To the vet. The yellow stuff is bile.
my dog is vomiting yellow mucus has a dry nose, no appetite is drinking some water but not a lot and is moping. what should I do?
my rotwiler is vomiting yellow stuff, and is not eating or drinking..
Anonymous -
Annamaree Randall we did phone but they could only see him on Friday….is there anything I could maybe give him now..
Annamaree Randall the vet can only see him on Friday….is there anything else I could do or give him…
Anonymous No – he needs to be seen before Friday.
Dawn Ferara, DVM Call your vet back and tell them he seems very sick and needs to be seen immediately.
I have a 5/6 week old kitten who, in the last few hours, has had 4 episodes of diarrhea and 1 episode of vomiting. Other than those things, she is behaving as normal. Should I be concerned?
My dog will not eat solud food but drinks water ,lathargy , vomiting, what doi do
10 yr old F Bichon Frise: 7 days now no solid food, occasional water taken, small dark or mustard liquidy stools, some vomiting. Vet gave her Pectalin, Metro, nausea and fluid shots – no improvement yet.
My dog is vomiting diaherra and will not eat he us a black lab and is nine yrs old
why is my dog vomiting yellow fluid that is not foamy?
He did try to vomit once but nothing came up
julie brader Hi Brian, please contact your Vet with some urgency. Your Lab eating a large amount of food like this could easily cause “bloat” (Gastric Torsion) where the intestines twist on themselves. This condition is fatal if not dealt with quickly.
If your dog is trying to vomit and bringing nothing up could be a sign of it, he will of course be bloated having eaten all that food. Please do take him to your Vet and get a professional opinion on his condition.
I do.hope he is alright….good luck.
My puppy is vomitting and have a diarrhea what should i do?
My dog had emergency surgery on Tuesday to remove an obstruction from his small intestines. He was discharged on Friday afternoon. He had 2 small bowel movements that afternoon – both were diarrhea or very soft. He is eating a bland diet of chicken and rice. He is not vomiting, but he has not had a bowel movement in almost 48 hours. He is also taking tramadol. His surgeon is not in today to answer if this is normal. Should he be taken into the emergency vet?
I would head to the vet.