Good morning. I’m so sorry about your cat. I am sure you must be struggling with “what should I do? Can I do more? Can I do anything?” I think a truthful conversation with your vet this morning is important. We had to put one of our dogs down this past June because of cancer. He was a trooper and we made him comfortable as long as we could, but finally in June, he just told us it was time. He stopped eating, even when I tried to hand feed, he wouldn’t come off his bed unless he absolutely had to… I guess what I’m sharing is that our pets communicate with us. You know your pet best. Your vet knows the situation. I think a visit and a conversation about Sushi today will help you figure out the next step.
Stella (the morkie)’s other owner here. Today we took her to the vet for her first lyme disease vaccine. She was doing pretty good for a while, and even went on her walk when we got home. I left her alone for an appointment for about an hour and when I got home all she wanted to do was cuddle. She sat on top of me and was shaking. I thought that maybe she was cold, but she ended up throwing up. Could a lyme disease vaccine make a dog vomit and if so, do we need to tell our local vet about it? She got all sleepy after and curled up on me again. My poor girl 🙁
Sushi is my 12-year old cat with an inoperable cancerous tumor. Last weekend she stopped eating and was vomiting bile. At the vet’s, her bloodwork showed high kidney and creatinine levels. After three days on an IV, her kidney levels returned to normal, but the creatinine remained high, confirming her cancer diagnosis. While the vet said she had been eating well in the office, since she came home three days ago, she has not eaten at all. We’ve tried everything: k/d wet and hard food, chicken and rice, her regular food, baby food, tuna, and Fresh Pet, but she hasn’t eaten anything, although she is drinking water. Sushi is very lethargic and stays in her hiding place most of the time. We go back to the vet in the morning, but I hate to put her through another stay at the vet’s if the results may be the same. Can anyone give me advice as to what I should do? I cannot stand the fact that she may be suffering.
Hello! I have a puppy named Chico, he’s a Japanese Spitz. He’s only 4 months old and he’s a really healthy dog. He eats a lot, he drinks a lot. However since 2 days ago, he hasn’t eaten anything. He doesn’t want to eat anything, he drinks water though. But he really doesn’t want to eat. Whenever we gave him food, after a few hours, he’ll vomit that food that he ate. We think it’s dehydration, but just like what, I’ve said awhile ago, he likes to drink a lot of water so I don’t think that he’s dehydrated. Since 2 days ago, he has lost around 4 pounds I think. We’ve tried giving him electrolyte like Gatorade, we’ve also given him metoclopramide, and dextrose also. But he always vomits his medicine after a few hours also. What should I do? Please help me, he’s really gloomy.
My Boykin Spaniel, Georgia (will be 1 year next month) has just started vomiting yellowish color bile. She also has very foul smelling, dark urine. She eats and drinks very little at the time. Could the bile and dark urine be from something she ate recently, or something more serious going on? Any suggestions?
I have a 10 year old daschundAbout 4 months back she had her tumor operated and was fine for about 3 months, but for the past 1 month she has been vomiting and feeling low.She even has a appetite loss and is feeling quite low.Her breathing has also increased a lot.When shown to the vet he injected her 3times and even asked us to give her enzymes for appetite loss. There’s still no positive sign.Please suggest me what should I do, as we love her a lot.
My 3 year old dog was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure after about a week of vomiting, lethargy, and not eating. After less than a day in the hospital her BUN came down from a 227 to a 200 and when I visited her in the hosptial I could tell her mood was night and day from when she was admitted to the hospital, much more energetic and happy, which I took as a very good sign of her health. So I guess my question is what can I expect? What are her realistic chances of recovering from this?
Hello, I am writing because I’m really desperate at this point. My dog hasn’t been feeling good for a few days now (nearing a week now) she had been steadily losing her appetite and vomiting/trying to vomit. I was really concerned and took her to the vet 3 days ago. He told me that physically she looked fine and asked me if I’d be ok with a full blood work (because it would cost) I told him that that was the least of my concerns and that he was free to take blood and check her for everything he was afraid she might suffer from. After the vet drew blood I noticed my dog started limping so I called him.again and he came straight back to check on her again he checked her leg and it was completely fine her nerves were responding, he muscles were also ok and when he checked the movements of her leg everything was fine too but she was still limping so he started checking her spinal cord and when he reached a certain point my dog jumped and turned around to try and bite him that was how intense her pain was.
Her blood work came back completely fine and he told me that her organs seemed to be in perfect condition too. So he started administering 2 injections one antibiotic and one for pain relief. My dog was back to normal again and the limping has gone away completely but she steadily goes back to feeling weak and depressed until she takes the shots again. She stopped vomiting but today she started again. My vet instructed me to withhold food and just offer a small amount of water and I should check if she still vomits today. Unfortunately, where I live I don’t have the option of taking her to second vet for a second opinion on the matter so I decided to post here for help or at the very least ask someone here if these symptoms remind them.of something specific. The vomit was phlegm like white sometimes she throws up the water she just had after that she started vomiting anything I tried feeding her followed by a yellow substance today I found a dried brown like substance that scared me because I thought she might have thrown up blood?! But after I found that she vomited again and it was mostly water again so I figured if it was blood she would have thrown up blood again? She hasn’t gone to the bathroom for a few days (which is ok I guess since she hasn’t been eating much) but when she did go two days ago her feces we’re very soft and a few days before all these I noticed there was also mucus in some of her feces. She’s a pitbull mix and she is family to me I love her so much and I hated seeing her suffer and me being unable to do anything about it… The vet has recommended some pills as well because he suspects an intestinal or stomach parasite but my dog is way too clever as I’ve tried everything hiding in into food which she refused to take, tried putting it into sausages which she found again and proceeded to take the sausage out on the floor and eating it from the floor little by little around the pill, I’ve tried peanut butter which she outright refused and I even tried opening her mouth and putting the pills inside which she coughed out again and now when I try to open her mouth she keeps it tightly shut. Please help me if you can does anything ring a bell? Do these symptoms remind you of a case you might have encountered? Will my dog be ok?
Zoi Lytou That’s what my vet has suggested but everything seemed ok and normal the first day she refused to eat I thought it was due to the heat wave that we experienced here a few days ago she was drinking lots of water which I also attributed to the heat. The next day I tried feeding her later at night when the temperature was much lower she still refused to eat but she still drank water perfectly fine. So I figured if she continues with not eating the next day I’d take her to the vet which she did and I also found white dried throw up resembling dried foam and noticed she would try to vomit to no avail I was immediately scared it might be bloating and rushed her to the vet.
He gave her a physical there and found everything to be normal and asked me about the blood work and whether I’d be ok if he checked everything from a general blood work to see how her liver works even her brain as I said before I urged him to look for and check anything he was suspecting just make sure. After the blood drawn she started limping which buffled me and asked him to come see her he rushed back checked her leg her nerves were responding, her muscles were fine and all the movements of the leg were ok she only jumped when he check a certain place of her spinal cord. He left again and then my dog went from limping to a complete and utter disinterest about her surroundings and even when we tried getting her excited she would not stand she’d just lay there wagging her tail and not being able to put weight on her hind legs to stand up. I called the vet immediately and he came back again and saw the state she was in and immediately administered an antibiotic and a pain relief shot almost instantly she stood up (the limping is completely gone now too) and my vet told me to check on her regularly through the night and provide her with plenty of water and try feeding her 100 grams every 3-4 hours. She started eating and ate almost 300 grams and stopped throwing up. Then the blood work results came back everything was clear and her organs seems fine too. My vet also suspected pyometra but ruled it out because there was no increase in white blood cells present also no vaginal discharge and my dog is peeing fine and the color is normal meaning yellow. So he continued with the two shots the next day as well and then she threw up again! So yesterday in addition to those two injections he gave her a shot filled with vitamins to boost her immune system and also help her get those vitamins since she’s not eating right now. He instructed me to withhold food and just offer 250ml of water every 3-4 hours and monitor her to see if she throws up again. Which she hasn’t so far.
Because he also suspects an intestinal or stomach parasite he gave me a strong dewormer to give her but as mentioned before I’ve tried everything! But she’s just too clever and always finds the pill and knows when we’re trying to give her the pills. So the vet told me she HAS to take them so he’ll be giving her the dewormer via an injection as well. He is the only vet in town (I don’t live in a big city) and what’s worse he told me he HAS to attend a seminar and won’t be back in town till Monday but an assistant will be giving Zira (my dog) her shots.
As far as injuries are concerned I only found a splinter at the back of her leg like a week ago I think when I saw her limping I removed the splinter washed the little wound there then put betadine ( disinfectant) on it and then Fucicort Lipid (antibacterial cream). I did that for three days and she was fine and the wound is completely gone now too.
Zoi Lytou Now it’s become even worse she threw up blood and blood clots my vet suspects an ulcer due to the injections she’s been getting and has immediately stopped both the pain reliever and the antibiotic. He’ll only administer the vitamins today and an IV to keep her hydrated. I’m feeling lost and helpless because I can’t do anything for my dog and the vet hasn’t even given me anything definite yet… As I said before I don’t have the option of a second opinion as he’s the only vet in town but I feel really bad for her I wish the vet would find out already what it is even if it’s extremely bad I just want to know… so that I can prepare her and me as well I don’t know what I’ll do without her and I will miss her so bad if something happens to her but I also hate seeing her suffer. As a pet parent you always know there’ll come a time when you’ll have to say goodbye but I think we all imagine that time will come when our baby is old and she/he will go peacefully in their sleep or their bodies will naturally shut down because of old age but not like this… This is what’s killing me the most knowing this could be it for her and I spend her last few moments scrabbling around trying to cure maybe something incurable instead of being by her side…
Zoi Lytou Just an update because I know how worrying it can be when someone post something worrisome about their dog and never give an update on what happened. Also this might also be used for someone one day to understand the symptoms quick and help their dog. I haven’t replied as I’ve been really busy trying to take care of my dog. We ended up redoing her blood work and taking an X-ray fearing a foreign body that might have obstructed her stomach or intestines and found out she had pyometra she was immediately admitted for surgery and was essentially sprayed, the vet informed us that there was another option if we wanted her to have puppies but I didn’t wanna risk anything and just agreed to her being operated on. She’s now home with us and recovering. Thank you for your reply though!
I have a 14 year old cat who is a seasonal vomiter. She rarely has an issue October – April, but the vomiting becomes frequent May – September. I held off on her topical flea treatment this year thinking that may be the cause but the vomiting started in May as usual. She vomits food, grass, and fur; there can be as many as 9 events per month. This is the 3rd year in a row this has happened. What could be the cause?
Our dog has been having seizure episodes, is there anything we can do to help her?
She is a two year old border collie mix. They have been recurring late at night since mid October about every other month. When they happen she loses her balance and can’t walk, she has heavy drool, and she vomits and loses control of her bowels.
These symptoms last around twenty minutes. She has the shakes for about an hour after she regains her balance and the other symptoms pass. After about two hours she is back to acting like herself.
She’s very scared while these are happening, we’ve been comforting her until they pass. Is there anything we can do? What could be causing these?
Yes it sounds like it might have been related to her vet visit / trip. Often it is hard for me to tell whether the vomiting was the vaccine (probable) or the anxiety/car sickness associated with it. Taking her temperature and listening to her heart and lungs may help push me one way or the other. But YES! You absolutely need to tell your vet. I would recommend splitting up her vaccines in the future and maybe even pre medication like diphenhydramine.