i think, after two days, i’d be calling the vet to make sure he doesn’t have anything super-annoying-not-fun like giardia. try to get him in this afternoon.
in the interim, i would not feed anything – the vomiting is problematic.
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Our cat is about 8 years old, and we got her from the humane society 2 years ago. Her problem is that she poops outside of the litter box frequently. Sometimes she poops in the box, sometimes not, sometimes on the couch, the table, the laundry, the floor, wherever. Never the same place twice. She’s not sick and doesn’t have worms, and she pees in the litter fine. We’ve tried different litter, moving it to different places, and nothing works. We are so confused by this cat! Help if you can please, thank you!
Had a vet visit one week ago. Was fine. Got immunizations – parvo and heart worm I think.
My friend gave me her puppy and she doesn’t have her shots, she has worms and she’s 3 months I’m really scared !! Help !!
there’s no reason to be scared UNLESS your puppy is horribly, horribly ill. don’t panic! we’re here to help you. 🙂
first things first: get that puppy to a vet today or tomorrow (ideally today). get started on a vaccination schedule. take a fresh poop sample in a ziplock baggie – it should be very fresh, like the last poop before you go.
secondly, invest in a crate. crates are immensely useful tools that help with housebreaking…and trust me, if you have never had a dog before it’ll be a LIFESAVER.
My 9 month old puppy has been given pyrantel liquid wormer multiple times, but the worms are still there. I made the mistake of letting her pick up a dead squirrel, so I think that’s where she got the worms. I used this wormer. https://www.southernstates.com/catalog/p-1443-happy-jack-liqui-vict-2x-wormer-2oz.aspx
I first noticed the worms because I saw dried yellow rice shaped things under her tail, and she had soft runny bloody stool with golden worms. After I gave the medicine, those worms went away and her poop is hard again, but the worms are now small and white. What kind of worms are small and white, and are not affected by pyrantel? Thanks.
sounds like you’re treating the wrong kinds of worms. have you taken your puppy to the vet to get the correct wormer?
Yeah, I figure as much. 🙁 It’s been very frustrating. And no, I haven’t.
that should be your next stop. that should be your first stop, really – can’t treat correctly without knowing which worms you’re treating, and whether there are others you don’t know about, you know?
AND never buy over-the-counter wormers at a grocery store! Many of the ones for sale are not effective, and some can kill your pup! Always go to a vet to be sure you get your pup the help it needs while keeping it safe.
You seem to be describing tapeworm. This comes from your pup ingesting a flea. The best place to get meds for tapeworm at the proper dosage for your dog is to get it from the vet. Pyrantel works well for everything EXCEPT, you guessed it, tapeworm. She will have to be wormed twice a week to 10 days apart to ensure the worms are gone. Also, your puppy can re-infect as long as he has fleas to accidently swallow.
my 8yo chuihuahua ate a dead mouse…I would say the rodent has been dead more than a day or 2.
I have 2 kids under 4 years of age. how concerned should I be of #1 the dog getting worms, rabies, etc and #2, of us humans contracting anything? I put the dog in isolation with food water and a bed to be on the safe side…
I don’t know how many of you specialize in worms, but my worm has been worming a lot lately. If anyone can help, I feel bad and don’t know WAT 2 doo. That brings me to the point, my dog eats his own poopies.
Anyways, the more important stuff than the poopies, is the balls. My cat Luis has been spitting out his hairballs, I’m trying to feed them back but don’t know if it’s the right thing to doo. Plz help.
~ Love, Jeff.
He’s peeing regularly now. No blood no strain. I found out he got tape worms again. He has diarreah because of it. I’m feeding him in small portions with the medication and water mixed in. He has an injured leg and won’t walk on it. I’m going to call the animal hospital and talk to them what to do about his leg. Its a little swollen. His paw has some damage and it looks scabbed. I’m pretty sure it’s from a cat fight of some kind. I’m not letting him outside anymore. Because of his diarreah he pees out side the cat box but it doesn’t bother me at the moment. We have tile floors. Have a job interview today. Hopefully I can get this job to help me Pay for a vet. Prayers for Sebastian please.
no sign of worms 5 minutes after eating and 1 1/2 after eating 3 piles each time no change in activity
She took 3 days to pass the first stool. We aren’t over feeding but not under feeding. About once every 5-6 hours. She’s gaining weight very slowly. No worms in stool from what I can see. Anything other suggestions are helpful because we can’t afford a vet but don’t want to give her up because we intend to keep her and nurture her back to health.
Hello Brandon…well done for giving this dog a home.
Firstly you really do need to take her to a Vet. Not only to see if she’s microchipped (she may actually belong to a worried owner) but she is obviously not in good health and needs checking over. All new pets should be checked by a Vet within the first 3 days of getting them.
That said she needs worming and a flea treatment, also heart worm meds if they are prevalent in your area. She needs a top quality food, small meals and often. Split her daily allowance between 4 or 5 meals to start with, as she gains fitness and body weight you can gradually knock them down to a meal morning and evening.
Glucosamine is a good bone/joint supplement as is Wild Salmon Oil which will also improve her skin and coat.
I do hope you and take her to the Vet as that is honestly what she needs. If she hasn’t been spayed it would be a good idea to have her done
Sorry wrong button!! Oh dear its nearly bed time I think….
Spaying when she is fit and well will protect her from Pyometra, mammary tumours and also stop unplanned puppies of course.
I wish you the very best of luck!
I have seen them in her poop. They are little white kinda look like baby earth worms
Dr. Magnifico often suggests using dirt in the litterbox. I would also have at least one other box on hand…most cats really don’t enjoy pooping where they pee.
Does the litter box have a cover on it? My vet told me one time that cats can become intolerable of their litter boxes if they are enclosed (have covers on them) no matter how much you scoop or change the litter. That did the trick and did not happen anymore.