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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Younger 3 Year Old Cat Chunk Has Been Having Eye Discharge For A Few…

My younger 3 year old cat Chunk has been having eye discharge for a few months. He uses the bathroom just fine, eats just fine, seems to be playful and very aware. The discharge is predominantly in one eye although it happens in the other too. It is a brown / rusty red color that seeps from the inner tear ducts. His eye looks okay when you look up close but Im no DVM. (He has been tested for FIV as well as Herpes in prior checkups years ago and tested negative). He doesn’t sneeze, although he does breathe some what heavy but that could also be attributed to his Chunky frame (working on it). I’ve read several possibilities including herpes, conjunctivitis, and respiratory infection. I am hoping this is something that can be resolved through an ointment like terramycin? Any recommendations / suggestions / advice? Thank you!

*Also may be beneficial to note my other rescue Captain Hook has one eye. The non working eye is flipped backward and does not function. As a result that one eye has always had blackish discharge (not the same color as chunks nor does it come out in the same way as chunks). Our vet said this is normal for his eye condition, but just wanted to mention because perhaps could be related? Or no?

Disclaimer *My cats are indoor cats on a strict wet food diet. Chunk is 3 and Captain Hook is 7. I take them to the vet when needed. Their last general checkups were two years ago. I realize they need to go every year, but my cat Captain Hook had many many medical problems (bowel disorders) so thousands of dollars in care credit we try not to take them unless needed, especially since they are indoor.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, My Name Is Zachary And I Am Looking For Help On An Adult Cat…

Hello, my name is Zachary and I am looking for help on an adult cat rectal prolase, anything you can help me with would be greatly appreciated.A few months ago my cat got very sick. He couldn’t drink water or eat. He urinated on himself where he laid. I believe he had perhaps got into a neighbor houses rat poison or maybe antifreeze. After a few days of him being near death, it seemed as though he had came back to himself. He still wouldn’t eat hard food but he drank liquids so I gave him kitten formula because that’s what was available at my local stores. He gained his weight back but there was one persistent problem. He used the litter box constantly. Mostly urinating and he would go back to back several times. And now the rectal prolapse. I understand the treatment for the prolapse but how do I solve the cause of the problem? Is there a certain price the treatment will cost that I should expect? And is there any financial assistance that I can look in to? I know you are in a different state “Im in KY” but maybe something national? Thank you for reading all of this, I really need to know what to expect before I move forward with the issue. Also I found out about you through your youtube channel, keep up the excellent work, Krista.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Tested Positive For The Toxin That Is Produced By Clostridium Perfringens. He Has…

My cat tested positive for the toxin that is produced by clostridium perfringens. He has had diarrhea now for what seems like forever. He recently was treated with clindamycin for a staph infection in his urinary tract. While on this medicine it cleared up his diarrhea.. For about two months, then it started again. This is when I got a diarrhea panel done and it tested positive for the toxins.

We first tried metronidazole.. No success.

Right now he is on tylan powder and it’s been about a week. He is no longer going on the floor like usual, but I did notice little puddles of diarrhea In the litter boxes. I don’t believe it is any of my other cats because they never have had issues with diarrhea. Well tonight he threw up multiple times. It was mostly his cat food. And colored like his food. I waited about an hour and fed him a little more food which he kept down.
I did not give him his medicine tonight. I am going to call my vet in the morning.

The next step would be for him to go on clindamycin again. This was my vets last choice and she said she really didn’t want him to go on it again. Because it is not the safest medication for cats.
After this clears up he will be going on probiotics and a fiber supplement such as Metamucil.

I’m just really nervous about him being on clindamycin again. Have you seen this problem happen in cats before? Why is he not responding to any medication? Are there any other options? Ugh.

Thank you.

1 Response


  1. dakoda peterson

    I’m going to give you the best advice I can give. I have not experienced this personally but I’ve read a little about it.

    1. Get an opinion from multiple vets not just one. Some veterinarians have more training in that area than others and some have better meds.

    2. Start feeding your cat chicken baby food with rice it will be better for his intestines and less painful.

    3.once you found a vet or you decide to stay with what ever vet ask them to retest for parasites. Sounds like he could have possible hookworms even though it’s uncommon he may have it on top of the toxin.

    4. Get pedilite or something to help boost your cats electrolytes this is important because with that much diareah he could loose too much fluids.

    5. Write down everything you cat does and what time so your vet knows what is going on. Include pee time, color and look of diareah, color of gums, his activity, his pain level, his playfulness. Everything he does while you are there.

    And I can’t stress enough call multiple vets and explain what is happening and what is not working okay? Blessed be honey keep us updated.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

We Have An Almost 13 Year Old Chocolate Lab Named Koko. About 5 Weeks Ago…


We have an almost 13 year old chocolate lab named Koko. About 5 weeks ago, she had a seizure. We took her into the vet and they prescribed Phenobarbital to help control the seizures. Since then, she has been incontinent in the house, and has to go outside very frequently (which is a side effect to this medication). This is a problem when my husband and i both work Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. She has accidents in the house almost every day. Thankfully we put her in our laundry room which has wood floors so clean up is a little easier, but it still is stressful being that she usually pees, and then walks through it all day long tracking it everywhere in that room and gets urine all over herself. Especially when she has seizures, she paces for hours afterwards until finally calming down. We have tried NUMEROUS different types of diapers, doggy diapers (vets best from Petco, womens depends, XXL childrens diapers) and even tried buying suspenders and attaching those onto the diapers and around her to try to keep it on, but NOTHING stays on throughout the whole day. I just bought the “Dog Diaper Keeper” off Amazon today so I am crossing my fingers that it’ll work, if not i dont know what to do.

Besides that, my husband and I also have noticed that she has become increasingly anxious during the day and night time. She has always been on the more anxious side but lately it’s been getting worse, fast.

Since starting the Phenobarbital, she has had 3 more bigger seizures that we are aware of and since then have been to the vet and they have also prescribed Potassium Bromide which she is taking alongside the Phenobarb. We also noticed she started having facial seizures which the vet said could either mean the Phenobarb/Potassium Bromide are working and controlling the bigger seizures, or if the facial seizures continue along with big seizures it could be time for a CT scan.

In the last couple weeks, she has begun to wake up very early in the morning (3am) barking. We thought that maybe she was scared to be alone since having seizures, or is starting to get Alzheimer’s. Her kennel is in our living room so we thought that moving her into our room would help knowing that we were there, but it hasn’t. We also take her outside to go to the bathroom and that doesn’t seen to solve anything either. We are afraid to feed her too early because we don’t want her to get in the habit of eating that early in the morning. We have tried everything we can think of and she still continues to bark at all hours in the morning. The vet also prescribed her Diazapam to calm her down after seizures, but we are reluctant to use that to calm her down just because she is barking at night and hasn’t had a seizure.

We fully understand that it’s not her fault, and that she is getting old and is needing some extra TLC. But we feel so bad because we can’t figure out what she needs/wants. We desperately want to help her and keep her comfortable throughout the night.

Do you or anyone else have any advice for us? For the early morning barking or the diaper issue? Anything is greatly appreciated!


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 3 And Can’t Hold Her Pee In Anymore When She’s In…

My dog is 3 and can’t hold her pee in anymore when she’s in her kennel she use to but now she pees in it everyday what could be the problem or is there anything I can give her

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    possibly dumb questions, but:
    1 – has she been checked for a UTI?
    2 – when was she spayed?  if younger than 6 months, i would be asking my vet about spay incontinence.  in my breed this seems to be a common side effect of pediatric spays.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Neutered Last Thursday (9 Days Ago). They Used Dissolvable Stitches. I Can’t…

My dog was neutered last Thursday (9 days ago). They used dissolvable stitches. I can’t even see the suture sight because it’s healed so well. There is a tiny bit of redness in one spot so that’s probally it but I can’t be sure.
There is a blizzard where I am at and he definitely is getting wet. I’ve tried to shovel out a spot for him but he went wild in the snow (it’s his first time experiencing it!) And ignored my shoveled spot. I don’t see any problem.
I know the vet advised 10-14 days for a lot of activity and getting it wet but I don’t think there is really any way around this.

Do you think there is any real reason to panick if he seems fine and I don’t see any problems down there?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Doing Good, Still Eating And Drinking. Using The Bathroom. Very Protective Of Pups…

She is doing good, still eating and drinking. Using the bathroom. Very protective of pups which is good. Panting still but I also have the heat turned up for pups. I’ve tried taking her to the vets but no one is accepting new patients and are refusing to help. I cannot travel due to weather and car problems. I’m just worried a pup came two days later

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Has Developed Many Scabs. Some Look Like A Big Pimple, While Other Crusting…

He has developed many scabs. Some look like a big pimple, while other crusting has developed in lines on skin. He, for the most part, will let me clean the wounds and try to ease his issue. His skin is hot to touch. Just in the past few days Ziggy has developed vision and hearing problems. Both eyes have a thick, yellowish “boogie”. He is very lethargic recently as well. Ziggy isn’t yelping,crying,or verbal in any way showing he is in great pain.

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  1. Anonymous

    he needs a vet to suss out the cause of this problem and get him on the right medication to fix it.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

I Need Your Advise Regarding My 11 Months Old Persian Male Cat. The Problem Is…

I need your advise regarding my 11 months old Persian male cat. the problem is that my cat wants to go out for mating and if we do not let him go out he sprays and pees in the house which causes a very bad odor in the house. Now that we have let him out on his own he has started to spray around outside and you can smell the odor as soon as you enter through gate.
Secondly we have tried to set up play dates for him and lock both the cats in bathroom but uptill now he hasn’t mated.
Thirdly, there is a stray cat outside which is on heat all he does is that he sits beside her all day long and if we bring him inside the female cat starts to cry which make him go crazy to go outside.
Finally, I want to ask you about getting my cat neutered. The pros and cons of getting the cat neutered. I have heard from someone that the cat’s personality changes and we have to take care of him more because there will be a wound after his operation and all the people in our house go to work. Hence, there can be a problem in taking care of him 24/7.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    absolutely neuter him, and keep him inside.

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Daria Locher | 9 years ago
We Got A Rescue Dog, And She Has Many Health Problems That We Are Dealing…

We got a rescue dog, and she has many health problems that we are dealing with (including an ear infection, lice, etc.) and something that concerns me is her left eye that is red and bulging. What possibly could it be? How should I help he? I cannot find it online. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Daria Locher Post author

    Thank you so much for your help! I was concerned because when I looked up cherry eyes they looked different, but we ended up going to the vet and they said the same thing! Thanks again for your help!!