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Christine | 5 years ago
I Give My Dogs Heart Guard Plus. For The Life Of Me I Cannot Remember If …

I give my dogs Heart Guard Plus. For the life of me I cannot remember if I gave Them their September dose. (They were due September 1st). I need to know should they be tested for heart worms before I give them a dose now or is it ok to just give it to them?

Thank you!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are the questions that are best decided by a phone call to your vet. I don’t know where you live and I don’t know the degree of Heartworm disease you have there. Here, in N Md late Sunner I would say to my clients to start now and work back toward the beginning of the month. Some vets will prefer to test and restart the pills from there. It’s definitely a question of exposure, environment and risk of disease. I hope this helps. Thank you for having your pets on Heartworm prevention. Take care.

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Alyvia | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Herpes & Has Had Worms In The Past. She Has Had 3 Litters Of …

My cat has herpes & has had worms in the past. She has had 3 litters of kittens before. The first litter was 3 stillborns. The second litter was only 2 babies (one of them being boo of course.) The third happened recently about 4 weeks ago & there was 3 of them (we’re not sure if it was the same father as the last two.) The kittens seemed very healthy but with having other outdoor cats we had to often give them flea baths & even then the fleas would still be there & climb up to their faces but obviously we were hesitant getting their faces. Their mother fed them very well (I could even say maybe over fed them) & they got plenty of rest. The only concern I would say I noticed is how one of them only seemed to use three of her legs, but I didn’t think much about it because I assumed she was young & just still learning how to walk. Then all of a sudden a few hours before she passed she kind of just really wanted nothing to do with anything & just keep sleeping. When I saw she was dead later I noticed brown squiggly things on her, I figured it was either flea eggs or some type of worm. It couldn’t have been the same worms her mother used to have because those were white. We obviously took her away from the others, and then their mother seemed to not want much to do with the two ones still alive. She’s done this in the past when she had her stillborns, she was depressed for a while. I figured it could either be that or my mother read online that it could be because she knows they’re sick & she doesn’t want anything to do with it. So me & my family purchased kitten formula, a bottle, & turkey wet food made specifically for kittens. We’ve made an effort to feed them 15 ml of the formula every 4 hours. We also provided them with warm blankets and shelter since they are lacking their mothers body heat. One of them was acting like the kitten that had just passed, just really not up for doing anything. The next morning we saw them & they seemed fine, then we check on them about 15 minutes later & that same kitten was from before was dead. We’re now making an effort to really keep an eye on this one & do everything we can. He was doing so well this morning, & we’ve been holding him to our chest for more intense warmth & continued to feed him 15 ml of formula every 4 hours. Now for the past 4 hours or so he’s starting to look really lazy like the other two. We’re scared he’s not going to make it very long

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. My advice would be to get to a vet. I would also advise spaying this cat in an effort to prevent this same event from repeating itself as this is the third time you’re going through this. Best of luck.

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah. You need a vet for the litter as well as for your queen – spay her, speuter the kittens when they’re ready for their new homes. Stop the cycle of producing sick cats.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kittens. There are so many things that this could be. It’s really almost impossible for me to even speculate. I think it would be really helpful to provide basic medical care. Like parasite control and treatment and vaccines. And yes of course spaying and neutering to prevent future litters and the high mortality associated with them. I would guess that it is probably a few simple things. Parasites, disease, exposure are the big killers for cats and kittens. I applaud your compassion but I think it’s time to start providing more medical intervention. If it helps it was a story much like yours that compelled me to become a veterinarian. I was determined to never watch another pet die without being able to intervene and do all I could to save them. I wish you all well.

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Charlotte | 5 years ago
My One Year Old Lab Mix Has Worms. She Did Not Even Poop And Their Was …

My one year old lab mix has worms. She did not even poop and their was two worms stuck to her but and I don’t have money for a vet please help

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    There may be OTC options of dewormer, but I can not make a recommendation on those. I would be extremely careful in going that route. Dosage will probably vary greatly. If I were you, I would call my vet and find out how much an office visit and a shot of dewormer would cost upfront. The longer you wait, the worse (and subsequently the more expensive) things will get. Your dog is 1, so probably due for an annual exam anyway. I’m sure your vet will be able to do the yearly exam and deworming altogether. They may be willing to let you pay in multiple installments.

    1. Charlotte Post author

      Yes thank you I ended up just taking her yesterday to the vet and she got her shots and stuff and I’m working with them on paying thank you

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Nana | 6 years ago
I Just Recently Moved In With My S/O And Their Dog Hates It. She Gets …

I just recently moved in with my S/O and their dog hates it. She gets jealous. She didnt pee in the floor before and now she does. She always has to be under the covers and worms her way in between us. She stares at me all the time and when i walk towards her she rolls on her back and shows me her stomach. If we leave her outside of the room she whines and claws at the door. When its just me home she doesnt get in the bed, but if hes home she’ll hop right up with us. Im at a whits end.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please try to understand your partners pets point of view. How would you feel if you believed that your whole life that no one else I RN he world mattered as much as you and then all of the sudden you are told to move over and make room for someone else? It takes time to adjust to a new person especially a new person invading your space and your life. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about pets or kids. If you are the new person to the equation you have to adapt to their way of life not the other way around. I strongly suggest that you embrace the challenge of earring this pets love and trust by making small meaningful steps towards acceptance. Start by having a long chat with your partner about helping with the pets care. Start feeding walking and spending time with them. Be patient and understanding that this won’t get fixed overnight. It takes time patience and dedication to move into a family as the new person. I also think that seeing your vet to rule our pain, disease or infection is important. Take walks together. Go to puppy classes (even if this isn’t a puppy) to start bonding together. And be patient. You will be surprised how much love a pet can give.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Krista. I would just like to add my experience with walking with your dog(s). Walks are sooooo much more than physical exercise. They help establish pack order, keep the peace, provide mental stimulation, help secure the bonds within the pack, provide routine and reassurance…. I really could go on for quite a while on all the benefits of walking with your dog your dogs as a family unit. My advice would be to be patient, and try adding a nice daily walk when you and your significant other both have time to spend with the dog together. Best of luck!????????

  3. Laura

    Your SO needs to be involved in your dog’s life. Training, feeding, etc. Dogs don’t urinate out of spite, however – it’s simply a new place, with new rules. Make sure the stress of the move didn’t kick off a UTI, and go back to housebreaking basics. And yes, as Dr. Magnifico suggested, take a basic obedience class as a family and make sure he’s the one working her.

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Nana | 6 years ago
I Just Recently Moved In With My S/O And Their Dog Hates It. She Gets …

I just recently moved in with my S/O and their dog hates it. She gets jealous. She didnt pee in the floor before and now she does. She always has to be under the covers and worms her way in between us. She stares at me all the time and when i walk towards her she rolls on her back and shows me her stomach. If we leave her outside of the room she whines and claws at the door. When its just me home she doesnt get in the bed, but if hes home she’ll hop right up with us. Im at a whits end.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please try to understand your partners pets point of view. How would you feel if you believed that your whole life that no one else I RN he world mattered as much as you and then all of the sudden you are told to move over and make room for someone else? It takes time to adjust to a new person especially a new person invading your space and your life. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about pets or kids. If you are the new person to the equation you have to adapt to their way of life not the other way around. I strongly suggest that you embrace the challenge of earring this pets love and trust by making small meaningful steps towards acceptance. Start by having a long chat with your partner about helping with the pets care. Start feeding walking and spending time with them. Be patient and understanding that this won’t get fixed overnight. It takes time patience and dedication to move into a family as the new person. I also think that seeing your vet to rule our pain, disease or infection is important. Take walks together. Go to puppy classes (even if this isn’t a puppy) to start bonding together. And be patient. You will be surprised how much love a pet can give.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I’ve Got A 9 Week Old Puppy At Home, She Is Passing Stools Normal Colour…

I’ve got a 9 week old puppy at home, she is passing stools normal colour not to much but is crying when trying to pass. She has been wormed and I’ve just given her, another one as requested by previous owner. Will this fade eventually once worms are killed she is scooting her bum on the floor too

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Since she’s only 9 weeks old, you can’t have had her long. Which means either you have a vet visit happening in the next couple of days, right? Ask your vet. 🙂

  2. Jennifer Taylor

    I would speak with your vet. There are different wormers that are parasite specific. It could be as simple as the wormer you are using is not covering the parasite the puppy has….or it could be something completely unrelated. If she is crying when passing stool I would try to get in to your vet as soon as possible. I hope your puppy feels better soon!

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I always tell people that if their puppy isn’t acting normally that you should assume something is wrong and see a vet. If you are worried tell your vet. If they aren’t helpful or reassuring seek a second opinion. You are the only advocate your puppy has.

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Debbie Molnar | 7 years ago
Are Heart Worm Preventatives Necessary For Cats Living In The Northeast? If So, Does A Cat…

Are heart worm preventatives necessary for cats living in the Northeast?
If so, does a cat needed to be tested for heart worm before you begin a preventative like Revolution?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a topic full of much debate. Most of the vet specialists feel that we should not overlook or ignore the possibility and prevention of heartworms in cats. Typically we do not test for it before using a preventative, like Revolution as most positive cats have very few worms and there is a greater chance of getting a false negative on a test.

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Vivienne Barnes | 7 years ago
I Think My Dog May Have Worms. We Collected Her From Kennels After Two…

I think my dog may have worms. We collected her from kennels after two weeks and her appetite is insatiable. She has also been dragging her bottom along the floor. She is an eight year old Cocker Spaniel and in good spirits.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Call your vet and get an appointment. Bring in a stool sample for them. They will be able to diagnose and treat for the right thing.

  2. Vivienne Barnes Post author

    Yes anal Glands which the vet cleared. He also gave her worm treatment we were there. Thank you.

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Shiria | 7 years ago
How Much Medication At The Same Time Without Damaging The Bodytoo Much? So, We Have A…

How much medication at the same time without damaging the bodytoo much?
So, we have a group of 22 kittens (6 months) and 2 mothers. All are treatet for ringworm (Microsporum Canis) and in 3 days are finished (only 8 showed symptoms, but since they all had contact, all had to be treated).
They were treated with Itraconazole (1 week treatment, 1 week break, 1 week treatment, another 1 week break and a last week treatment). Additionally they were bathed 1 once a week in Enilconazole.

Some of them are treated with marbocyl for cat flu right now (most likely Calici).

Additional they were tested positive for giardia and worms (Toxocaridae?) last friday after most of them developed bad diarrhea that smelled incredibly bad.
For the Giardia they get treated with Metronidazole (twice a day).
Fenbendazole is not an option, as it doesn’t help anymore most of the time.

So now I still need deworm them and make a flea treatment (as they have also fleas). I don’t want to do worm and flea medication at the same day – as that would mean that at least the ones with cat flu would get 5 medications at the same time.

Only two more days till the ring worm treatment is finished, so I thought of doing flea treatment the following day and deworming the day after that to spread the treatment a little.

Some of them are clearly not well right now, so while I would normally deflea/deworm at the same time, I’m a bit hesitant here.

What do you think?

What I have to add – one of the kittens died this morning without known reason. It was not extremly thin or dehydrated and acted normal when I saw it the first time this morning. When a collegue wanted to clean their room she called me because it would lie on the floor and couldn’t move. (I was like 20 meters away in another room) She said it made strange noises and lost poo (diarrhea). When I arrived it was already gone. The hair on his tail was poofed up, eyes/pupils wide, but no heart beat and breathing. I tried to bring it back, but without success.
It had no signs of being extremly sick. It was not affected by ringworm itself and hat no catflu. It had diarrhea, but ate well. It played, was active and so on. It showed no signs of liver problems (as Itraconazole could cause that) like yellow skin.

No one has seen what happened. I was thinking that it may has fallen off a wooden layer that are left and right to the door, right beneath the windows. The cats like to sit in it and look out the windows or wait for someone to come inside. But those are only like 1,20m in height.

So I’m even more worried that all those medicaton already was too much for that one :(.

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    I am assuming all medications were prescribed by a veterinarian and an exam done on all kittens? If so I would check with the prescribing Dr. I have had foster puppies who have been incredibly sick and on many medications at once at the advice of our vet. In the case of my foster pups they were very sick, the risk of not treating outweighed the risk of treating. That is a conversation though that you should have with the vet who examined and prescribed the meds. Best of luck with the kittens and so very sorry for your loss.

  2. Shiria Post author

    Thanks for your answer. Yes, all medication were prescribed by the vet of our shelter. I also planned to ask her this tomorrow when the next visit is scheduled. Just wanted to ask for other peoples experiences for similar situations.
    We also had very sick kittens, where the risk of not treating them was bigger than the risk of treating – but they had other problems.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Got A Puppy From The Shelter Two Days Ago And I Noticed He Has…

I got a puppy from the shelter two days ago and I noticed he has worms what do I do

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Take him to the vet – you should take him in by today, anyway. Take a fresh stool sample with you and they’ll be able to give you the right meds for the specific worms your puppy has.

  2. Sarah

    Since you’ve just gotten your puppy, I’m trusting that you’ll be scheduling, if you haven’t already, his first few visits to the vet for shots and such. Your vet will be able to provide a wealth of guidance and help with all sorts of things, including the worms situation. They may also to help you sign up for puppy socialization classes and basic training, which are always fantastic to do. Congrats on your new furry family member!!