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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Dog As Started Vomiting After Drinking Water Shes Not Eating And Been Like It…

my dog as started vomiting after drinking water shes not eating and been like it for 12 hours, she’s bright eyed but looking down in herself.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Please define “started vomiting”. You mean multiple times since? Since it’s a weekday, and she seems visibly unwell, I’d see a vet with that.


    thank you for responce, yes she vomits white gunk and clear fluid quite regular but full of life when out in garden, will book vet asap.

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Sarah | 8 years ago
My German Shepherd, Butch, Developed A Bump On His Eye This Morning, Literally In The…

My German shepherd, Butch, developed a bump on his eye this morning, literally in the span of about an hour. We had our regular morning routine, which consists of a walk and lots of cuddles for the dogs. I know he did not have anything on his eye then. We brought my oldest down to the bus at 6:50, and he did not have anything on his eye then either. When we brought my two younger kids down to the bus, I noticed he had a sort of angry, red pimple above his eye. I cleaned it off with warm water as soon as we got back up from the bus stop and it sort of “popped” a bit as soon as I put the warm compress on it. It was a bit of clear fluid/blood, but not that much. A little bit on the paper towel, that’s it. It has not gotten any bigger at all today, has not drained at all and does not seem to be bothering him. Any thoughts as to what it could be? I’m thinking if it is still there in the morning that I’ll be bringing him into the vet to make sure it isn’t anything serious. I’ve uploaded a few photos, but they aren’t very clear. It really looks more like a pimple than the photo shows.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    As fast as it appeared my guesses are insect bite or injury. Although it is impossible to diagnose any skin lesion without examining it. I would recommend watching it for changes and if it is not looking better by Friday have your vet look at it.
    Good Luck

  2. Sarah Post author

    Thank you. It is almost gone this morning, so I guess it was just a bite or scratch of some sort. I’m still watching it and will bring him in if it changes again.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Bad Abscess On His Head. Was Sick For A Few…

My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I agree, I’d get him in today.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog’s Eye Was Swollen Shut, I Flushed It With Water And It Worked But…

My dog’s eye was swollen shut, I flushed it with water and it worked but it’s still swollen…she keeps trying to scratch

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    To the vet with you, first thing this morning.  There may be a scratch on her eye.  Don’t delay on this – eye problems can go downhill QUICKLY.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Her Eyes Are Watering, Excess Snot, Sometimes It’s Mixed With Blood, Excess Sneezing, Lethargic…

Her eyes are watering, excess snot, sometimes it’s mixed with blood, excess sneezing, lethargic, her appetite is down. Shes been having trouble breathing and coughing. Sometimes her breathing sounds “wet”. My vet said there’s a chance something could be stuck in her nose or could be cancer. I’m very short on money but if theres a really good chance she could have something stuck in her nose I’ll find the funds to get the tests done.

2 Responses


  1. Alexis Renee Wood

    Also I forgot to add she is a 12 year old German shepherd/lab mix

  2. Anonymous

    honestly, if my dog were obviously miserable, i’d do anything and everything i could to figure out the cause and a treatment plan.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Need Help With My Leopard Gecko. She Has Shared A Tank With My Other…

I need help with my leopard gecko. She has shared a tank with my other female leopard gecko. They have been with each other since I first got them with was 12/27/15 I was feeding my other geckos and came to her’s and Binx tank and her head was bleeding from her right eye and is bruised around her head. She’s barley moving but we can’t get her to the vet till tomorrow because the ones that take reptiles are closed. Either something fell on her or Binx got to her..? I have her in a smaller tank with a hand warmer under a rag, a place for her to hide, water, and a heat lamp slightly turned away from her because her tank is small(not to small) and I don’t want it hurting her eyes.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i wouldn’t be surprised if there was a fight.  leos are very solitary and territorial, and unless you kept them in a VERY large enclosure, they probably fought.

    for now, what you’ve done is fine.  there isn’t much else you’ll be able to do until tomorrow.  once she’s healed, i wouldn’t put her back in with the other female.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Eating And Drinking Water. She Still Moves Around And Jumps. She Is Breathing…

She is eating and drinking water. She still moves around and jumps. She is breathing fine,no runny nose,and only that one eye

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
For 2-3 Weeks. My Kittens Have Eye Discharge On Can Hardly Open His Eyes, Obvious…

for 2-3 weeks. My kittens have eye discharge on can hardly open his eyes, obvious difficulty breathing, sneezing, decreased in appetite, though they still eat… Sometimes I worry because there breathing get’s so shallow, or when my boy is laying in me it’s like breath is being punched out of him every time he breaths, they both sneese, but the girl is worse than the boy with that, and they sleepn so much. They’ve gotten out more than a few times, but they are indoor cats. I’m trying lycine until I can take them to the vet, but they don’t like it so it’s hard to get them to take it, and I’m keeping food and fresh water. I just so worried. I think maybe, it could be a uri, and maybe some autoimmune disorder because they were born from a feral colony and a lot of them have something going on, but what do I do and how can I help them, until I can get them to the vet. I’m so worried.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i would move the vet visit up to tomorrow if at all possible.  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Kitten Eyes A Glued With A Substance That Is White And Looks Like Snout…

my kitten eyes a glued with a substance that is white and looks like snout, i flush their eyes with running water that helps temporarily what could be wrong? They are two weeks old.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Children Found A Little Kitten Yesterday That Had Both Eyes Shot Closed With A…

my children found a little kitten yesterday that had both eyes shot closed with a brownish crust on them we took some warm water and a wash cloth and cleaned that crust off its eyes but there is still a film over both eyes what should I do

1 Response
