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Valerie | 5 years ago
Hi There. My Dog Ruby Had Sudden Onset Mast Cell Tumors Present About 3 Weeks Ago. She…

Hi there. My dog Ruby had sudden onset Mast Cell Tumors present about 3 weeks ago. She’s an energetic 4 year old pit/great dane mix (I know because I spent a billion dollars on a DNA kit). I noticed about 7 subcutaneous lumps on her left side while she was outside playing. They felt like little oblong marbles under her skin. Our vet is an hour away. We had moved a few months back and kept our vet because we love him so much. We still see him for routine care. There is a vet very close to our home and I have read good reviews and have had email conversation previously when I was deciding whether or not to switch vets. I was concerned Ruby would have cancer, I just felt it, and didn’t want her to have to make several long trips to our vet if she were to require surgery, etc. So I decided to take her to the new close to home vet. As it is Covid-19 season, I did not get to go inside the vet’s office with her. They aspirated one of the lumps and were concerned. She was scheduled for surgery in the following week. I talked to my other vet about this, and he was not pleased to hear they aspirated her, because he was worried that the histamines from the tumor would cause it to spread. I was alarmed and researched Dr. Google for 2 days. It seemed to me after my research that the aspiration was standard course of care. Ruby had her surgery and had 2 large masses removed. They could not take all of them because there would have been too many incision sites. Directions for care included keeping her inactive for 10-14 days, not an easy dear with an anxious 65 lb lap dog. On day 7 of recovery, I noticed a fluid buildup around the incision site. Back to Dr. Google, I decided she had a seroma. I called the vet the next morning and we took her over and my suspicion was confirmed. They told us to call if it got worse. We still haven’t received the pathology back on the two masses that were removed. This morning I decided I needed to do more research, as two new masses have cropped up (the tumors, not seroma). Ruby is in good spirits and just wants to play and run with our other dogs. She’s mad at me, I’m sure of it, for making her lay around all day. Is it normal to have a seroma after surgery? Why do these tumors pop up all of a sudden?

0 Responses
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Chen | 5 years ago
Hi, Last April, My 16-year-old Long Haired Cat, Geisha, Began Experiencing Frequent Sneezing And Congestion. Her …


Last April, my 16-year-old long haired cat, Geisha, began experiencing frequent sneezing and congestion. Her symptoms worsened gradually. Her nasal breathing sounded wheezy and her purring sounded like duck quacking. We took her to the vet who treated her with antibiotics (Amoxicillin) and anti-histamine (Chlorpheniramine). When her symptoms did not improve, the vet then gave her a different antibiotic (Convenia) and a steroid (Dexamethasone). When her symptoms still did not improve, we took her to a specialist. The specialist ruled out rhinitis because Geisha’s bloody nasal discharge only occurred from her right nostril and concluded that Geisha possibly had a polyp or nasal tumor. They recommended performing a CT scan, rhinoscopy, and biopsy. They prescribed Geisha a steroid (Prednisolone) while we thought over their recommendations. Within a day, Geisha’s symptoms began to dissipate and after a couple of days, all her symptoms disappeared and she was fully recovered.

Unfortunately, in January of this year, Geisha had another relapse of the same symptoms. We brought her to the vet on 1/9/2020, who after hearing her previous history, prescribed both Clavamox and Prednisolone. They also administered a blood test, the result of which we were told was unremarkable.

Geisha’s recovery last year came after she was put on 1 tablet of 5mg Prednisolone per day. Unfortunately, the same medication regimen this time did not improve her condition. After weeks on medication with no signs of improvement, on 3/6/2020, we brought Geisha to a specialist referred by the vet. There she was given another blood test, the results of which was once again deemed unremarkable. During the same visit, we were told that only a CT scan along with a biopsy would conclusively identify the root cause of her symptoms. We agreed to the CT scan on this basis alone.

After spending close to $2,500 on the scan, we were told that the CT scan did indicate a mass but that the nature and identity of the mass could not be determined. The specialist informed us that the biopsy results did not indicate that the mass was cancerous. However, he stated that it is his opinion that the mass was cancerous, without any supporting evidence and despite the contradictory biopsy results. It is his opinion that the biopsy results are incorrect due to poor sampling. His conclusion is that we should consider pursuing radiation treatment since that would be the only resolution. So, basically, after a $2,500 expense, the vet is just as clueless about the nature of Geisha’s issue as he was before.

Geisha was returned to us after the CT scan with Prednisolone medication. We were instructed to increase her dosage to 1.5 5mg Prednisolone per day. With this increased dosage, Geisha’s condition has improved. In the month that has passed, while her condition has improved, she is still mildly symptomatic and not fully recovered and thus is still on the same medication regimen.

Naturally, my wife and I are very disappointed that we still have an inconclusive diagnosis despite having been assured that the costly procedures would be justified by the precise root cause that they would deliver. We also don’t understand why we spent money for procedures such as the biopsy only for the vet to completely disregard the results and formulate his opinion purely on conjecture. This all seems to fly in the face of the scientific method that all science is based on.

I would love to get your opinion on what you think is the issue with Geisha and what you believe the best course of action for her is based on her past year of symptoms and treatment history and also taking her age into account.

Thank you so much for your time.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for posting! I am working on a long list of options and recommendations for cats like Geisha. I will add it as it is written. I am always here for you. Wishing you both health and happiness. Be safe.

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Kelly | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Cat That Is Experiencing Sneezing, Nasal Discharge Followed With Blood In …

I have a 12 year old cat that is experiencing sneezing, nasal discharge followed with blood in one nostril as well as some wheezing. Took him to emergency room and he was given steroid injection and clavamox for two weeks in December. After the two weeks experienced same thing, they stated it could be nasal polyp. Regular vet gave Orbax which did nothing. After calling around because everyone wanted 2500 for a ct scan i found a vet that performed a rhinoscopy and he removed three polyps. One looked abnormal so he did a culture and biopsy. He put my cat on doxycycline. The cat is still having wheezing but breathing better. The meds do not seem to be working. So went back to vet and he gave my cat a steroid injection. The biopsy came back negative for cancer and the culture negative for respiratory viruses. He doesn’t know whats going on. He says either my cat has a immune issue with inflammation where he will prescribe some predisone pills or that the cat has a tumor deeper than his rhinoscopy can go. He is suggesting i put my cat down. My cat has been behaving more energetic since receiving the predisone injection days ago but the wheezing and stuffy nose wont go away. Any ideas, i don’t want to put down an otherwise healthy animal.?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? So glad that you were able to search out and find a vet that could help you. Have you had a heart to heart with him about other management options for your cat?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    i see lots of cats with lots of nasal issues. In general most older cats are some degree of inflammation and irritation, or even perhaps an allergy component. I think that before any suggests euthanasia it would be helpful to get a second opinion. I would ask to see either an internal medicine specialist, or, a feline specialist. If she is happy, eating and functioning I would give her more time an try a few other treatment options. In some cases long term cerenia nasal drops, a steroid, or even an inhaler can help. Also look at her environment. Remove all potential allergens, even think about litter. Anything that might be in her environment that might irritate her nose and nasal passages.. No perfumes, air scents, or powders anywhere. No diffusers, no smoking (even outside), no pollutants of any kind. Tghen try lits of different antibiotic treatments, and even perhaps an antiviral.. Everything should be tried before succumbing to euthanasia. Even with the worst cases (the facial neoplasias) I can often buy some good tie with some medial therapies. And I never give up until I know my patients have exhausted all options and can no longer find relief.
    I hope this helps,, please ask your vet for more help,, or find another who will help you.
    good luck,, let us know what happens.


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Samantha | 5 years ago
My 5 Year Old Golden Retriever, Paisley, Just Received Ultrasound Results That Observed Masses On Her Spleen, …

My 5 year old golden retriever, Paisley, just received ultrasound results that observed masses on her spleen, bladder and rectum, and enlarged lymph nodes. Her blood work came back normal, and stool sample was negative for parasites – she’s been a healthy dog! In the past 3 weeks, Paisley has been very lethargic, sleeps most of the day, can no longer get into the car or onto the bed, and strains trying to pass stool (it’s mostly blood or small stool with blood). Her appetite is unchanged – she’s always gobbled up her food and never misses an opportunity to mooch, so this is good. Her water intake is lower than normal, but she is still periodically drinking throughout the day. We’re currently awaiting the full report on the ultrasound to determine what the next options are (x-ray, biopsies, surgery, chemo – depending). My question goes out to the Pawbly community – pet owners and veterinarians, anyone who may have personal experience or insight related to this. Have you had this sort of unfortunate discovery with your pet? Was it benign or malignant? Is surgery recommended for both benign and malignant masses, and what is the likelihood of it resolving things? The questions go on…We just got this news last night, so admittedly my head is still spinning and not sure how best to proceed. It’s already been $2,000 in vet bills to get to this stage. Without pet insurance, just preparing for whatever costs may lie ahead for anything we choose to do next. Otherwise, Paisley is a very happy girl and still has a great zest for life when she has the energy! Shocked that this is happening to such a young pup.

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback! Very much appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- so sorry that this is all happening. I think that before you can really come up with any sort of game plan, you need to find out the rest of the results. I would also start keeping a journal for questions you have as well as your dog’s behavior. You can share these with your vet. I know that when our dog two years ago was ill, I always had a million questions and then when we would get to our appointment, my mind would go blank. Keeping the journal helps to sort your thoughts out so that you don’t forget to mention anything or ask anything. I am quite sure that your vet will set aside time to speak with you. You should talk about ALL possible options. I know that my vet tries to offer every scenario she can think of and then we make a plan from there. Do not be shy about discussing budget either. I wish I could offer more advice to you right away. Hopefully another Pawbly friend will log on and have more insight to share. Very best of luck to you and your pup. Please keep us posted????????

    1. Samantha Post author

      Thank you for your comment! Great idea to document what’s been going on, or any observations that should be noted (especially questions – I always blank out on the millions of things I want to ask when the time comes).

      I do feel like our vet will also take the time to present all available options. I’m just hoping that it’s an honest conversation about quality of life, what the prognosis looks like and if it’s even reasonable to do XYZ, budget considerations, etc. I’m at the point where I don’t want to keep going down a rabbit hole of testing and procedures, but I do feel like the biopsies are the next step regardless and those will definitely provide some answers. I just can’t believe how quickly these things happen! All of the physical behavioural changes have been so unexpected.

      May I ask, what was your dog ill with when you had to consider options? Hope everything ended up being okay, or at the very least hope you’ve had some peace of mind!

      1. Sarah

        Well- only since you asked. He was our younger mixed breed, and always so healthy- when he started to be tired all the time I brought him in because it was so out of character. When they took xrays my vet could tell right away it wasn’t good. He was riddled with cancer everywhere, so we knew it was a matter of time and pain management. That was in early spring about 2 years ago. We had to get him to the end of the school year (he was my son’s best friend in the whole world) and our vet helped us do that. Your situation may very well be much different. It sounds as if anything your dog may possibly have would be fairly contained. Hopefully the ultrasound and other test results come back with a good prognosis! ????????

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AJ | 5 years ago
My 14 Year Old Female Cat Had Surgery Yesterday To Remove A Tumor On Her Right Side. …

My 14 year old female cat had surgery yesterday to remove a tumor on her right side. She has been doing very well until about 1 hour ago. Something about the surgical site is bothering her. It may be itchy or something, but she tries not to bite at the bandages at first. She will growl & run around, but will bite at the surgical area. Is there anything I can do to help her?

2 Responses


  1. AJ Post author

    I asked my question already. Is there anything I can do to help her?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Sounds like pain or discomfort? I would call the surgeon in the morning and ask them to help. Cats are terrible with bandages. I usually only use them if the cat is stating in the hospital to be monitored. Please call the vet ASAP. .

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Elza | 6 years ago
Hello! I Have A 14.5 Year Old Japaenese Splitz Who Had Disc Surgery 2 Years Ago. This Year …

Hello! I have a 14.5 year old japaenese splitz who had disc surgery 2 years ago. This year he developed new weakness in his lower extremities and had a 2.5 kg weight loss so he had a full body ct with contrast and ct brain.
Findings included a chronic herniated disc explaining his weakness and an incidental finding of a splenic mass with some splenomegaly and no evidence of metastasis. Ultrasound findings were non significant. The nature of the mass remains unknown. His blood tests were good and he has no anemia. My veterinary doctor recommends a splenectomy. But i am worried of putting him through general anesthesia given that he has a heart murmur (on no medical Tx). I want to maximize his quality of life. I dont know if i should put him through major surgery given that he is asymptomatic but i am also worried abt internal bleeding and the suffering of metastatic disease if i dont operate. What should i do?

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    The first thing that I would do is sit down with the vet and have a heart to heart about your thoughts and concerns. Hopefully you have a good relationship with them, and you are able to have an open discussion regarding whether or not surgery is the best option. I would mention your concerns (anesthesia, etc.) about quality of life and surgery risks for sure. I would also recommend having a “family” meeting with the household of applicable, regarding the pros and cons, the vets advice, and the recovery process (if you go through with surgery) or any other day to day changes that will be necessary in the near future for your pet. But again, my first step would be with my vet to weigh the options for my pet. Best of luck.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I had the same situation a few weeks ago. I am asking that patients mom to contribute to this question too.
    My first piece of advice is to ask for an echocardiogram exam. You don’t mention the degree or severity of the heart murmur (usually graded on a scale of 1-6) and it is important to say that a low grade doesn’t always indicate it is safe or irrelevant.
    From here you can better assess anesthetic risk.
    In general I tell clients to take out the spleen before it becomes a problem. A bleeding spleen can kill a dog quickly. So quickly you may not even have time for successful surgical intervention.
    You have done an amazing job with diagnostics and treatment options. Don’t stop here.
    Please let us know what happens.
    Best of luck

  3. Trish Powers

    Wow, what you are going through sounds quite sillier to what I just experienced with my oldest dog, who is almost 12. He is a Lab mix weighing about 54 lbs. A few months back he had is senior checkup, including a full blood panel and all looked good except trace amounts of blood in his urine and he has had a heart murmur his whole life and had never been on heart medication. He ate carpet a few weeks ago and while doing X-rays and ultrasounds to be sure it wasn’t causing a bowel obstruction, we found he had an enlarged heart and two masses on his spleen, with no indication of metastasis. He was acting himself, except for the belly issues from eating the carpet. Once we knew the carpet issue was under control, I got a second opinion about the spleen and had long talks with my vet about the situation. Both veterinarians suggested a splenectomy, and also to consider a cardiology evaluation to be sure his heart was strong enough for surgery. I was so nervous about what to do, he is older, acting fine and his quality of life is great. The thought of putting him through what I felt was major surgery was so frightening, especially since he is older, but I was also getting nervous about internal bleeding and ending up in emergency surgery and that being life threatening. I made the decision to see a cardiologist and they cleared him for surgery, and started him on heart medication; he then had the splenectomy the next day. The recovery was quick and he actually wasn’t much bothered by the surgery, maybe a day or two of lethargy. By the end of the first week I was having to keep him from playing and running, he was back to himself. Now, a few weeks later, I am so thankful I made the decision I did, he is just so happy, playful and back to being his energetic (in the old man style) self and even starting play sessions with his siblings. It was a roller coater ride for the few weeks after getting the diagnosis, getting a second opinion and making the decision to go forward with the surgery, but it was all worth it to have him back and not sit here and worry if he might be bleeding internally. I learned your mind can play those games with you when you know there is a potential unseen problem with your dog. One thing that made the decision a little easier was my vet telling me the surgery wasn’t much more on him then say a spay for a girl, it really wasn’t as major as I thought it would be, and based on the experience I went through, I’d agree it really didn’t take much out of him at all. I wish you all the best in making your decision, and I’d be happy to help answer any other questions you may have.

  4. Krista Magnifico

    this is the answer from my client, Trish, who’s dog had a very similar issue (heart murmur and incidental splenic mass found via ultrasound).

    “Wow, what you are going through sounds quite sillier to what I just experienced with my oldest dog, who is almost 12. He is a Lab mix weighing about 54 lbs. A few months back he had is senior checkup, including a full blood panel and all looked good except trace amounts of blood in his urine and he has had a heart murmur his whole life and had never been on heart medication. He ate carpet a few weeks ago and while doing X-rays and ultrasounds to be sure it wasn’t causing a bowel obstruction, we found he had an enlarged heart and two masses on his spleen, with no indication of metastasis. He was acting himself, except for the belly issues from eating the carpet. Once we knew the carpet issue was under control, I got a second opinion about the spleen and had long talks with my vet about the situation. Both veterinarians suggested a splenectomy, and also to consider a cardiology evaluation to be sure his heart was strong enough for surgery. I was so nervous about what to do, he is older, acting fine and his quality of life is great. The thought of putting him through what I felt was major surgery was so frightening, especially since he is older, but I was also getting nervous about internal bleeding and ending up in emergency surgery and that being life threatening. I made the decision to see a cardiologist and they cleared him for surgery, and started him on heart medication; he then had the splenectomy the next day. The recovery was quick and he actually wasn’t much bothered by the surgery, maybe a day or two of lethargy. By the end of the first week I was having to keep him from playing and running, he was back to himself. Now, a few weeks later, I am so thankful I made the decision I did, he is just so happy, playful and back to being his energetic (in the old man style) self and even starting play sessions with his siblings. It was a roller coater ride for the few weeks after getting the diagnosis, getting a second opinion and making the decision to go forward with the surgery, but it was all worth it to have him back and not sit here and worry if he might be bleeding internally. I learned your mind can play those games with you when you know there is a potential unseen problem with your dog. One thing that made the decision a little easier was my vet telling me the surgery wasn’t much more on him then say a spay for a girl, it really wasn’t as major as I thought it would be, and based on the experience I went through, I’d agree it really didn’t take much out of him at all. I wish you all the best in making your decision, and I’d be happy to help answer any other questions you may have.

    hope this helps.. i am going to ask Trish to add Reggie’s story to our storylines section asap!

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Pam Brooks | 6 years ago
Had CT Done Of My Cat Lucas Due To No Resolution Of Respiratory Problems With Antibiotics. …

Had CT done of my cat Lucas due to no resolution of respiratory problems with antibiotics. Here are the results.

Moderate to marked thickening of the roof of the nasopharynx
• Otitis media bilaterally
• Lymphadenopathy left medial retropharyngeal lymph node

The marked thickening of the mucosal lining of the roof of the nasopharynx in conjunction withthe enlarged left medial retropharyngeal lymph node are highly suggestive for neoplastic
, and round cell neoplasia is the top differential diagnosis. Differentials include mast-
cell tumor, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, other. The mucosal thickening of the roof
of the nasopharynx can explain the bilateral otitis media due to mechanical obstruction of the
openings of the auditory tubes into the nasopharynx. A differential to neoplastic infiltration is
marked non-infectious inflammation (e.g. lymphocytic plasmacytic, eosinophilic) or
granulomatous inflammation (e.g. Cryptococcosis) but the later one is considered far less likely
here. The findings are not typical for inflammatory polyps.The bilateral otitis media is explains the history of head tilt and Horner’s syndrome.
Rhinoscopy/retrograde pharyngoscopy is recommended for further evaluation including FNA
sampling and biopsy. FNA sampling of the left medial retropharyngeal lymph node is warranted
as well. The prednisolone treatment may influence results of the samples.

I think all the tests and surgeries that may follow will be out of my budget. Already spent over $1000 to date with no resolution.
Wondering if there are veterinarians who would go in and remove the polyp – appears to be a poly under soft palate – just to give the cat some relief and time.

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- I’m sorry you’ve been through so much already, and still are having issues. Did you speak candidly with your primary vet already about all of these findings and your wishes? (Meaning the removal of the polyp or at least some relief) That is probably where I would start. I would also make a few phone calls… local rescue organizations that may be willing to help fund your surgery. Or possibly your vet may let you pay a little at a time as you have already paid so much? I hope things get better soon!????????

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Barbara | 6 years ago
I Have A Cat 10 Years Of Age, Flash. He Had A Tumor That Was Detected After …

I have a cat 10 years of age, Flash. He had a tumor that was detected after he chewed on his privates and was unable to pee. I took him to the vet and was told they had to remove tumor and his male parts. So after spending about 1500.00, a discount because I also had my other cat that cost 500 for shots and fixing and chipped. After about two months my cat once again had issue peeing. I am now told it will cost another $2000 to do another surgery where they will make a knew opening. I am at ends wit because I can’t do another $2000 when thinking the first surgery was to fix the issue. Was something not done correctly the first time? All I am told is that he heals too fast and the tissue is weak and can’t maintian an opening to pee needing a new one.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but I am not quite sure what is going on here. I think that I would recommend that you get a second opinion from a feline specialist or a vet your friends or family recommend. Or go back to your vet and ask for assistance in exposing what’s going on and why?
    I think you need some clarification before making any big decisions. In the meantime you can ask about intermediate palliative care. Please keep me posted on progress and good luck!

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Cathy Owensby | 6 years ago
My 10 Year Old Cat Was Diagnosed With Mammary Cancer. Her Tumors Are Too Large…

My 10 year old cat was diagnosed with mammary cancer. Her tumors are too large to go through surgery. I recently, had dog pass from cancer. I chose to treat with prednisone. Can I do the same for my cat?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    This is a discussion t9 have with your vet. I’m sorry… I know you probably want a more direct answer. Your vet knows your cat and your situation. They are the best person to sit down with and have this conversation. They can prescribe a routine suited for your cat including treatment and pain management. Best of luck to you.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I age never seem a case that was too big for surgery. I’m not saying it isn’t possible. I just haven’t seen it. Ask for a second opinion or see a surgeon. I doubt this will be responsive to pred. Surgery is the best option. In my opinion. Good luck. Ps. Also have her spayed if she isn’t already

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Sushi Is My 12-year Old Cat With An Inoperable Cancerous Tumor. Last Weekend She Stopped…

Sushi is my 12-year old cat with an inoperable cancerous tumor. Last weekend she stopped eating and was vomiting bile. At the vet’s, her bloodwork showed high kidney and creatinine levels. After three days on an IV, her kidney levels returned to normal, but the creatinine remained high, confirming her cancer diagnosis. While the vet said she had been eating well in the office, since she came home three days ago, she has not eaten at all. We’ve tried everything: k/d wet and hard food, chicken and rice, her regular food, baby food, tuna, and Fresh Pet, but she hasn’t eaten anything, although she is drinking water. Sushi is very lethargic and stays in her hiding place most of the time. We go back to the vet in the morning, but I hate to put her through another stay at the vet’s if the results may be the same. Can anyone give me advice as to what I should do? I cannot stand the fact that she may be suffering.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. I’m so sorry about your cat. I am sure you must be struggling with “what should I do? Can I do more? Can I do anything?” I think a truthful conversation with your vet this morning is important. We had to put one of our dogs down this past June because of cancer. He was a trooper and we made him comfortable as long as we could, but finally in June, he just told us it was time. He stopped eating, even when I tried to hand feed, he wouldn’t come off his bed unless he absolutely had to… I guess what I’m sharing is that our pets communicate with us. You know your pet best. Your vet knows the situation. I think a visit and a conversation about Sushi today will help you figure out the next step.

  2. Yetta Adams

    The vet gave us an anti-nausea/appetite stimulator and pain pills. I just pray that these medicines will make Sushi feel like eating agan. Thank you so much for your response.