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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog As Started Vomiting After Drinking Water Shes Not Eating And Been Like It…

my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Please define “started vomiting”. You mean multiple times since? Since it’s a weekday, and she seems visibly unwell, I’d see a vet with that.


    thank you for responce, yes she vomits white gunk and clear fluid quite regular but full of life when out in garden, will book vet asap.

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Jennifer Taylor | 8 years ago
I Had Run Out My House Leaving Butter On My Counter To Thaw. I…

I had run out my house leaving butter on my counter to thaw. I arrived home to find 2 large piles of what I assumed was bile. While cleaning it up I realized it was in fact butter, to my horror my dog had consumed 3 sticks of butter. I have a call in to my vet but would love to know how bad this is to ease my mind. My boy is a Border Collie/GSD mix, 80lbs, 4 years and in good overall health, aside from vomiting he seems to be his normal self. (And yes, I know better than to leave anything on the counter.) Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Well, it may or may not be bad; depending on how strong his system is. Butter is not toxic but it is, clearly, very high in fat. So the biggest danger from consumption of so much of it would be pancreatitis. I imagine some dogs might eat all that and just get a mild stomach upset. Others might get in a lot of trouble. Pancreatitis is painful and can be dangerous. If he’s still vomiting and/or looking ill, do see a vet asap.

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Eva Hanley | 8 years ago
My Cat Has Vomited Three Times Today – It Was Clear And Has Gotten Yellow…

My cat has vomited three times today – it was clear and has gotten yellow. He’s still drinking water and is active – no lethargy or soreness. Do I need to take him to the ER immediately or should I see if it continues?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are many causes for vomiting and many are acute and transient and do not require a trip to the ER. In general we recommend that you not give your pet any food or water for about 12 hours to let the stomach and gi tract rest. The only concern with this is if there is a chance your cat is dehydrated. If your cat is acting normally and the gums are moist and the skin turgor is normal (this is the amount of skin tent in the area of the shoulders) then they are likely not dehydrated. If the vomiting persists in spite of with holding food and water, or if your cat appears to be quiet, lethargic, depressed or cannot stop vomiting, then yes a trip to the vet is in order.
    Look around the house to make sure that your cat hasn’t eaten anything inappropriate or dangerous like any kind of toxin (plants, toys, rotten food, etc). If an accidental ingestion is possible this warrants an immediate trip to the vet for care.
    If the vomiting stops over the 12 hours i recommend offering small amounts of watered down wet food every 3-4 hours starting tomorrow. If the vomiting returns see the vet.
    Best of luck!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Eva Hanley Post author

    Thank you! He doesn’t have the signs of dehydration, so I’ll start the fast & monitor him.

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Cathy Smith | 8 years ago
10 Lb Chihuahua Mix Dog Ate 1 Hershey Kiss. Do I Need To Induce…

10 lb chihuahua mix dog ate 1 Hershey Kiss. Do I need to induce vomiting?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing more about the health status of your dog and the size and type of chocolate eaten I cannot answer this completely. The pet poison helpline can calculate the answer based on a series of answers to questions they will ask. This is the best place to find the answer to this question.
    In general a healthy normal pup with a small milk chococolate is unlikely to cause an issue.
    There are also several “choc tox” apps available for free online. They may help provide some guidance.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Great Pyrenees Has Parvo, He Is A Little Over 15 Wks. We Took Him…

My great pyrenees has parvo, He is a little over 15 wks. we took him to the vet to be hospitalized. What are his chances of over coming this? Its day three, the vet called us today and said that he just vomited. I just hope we got him in fast enough.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Every dog and every disease is different. Hopefully you caught it very early and he will only need to be hospitalized for a minimal amount of time.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Although I agree with Krista my general rule of thumb is the larger the puppy, and the faster the disease is diagnosed and treated the better the chance of survival.
    Good Luck parvovirus is a nasty disease.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello! My 4 Month Year Old Lab Had Diarrhea Last Night And Seems To…

Hello! My 4 month year old Lab had diarrhea last night and seems to go every 2 to 3 hours. I tried her on some rice and she vomited. She acts ok. She still will play then nap, which is kinda normal. After the rice her pooped looked green?I wonder if anyone has some advice to avoid dehydration? How soon should I take her in?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If your puppy is 4 months old, this is an emergency. Get her to an emergency vet NOW.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I agree with Laura get your pup to a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
It Started With Dog Not Eating For 2 Days.then It Started Vomiting Watery Mucous …

It started with dog not eating for 2 days.then it started vomiting watery mucous , rl was given to it day after and again 1 day after with antibiotics.but iit started vomiting white foam and has done black poop 2-3 cant even stand up on its own., Is very lethargic and doesnt seem to hav much time..plz help

1 Response


  1. Thunder Alam

    Digestive problem . You may feed him digestive medicines for dog. If it doesn’t work , then you should visit doctor.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Why Is My Dog Vomiting?

why is my dog vomiting?

1 Response


  1. Autumn

    Vomiting can be for many reasons.
    Upset stomach? Could he/she have gotten into anything? Ate something they weren’t suppose to?

    We recommending withholding for for the day and starting to then feed small amount if they seem to be improving.
    Next steps would be radiographs to confirm whether anything seems odd, and sometimes sending out a blood panel to check levels.
    Let us know if you have any questions!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
So Ten Weeks Ago My Cat Escaped While She Was In Heat. And Now She…

So ten weeks ago my cat escaped while she was in heat. And now she gained weight and her nipples are swollen. She’s been eating alot lately.She’s a young cat and i read that a pregnant cat vomits during the beginning of her pregnancy but my cat hasn’t. Now I don’t know if she’s just bloated or pregnant. Can you help me please ?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    The best way to tell if your cat is pregnant is to take her to a vet for an exam.  However, if you are correct about the ten weeks then she should have had the kittens by now.  I recommend taking her to a vet for an exam and to get her spayed.

    Good Luck

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cats Always Choke On Hairballs In Their Throats (without Vomiting) So I Would…

My cats always choke on hairballs in their throats (without vomiting) so I would prefer (if available online/in your local store) a dry cat food brand that eliminates/controls the hairballs in my cats’ throats in addition to the food being completely FREE of BY-PRODUCTS because 2 of my 3 cats have suffered from Meow-Mix (which contains by-products).

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Unfortunately, we don’t really know what’s available in Turkey.  Can you give us a list of what you can get there?

  2. Zaid Kilani

    Sorry if I startled you but I’m only visiting Turkey for this month (I actually live in Jordan) but I’m willing to order/ship cat food online because the available foods in Jordan are Meow Mix, Le Chat and Royal Canin. I’ve tried all these (both the wet and dry food versions) and my cats never seemed to like them.