tract problems as a result of breast cancer, so I am worried about her. I am able to visit the dogs; they are staying with my parents. But, I was wondering if I keep leaving them, will that just cause more anxiety for them than if I didn’t visit at all?
Hello! My Gerbil (3 – 6 moths), Pregnant, and female, seems to be having some slight problems. She is bleeding in her anus (butt – hole), and a dark red blob (small) seems to be stuck in her anus, and is not budging. She is acting normal, eating normally, and all that. Does this have something to do with her pregnancy? Will she be okay? Someone please tell me… I don’t want to lose her and her babies 🙁 🙁
Anonymous -
Kayla-lynn Doherty Take her to the vet sweetie! No matter if it’s an animal or person, bleeding from the butt isn’t good.. It could be many things, but with her being pregnant, you need to get her to the vet ASAP.
Sending healing vibes, and prayers your way.
Hope everything works out, and that she has her babies, and everything is perfect!❤️
I have a 4 year old pit bull. The last few days he has been sluggish with sneezing, runny eyes and an occasional nonproductive cough. Today, I noticed two enlarged lymph nodes. No appetite or voiding problems. Our other dog is fine. He is not around other dogs. We live in the country and his yard time is supervised.
Melinawantsa Cupcake Yes so be careful with your pet try to avoid bee stings and poison ivy if they do get allergy give them Benadryl
Cyndi Mattox Oh he has terrible allergies just never noticed the lymph nodes before.
Melinawantsa Cupcake Yes give him Benydrl mix with water
julie brader -
Cyndi Mattox Gave him Benadryl. He is on the couch with his blankie now.
Melinawantsa Cupcake Ok
julie brader Sorry pressed wrong button!
I don’t know what Melina is telling you to be honest but your dog needs more than Bendryl. This doesn’t sound like allergies to me it sounds like infection. Sneezing, runny eyes, cough and enlarged lymph nodes, sluggish? need to take him to a Vet before he gets any worse.
julie brader Take him to a Vet!!
Cyndi Mattox He is on antibiotics so hopefully he will perk up soon. Thanks everyone! He has never been sick before.
Cyndi Mattox Thanks. He is on antibiotics now. That’s my baby so I couldn’t sit and wait. He isn’t happy right now because he got shots but a doggy cookie helped.
julie brader So pleased you saw Krista and my replies….I’m sure he will recover soon with antibiotics. Can i just say some Probiotic would help while hes on the meds. Natural live yoghurt on his food, a couple of teaspoons a couple of times a day. Hope hes better soon!
Melinawantsa Cupcake My baby got stung by a bee 2 times about every month so we gave him Benydrl , Benydrl is Medicean for allergy if u google it then u would understand but since it’s strong for him u need to mix with water like my baby
Cyndi Mattox I have probiotic tabs. Will that work? He really isn’t hard to give oral meds to.
julie brader Are they Probiotic tablets for dogs? If they are and you know the dose to give him then yes. I wouldn’t give him Probiotic tablets for humans though….I don’t know if they would be safe for dogs. I know you’ll be safe with yoghurt though.
I’m From Germany And I Have A Queastion Regarding My Ca. 25 Year Old Cat…
I’m from Germany and I have a queastion regarding my ca. 25 year old cat. Her true age is unknown as we got her from a shelter. She was in good health and my vet couldn’t believe her age.
She was diagnosed with pancratic cancer in October 2014. It was a random find, as she didn’t show any symtoms.
It was already around 5x4cm in size and I decided for surgery with the option of putting her down if it looked to bad.
The tumor was a solid mass in the pancreas. Small nodules were found in the surrounding tissue, but alls the other organs looked fine. The tumor was removed, which was easy duw to not being connected too much to the surrounding tissue.
My vet told me that the prognosis was still poor, with most patiens not surviving more than 6 months after diagnosis.
Whisky woke up normally and had no problems with eating/digesting afterwards. She was totally fine until after 10 months – in July 2015 – a new small tumour was found, around the size of a cherry.
We decided to wait how fast it will grow, as she still showd no signs or symptoms.
Las Friday on August the 8 I could feel that the tumour had grown fast – now back to old size. I drove to the vet and he confirmed that.
I knew if it grew so fats she would only have around one month more if it would start to cause her pain, so I decided for surgery again. She still was fine, always wanting no live and don’t show signs of old age.
This time it looked bad. Upon opening her up she already hat blood in her abdomen. The tumour was necrotic, starting with „tyrosis“ and half of the pancras was infected. The tumor started to fall apart when he touched it. Addiotionally not only th surrounding tissue had metastases, also the peritoneum now had some nodules. The other organs still looked fine. My vet said it looked very bad, normally he would put her down now, as the progmosis now was more than poor.
I still wanted to try it, and he did his best. Sadly she died during the wake up phase. Most likely it started bleeding again and she died of blood loss.
My vet told me that she would have died during the next days either way due to blood loss and infection during the next days. I now ask myself if she would still life if I didn’t have decided for surgery.
Or is what my vet said right and she would have died the next days either way, with that thing falling apart inside her. I trust my vet, but I have the feeling that I’m resposible for her death, that I have killed her somehow.
If needed I can provide pictures of the masses.
Thanks a lot for reading this wall of text!
Kelly Furgason HI Shiria,
First, very sorry to hear your cat died. My thoughts and sympathies are with you.When a pet dies like this, it is normal for us to think it was our fault, or something we could have prevented. It sounds like you went above and beyond with vet care and did everything you could have done for your cat. Surgery is always risky, but so is choosing to not do it and see what happens.
I’d take comfort in knowing that you gave this kitty a longer life by helping her the best you could.
I’m sure that your cat would have wanted to have every option at living and it sounds like that is what you gave her. It sounds like from what your vet found inside of her, that she was very very sick. Like you said, she seemed fine and didn’t show any signs of old age. But animals are not like people, they hide illness very well till the bitter end. She sounds like she was a wonderful kitty.
I’m sorry things didn’t work out and sorry for your loss,
2 periods – no mating, 3rd period natural mating, after 48 days – dark green discharge – probably abortion. About 10 days before lot water drinking – beside that the bitch felt ok – eating normal, behaving and acting -ok.Brucelosa test -negative.E.coli found in vaginal secret test. – she received some antibiotics.We missed 1 period than naturaly mated. I think it was too early and for sure there was no pregnancy, but again – around 35th day after mating – lot of water drinking, discharge from vulva – dark bloody secret, no smell, after that turns in clear blood and gone. The dog was ok – no sign of illness. Now she is mated on 9.07., 11.07. and 13.07. – natural mating. Vaginal test – E.coli. Treatment 10 days with Nuroclav 250 mg once a day. Vaginal test positive for e.coli. Starting Amoxiclav – 500 mg on 12h dosage – 10 days treatment, testing and again is positive for e.coli .If she is pregnant now should be the implantation and body development – what is better to do – to stop the antibiotic, to continue or to change is with something else and what else – Zinnat for examle?This time she had a Herpes virus vaccine just in case that she have virus which is the reason for aborion, but i think the problem is in e.coli. I am testing the progesterone levels. Today was 68 ng/ml – normal levels for 3 weeks after mating
I took him to vets they couldn’t tell me what’s wrong. I have 3 other dogs in my home that had similar problems just no swelling at all. Please help me.
Well My Pup Is Going On Five Months Now, He’s Been Desexed And Had…
Hi everybody!
Well my pup is going on five months now, he’s been desexed and had all his needles ect. and he’s a healthy happy boy. However, he has always been an inside dog due to the fact when he was a little guy he was very unwell. We are now moving to a bigger house with a large yard (he’s a cattle dog) and we are hoping for him to become an outside dog. However the problem is we’re having trouble convincing him to be an outside dog 😉
Hes currently being put in the garage with his bed, toys and clothing of ours, we have a clock in there and he has his own radio to keep him company. However, for the last two weeks he will not stop crying, whining, howling, batting at the door loudly and barking. Fortunately, he cries a bit when we put him in at night, and mainly sleeps through the night but as soon as he hears the birds which is like (3 am or 4 am) he won’t stop carrying on from then.
Its driving us crazy, we aren’t getting any sleep and neither is he. It makes us much less approachable in the morning when we get him out. We have started leaving him in there when we go to university and the shops during the day and he continues to do the same thing. We have tried everything, we have ignored him and turned to some smacks on the bottom but nothing is working!
Please if you have any advice, we are willing to try anything!
Anonymous honestly, he wants to be with his family…unless you have some pressing NEED for him to be outside, let him stay in. in fact, i’d crate him away from windows and give him some sort of radio in the room so he doesn’t hear the birds.
as for the rest of his carrying on…he sounds BORED. what do you do with him when you’re home? are you actively training him? if not, you need to start.
Linda Bradley Laura and Dr Krista are correct – he wants to be with his family! A 5-month old puppy cannot entertain himself and neither can an adult dog without a job. Show him that outside is a wonderful, fun place to be by being out there with him and playing games. End the game before he is bored with it and then go inside. Once he is an adult, will he have cattle to herd? If not, he can get into all sorts of trouble outside alone out of boredom.
Please stop smacking him! He won’t understand why you are hitting him. He needs to be shown how you want him to behave and it will take dedicated work on your part. Find out how long he can stay in his kennel without starting to whine, even if it is just 30 seconds. Put him in his kennel, go out of sight and return before he starts to whine. They praise, praise, praise! Have a party – what a good, smart boy you are! Continue to do this, gradually extending the separation time.
What could be the problem and what do I need to do? I know he can’t make it not peeing. He has pooped tho and it wasnt hard it was soft. He isnt playful today he been just laying around. I can tell he dont feel good.
Angie Webb If anyone can give me advice plz do. I’m in a pannick cause I’m helpless. He is one of my children.
Margrit Simons Hi Angie;
Is there not a Veterinary Emergy Service you can call? You may be able to find one for where you are on ‘google’ ! -
assuming your location is correct, here are the nearest emergency clinics near you. please take him in NOW.
Have a female American Bulldogog at the end of a heat cycle. She will be spayed Very soon. However, she has started fighting with my other female, an Alapaha Bulldog. Unspayed dog new to house 4 weeks no problems until a few days ago.
Erika Graham We spay all,of our dogs. The only one that isn’t is the new edition. We were told that she had been already. Took her in for a check up and found out she was just beginning a heat. We are waiting for that heat cycle to end. She is a sweet dog and they have gotten along well together until two days ago. I was questioning if the heat could cause this sudden aggression?
Hello Erin… need to take him to the Vet. Urinating suddenly like this could be sign there something wrong…kidneys, crystals a bladder infection…all sorts of things. Take a urine sample with you if you possibly can, it will help the Vet pinpoint the problem.
Hope he recovers soon!
**I meant to say 9-5 started in September, not October (since we’re. It there hey obviously!)
There could be a number of reason why he is peeing outside the box. 1st thing could be the change of hours you are working now, cats do not like change, 2nd reason could be the size of the litter box it may be to small for him now, you could get a bigger litter box, 3rd reason could be the kind of litter you are using, the best ltter is small pieces and clumping, also you should always make sure the litter is clean and once a week you should wash the litter box with soap and water. Where ever he is peeing outside the litter box you have to make sure that you clean the spot really well or he will just keep coming back to the same spot. And last you should buy a second litter box for him and put it closer to where he is going. If he is eating and drinking the same and hasn’t change at all then i don’t think he is sick but if you try these things and he is still peeing outside the box and if he stops eating and drinking then please take him to the vet, or if you feel that none of these things will help you then you should take him to the vet. Sorry but i just thought of something, even if a male is neutered they will sometimes spray but its not a big amount like pee would be, its a small circle and has no smell, and cats are like children in some ways, i think your cat is upset about your new hours and is just acting up. I hope this will help you and your cat. Good luck and take care.
So when a cat urinates outside the box, it is a sign of irritation, pain, discomfort, illness, stress,,,tons of other things as well.
I would take him for a urinalysis. You cannot tell by how much pee or how little pee a cat is making if there is an infection. One of the main reasons cats pee outside the box without ever having done so before is a UTI. (urinary tract infection) . So it’s best to get him checked.
Also, the stress from you having a different schedule could also cause this for him. But my bet would be on something going on with his body, so get him examined and tested.
A few other things could be: diabetes, thyroid issues that can also cause peeing issues.
Good luck!!!