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Jessica | 12 months ago
We’ve Had My Dog For 6+ Years. Up Until About 3 Months Ago, He Never Got In …

We’ve had my dog for 6+ years. Up until about 3 months ago, he never got in the garbage and only stole food off a counter one time that we’ve known of. However, this is not the case now. For the last three months, he has started regularly getting into the garbage and recycling bags. He stole a loaf of bread off the counter the other day. The only thing we can think of that has changed is that we started giving our cat wet food instead of dry. But it seems weird that this would be the thing to trigger the behavior. Any ideas? And what can we do to train him out of it? He only does this when we are out of the house.

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    First: get a full “senior” bloodwork panel done. Rule out anything medical.
    Second: hide all trash and all food. Counter and garbage surfing are self-reinforcing. Lock the trash away, get a locking can. Remove all food from all counters and put them in a secure cabinet. Lock the fridge with a child lock, if necessary.
    Third: Crate when you can’t supervise.

    This is usually medical if it’s sudden like this, but you need to be proactive in your prevention, and it’s always a multiprong approach.

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JoAnn Sevey | 4 years ago
We Have A Young Dog Who Will Not Stop Licking Our Older Dog In The Mouth. …

We have a young dog who will not stop licking our older dog in the mouth. She is out of control with this, its not a normal greeting type of lick its always full speed jumping all around & non stop licking. The older dog hates it & tries to get away but cant so then it turns into the older dog getting loud & aggressive but that doesn’t even stop the other dog…

We don’t know what to do, or how to make her stop. She’s very bullheaded & stubborn almost impossible to train. Any advice would be wonderful. Thank you for taking time to read my cry for help


2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning☺️ My first bit of advice would be basic obedience. I know you said that she is nearly impossible to train, but dogs are smart and want to please you. It’s just a matter of finding a good motivator for her to learn- whether it be treats, praise, play…etc. all positive reinforcement. Once you know what makes her tick, I would just work on the basics, really. Come, sit, down, stop. There are a ton of YouTube videos and write ups online about how to train and what to do. Those basics will help you keep her off your other dog. Second, you might want to make an area just for your older dog if you have the space. We keep baby gates around just for that purpose. For instance, one of our GSDs needs surgery in the near future. She will need to recover, so we will set her up with a space of her own to rest. The baby gates are nice because they can still see everything that is going on and remain part of it all. Sidebar- having said all that, we are actually going to be brushing up on training out other GSD so that when our other one comes home from surgery things will be more calm and safer for recovery. Sorry for the long reply. I hope it helps.????☺️

  2. Laura

    Leash the younger dog and let them drag the leash. Correct immediately with the leash. Be consistent. If you aren’t already crating the dogs when you aren’t supervising, I’d start doing this to give the older dog a break.

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carrie Urquhart | 4 years ago
My 7 Month Old Retriver Puppy Has Real Behavior Issues I Cant Seem To Break. I Cant …

My 7 month old retriver puppy has real behavior issues I cant seem to break. I cant afford a dog trainer since everyone I’ve contacted wants atleast $500 for 5 hours of basic training. The problems: she pulls on the leash…hard. she is constantly chewing on stuff. Anything in the floor. As soon as i turn my back shes into something… the trash, litter box, cat food, chasing the cats… she knows it wrong because when she sees me she looks down in shame. I have a prong collar for walking her, a shock collar for teaching her no. She’s smart and knows how to come, sit, lay, catch, drop it… However now she refuses to drop something she really wants. I cant give her chew bones or long lasting treats because she’s started growling and snaps at my kids when they come near her with it. I have a crate, that I put her in when she being bad. She refuses to calm down at all when there is something interesting like new people or another dog. I spend my entire day scolding her for doing bad things… so much to where I really dont want to be around her anymore. My kids hate her, and my husband is trying so hard to like her. Im at a complete loss as to how to train her to calm down and stop doing things she knows she isn’t supposed to do. I have a severe back injury and it is really hard for me to contain her when she’s acting a fool. Ive also tried having turkey in a treat pouch and only giving it to her when she’s being good. Which she will do till I run out then she’s right back at it. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? First off, thanks for caring so much about this dog. Secondly, a private trainer or personal session with a trainer is quite expensive- BUT- a group session is much more affordable. I would call around to local petsmart or other pet stores/people to try to find one. You can get somewhere between 8 and 10 sessions for around $200. You will get a wealth of knowledge there, so long as the trainer is good. Third, as tricky and difficult as it can be at times, try to remain calm. I know easier said than done in the heat of the moment, but your dog will feed off of that anxiety or stress. I know you said pulling on the leash is an issue- a trainer can definitely help with that. And once that is improving, walks will be much more beneficial. A tired dog is a well behaved dog. ???? I find that a prong collar does not help with pulling, to be honest. We have GSDs and we’re advised years ago when we first started rescuing them to use a chain collar, high on the neck where it should be just behind the ears if pulled. This has the desired effect with minimal tug and is easier for the person to maneuver. Another trick with walking…. every time the dog pulls, change direction. This makes for very silly looking (and time consuming) walks in the beginning, but does help get them to follow your lead. You have a very energetic dog, so getting your walks down is a must. Plus, walking helps establish order in your pack and lets them know you are above them. You also may need to “dog proof” your house with some baby gates for the time being until your dog learns where it can and cannot go (i.e. to eat the litter box). Continue reinforcing good behaviors with a reward- it’s great that you do that!! Correct misbehavior with a firm no and then change he situation. Guarding of bones and toys can escalate to worse very quickly. My advice on that would be to limit the amount of time (ideally when no children are going to try to take it) and then trade a treat for the bone/toy. We have a rule toys=outside, bones=inside but only on beds.(dog beds) If you have the space, a chuck it and a ball can really help tire your pup out. Also- nothing is free. Dog wants dinner? Sit and paw first.or something like that. .. down, belly, whatever payment you feel is right. Dog wants to play? Again, sit or down…. dog wants a treat? Same. Dog wants affection? Calm first then love. Again- look into a group session as they are more cost effective. Please be patient not just with your dog, but yourself as well. It is not easy, but nothing worth it ever is. Very best of luck to you! Hopefully some other Pawbly friends will have more advice. I hope you find some of this helpful. If there is anything else we can help with, please reach out again.????????

    1. carrie Urquhart Post author

      Thank you so much for the info. I had another dog in some group classes years ago, and I’ve implemented that into my training, but I will search outside of my town for some groups thats arebt so expensive. The trainers asking for $500 are group classes here and its $200 extra for private lessons on specific issues. ???? unfortunately the group i went to before is no longer there. I do ask her to sit for leash on and off, before getting a treat and before she goes out. I dont give her enough exercise I know, since I’m hurt I can’t walk her alot, especially when she’s yanking me. Ill buy a chain collar and try with that. Thank you so much for the tips. I will definitely give it a go. Currently I am working on keeping her out of her kennel except when she’s beung bad, or when she’s too wild, and maybe still sleep in it. Not sure yet.

  2. Laura

    If she’s pulling while on a prong, it’s likely not positioned correctly. It might also have a larger link size than she should have. Go with a smaller link and position it right behind the jaw. Make sure to have a backup slip lead on, just in case. Work on this in the yard before going on a walk.

    I suspect she has far too much freedom and too few rules. You’ve gotta go back to square 1 with obedience. Utilize trades (not food) instead of just taking things from her. Crate her if she’s chewing something. Consider umbilical training to prevent bad behavior, and praise the heck out of good behavior. Since group classes are not a thing in most places right now, look into Fenzi Dog Sports Academy. It’s an online-only school, and they might have something that will work for you.

    Beyond that, try looking here for trainers:

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Jenn | 5 years ago
Our 4 Month Male Lab/husky (a Patient At JVV) He Has Episodes Of “attacking/biting”. Today …

Our 4 month male lab/husky (a patient at JVV)
He has episodes of “attacking/biting”. Today he went after my 5 year old grandson. Bit him in the leg. Not provoked. He also has biting episodes at night. My daughter, his mom, puts him in a hold and he calms down. CN u offer advice how to train him to stop. This is scary. Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I am sorry this is an issue. I would first start with a vet exam to rule out any medical issue. Then I would search out a reputable behaviorist to help you with training. It will be time and money well spent. In a serious case like this, a behaviorist is very helpful. Very best of luck to you all. I hope your grandson is ok.

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Charlotte | 6 years ago
I Have A One Year Old Lab Basset Hound Mix And I Am A Diabetic And …

I have a one year old lab basset hound mix and I am a diabetic and I would like to train her to bark when ever my dexcom beeps Incase I don’t hear it but I’m just not sure how to train her to do that thank you

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. There are a few ways to train your dog. Easiest way is with treats, if they are food driven. Decide on the signal you would like for your dog to give you and start there. Do you want your dog to come to you and put their paw on your lap, sit in front of you, etc? Then start working on that. While working on that, have the sound of the alarm from your monitor go off so that your dog associated the action with the sound and the reward. Start slow and small. Be sure to reward right away. Once you guys master sound/sit/reward, you can work on things from there. There are a lot of YouTube videos on training, and there are some very good dog trainers in our area- R Dogs and Polite Pooches our of 4 Paws in forest hill come to mind. Best of luck!!

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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
So, We Just Adopted A 3 Year Old Morkie, And Were Warned That Sometimes She’ll…

So, we just adopted a 3 year old Morkie, and were warned that sometimes she’ll steal an article of clothing, hide under a table with it, and possibly bite if you try to get it back from her. Well, I just doctored my girlfriend’s fingers after a little fight they had over a sock. Other than yelling at her (the dog) and saying “no” we’re now ignoring her. What’s the best way to handle this and train her to behave better?

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The fact that you just adopted her and don’t know much about her previous training, behavior and attitude makes advice for this a little difficult. In general I start with a very minimal access approach. She has to earn everything and you aren’t setting her up to be “bad or disappointing”. You are going to have a very difficult time teaching her much other than to be afraid/untrusting of you when you get in between her “stuff” or try to reprimand. In my opinion anything this early that is negative, I know even when you are being beaten, (sorry) teaches her to be untrusting and afraid of you. Too often people want to start at “well trained” when they really have a new pet who doesn’t know you, your expectations, or their new world. I suggest crate training all the time. She is kept there, where she can slowly acclimate to you and her new home, and she earns toys after some basic training is implemented. I strongly suggest a puppy class to start. Take her for lots of walks. Spend time together doing stuff together on neutral territory, like outside. As she starts to understand you you can start progressing toward other activities.
    I will add that she needs to feel safe and loved. So always put her in her crate with an affectionate word and give her a toy to keep her company (if she doesn’t guard that).
    Overall she has a lot of adjusting to do and you need to be patient and understanding that this is a process. A process dependent on patience, love and dedication. Never get angry. Never yell. You both need to adjust to each other.
    No toys, no decisions, no options except love and start really slow. Letting her have a safe space that is her own and building on this is where I would start.
    Let me know how things go. Sending ♥️ And best wishes.

  2. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    Thank you for the sound advice! We appreciate the sentiments on positive reinforcement and building trust. She spent the next hour following my girlfriend around and apologizing trying to lick her wounds away.

  3. Sarah

    Congrats on your new dog? I’m just adding to the good advice you’ve already gotten. I am a firm believer in walks… no matter what size of dog. It’s a fantastic way to share quality time and bond, while getting the exercise needed. A tired dog is usually a better behaved dog. Even a ten minute walk has the potential to change behavior for the rest of the day, for the better. And I agree strongly with everything shared above, especially getting involved in a basic obedience class. Even if your new girl already has basic obedience, she needs to learn you and what you expect. It is another great way to bond and earn trust. Another plus to the walks is practicing your homework from obedience class? best of luck and again, Congrats!!??

  4. Nicholas P. Woodward Post author

    Thank you, Sarah! I do see that she has a LOT of energy to play. The more we do that and walk her it seems the better she is for sure.

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Jennifer Taylor | 6 years ago
I Rescued A Young Golden Retriever In May. She Had Spent The Start Of…

I rescued a young Golden Retriever in May. She had spent the start of her life abandoned in a small cage, she was emaciated, covered in fleas and ticks and of course living in her own waste. She is a wonderful dog, everything is new and she has very much been a blank slate. She is well exercised, is very social with our other dogs and has successfully completed a basic obedience class and will be moving on to 2nd level training and beyond. Thankfully she does not hold her rough start in life against humans in the least. Her only downfall is that she eats stool from our other dogs in the yard. We keep the yard clean, however we have 5 dogs. Even cleaning the yard daily is likely to leave a pile. She will even wait for our smaller dog to go to eliminate so she can eat it as fresh as possible. I imagine that she probably ate her own feces when she was starving, I am quite sure that this is a learned behavior. Over the course of 5 years my family has fostered 80+ dogs. I know that this is a very hard habit to break, however “poop kisses” are rather disgusting so I would love some input on what has worked for others! Thank you in advance.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello My Dear Friend,
    My rescued beaglette does the same. She also has the same back story and yucky penchant for poop. Here’s what I do.. clean up waste asap (yes, honestly I am not the best at this as I recommend others to be). I also use a clicker or beeper to break her of it while she is doing it. Some non-vocal (she doesnt really want to listen to me anyway in the fever of the fervor to eat anything) cue to say “HEY! YES! I mean you need to stop that!” It takes a while but all of my other dogs have grown out of it.. It takes time and patience like everything else in life. Be with her at all times outside. Use a leash if you can to correct her at exactly the moment she goes for it, or use a whistle to get her attention,,, try to only use it for the absolute dire corrections so it doesnt get as monotonous as our voices have.

    Let me know what works for you guys.

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Marshmallow The Rabbit | 6 years ago
My Bunny Has Been Acting Very Strangely Lately. We Put Her Harness And Leash On…

My bunny has been acting very strangely lately. We put her harness and leash on her and took her to the park. We spent a lot of time with her. Then, people were watching her (family) and I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened. When we brought her back, she looked really scared. My family said that when I left, she just sat there staring at everyone. At home, she hasn’t been eating as much as she used to. She would practically snatch the food from my hand. Now, she sniffed, took a bite and walked away. We tried again with her favorite food, but she didn’t eat it. She’s been laying and sleeping way more than usual (practically all the time). During training sessions with me, she used to care and loved it. Now, she just sat there staring me for a while. She’s also been super scared. Every time I walked in the room, she’d jump up to me, now she runs away at the slightest noise. She’s also been pretty aggressive. She was laying and I reached over to pet her. She let me pet her for two seconds before she reared back on her hind legs and tried to scratch me. Hard. She’s also pretty stressed (her breathing is really fast). What is going on with her?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I would first and foremost make an appointment with the vet to make sure she is healthy. It may be the stress of the situation (you not being there for a bit) and will take time to get things back to the way they were. I would also ask my family who were watching her if anything happened while you were away. Hope everything is ok.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Have A 1 Year Old Female Staffordshire Terrier That My Wife And I Were…

I have a 1 year old female Staffordshire Terrier that my wife and I were considering turning into my service dog. After talking, her and I thought maybe we could get another dog and train one or both of them. As staffies being a bull breed member–thus she is somewhat dog aggresive–are there any breeds out there that would be compatible with a staffie?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would not say that staffues are “commonly dog aggressive”. They are like every other dog a product of their genetics and training. Every dog is different and no two are exactly alike. Ask the trainer who will be your service guide dog mentor for help in finding a dog that meets your needs both emotionally and physically. And then see how they do with your existing dog. It is always a process and it takes time and patience. It also takes knowing your abilities and limitations. Good luck

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Sarah | 7 years ago
Good Morning Pawbly Friends. Apologies For The Long Question. I Feel Like The Worst Dog…

Good morning pawbly friends. Apologies for the long question. I feel like the worst dog mom in the world right now? We recently rescued a beautiful black gsd- Riva the Diva. We have acreage, so while we do leash train, we also collar train (we cannot afford to fence in although we do have a small fenced section). We use the collar when we do our long walks around the perimeter or when we are playing in the yard, etc. we haven’t even started training Riva on it yet… I’ve only been putting it on her in the morning (“let’s get dressed” and taking it off in the evening “time for bed”) for the last three days. Yesterday afternoon I noticed she seemed uncomfortable and when I went to check her, her neck where the bulky part of the collar is was all raw! We haven’t even turned the collar on yet. I could easily fit 2 fingers width under the collar. Obviously I took the collar off right away and cleaned off the raw area. She slept completely collarless, and is without any type of collar at the moment. I’m only putting her regular collar on for short walks. This morning she is much happier and her neck looks much better already. My concern is what happened… was the collar too tight even though I could fit my fingers? Is there an allergic reaction? My other concern is, we travel/vacation with our dogs to the mountains, woods etc. and depend on these collars. This has not ever happened with any of our other dogs.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to me – there’s nickle in the contacts on e-collars, and many dogs are allergic to the metal. I would leash train her until you can figure something else out (maybe contact the collar manufacturer and see if they have an option for you?). Long line training is a good idea, too.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I have seen hotspots develop. Just abrasion and fur with a tinge of humidity can cause it. They heal very quickly when the collar is removed. PS you are the best dog mom! Xox Riva