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Parham | 4 months ago
Hello All, I Wanted To Follow Up On My Question About Mercury From Two Months Ago. …

Hello all,

I wanted to follow up on my question about Mercury from two months ago. He had been suffering from recurring urinary blockages, and after several ER visits, I scheduled him for a PU surgery at The Bridge Clinic, a non-profit vet hospital in Bensalem and Philadelphia. The surgery was done on Aug 14th, and the surgeon recommended doing the PU first to see if the stones would pass naturally, which they did. The surgery cost me $1,181.

Unfortunately, the issues didn’t end there. Mercury seemed to recover for about three weeks, but then he started frequenting the litter box and peeing only small amounts, sometimes not at all. He also began peeing outside the litter box and seemed very uncomfortable, especially at night, so I took him for a follow-up on Sep 12th. An X-ray and urinalysis were negative for stones or infections, but crystals were found, leading to a diagnosis of FIC/FLUTD. They suggested Gabapentin for pain and more water fountains and litter boxes (this visit cost $191).

Despite following their advice, Mercury’s issues persisted, so I scheduled another appointment on Sep 19th. The vet confirmed FLUTD and suspected a possible infection at the surgical site, so he received a Convenia and Buprenorphine injection (visit cost: $134). Still, no improvement.

I then took him to his primary vet at Telford on Oct 3rd, where they suspected a different bacterial infection and prescribed Clavamoxin, though I declined a urine culture due to cost (this vist was $170). I also put him on a strict urinary diet (he was on dryMetabolic Urinary food and regular wet food which I diluted with water). He showed some improvement, but then, last Monday, he seemed blocked again. After giving him Amitriptyline, he was able to urinate, and Telford said their only recomendation is a urine culture, and they don’t have any time to see him that week, so I reluctantly agreed to. (Urine culture + 7 Amitriptyline + 14 Clavamoxine was $323), today the results from the culture came back clean, meaning I spent $273 for nothing.

What’s frustrating is that I haven’t spoken to the vet directly since the first visit, only through techs and nurses, and I’m running out of time and money. Mercury is still in pain and struggling to urinate, and I don’t know what else to do.

So if you have any insight or recommendations to what I should do next please let me know because I am at my wits end and have no idea what to do. (I’ve attached the visit’s summaries and the receipt from my last time at Telford to this post)

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I applaud your dedication and devotion and on your cat. I’m sorry it has been such a long and arduous road.

    I’m sorry but I also think these cases need lots of time to resolve. They are usually complicated and multifactorial. So expecting or hoping for a quick resolution is often not feasible.

    I do think that it is hard to manage a budget and a complicated case. I don’t know if anyone has done xrays or an ultrasound but these are also still on the list of possible places to look for your answer. If you are running right on funds than lean harder on pain medication and anxiety medication.

    I like long term gabapentin and fluoxetine. I also offer lots of options in the litter and litter box department. I like a big, shallow uncovered box with potting soil, or play sand. Don’t remove what you have just add something like this and see which box they choose to use. Also add anything that you can to help keep him relaxed and calm.

    I also like feliway and lots and lots of toys.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know how things are going.

    Good luck

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Skyler | 8 months ago
I Have A Male Orange Cat Who Has Been In And Out Of The Vet For …

I have a male orange cat who has been in and out of the vet for urinary troubles.
Three weeks ago I took him into the emergency vet for what seemed to be a UTI, he was constantly trying to urinate only producing small amounts. I panicked because two years ago he experienced a total blockage.
The vet three weeks ago told me he was not blocked and had no crystals and sent me home with gabapentin.
Three weeks later he experienced an actual blockage. Again I took him to the vet, they unblocked him, flushed his bladder and told me this time he had a ton of crystals. They sent him home after about only an hour of being there. Two days of him being home he blocked AGAIN and I had to repeat the process. This time he came home with a catheter that I had to monitor. I took him back in the next day and they monitored him all day, then proceeded to call and say they would like to send him home with another catheter. I opted to have him stay at the vet overnight and he was sent home with no catheter the next day. I picked him up yesterday afternoon and he was just kind of dribbling urine and squatting around the house. At least this time urine was being produced, just not many strong streams.
Today he is acting normal until he urinates and then he feels like he has to keep going. He does that until he falls asleep. Then the process repeats.
He is currently taking Gabapentin, Prazosin, Zeniquin and he just finished his last pill of Onsior. He is also strictly eating OTC urinary wet food.
I’m just wondering if this is normal behavior after having being in and out of the vet so much within the last few weeks. He isn’t blocked up but he’s still trying to urinate often in and out of the litter box, producing some urine. He is able to drain his bladder, it just takes some time. I’ve dropped about $2500 so far and am so worried this isn’t going to get better soon. I’m sorry this was such a long post, I just need some help. I like my vet it just seems like there is more to do. Thank you in advance.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would recommend the following;
    1. send a urinalysis to the lab for analysis
    2. take an xray of the bladder to make sure there isnt a bladder stone
    3. i recommend in hospital iv fluids for 3 days to flush the bladder
    4. long term analgesic therapy. I like gabapentin
    5. a canned food urinary prescription diet

    best of luck

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Chris | 11 months ago
NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE Urinary Blockage And 2nd Catheter In Already For My 4 Year …

NEED ANSWER TODAY ASAP!!!! TIME SENSITIVE urinary blockage and 2nd catheter in already for my 4 year old male cat, who has been in ER vet hospital since Sunday:

Full story:
Hi, my male 4 year old cat has been in vet ER hospital since Sunday (3 days now). They said he had urinary blockage and inserted a catheter. His blood tests and x-ray were normal, they said we caught the blockage in time. On Monday evening his urine through catheter and in the collection bag was clear and he was alert.

They removed the catheter at 10am on Tuesday (yesterday) and then at 2:30pm same day they said he did pee small amount once… BUT then they said he was straining to pee …and they reinstated the catheter! Is this ok, to give him so little time after first catheter removal, only from 10am to 2:30pm on Tue, before reinserting it??
Before and after reinserting this 2nd catheter, the vet said he felt an urethral spasm and thinks that’s the reason for 2nd “blockage”. My cat is very stressed so maybe irritation from catheter and stress is causing spasm? Is there anti spasm and anti inflammatory meds he can get, to reduce irritation and spasm risk? Can he get less liquids to allow more time for the spasm and irritation to calm down before he tries to pee? Can we wait longer to reinsert catheter 3rd time?

If they remove the catheter again today…..and he again can’t pee….what is the procedure? Can I take him home to see if less stress can calm him and allow him to pee? How long to wait at home? Can I give raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with water?  Should I take him to regular vet if he blocks again? Take him directly to MEDVET in Chicago to have PU surgery? How do I transport him….1h drive….anything I need to do/know? I am in Chicago/ North Indiana area.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I’m also sorry to say that I don’t have the answers to your questions. I never know how a patient is going to do. Every case is different. I do think that it is fair to ask for affordable options and help with managing a patient’s care at home. For example can you try at home medication or sq fluids? Also learning how to palpate your cats bladder to assess his status at home. Often clients can learn how to monitor and manage some of the care and this will help everyone.

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Emir | 2 years ago
After Emergency Urinary Tract Obstruction Procedure My Cat Is Peeing Small Drips All Over The House, Also Did Not Poop Yet

My 3 year old male cat had emergency urinary tract obstruction. Luckily we very able to get him to teh hospital on time. He stayed 2 nights in hospital (super expensive). All went well and he was back home on Friday. Eating well, purring, playing, sleeping. He also goes and pee in litter box, but also is peeing small amounts around house. Like he cannot hold it. I just hope that is because of sensitive urethra and relaxation medication that they gave him. I stopped that relaxation medication immediatelly.

Another worry is he also has not been able to poop. He ppooped in hospital last time on Friday and today is Monday morning. I am thinking because of brand new urinary food that he started eating and his stomach needs to adjust. Or maybe antibiotics.
I hope he is OK and that this is just healing process. Ut has been only 2 days since catheter was pulled out. I am worried so much here.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I hope that your cat is doing better.
    Many cats have discomfort when urinating for the first few days after the urinary catheter is removed. This is normal. Make sure he is able to urinate (pass urine) I usually recommend a prescription urinary diet and ask about any and all options to help manage inflammation (I like a few things so ask your vet which might work for you (nsaid, steroid, other anti inflammatories) pain medication (analgesics) and any way to increase fluids ( there are lots of options like sq fluids at home, adding water to food or hydra care).

    As far as defecating goes. I only worry if they are straining to defecate and unable to. In almost all cases they are not eating well in the hospital to form a stool. So it can be days before they poop normally.

  2. Emir Post author

    Thank you so much for your thorough answer. He is doing much better now. It has been 9 days since catheter was removed. We are only feeding urinary wet food. He is peeing normally:), and is pooping fine. Urine is still sometimes rose color, like maybe there is blood but he seems to be fine. Does not make any painful noises, purring a lot when we play with him. I give him half 5 oz can in the morning, and other half at night. During a day, few crunchy treats. Since did is wet he does not drink much of the water, rarely. Today he was not really having good appetite , so we again stated to worry. Hopefully his urinary tract has not been damaged by procedure. Our vet is super experienced.

  3. Emir Post author

    My cat has been doing fine for the past week or so. Now again all of sudden he started peeing pinkish pee. Like bloody. And he cannot control himsself. It seems like urinary infection. What is going on all of a sudden. Such a mess and stress for all of us. What do I do? Can urinary infection be fixed? He has been doing fine. He is only eating wet food. I think the food might be the culprit. Who knows where this food is coming from…

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Kris | 2 years ago
I Have A Cat That Is Dealing With Urinary Issues. Started Yesterday With Him Straining But …

I have a cat that is dealing with urinary issues. Started yesterday with him straining but nothing coming out. I like many others do not have the $2k that the vet will most likely charge.
**I will take him in tomorrow to have bladder emptied, get antibiotics & anti inflammatory which will be around $300. That I can handle. My question is, what can I do at home to help the situation?

I saw online that apple cider vinegar has been used? Does anyone have any experience with home / natural remedies of any kind?

I do understand that it can be fatal if cats bladder is not relieved because of accumulation of toxins and electrolyte imbalance.

And I know that often we are referred to rescues & animal shelters for options with financial help. But unfortunately all of them in my area are already asking for help from community. And last vey I took a cat to for this recommended euthanasia if couldn’t afford to treat, so I’m also well aware that vets aren’t going to help either.

So is there ANYONE in this community that has experience with homeopathic/ natural remedies that can assist?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. And all of the others in his situation.
    I do not have any experience with apple cider and honestly I am too worried about what is likely already going on with your cat to try to advise anything else other then the er.
    I’m working really hard to accumulate a list of affordable places and options. Please let me know if you find anyone locally. Please keep calling everyone and everywhere.

    If all else fails offer to surrender your cat to get the care he needs. I know it’s not fair but it’s better to save his life.

    Keep me appraised of what happens.

    Best of luck

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Emma | 2 years ago
I Have A Himalayan Male Cat Who Had A Urinary Blockage. He Was At The Emergency …

I have A Himalayan male cat who had a urinary blockage.
He was at the emergency vet for three days and was cleared to go home and has been doing good since, but he is peeing everywhere except his litter box. They said this would be expected but it has been longer than they said and he has no desire to use his box.
Has anyone else had this issue and how did you help fix it?

5 Responses


  1. Laura

    Have you tried cat attract litter? Or moving the box? Or *changing* the box to a different style? He probably associates the litterbox with pain, so changing things up should be the next thing. Also make sure you use an enzymatic cleaner for the messes.

  2. Emma Post author

    Hi Laura, thank you for your response. I guess I should have mentioned what I have Done. I have Two litter box in his room with two different kinds of litter and do use an enzymatic cleaner to clean the messes. I will Try moving the boxes around to see if that makes any difference.

  3. Laura

    Are you using cat attract litter?

    How about dirt? I know that freshly turned dirt attracts cats, so why not try that? (Make sure it’s plain old organic topsoil with no additives.)

  4. Krista Magnifico


    I would add that in cases like this I place the cat in a large crate. They stay in the crate for whatever time it takes to retrain them. Like a dog crate. Place newspaper on the bottom. Then add a litter box and bed. If they aren’t using the litter box in the crate then remove the litter box and place litter over the newspaper. If they aren’t using it then I rem e the bed. Therefore the only thing their feet feel is litter. I should also add that I let the cat pick the litter they like by giving them Potok s. Like place clumping litter in one area. Non clumping in another. Try sand. And try potting soil. Some cats just have a preference and you never know what that is until you offer it. Also people need to be thinking about litter boxes. Some cats want open. Some want covered. Some want big and flat. Others hidden and quiet.

    If the cat still isn’t using it I add a medication for stress and pain. Maybe gabapentin. Or fluoxetine. But there are others.

    Ask your vet. Or find a feline vet who only sees cats. They are often great resources.

    Hope this helps.

    1. Emma Post author

      Hi krista , thank you for the suggestions. I will Try those ideas. He has started to slowly come around to using it and it’s 50/50 now if he’s in the box or on the floor. He does have gabapentin and zylkene to help lower his stress. Will update with results!

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ANA ANGELIKA | 3 years ago
My Cat Is Currently On The Hospital For Confinement, He Has UTI And Is Not Fond …

My cat is currently on the hospital for confinement, he has UTI and is not fond of water these days. How can I engage him into drinking water and not forcefully feed him water?

PS: I already have water fountain on the way but I’m not sure if he’ll get comfy on drinking there and if there are any other ways to make him drink water

1 Response


  1. Shiria

    Does he eat wet or dry food? If he eats wet food you can add a little bit of water to every portion.
    My cat didn’t drink out of her water bowl… possibly because it was too close to her food bowls. But she started drinking out of my water cups/glasses… so I placed some for her in the rooms and she uses them.
    I have a fountain too, but it is only used when I clean her cups.

    Otherwise you can use things like the water that’s left when you cooc chicken and there are also special fluids for cats with UTIs. (I think from Royal Canin?)

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Melissa | 3 years ago
Hello Everyone! My Cat Had A Urinary Block And I Was Able To Get Them To …

Hello everyone!

My cat had a urinary block and I was able to get him to a clinic that was affordable. It was a piece of mucus that was blocking him, not his kidneys. I now have a catheter in him + guided not to take him back out to the clinic as it was a very Trumatic experience for my cat. They messed up putting the catheter in and he sat in that for hours. He is eating drinking sleeping so I decided not to take him back out there today per the request. My question is, how do you safely remove a catheter from a male cat?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are multiple kinds of catheters. Please ask your vet for help in how to remove it. Good luck. If possible please share your story on our storyline page. So many people red help finding affordable options for this. I hope it helps others. Good luck

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Kiki | 5 years ago
Hi My Cat Was Neutered On July 21st. He Has Eaten Normally & Pooped Normally But …

Hi my cat was neutered on July 21st. He has eaten normally & pooped normally but for a couple days now I haven’t noticed any urine in his box. I wish I had paid closer attention to it in the beginning to see if this has been a problem since the surgery or only the last couple days. I’m worried he might have some sort of obstruction but reading about the vet procedures we can’t afford thousands to have him unblocked. I hate I got him neutered now because apparently they did something to cause this & now my cat will likely die if I don’t find low cost help in my area. I’m around Pensacola, FL. If you know of any places that can help please let me know! Also if it was something they did to cause this shouldn’t they fix it? Curious how neutering could cause obstruction. Thanks!

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please call the vet who did the neuter right now and have your cat seen. If the vet caused the problem they are responsible for helping you find a treatment option. They are also liable for the damages they may have caused. The vet needs to be notified immediately. Please start there. If they refuse to see you based on financial concerns you can inform them that you are notifying the state veterinary medical board for assistance. All of this is within your rights and abilities. If the cat is critical call the rescues and see if he can be treated there. Or even surrendered to them for care.

    1. Kiki Post author

      Thank you so much for the info. That’s good to know they should be responsible because he has never had this problem so obviously something caused by surgery. Thankfully he did urinate a lot today! He hasn’t shown any signs of distress but I’m still going to contact the vet responsible in am. Thanks for responding!

  2. Sarah

    Hello- you need to contact the surgeon that did this surgery right away. Explain the situation and get your cat back in and seen right away.

    1. Kiki Post author

      Thanks for responding. Thankfully He did urinate a lot today! I would still like him to be seen though so will contact the vet in the am.

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Sharon Kim | 6 years ago
My Male Cat Has Trouble Passing Urine Today, Went To The Vet And Was Diagnosed…

My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this when I have a very worried and devoted parent I ask them if they would like to learn how to palpate their pets bladder to be better able to monitor at home and also to give sq fluids to keep the bladder as flushed as possible. If you can afford it hospitalize your cat for iv fluids and have them monitor. Then I recommend you switch to a urinary formula canned food and maybe even add water. Also products like cranmate or dasaquin might help. Ask about what you can do at home. Ask about pain management and follow up urinalysis. Ask your vet to be as personally invested in your cats health as you are. If they aren’t find a different vet. Try a cat specialist. Good luck.