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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Got This 1.5 Months Old Persian Female Kitten Yesterday.
1- She Only Took Cows…

I got this 1.5 months old persian female kitten yesterday.
1- She only took cows milk for the first time during day and did vomit at night.
2- Today she took nothing, except water (only small quantity) and did not go to litter box whole day.
3- She is very slow and almost sleeping whole day.
4- I tried to force feed her milk and cat food, she immediately did vomit.
What should i do now? Its public holiday next 3 days no vet is open.

2 Responses


  1. Lilly Bounds

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but cow’s milk is REALLY BAD for cats of all ages. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and I’d say the same for your kitten. Don’t try to force feed her, take her to the vet ASAP. I really hope she feels better, though.

  2. julie brader

    You need to take her to an emergency Vet without delay, your kitten sounds to be very ill. Cows milk is not good for kittens of this age she needs kitten milk. Shes also too young at 1.5 months to be away from her mum. Please stop force feeding her cows milk and food it may be that causing her to be ill….take her to an emergency Vet. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has Been Vomiting About 4 Times This Evening And Has Had Diarrhea Twice…

My cat has been vomiting about 4 times this evening and has had diarrhea twice should i be worried what are possible causes? I dont want to take him to vet unless absolutely necessary as cost is expensive. thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    honestly, it could be any number of things…we don’t know your cat or her habits.  a vet really is your best bet, here.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Earlier Gave My Puppy His Deworming Medication And A Few Hours Later He Vomited…

I earlier gave my puppy his deworming medication and a few hours later he vomited. Is this normal?

1 Response


  1. Vicki Hamill


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Dog Died Yesterday. She Was In Very Good Health. I Found Her Dead…

my female dog died yesterday. she was in very good health. i found her dead with blood in her nose and blood clot from her anus and vomit, i wanted to know what causes this?

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    I am so very sorry to hear this. How sad for you. 

    If she was bleeding like that it sounds like some sort of poison…..possibly Rat Poison. You wouldn’t know for sure unless you had a necropsy carried out by your Vet though. 

  2. alex aza

    thanks very much. unfortunately we already bury her.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Dog Died Yesterday. She Was In Very Good Health. She Had Blood Swelling…

my female dog died yesterday. she was in very good health. she had blood swelling from her nose and blood clot from her anus and vomit. i wanted to know what had done this? is it poisoning or heart attack?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello, My Kitten Is About To Become 1 Year Old Now, She Has Had Several…

Hello, my kitten is about to become 1 year old now, she has had several health issues that stopped recently and last was a gastro anteritis ( kept vomiting and got dehydrated) that started just around the time I changed her food from Burns to Orijen kitten (about 2 weeks later). I have her on Burns again now as recommended by my vet until she’s 1yo and am considering changing for a grain free food however I am not sure which one to chose. I do consider trying Orijen again however the protein level in that food is much higher than the level she is on right now. My cat is an exotic shorthair neutered female. Here are my 3 choices for the new food:

Would you be able to give me some advise or personal opinion?

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Zee, 

    I am sorry your kitten wasn’t feeling well.  I am not an expert on food so sorry I can’t help there.  Has your vet run all the basic diagnostics already: ran a fecal and blood sample to rule out a medical problem before changing the diet?  Maybe the root of the problem is not the food.  You could ask your vet about seeing a specialist too.  I hope your kitten feels better soon!


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Pawbly | 10 years ago
One Of My Chihuahuas At Some Pork He Vomited Nonchewed Porked. Had Loose Stool Twice…

One of my chihuahuas at some pork he vomited nonchewed porked. Had loose stool twice then vomited vile is now laying very sleepy. With the other two chis laying with him what could be the cause? He is not with me right now?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Two Days Ago All My Cat Morgan Did Was Sleep And Eat And I Thought…

Two days ago all my cat Morgan did was sleep and eat and I thought he just needed alone time so I ignored it. But during the night my cat started to vomit a green-yellow liquid and just sleeped. He wouldn’t eat or go to the restroom until the afternoon.During this time he was starting to act normal and eat. But then when he walk he had a small limp. As the hours past he couldn’t even walk or move. When he tries to sit up all he does is cry in pain. He hasn’t eaten since the afternoon and is currently sleeping. He has not been yet neutered or gotten all his vaccine since we barely found him in the street and are currently working on getting them done. He has an appointment tomorrow with his vet but am scared that he won’t survive the night and don’t like seeing in pain. Is their anything I can do to lessen his pain. And how would one transport him to the vet since with any movement his in pain.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Sorry your cat is not feeling well.

    To transport him to a vet, you’ll just have to be gentle with him. He needs to go so just take your time. Maybe slide a towel under him and wrap the sides up around him like a burrito,,then gently lift it and place him in a cat carrier. He will probably howl or hiss, but you’ve got to take him to be seen. Just do it quick but gentle.

    If you have a cat carrier you can usually remove the top and just set him inside, then screw or snap the top back in place. If you don’t have a carrier, find a box, poke holes in it that are size of a quarter, then put him into the box for transport.

    Good luck!!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Dog Vomiting. They Did Blood Work, Abdominal X Rays And Radiographs But Found Nothing Abnormal…

dog vomiting. they did blood work, abdominal x rays and radiographs but found nothing abnormal. His stomach became bloated and he wouldn’t eat much. We have him on a bland diet but it’s a struggle. He is still drinking water, hasn’t vomited and has only pooped once per day since. He’s very lathargic, doesn’t want to go on walks and acts very tired. His breathing also became heavier and the vet said they weren’t sure what it could be but they could do another x Ray to see. Should I bother? Is a chest X-ray or a sonogram worth doing? I’ve been feeding him pumpkin, chicken and rice and the vet prescribed I/d digestive care dog food but he won’t touch that.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Your dog is in distress and does need help by getting figured out what’s going on and getting it addressed. Since your vet seems to be at a loss, I’d likely seek a second opinion from another vet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hello! I Have A One Year Old Yorkie. He Has Been Having Some Problems Recently…

Hello! I have a one year old Yorkie. He has been having some problems recently – he started coughing and it sounds like he has something stuck in his throat. This gets worse when he is excited about something or when he is about to be taken for a walk. He vomitted only once and after that the coughing got more severe. I took him to two vets – one told me that he has tonsilitis and prescribed some antibiotics. The situation got better for several days but now he is coughing again. When we visited him for the second time, he recommended having my dog’s tonsils removed. The other one told me that my dog had a problem with an elongated soft palate which I found very strange for I didn’t know that Yorkies can have such problems. Also, he made this diagnosis just by listening to him coughing, without any kind of examination. Other than coughing, my dog is active and hasn’t lost his appetite. Can you please help us?

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