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Suzette | 4 years ago
I Have A Cat That I Suspect Likely Has A Soft Palate Or Nasal Polyp. So …

I have a cat that I suspect likely has a soft palate or nasal polyp. So far we have seen my usual vet twice. The 1st visit they just looked at the cat and told us it was probably a respiratory infection and sent us home w/ a course of antibiotics (Orbax). That was a $150 visit. The cat completed the antibiotics and showed no improvement in it’s respiratory status, plus it seems like the meds made the car loose his appetite to the point of hardly eating. We just went back for another f/u visit, this time insisting on at least some diagnostic tests and they drew blood for labs, and did a chest x-ray (which the said appeared clear). This time they sent us home with azithromycin and prednisolone (more antibiotics and a steroid). That was a $500 visit. I expressed concern about an obstruction or polyp to the vet, and was told that if this course of meds didn’t work, we might need to see a specialist. I would be very grateful if anyone could put me in touch with a vet like Dr. Krista Maginfico that could help us address the medical issue at a reasonable price in the Austin, Tx area. Please, help if you know of anyone…..thank you in advance.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- so sorry about your car. Is it possible to get referred to a specialist by your vet? I know you already spoke to them, but perhaps a quick over the phone conversation could point you in the right direction if your vet isn’t equipped to diagnose? Or maybe call your local humane society and ask if they know of a vet practice that is capable? I hope you can get in touch with someone you’re comfortable with. Best of luck!!

    1. Suzette Post author

      I am sure the next step w/ our vet will be a referral to a specialist, I am just trying to reach out and ask for help finding one that might be a bit more reasonable than $1500-$2000 to diagnose and remove a polyp

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Jessica | 4 years ago
My 10 Week Old Kitten Has A Very Bad Humerus Fracture On Her Right Front Leg. I …

My 10 week old kitten has a very bad humerus fracture on her right front leg. I just came home from the animal hospital and they are telling us to take her to a specialist/surgeon tomorrow and that the surgery will be about $6k. I am beside myself because we just cannot afford this, but I know I need to do something. I have seen a video of a similar aged kitten with the same fracture and they were able to splint her and wrap it around her back to the other side to stabilize her shoulder and humerus. I am hoping I can find a vet willing to do this tomorrow but does this sound like it would heal? I was told amputation or euthanasia are the other options but we just got this kitten on Tuesday and would be heartbroken. We aren’t even sure how this happened, it’s been an overwhelming day! Any advice is appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing the specifics of this fracture I will say (and I believe this to be true) that all kittens heal. In vet med we have a saying “if you put a broken kitten in a cage and wait long enough they always put themselves back together”. (Well the saying is pretty close to that).. find a vet who will help you. Put this kitten in a cage just big enough for a small low sided blanket, food, water and a low sided litter box (or litter on newspaper) and let her rest. No playing. No leaving the cage and no items to climb on foe 4-8 weeks. It will heal. It always does. Make sure she is spayed after she is healed.

    1. Jessica Post author

      Thanks so much for your reply! After several phone calls today, I found a vet willing to splint her, and she is currently home and in her cage. He was optimistic as well, and said if anything she may have a slight limp, but that he thinks it will heal. I appreciate your time and your videos!

    2. Jessica Post author

      Hello again- Hazel had her cast removed today and the fracture healed slightly crooked/bent outwards, so now her leg looks deformed somewhat. I did keep her in a cage for a month with food and a shallow litter box, like you said, and I was very strict with keeping her in the cage and resting. I am happy that it did heal, but feel so bad that I couldn’t pay the money to have the expensive surgery so that she would heal correctly. Have you ever seen kittens that are able to walk normally again after a poorly healed humerus fracture? I know that is a broad question to ask. I am just hoping for anything, I feel heartbroken for her that it didn’t turn out the way we had expected. Im wondering if the bones were not aligned properly or moved after she was splinted.

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Chelsea | 4 years ago
I Have A Golden Retriever/Lab/Boxer Mix. He Will Be 10 Years Old This Month. A …

I have a Golden Retriever/Lab/Boxer mix. He will be 10 years old this month. A couple weeks ago, we took him to a vet specialist. He has a prostate mass that is connected to his urethra. He also has spots in his lungs that are believed to be metastasis of the cancer. I needle aspirate was done to confirm his cancer diagnosis. Recently, he has lost bladder control so we keep a diaper on him when he’s inside. Last night, he started not eating his food (even when it was mixed with wet food) so today I made him chicken and rice. He ate some of the chicken but did not touch the rice. My vet is not recommending surgery due to how invasive it will be. He is currently taking an antibiotic (clavamox) and a pain pill (gabepentin). He’s also been prescribed a medication for inflammation (carophren). My question is… is there anything that can be done for treatment? we wanted to have the mass removed to remove pressure from his bladder (because he peeing frequently). However, the vet nor vet specialist is recommending it. Are there options for metatastic cancer? What are the benefits of giving dogs CBD?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. I think your best corse of action would be to schedule a visit with your vet simply to discuss ALL of your options and then move forward from there. I cannot really comment on your specific situation, but I can definitely sympathize. This past July we had to finally say goodbye to one of our dogs and towards the end with the loss of bladder control and lack of appetite, it was really difficult to watch and in hindsight deal with. The last month was just to keep him as comfortable as possible and measure his quality of life. I had success getting him to eat by mixing beef broth and rice in with his regular kibble. And peanut butter became a regular treat. I hope that you and your vet can come up with a plan that works.????????

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megan | 4 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Irritated, Red & Inflamed Throat And The Vet Examined Him Under …

My cat has a very irritated, red & inflamed throat and the vet examined him under anesthesia a while ago and he’s been taking prednisolone for almost 3 weeks and he’s slowly coming off of it now and will be done with it by next week. After all this time, we are still not seeing any results, he still coughs and gags all the time. I was just wondering if there is ANYTHING I can do at home to help him even a little bit. I know his throat is probably so sore and I just want to know if there’s anything I can try, such as a humidifier or switching to wet food.. anything!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello- so sorry that no one has been able to toss some advice your way via Pawbly… I am hoping that you and your vet have found some sort of relief for you kitty???? I have not had any experience similar to yours…. so sorry I can’t offer any advice.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there is t enough information here to help much. I’m not sure if you are talking bout stomatitis? Or infection? Or even dental disease? I also don’t know why or what happened under general anesthesia? Did they clean the teeth? Take a biopsy?
    There are dental specialists who may be able to offer a greater degree of assistance. Can you inquire about this? Also there are medications like Atopica that might help. Or even making a product for you like “magic mouthwash” might help. Ask about all of this and then ask what you can do to help your cat feel better

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chelsey | 4 years ago
Addisons Disease???

My 4 year old Lab has been sick since Thursday. She wouldn’t eat, threw up bile, has diarrhea and just wasn’t herself, I took her to her vet Friday afternoon unfortunately they were closing, they gave her some fluid and medicine to calm her stomach, and sent us home with some medicine and a canned food.. They said if she wasn’t improving in 24 hours to take her to the emergency room for a full work up Unfortunately, we had to take her in on Sunday, after some test and after 3 day they told us she is finally eating a small amount and her stool is thicker and not bloody anymore. Her protein is low they did a ultrasound of her stomach and said everything looked normal but her adrenal glands are small so they are now testing her for Addisons disease. I tried to do some research but cant figure much out, does anyone have any information or has had a pet with Addisons disease? Is it common for a 4 year old healthy dog to start showing symptoms?
I just want my baby home!!! thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like you are getting a thorough work up and moving in the direction of some answers.
    I have treated quite a few Addisonians and once diagnosed and started on treatment most do very well. If you have any questions or concerns ask for an internal medicine referral and go from there. Good luck. I hope she is feeling better soon.

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megan | 4 years ago
My Vet Thought My Cat Had A Polyp. He Went In This Morning For Them To …

My vet thought my cat had a polyp. He went in this morning for them to look into his throat under anesthesia. Turns out he doesn’t have a polyp just has an inflamed throat. They said they can just give him some medicine and he’ll be good. He’s had these symptoms for years.. can an inflamed throat last that long? do you have any advice? will the medicine cure it or just treat it?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m glad they looked for you and hopefully started to give you some answers. Yes you can have chronic inflammation. Ask your vet for a short and long term treatment plan and then start there. Good luck.

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Chris | 4 years ago
PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I Have A 10 Year Old Black Lab And Today He Was Kicked In …

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I have a 10 year old black lab and today he was kicked in the side close to his back leg by a horse. I cannot get him in the car to go to the vet. Can I give him aspirin or anything for the pain??? He’s letting me pet him where he was kicked. Can a vet prescribe him any meds without him being seen?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. As much as we all want to help it is not legal to prescribe without seeing a veterinarian. You can call your vet and ask for help. But we cannot do it online without a pet existing vet relationship. Further if your dog is injured he may need more than pain meds. Please call your vet, or look for a local mobile vet to come to your home.

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megan | 4 years ago
Hello. My Vet Suspects My Cat Has One Or More Nasal Polyps. I’ve Been Going …

Hello. My vet suspects my cat has one or more nasal polyps. I’ve been going through this process of getting towards his surgery for a while. The vet told us he has a heart murmur, but only a grade 1 out of 6, I brought him to a 2nd vet and they said his heart sounds great, I went back to the first vet and they looked at him again and the doctor said he has a murmur and even his vet tech looked over it and didn’t hear it the first time and the doctor had to tell her where to listen and she finally heard it. They said we would need some test on his heart before during surgery to make sure his heart doesn’t fail while under anesthesia. I got an x-ray done of his heart which came back fine and i also got blood test done which came back fine. The test he got were included in the basic wellness screen. I’m thinking he has a intermittent heart murmur because of his heart rate going up due to stress of being in the car and at the vet. The vet is still telling me i can have an echocardiogram done to be really sure his heart is really fine. That’s another $390 on top of the $500 i’ve already spent and i just can’t afford it. I believe if 2 vets could simply look over it, and it’s only a grade 1/6, and the test and x-rays came back fine so far, he should be good… right? Well another thing is they don’t know how many polyps he has or where exactly they’re located, we asked for a throat/head xray and they told us they can only do it if he’s under anesthesia first. They are adding on so much stuff i feel like he doesn’t even need and gave us a price estimate from $450-$1,500. We asked the other vet and they said they can do a head x-ray, but they don’t even know if the procedure of removing the polyps is even anything they can do, and he might have to go to a specialist. Can the polyps for sure be seen on the x-rays because i really don’t want to waste any more money on something that doesn’t even help get down to the problem. I’m thinking i can just skip over the echocardiogram because it doesn’t seem it’s really needed, i get an x-ray of his head, find the size, how many, and where the polyps are located, then get a real price estimate. Can someone please answer my questions or give any advice! Thanks:)

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- sorry you are having such a time with all of this. I am thinking that an X-ray won’t show much because a polyp is soft tissue. It is my understanding that an X-ray will only show bone? I am guessing you would need something along the lines of a CT scan to check where and what size any soft tissue mass would be. I’m thinking you should sit down with your vet and have a frank discussion about budget and options and explain your thoughts. At the end of the day- you both want what is best for your cat. Perhaps in talking through it, you both can come up with something that you’re both comfortable with. Best of luck !!????????

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Drita | 4 years ago
My Neighbor’s Outdoor Cat That She Claims As Hers Because It Hangs Out At Her …

My neighbor’s outdoor cat that she claims as hers because it hangs out at her home and she feeds is wildly neglected. the poor cats left side canine teeth have fused together with plaque and she can’t open her mouth to eat properly or drink water as her tongue sticks out on the right side of her mouth. She seems dehydrated and flea infested-I gave her half dose of Bravecto since she feels like she’s 4-5 pounds and is about 6-8 years old. The neighbor doesn’t seem to see this and believes that cat is fine since she’s trying to eat…… She has an indoor cat that she takes care of really well. Any recommendations? if I take the cat to the vet for dental treatment, what would the cost be for something like this and would a cat in this condition even make it through anesthesia?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you are able to talk to your neighbor see if they are willing to let you help care for him. If you feel they are not willing to let you help call your local animal welfare officers, local rescues and shelters and ask for assistance for this cat. Cruelty and neglect of domestic animals is something that might motivate them to let you help for the best interest of this cat. Thank you for caring and reaching our.

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Brook | 4 years ago
My 4 Year Lab X Great Dane X Bull Mastiff Had TTA Surgery On His Left Knee …

My 4 year Lab x Great Dane x bull mastiff had TTA surgery on his left knee about 15 months ago and about 9 days ago he had to have surgery on it again for a Latent meniscus tear on the back of the medial side.
A few days ago he developed a seroma. It’s a good handful size. When the vet aspirated some fluid it was the normal blood stained colour however the fluid was quite viscose (this vet was filling in for the vet that did the meniscus surgery as he is away for a few weeks). My concern is that synovial fluid is leaking into the dead space, along with normal fluid. If SF is leaking from the internal incision site of the joint capsule, will this heal on its own? Also has this occured because Benson may have been over doing it, even though I’ve tried very hard to limit his activity? No fluid is leaking out of the suture site on the skin. He’s currently on antibiotics and a NSAID. I was a bit annoyed I had to pay for the consultant considering it was a post op issue.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is really a question for your surgeon. They can help identify which layer has the issue and also guide you in monitoring it.

    1. Brook Post author

      Surgeon is away for another 2 weeks. I think the fluid is pushing on the patella, this morning Benson screamed, he wouldn’t put his foot down. So I tried some flexations, it wouldn’t budge at first, then I finally got the knee to move, I could feel the patella moving then there was an almighty crack. He’s back weight bearing on it now. Vet is closed on Sunday so I have to wait til tomorrow.
      I’m lost as to what to do. Seen 3 vets in one practice regarding Benson’s knee and I’ve been given mixed advise. I’m scared they are going to want to drain it, I don’t want that.

      1. Sarah

        Hello- just wondering if you got in to the vet yesterday and if so what they said. If you’re wary though, remember to voice your concerns…. and there is always the option to seek out another opinion from a different practice if you’re not happy at the moment. I know it is hard to leave where you’re comfortable, and the current corona virus situation doesn’t make it easier….. hoping Benson is doing ok!!????????