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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Golden Retriever 11 Years Male A Chow Lab Mix 15 Female And…

I have a golden retriever 11 years male a chow lab mix 15 female and pit bull mix 6 female they all get along without any issues but the pit bull doesn’t get along with any dogs outside of the house so I would like someone opinion about my rescue dog pit bull 2 female friendly keeping her in her own room with access to side back yard area walking her daily and socializing with other dogs be ok ?

4 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Eddie, I don’t quite understand the question….but I think you mean separate your pitbull from the other dogs in your house? Give her her own room with outside access to the yard? 

    This would be ok but I think you might run the risk of upsetting the harmony between the 3 of them. Your pitbull may end up jealous and feeling left out. She could turn on the other two maybe. She would certainly miss them. All you could do is give it a try and see. 

    I don’t know if your pitbull would ever be able to socialise and be friendly with other dogs at 6 years old, she could be too set in her ways now. Maybe you could muzzle her and see how that goes too…..the last thing you want is another dog bitten…..

    You sound a very responsible owner and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck. 

  2. Eddie Eidinger

    I met the new dog 2 year old might not get along with the 6 year old I would keep the 6 year old Pitt with the golden and lab chow mix they get along fine but she probably wouldn’t get along with the new dog so I was going to keep the new dog by it self

  3. julie brader

    Oh I see lol….yes that would be fine I’m sure. Be careful your pitbull doesn’t come face to face with your new dog though ….but I’m already sure you won’t ?

    Good luck with the new dog!

  4. PK Dennis

    I think you will get tired of this arrangement very quickly.  After a few day if one or two of the dogs think they need to get to the other dog(s) you will have a dangerous situation.  One second of not paying attention.  One visiting friend that doesn’t understand the consequences of opening a door and you will have an out-of-control situation.

    And these are all BIG dogs.  You won’t be able to just pick up one of the dogs to end the fight.

    I have fostered dogs that wanted to kill smaller dogs (one of my own dogs!).  Every precaution was taken — two doors/gates between the dogs.  The aggressive dog was harnessed and had to always drag a leash for me to step on (these were terriers that I could pick up to help end any aggression).  The aggressive dog was never allowed into the yard with the smaller dogs unless there were 2 handlers that were working with the aggressive dog (1 to work with the aggressive dog, and 1 to make sure the smaller dogs did not approach the aggressive dog).  

    I finally got the aggressive dog to accept that MY small dog was not something for him to kill and they got to the point that they could all be in the kennel all day together.  BUT he was still willing to attack unknown small dogs on sight.

    In the 6 months he was with me, even being as careful as I could be, this dog attacked small dogs four times.  Visitors opened a door that someone else left unlocked, the aggressive dog pushed down a baby gate that we thought was secure enough to hold him, he got over a fence that we thought was too high for him to climb, etc.  Each of the small dogs attacked were bitten and bloody — and they suffered PTS.  It was pure luck that determined dog never got just the right hold on the other dogs so that he could break their necks.  Cause that is what he was trying to do!

    So, ask yourself how dangerous is the situation.  How sure are you that you can keep your dog(s) safe from the aggressor.  I have fostered over 30 dogs, several of which came to me as very aggressive dogs so I had experience.  And it was still very overwhelming for me at times.

    I commend you for wanting to rescue another dog — just be sure you don’t endanger the new dog, or your own dog(s) in the process.

    Good luck.


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Is 2 Years Old He Is A Sharpea, Rott, Pit, And Lab Mix, He…

He is 2 years old he is a sharpea, rott, pit, and lab mix, he has had double hip surgery due to hip displasia at the age of one. I am having a hard time with him keeping his weight on and is a really picky dog when it comes to food.

2 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    Dear Casey,

    Have you tried any of the canned foods?  In regards to dry foods, Pro Plan’s and Rice has freeze dried chicken in it, and is a widely accepted food.  Usually with hip dysplasia we have to fight to kee dogs light- not beg them to eat 🙁








  2. julie brader

    I live in the UK so have different foods here. However find the best quality kibble you can, which has meat as the first two ingredients is holistic and doesn’t contain corn, preferably no grain. Dogs cannot digest it and its just a filler that comes out the other end.

    I wouldn’t feed raw unless you are confident you know what you are doing and can find a balanced ready made raw diet. 

    If your dog is fussy you could always add a little high quality wet food to his meals or chicken/lean minced beef ect.  

    Hope this helps! 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Today As Every Day Our Beloved Golden Made A Poop. 3/4 Of Which Was Perfectly…

Today as every day our beloved Golden made a poop. 3/4 of which was perfectly normal.1/4 was yellow and well, watery. He eats normally, drinks, plays, digs, wags his tail. Yesterday he stole a chicken in worcastershire sauce. And on Wednesday we changed their puppy food (we mixed taste of wild with holistic ) – He’s up to date with his vaccines ( (DHPPi2 + lepto – most recent).

We have also a lab, but she is on metronidazole right now. She has ameba – which is very common in Indonesia. He was clean, so he got his second shot on Monday.

Sorry for panicking, but we had a dozens of health issues with our dogs and I’m superscared about dealing with distemper or parvo (again).*

*Our lab had parvo 2 months ago, test – positive. Our golden was parvo negative, but he started to have the same symptoms as our lab 4 days before she did. 3 of 4 vets we encountered said that his test results must have been false negative. Now I’m panicking its parvo again. Should I?

For breakfast they had: puppy food (+ peanut butter + apple on the side) (as always)

for lunch I’m serving rice with chicken and carrot.

Can I do something more??

1 Response


  1. Anna K

    Second poop today was just as it should be. Brown and solid. No lethargy or vomiting. He’s crazy happy, thorn his new bed apart, ate the whole lunch and snack. I am so happy that he’s alright!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
•5 Year Old Pure Bred Yellow Lab

•had Tumor For About 6-12 Months

-grew Larger Over Time

•5 year old pure bred yellow lab

•had tumor for about 6-12 months

-grew larger over time
-does not seem in pain
-bumps all over body

-bumps don’t seem to bother her

-read new diet Benadryl or prednisone would help

-happy plays ball

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Sira Had A Cruciate Ligament Tear Of The Right Knee And Had ACL…

My dog Sira had a cruciate ligament tear of the right knee and had ACL done with complete meniscectomy on 1/21/15. After 2 months the knee felt swollen and all of a sudden there was a blister that broke open and release a LOT of almost clear fluid and the “swelling” was gone. The little blister wound healed but after 6 weeks swelling/fluid on the outside of the knee joint and the little cap opened up and again fluid oozing out. The vet examined the fluid, even cultured it and there was some inflammation but no infection. For almost 2 weeks the knee looked better, skin color was pink but all of a sudden this changed. The skin looked darker with every hour, turning purplish and again fluid collected under the skin. Again to the vet who tried to drain the fluid out with a syringe but with not much success. The fluid had become more bloody. My dog was put on previcox and baytril. But again after it looked better for a while one morning the certain (blister) spot looked a bit different and 5 hours later it was blueish – pink marbled and 5 more hours later it broke open and again this viscous discharge. What is the cause? Could it be an allergic reaction to the nylon line or the stainless steel crimps that were used for the ACL? How likely is this? I got the recommendation from another vet whom I consulted while the surgeon was on vacation to have the nylon line and metal crimps removed and hopefully enough scar tissue has developed by now so that the knee is stabilized by it. I have spend now close to $3000 on exams, surgery and meds. To remove all that what has been put in to stabilize the knee joint seems like a waste but what good does it do if it doesn’t heal? I cannot let it go on like that and risk an infection of the knee, can I? Has someone seen such a reaction after an ACL surgery? Does this look like an allergic reaction? Is removing the lines and crimps the right next step?

1 Response


  1. ashlyn hag

    It might be an allergic reaction, but I would find a better vet.

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deehoeck1 | 10 years ago
Is Peroxide Safe To Use To Clean An Area On My Black Labs Tail? …

Is peroxide safe to use to clean an area on my black labs tail? We were at your office last nite to have Lilly’s anal glands released and a pedicure. i would have asked last nite but it just started today.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Our8week Lab Developed Parvo. Still, Our5week Golden Had The Same Symptoms(vomitting,bloody Dihharea,lethargy), But His Parvo…

Our8week lab developed parvo. Still, our5week golden had the same symptoms(vomitting,bloody dihharea,lethargy), but his parvo test was negative (4 day), while our labs (2day)was positive. Is there a possibility it was a false negative test?

1 Response


  1. Anna K

    Thanks Krista,
    Our Golden seems just fine right now. It’s his 10th day of parvo, but he’s eating like a crazy, plays, walks around. Our lab feels horrible despite hospitalization. It’s his 5 / 6th day of parvo, but she began to vomit again after meals. He was in hospital from Monday to Friday. Now she’s at home, but they’re separated.
    Our lab takes oral fluids right now and is on amoxy, curcumine and metronidazole.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Dog Is A 6.5 Yr Lab Mix. Was Fine Yesterday. This AM She Doesn’t Want…

Dog is a 6.5 yr lab mix. Was fine yesterday. This AM she doesn’t want to walk on her back legs. Looked @everything, tried pushing spots to see if we could find problem. When we did get her to walk it looks like her back end is squatting.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    If it was me, I’d see a vet immediately. Particularly with sudden onset like this, I’d suspect some scary cause such as neurological problem, spinal problem, infection, toxin … I wouldn’t wait.

  2. Raj G

    home remedies is not the answer please rush her to the vet for a scan

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Diedra Cardamone | 10 years ago
I Am Interested In Making/baking My Own Dog Treats. What Ingredients Are The Best…

I am interested in making/baking my own dog treats. What ingredients are the best and are there some that are best to avoid? I have 3 dogs: 8 yr old Border Collie mix, 12 yr old Jack Russell, a 2 yr old German Shorthaired Lab mix.

4 Responses


  1. Kaz Kallin

    I make my own treats all the time since I have one dog that is on a vegetarian diet.  Peanut butter is a good ingredient, so are blueberries and bananas.  We use oat flour in all the treats we make and substitute maple syrup for sugar.

    That’s the recipe we used as a starter and have experimented since then. 

  2. Kelly Furgason

    Making your own treats is easy and fun! There are lots of recipes online and treat recipe books you can use too. Almost any human recipe can be modified for pets. For dogs and cats omit the sugar. They do not need it and will never know it’s missing.

    You can use regular flour or omit it if your pet has an allergy. You can use oat flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour, quick cook or regular oats. Grated carrot, applesauce, peanut or nut butters, eggs are also common ingredients

    Steer clear of salt, garlic, onions, chocolate

    Pinterest also has lots of recipes for pets too

    Have fun!!

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Jana | 11 years ago
3-4 Year Old Lab Seizure 2 Days Post [unknown] But Bite – Could It Be…

3-4 year old lab seizure 2 days post [unknown] but bite – could it be related or coincidence?

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    Seizures two days after the bite. Bitten by what exactly unknown.