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Nicole | 5 years ago
I Have A 12 Year Old Female Cat. She Was Obese For Several Years. I Managed To …

I have a 12 year old female cat. She was obese for several years. I managed to get weight off of her a few months before these issues. There has been a lot of urination outside of the box. The urination has been going on a long time and initially I thought it was behavior because I adopted a rescue dog in October 2018 she hasn’t been thrilled about the dog. Right around the time my cat turned 12 she started with the urination… February or March.

In the last couple of weeks her thirst increased significantly. Also just laying on her side on the floor, not wanting to be in her bed or on the furniture. She’s losing weight /muscle mass and she is hoarse. She is still eating, I had to coax her a bit one day so I made chicken broth from drumsticks she’s been drinking a good amount of the broth and ate chicken and her canned food. She’s actually been gulping the food down.

I can’t tell if this is kidney related or diabetes. I have not noticed bad breath. I am in a real bind and need to figure out what else to do for her till I can get money for a vet.

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Inappropriate urination is often the first noticeable sign something is wrong. Increased thirst means this has been going on long enough to be a total body problem. I would put a lot of effort into getting her seen sooner than later…going too long can and will cause further damage to her already very sick body.

    (Dr. M told me bad breath is kidneys. Expect a full urinalysis and bloodwork, plus the possibility of subcutaneous fluids and prescription diet.)

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Michelle | 5 years ago
Blocked Cat Cannot Urinate After Catheter Treatment. Brought Our Boy (age 6) To The Vet Friday 9/13/19 He …

Blocked Cat Cannot Urinate after catheter treatment. Brought our boy (age 6) to the vet Friday 9/13/19 He was totally blocked. Vet did catheter and IV overnight. Showed great improvement. Still a bit slow to urinate but peed beautifully (on the toilet bowl–yes he often does this). Vet wanted to keep him for observation while we were at work, but again his urination was only dribbles. He’s back at the vet for 2nd night of overnight catheter again. Any insight?? Vet is saying the slow urine stream/lack of urine is due to inflammation. Then how did he pee so beautifully on Wednesday? Very confused, frustrated, and want our baby back home! Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated Thanks.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    The one time that we had this with one of our cats was many years ago. I wish that the vet we saw them (not who we now see) had kept him for observation and sent us home with better instruction. We ended up having an extremely costly surgery and luckily no recurrence after that. I also researched and changed our litter and we did a diet change. I feel that if our vet at the time had given us better instruction after the first occurrence, as well as had kept him overnight to make sure he was ready to go home, we may possibly have been able to avoid the second visit. I would talk to the vet you are seeing. Ask about diet and litter recommendations. There is a good Rx catfood. Ask for advice on early warning signs to look for. Best of luck.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Thank you. Yes, we are now aware of early warning signs and diet has been changed to Rx cd wet food only. The problem now is that Sebastian can’t seem to urinate more than tiny amounts at a time. Vet keeps saying the cause is inflammation, but he’s had catheters on/off for a week now and is getting meds… Why can’t he urinate??? Vet says cath goes in with no problem and urine at that point is clear. He’s stressed at the clinic and that can’t be helping matters. Thanks again.

  2. Michelle Post author

    Thank you. Yes, we are now aware of early warning signs and diet has been changed to Rx cd wet food only. The problem now is that Sebastian can’t seem to urinate more than tiny amounts at a time. Vet keeps saying the cause is inflammation, but he’s had catheters on/off for a week now and is getting meds… He’s stressed at the clinic and that can’t be helping matters. Thanks again.

Emergency Visit
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Lydia Schlitzkus | 6 years ago
An Unblocking Procedure On A 4 Year Old Feline (cat)
Treatment Cost (USD): $1446.00
Ricky came in to Jarrettsville Vet Center with symptoms of not urinating and hiding in his house as well as vomiting. His owners were concerned that he wasn't acting like himself. After an examination he was determined to have a urinary blockage. Ricky had urinary problems for about a month prior to the eventual blockage. This is a common occurrence with cats and it is important to talk with your vet about a treatment plan.
0 Responses
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Barbara | 6 years ago
I Have A Cat 10 Years Of Age, Flash. He Had A Tumor That Was Detected After …

I have a cat 10 years of age, Flash. He had a tumor that was detected after he chewed on his privates and was unable to pee. I took him to the vet and was told they had to remove tumor and his male parts. So after spending about 1500.00, a discount because I also had my other cat that cost 500 for shots and fixing and chipped. After about two months my cat once again had issue peeing. I am now told it will cost another $2000 to do another surgery where they will make a knew opening. I am at ends wit because I can’t do another $2000 when thinking the first surgery was to fix the issue. Was something not done correctly the first time? All I am told is that he heals too fast and the tissue is weak and can’t maintian an opening to pee needing a new one.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but I am not quite sure what is going on here. I think that I would recommend that you get a second opinion from a feline specialist or a vet your friends or family recommend. Or go back to your vet and ask for assistance in exposing what’s going on and why?
    I think you need some clarification before making any big decisions. In the meantime you can ask about intermediate palliative care. Please keep me posted on progress and good luck!

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My 10 Yr Old Maltese Was Laying On My Bed. When I Took Her Off…

My 10 yr old Maltese was laying on my bed. When I took her off of it the area she was laying on was very wet. Not urine wet. There was no odor. But I could feel the wetness and see where it stained. Although it was very light. Her body wasn’t wet. I know that it wasn’t from anything else. She was showing signs of being nervous when I first put her there. It’s very confusing.

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I would watch carefully to see if you continue to notice “wet spots” where she lays. My dog has Spay-Induced Incontinence, she leaks urine when she is sleeping. It is often odorless as well as my girl also has a condition where she does not concentrate her urine. If you continue to notice these wet spots a trip to the vet would be warranted to see if there is a medical cause and treatment. Best of luck!

  2. Laura Kyle

    I agree with Jenn. It sounds like urine to me. Sometimes when urine is dilute it has very little odor. At 10years old, I would definitely recommend some baseline bloodwork and a urinalysis.

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Sharon Kim | 6 years ago
My Male Cat Has Trouble Passing Urine Today, Went To The Vet And Was Diagnosed…

My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this when I have a very worried and devoted parent I ask them if they would like to learn how to palpate their pets bladder to be better able to monitor at home and also to give sq fluids to keep the bladder as flushed as possible. If you can afford it hospitalize your cat for iv fluids and have them monitor. Then I recommend you switch to a urinary formula canned food and maybe even add water. Also products like cranmate or dasaquin might help. Ask about what you can do at home. Ask about pain management and follow up urinalysis. Ask your vet to be as personally invested in your cats health as you are. If they aren’t find a different vet. Try a cat specialist. Good luck.

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Holly Hood | 6 years ago
I Have 3 Cats And Have Some Litter Box Issues. I Used To Have The…

I have 3 cats and have some litter box issues. I used to have the covered boxes, but noticed that one of the cats was peeing outside the box. So I removed all of the lids. The problem seemed to stop, but then started again on occasion. I bought larger boxes, (I have three of them) and the issue still occurs. I finally discovered it was my cat with colitis. She does pee in the box, but gets so close to the edge or stands instead of squats that it goes outside the box. Is she doing this because of the colitis or a behavior issue? perhaps higher sided boxes would help? I keep the areas lined with pee pads, but they are no match for cat urine. Suggestions?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would try a box with higher sides. I would also discuss this with my vet to make use it isn’t related to the medical issue.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah – get a box with higher sides. You should have 4 for that number of cats, anyway, so it’s a good time to pick that up.

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Lauren Hall | 6 years ago
My Male Approx. 8 Yr Old Cat’s Blood And Urinalysis Came Back With Some Abnormal…

My male approx. 8 yr old cat’s blood and urinalysis came back with some abnormal results. He has a little blood (+1 according to vet’s scale) and protein (+2) in his urine. However, we ruled out kidney failure/issues. He has passed a stone in the past and had noticeable blood then, but the vet is saying he doesn’t know if that’s the cause now and wants to treat it as idiopathic cystitis, thus no known cause = no set treatment.
For various reasons, I have had suspicions that my vet is not acting honestly in all regards (from severe misdiagnosis, offering unnecessary treatments as only options, and charging me for services that I wasn’t asked/ told about) but will be moving in a month so will see a new vet anyway.
For now though, I want to address any possible issue before the move seeing as stress may worsen it. So this vet is saying since they don’t know what the cause of the test results is but want to give me various antibiotics and meds to treat all possible causes. But he himself said that the medicine he’d put me on (Orbax, 10 day supply) has less expensive alternative options but “they don’t have flavoring so it’s harder to get cats to take them” and I’d have to potentially give it 2x a day instead of 1x. But I don’t care how often and I honestly don’t care how much it costs, but I really care that my vet is acting in the best interest of my cat NOT prescribing just because he can. What’s more, Feline idiopathic cystitis seems to be diagnosed by things he didn’t do as he didn’t culture the urine (and said he doesn’t want to because it’s only 50% accurate), didn’t x-ray, and didn’t ultrasound (source:
Based on the urinalysis results and clean blood work, has anyone had any similar experiences that could be a cause? I’d rather not put my cat on antibiotics he doesn’t need and potentially mess him up more… especially if proper steps of diagnosis haven’t occurred. Any advice would be very, very appreciated!

1 Response


  1. carrie Urquhart

    If he’s passed a stone before it’s likely he may have another. Male cats have a really hard time passing stones or crystals since their opening it very small. Was the cat showing signs of a uti, or was this routine labs? Do you know if they looked at the urine to check for crystals? Sometimes it could be an infection and a round of antibiotics clear it up, but id be weary of that diagnosis if they didn’t look at it under a microscope.

Other Service
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Jennifer Taylor | 6 years ago
Roxy Needed A Second Opinion For Frequent Urination & Increased Thirst
Treatment Cost (USD): $1218.00
Frequent urination since October 2018 and increased thirst, history of frequent urinary tract infections, blood in urine and spay induced incontinence. In January of 2018 she began vomiting stomach contents within 5 minutes of eating a meal and also began having periods of confusion.
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Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Cystotomy Surgery. Canine. Meet Molly. My Patient. Molly Had A Large Bladder Stone That Was…
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.49
Molly was having accidents in the house for many months. Over time the accidents started to have blood in them. That's what brought her in for me to see.
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