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Haley Buckell | 9 years ago
The Vomit Is Usually A Yellowish Colour But A Few Days Ago It Had…

The vomit is usually a yellowish colour but a few days ago it had black in it… She has stopped eating, but recently my mom bought canned dog food and she will eat that. She doesn’t bark anymore when we come home and doesn’t even lift her head to my parents. We did, recently get a new puppy. She is obviously jealous and I give her all the attention I can. But she seems sick, not just sad or depressed.. Please, help.

1 Response


  1. Haley Buckell Post author

    Okay, thank you. My mom is taking her in tomorrow morning. I will let you know what they say.
    P.S. My mom thinks its a tumor in her abdomen… 🙁

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Haley Buckell | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Vomiting, Not Eating (unless We Give Her Canned Dog Food) And Has…

My dog is vomiting, not eating (unless we give her canned dog food) and has stopped barking or even lifting her head when we come home… Please help 🙁

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dmy Dog Eats Chicken Bones And He Vomits What Should I Do?

dmy dog eats chicken bones and he vomits what should i do?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if you can get to the vet, do.  i worry about obstruction and shattered bones causing serious problems for your dog.  please don’t feed your dog chicken bones.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Hasn’t Vomited, Is Drinking Lots Of Water, But Hasn’t Eaten Today. Should I…

He hasn’t vomited, is drinking lots of water, but hasn’t eaten today. Should I take him to an emergency vet?

2 Responses


  1. Elaine Borowski

    Thanks for the fast response. So far his behavior is normal, but pancreatitis hadn’t occurred to me. I will definitely keep an eye on him.

  2. Elaine Borowski

    Troy, our bacon-lovin’ Yorkie mix, is much better today. Last evening, he threw up some undigested bacon several times. Today he is much perkier/more playful, is eating & drinking normally, and hasn’t thrown up again.

    He’s obviously a tough little nut! I’m still keeping an eye on him. I so appreciate Dr. Krista’s input. Thank you!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Puppy 4 Month Old Lab, Yesterday The Vet He Did A…

i have a puppy 4 month old lab, yesterday the vet he did a surgery for the stomach,because is not well for the last 4 days ,he has diarrheas and vomiting ,is in the vet on in the fluids and medication the vet said to me he has gastroenteritis .someone tell me is chance to survived?i miss him so much i really want him to come back home

7 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i BELIEVE gastroenteritis is something a dog can survive but you need to change his diet drastically.  what do you normally feed him?  have you asked your vet what food you should be feeding?

  2. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    the food is royal canine ,i am relly worry for him i don’t want him to die,he is still in the vet clinic with the fluids

  3. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    yesterday he has surgery for the stomac to see if he has eating a toy or something not good,and he find out he has gastroenteritis thanks to talk with me

  4. Anonymous

    hmm. that’s odd…i don’t believe Royal Canin should be causing gastroenteritis.

    beyond this, i don’t know if I can help you. i am not a vet and i am not a nutritionist. but talk with the vet about what could have caused this and how to avoid it in the future.

  5. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    thanks so much i wish his to come back home i love him so much and i miss him

  6. Anonymous

    i understand! he’s so young to be away from home!

  7. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    i dont want him to die

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Need Hell Please.
my Mane Is Alexandra And I Have A Puppy Lab Mix…

hi i need hell please.
my mane is alexandra and i have a puppy lab mix golden retrieved 4 months old and for the last 3 days is not eating,not drinking is vomiting and had diarrhoea,i was bring last night in to a vet clinic and i left him in to the drops and antibiotics,and i did a scan for the stomach and check is blood and is possible to tell me what is wrong with him or if is change to die?i don’t want to lost him thanks so much

10 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Alexandra, this is a question for the vet that took a look at him.  what did they say?  what other diagnostics did they do?  i would also talk with YOUR vet this morning about it, because emergency vets aren’t necessarily as thorough as your own vet would be.

  2. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    he said he cannot not find anything ,he said he need to open his belly to see if is something in his belly .i am really worry for him

  3. Anonymous

    so he didn’t do x-rays or anything like that?

    go to YOUR vet, tell him your concerns.

  4. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    is still not make improved after 24 hours in the vet,

  5. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    and the belly he se is in pain,and look full

  6. Anonymous

    wait, are you saying his belly is distended and in pain? that’s bloat. vet, NOW.

  7. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    hi laura,my dog is not well for the last 3 days and i bring in the vet,and he make scan to his stomach and nothing is see ,he is in fluid and antibiotic,and check is blood 2 times,nothing show,and the vet ring me and he said he need operation to see in his stomach if is something stock.and i get the answer for the operation ,nothing inside but is inflammation and irritation and he said is virus tummy bug , the vet is said is give a chance for live but not 100 pro-cent,is sleep now and is still back in antibiotic and fluid and pain relief, and tonight i going to see him. please god to make some improve.thanks

  8. Alexandra Cristian Stefan

    after the surgery the vet said to my my dog has gastroenteritis ,i really want to back i really miss him so much

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Snoopy Has Recently Had A Hacking Cough Which I Believe Is Kennel Cough…

my dog snoopy has recently had a hacking cough which i believe is kennel cough. I looked up dogs with kennel cough and he is making that exact same noise. My parents can not afford a vet so, i cant take him. He is also now vomiting little portions of white stuff, and he bites his paws a lot, no particular one but both vigorously. Can someone please help im scared he might die he is kinda acting tired,and staying under my bed all day, he used to be really energetic jumping everywhere

1 Response


  1. Brianna Alarcon

    He is 1 years old turning 2 in march

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She’s 7 Months Female Last Time Vomited Last Month

She’s 7 months female last time vomited last month

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have 2 Siamese Cats, They Both Accidently Ate Raw Rancid Beef On Fri Morning…

I have 2 siamese cats, they both accidently ate raw rancid beef on Fri morning. Since then haven’t eaten, not seen them drinking, looking and feeling sorry for themselves, vomiting and runs, will sit on my knee and quietly purr when petted.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Had Both My Female Cats Spayed And One Of Them Wont Stop Vomiting Its…

i had both my female cats spayed and one of them wont stop vomiting its been 5 days

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