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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Sometimes She’ll Open Her Mouth And It’ll Seem Like She’s Gasping For Air. I Asked…

Sometimes she’ll open her mouth and it’ll seem like she’s gasping for air. I asked my friend, who’s mother is a vet and she said she may just be having digestion issues but I don’t think that’s the case. I never really see her drink water. I have her caged with a male bearded dragon and he’s 100% completely healthy. Tonight she was in her cage and she didn’t look good at all and I had a bad feeling so I picked her up and usually when I pick her up, she’ll flail her arms and legs around for a second until I put her on my chest. She didn’t flail her feet around or arms and she seemed completely limp. She’s still breathing and I have her in bed with me now. Please help. I’m so worried. I’m 16 and I don’t have a lot of money so I can’t take her to the vet because I don’t have enough money. If anyone that answers this thinks it’s manditory for her to go to the vet, I will do my best to find a way to pay for her to be seen. Thank you.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    This is serious.  I would try to find a way to get her to the vet.  Talk with your parents about this and tell them she NEEDS a vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Baby Chinese Water Dragon Has A Broken Forearm, But Its Still Using It Just…

My baby Chinese water dragon has a broken forearm, but its still using it just fine. It looks noticeably broken but doesn’t seem to bother it. Should I try to re break it out just leave it alone?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    No. Please take this BABY to a vet. DO NOT try to fix this yourself!! Your lizard is most likely in a lot of pain and needs veterinary care!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Have A Few Bearded Dragons And I Got A Full Grown Breeding Pair…

Hi I have a few bearded dragons and I got a full grown breeding pair male n female of people who was not looking after them and the female layed 14 eggs when I got her and they died I incubated them at right temperatures and humidity. The male died not Long after because he was not eating and the female is going the Same way she eats about 3times a week I hand feed her powder calcium mixed with water everyday but nothing is working she is very skinny and u can see her two bones sticking right out at the top of her tale she doesn’t move around alot but she does like to get out of the tank every morning to have a little run and the she finds her spot in my room and will stay there all day..I just need some help because I don’t want her to die she US a really friendly and loving bearded dragon

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what else are you feeding her?  has she been to a vet?

  2. Angel Sullivan

    She eats miro worms crickets dubia roaches .. her veg is cabbage apple cucumber and a few other bits a pieces but she won’t eat loads she only eats about 2 of each on live food. And a kids size handfull on veg

  3. Anonymous

    hmm. that definitely doesn’t sound like enough. i’d take her to the vet to see if there’s something else wrong.

  4. Angel Sullivan

    Shes a very bad eater my other dragons r youner then her and they eat pinkie mice and there alot fatter