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Hannah Snider | 2 years ago
My 14 Year Old Yorkie Has Recently Been Diagnosed With Spine And Nerve Problems. He Has Severe …

My 14 year old Yorkie has recently been diagnosed with spine and nerve problems. He has severe pain in his back end (hips, knees, lower spine). The doctor gave gabapentin and he is already on carprofen. It seems he’s getting worse with more pain, and sometimes whining and yelping in pain even when nothing has touched or moved him. Is there anything else I can do for him?? I hate to see my boy in so much pain.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry to hear about your pup. First things first. we can manage pain (or at least we should be doing everything in our power to try). If the pain isnt subsiding within a day or two call the vet and ask to be seen again. There is a litany of pain medications available. Often we dont provide enough, or the correct combination at the first vist.
    Second, we need a diagnosis, at least a tentative diagnosis to try to understand what course of treatment options are needed and what to expect from each option, or as time progresses.
    third, every patient should be offered a referral to a specialist sooner versus later.
    thats where i would start at this point with your dog.


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Robyn | 4 years ago
Hello! I Will Try To Keep This As Short As Possible But Is Hard Because So …

Hello! I will try to keep this as short as possible but is hard because so much has happened.

I have 3 cats. My male cat is the one I am worried about the most right now. About a month ago all 3 got URIs and went to the vet. They were treated with antibiotics however they weren’t helping much so I had to bring them back a few times! Due to financial issues I ended up bringing them to our local shelter/humane society where they have a free clinic right now due to Covid. Biggest mistake EVER! They were so mean to my cat and overly rough with him completely stressing him out. I wasn’t allowed to go in the room with him however was able to watch some of what was going on through a window. This stressed my cat out so much that a week later he got a urinary blockage (2 weeks ago now)… I have never had issues prior with the other vet. He is 8 yr old. Anyways the vet cathed him and sent him home since it was the weekend and they are closed… where he ended up going to the ER the next day because he was crying all night…. They took the cath out… gave him pain meds and fluids… and kept him for 5 hours… He came home that night and has been on pain meds as needed and prazosin 2x a day. He is also on Hills C/D wet (with minimal dry of the c/d) He has been seen 2x since at the vet and Monday they did a urine sample/culture…. They said he has white blood cells so was put on antibiotics…but once the culture came back it showed everything to be normal…so was taken off of them…. Prior to all of this he was free fed however I have been switching all my cats to meal times 2-3 times a day… and will continue with that because of weight issues . He has been peeing, however, sometimes when I am peeing he will come pee in his litter box at the same time… He shakes his back end and puts it up in the air kind of and the pee shoots or sprays out …. this isn’t every time he pees but it has happened 3 times that I have seen. His pee clumps aren’t as big as they were prior to all this and now vary in size… sometimes a golf ball size give or take a little bit bigger/or smaller. I also will see his back end/tail twitching randomly in the day. The vet said this happening more than likely was due to stress. I have been making sure to keep the stress level low at home, use feliway (idk if it helps) and new toys/cat nip.

My questions are…

1. When switching to a wet food diet…. Will cats pee more than usual? They were on a 90% dry diet before. Sometimes I add a little water to it as I don’t see him drink a lot.

2. He only has a few days left of the prazosin… Should he been weened or go off cold turkey?

3. Is the shaking and spraying like pee normal? He does so in the litter box however because of his angle sometimes it gets on the wall.

I am new to this… and have talked to/seen several vets however they all say different things so I am confused… I just want to know if this is normal….. I think he is probably irritated from being cathed and such… due to licking his private sometimes and whining (both aren’t as bad as they were before however still happen)

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry all of this has happened. I will try to answer your questions BUT you really need to stick with a vet you trust and be prepared for this to take a while to resolve. In some cats it is a lifelong issue.
    I prefer wet to dry as it is a much higher water content and usually much less fattening. I even recommend adding water.
    I also advise clients to try to give Sq fluids at home.
    Prazosin is a question for your vet. Some stay on this medication long term as it seems to be very beneficial.
    I am not sure what the shaking is. Maybe try to get it on video and discuss with your vet. Maybe pain?
    You should also ask about anything you can try for stress? Like Feliway? Catnip? Toys? Confinement at night? An anti anxiety medication? This is a discussion for your vet. What really matters is that you have someone advocating for you and your cat and you do everything you can to avoid another blockage and learn how to manage this long term.

    Best of luck.

    If possible can you share your vet experience (with the costs included) in our storyline section. It might help others.

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Sarah | 4 years ago
Good Morning And Happy Thanksgiving Pawbly Friends!!! We Decided To Go To A Local Trail This …

Good morning and happy thanksgiving Pawbly friends!!! We decided to go to a local trail this morning with the kids and the dogs. Rontu, who is usually pretty good on leash, was really a maniac. Lots of panting, whining, pulling…. really a jerk???? My thinking is anxiety because it is not one of our normal walking trails. We walk everyday, but the same usual routes with little variation. I am now going to start bringing him to other places once or twice a week where we can work on this behavior. I will be sure to bring lots of treats and patience. We have not had this issue with any of our other GSDs, so I am just guessing that this will be a good way to start to correct this behavior. If anyone has any other ideas, please share. Thanks!!!????????

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Happy thanksgiving. I think you are spot on! Try new places and try tho balance the excitement (and yes possibly anxiety too) of a new place with the focused intellectually challenging aspect of exploring. Keep him on a tight watch and enjoy as he learns new boundaries and new explorations. Sending love to you all.

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Sandra Sellers | 5 years ago
My 8 Year Old Dog Started Limping This Evening. She Ran Outside To Chase A…

My 8 year old dog started limping this evening. She ran outside to chase a squirrel and was limping when she came back in. I can rub, hold, look all over and she shows no sign of distress. She isn’t helping or whining. Acting normal except she seems confused as to what’s wrong and she’s eyeing up the sofa and thinking about jumping up before she does. Not sure if I should just give it a day to two…maybe she pulled or tweaked something or make an appt with vet right away. Currently she’s being nosey about what’s going on in the back yard and acting fine.

1 Response


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Gwen Kvech | 6 years ago
My Dog Got His Duclaw Caught On A Piece Of String And Is Whining A…

My dog got his duclaw caught on a piece of string and is whining a lot. Is there anything we can give him to help with the pain? He won’t let me near it to see how bad the damage is but if I can give him something, maybe he’ll settle enough to take a look.

2 Responses


  1. Megan Tholin

    Best to bring your dog to your veterinarian who can administer sedation/pain meds and get a thorough exam of the foot/toe. If he has rear dewclaws, they may recommend surgical removal to avoid a reoccurrence.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there isn’t anything safe to give him to sedate him enough for you to both look and and treat. Also start working with your dog so that you can keep the nails trimmed which makes ripping or traumatizing the nails less likely.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Yorker Poo, 2.5lbs. She Is Whining/crying As Tho She’s In Pain When She Gets Up…

Yorker poo, 2.5lbs. She is whining/crying as tho she’s in pain when she gets up to adjust herself as she sleeps, she spent most of the day outside with the family, laying out by the pool. She had plenty of shade, water and food. She is eating drinking and going to the bathroom normally, the whining did not occur until later in the night after dinner. No one has any idea what could be causing her pain. Any ideas?

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    Of course, it’s impossible to estimate what might be wrong over the internet. Dogs generally don’t advertise pain so if she vocalizing there would be a lot of it. The only way to find out what’s happening and fix it is a hands-on veterinary examination.

  2. Anonymous

    I sure hope you’re getting her to the vet first thing this morning.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hello, Recently (today) We Had Brought Our 2 Year Old Pit Mix To The Vet. He…

Recently (today) we had brought our 2 year old pit mix to the vet. He currently has ear infections in both ears. We were prescribed pills for the swelling, ear drops and ear wash. The pills are the easy part… the hard part is cleaning his ears. I know I am doing it right because of another animal we have that had ear infections. We have tried treats, sitting with him and going slow. But there is just no stopping the biting and the whining. I know it must suck for him and I’m going easy with him. Is there any more suggestions to help calm him down so I can wash his ears? Thanks..

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For some dogs this is very difficult because the ears are painful. For others it is fraught with anxiety due to associated fear and for some they were just never conditioned to not be afraid of ear (also applies to nail trimming). For the immediate care you could ask about a product like Osurnia. A long lasting topical. But you have to get him used to having his ears cleaned as he is predisposed to other ear infections. Ask your vet for tips on how to hold and clean the ears and try to always make it a quick easy and stress free task. Good luck

  2. Brittany Mullens

    Update: thank you for the advice. I asked the vet today and she gave us a topical. Also the swelling of his ears has gone down significantly. Which definitly helps with the process of cleaning… I have washed his ears before and I do with the other dogs because I knew if one had ear infections it’s possible for the others to be prone (they are siblings). I think it was just because of the pain factor. We still go super slow with him and try to keep him as calm as possible. But so far so good! Thank you again!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Dog Just Had A Puppy 3 Days Ago And This Morning While Trying…

My female dog just had a puppy 3 days ago and this morning while trying to drink milk he won’t stop whining. Does that mean there’s nomore milk?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would call YOUR vet about this, as they may want you to bring him/them in.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It is very unusual for dogs to only have 1 pup but it happens.  A crying pup signifies something is wrong, very wrong.  You need to call your vet or an emergency vet this is a true emergency!  Good luck!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
2yr Old Chiuaua Starts Yelping & Whining 2day. He Wont Let Me Comfort Him…

2yr old chiuaua starts yelping & whining 2day. He wont let me comfort him. He bit me 4 the1st × EVER 2day trying to comfort him. He’s not himself. Won’t eat/drink & doesn’t want 2 lay anywhere but the floor.I hav mor but only 15 Ltrs Lft

2 Responses


  1. Lindsey Knouse

    Hi, You can type more in a different section, that is just the title of the post. It sounds like he is in a lot of pain or discomfort, please get him examined by a vet.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    There is really not enough information to identify the exact cause of his pain.  However, my recommendation is to see a vet as soon as possible obviously he is in pain and needs to be treated.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Puppy Was Acting Fine Last Night. Today She Keeps Whining If You Move Her…

My puppy was acting fine last night. Today she keeps whining if you move her, pees herself, and she cant walk, when she tries shes frantic about it, falls over alot and lays back down.

1 Response


  1. Lindsey Knouse

    This is very worrisome. She really needs a good physical exam by a vet to determine what is going on and get her treated. Could she have gotten into something?