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Lauren | 5 years ago
My 12 1/2 Year Old Miniature Schnauzer Has A Bump On Her Face I Discovered Two Days Ago. …

My 12 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer has a bump on her face I discovered two days ago. The bump was originally pink and matted over by hair. She got a full hair cut about a month ago so the bump wasn’t there before that. We’ve been putting Neosporin on it and a liquid band aid but after cutting more hair from the wound which had scabs over it with the hair, it is red and still fully exposed with a black edge. Not sure what this could be. Is it life threatening or do I need to take her to the vet?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    It is so hard to tell from a picture. I think I would call and get an appointment with the vet- it could be something simple, but I would make sure. Best of luck.

  2. Laura

    To the vet, for sure. They’ll want to put hands on it to help in diagnosis and cure.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Kana Had Facial Tremors, A “tragic” Look, Erect Ears, And Twitching Eyes. She Had Tetanus…
Treatment Cost (USD): $60.00
A wound on her toe had been present and reluctantly healing for about 3 weeks. Her mom noticed that her ears were standing up on her head, her eyes were pulled back into her head and moving quickly in multiple directions. She also had her facial muscles twitching and pulling her mouth back to her ears. She had a “tragic” look to her face. She also was not walking normally and not eating or behaving normally.
0 Responses
Emergency Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Chronic Abscess In The Neck Of A Cat. What Are Your Options If It Doesn’t…
Treatment Cost (USD): $321.00
Bert is an indoor-outdoor cat. He came home one day with a swelling on his right shoulder about 1 week after his family noted he was limping. The initial exam (about 1 week before the drain was placed), revealed a slight fever, swollen and painful area of the right shoulder. The swelling was explored and a large amount of purulent material was found (puss). Bert was given an injectable antibiotic (Convenia) that lasts about 2 weeks. He was sent home to be monitored.
0 Responses
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Sarah | 6 years ago
Good Morning Pawbly Friends…. A Couple Of Our Dogs Are On Meds Right Now. Rontu…

Good morning pawbly friends…. a couple of our dogs are on meds right now. Rontu is on antibiotics for a wound and a Riva is on pain killers for an unknown issue that our vets are working on with us trying to figure out. Both dogs are between 70 and 80 lbs. Riva spit out her pain pills… 75mg of carprofen and Rontu I guess, thought it was food and ate it. I tried to grab it out of his mouth, but couldn’t get my hand far enough. I managed to grab the other pill (gabapentin) but he swallowed the carprofen. What should I do?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 7 years ago
What Is The Best Way To Treat An Open Wound From A Dog Fight?

What is the best way to treat an open wound from a dog fight?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The best way is to see your vet for help. In my opinion EVERY dog fight wound is infected and EVERY wound needs a vet for assessment, antibiotics and pain medication. I should also mention that in many states not getting help can be considered neglectful and in many states this can be punishable. Please get help for your dog Iif they have a wound.

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jen Hohman | 8 years ago
When I Was Grooming My Cat I Accidentally Cut Her Skin. The Wound Doesn’t Look…

When I was grooming my cat I accidentally cut her skin. The wound doesn’t look deep and is not bleeding. Is it safe to use Neosporin ointment on her wound? The wound looks like a small tear.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Unfortunately I see this too often. Hard as I try to beg and plead with people to NEVER USE SCISSORS! They do and it happens. The skin will often heal on its own BUT too often it closes over an infection which causes an abscess or the skin edges don’t heal due to the cat licking it which then causes infection. Cats don’t heal as well as dogs do with cuts therefore I always recommend seeing the vet now to get the wound assessed and antibiotics started BEFORE it gets to be something serious and expensive.
    I hope this helps
    Best of luck

  2. jen Hohman Post author

    Thank you so much for your advice. I have cleaned the wound and I will watch her for the next few days. She is behaving normally and is resting in our garage for the night.

  3. jen Hohman Post author

    Just a quick update,
    The wound on Rugrat’s back has healed up nicely. Since it was a small cut, I bought some Vetrycin and sprayed it on her wound. she is back to her old self.
    Thank you so much for your help

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Six Month Old Pitbull Has A Large Hematoma After A Routine Neuter. He Was…

My six month old pitbull has a large hematoma after a routine neuter. He was fine with no swelling for two days after the surgery, but day three his scrotum started swelling. We took him into the vet who explained it was normal for some dogs and sent us home with some sedatives to stop his moving around and told us to monitor. Later that day, the scrotum swelled to the size of a medium to large orange. We returned, and we’re given antibiotics just in case, as there was no evidence of fever to indicate infection. The next day, he the wound started draining, a pink substance likely blood mixed with some other bodily fluid. The suture area looks fairly normal, just a small amount of redness and swelling, and the fluid smells of iron, not infected. We were advised to place a warm compress on for a few minutes a couple of times a day, but our pup won’t let us near the area. He is a sweet dog, but the sedatives combined with the pain are causing him to snap at us when we go near the back legs. He refuses to even sit down for hours at a time. Do you have any advice for how to help him through this? My wife and I work 8-9 hours during the day, though we have family that stops by for a few hours at a time to watch him. I’m just worried that he is in so much pain he won’t let us help him heal.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These cases do happen. They usually resolve on their own in about a week. If you cannot treat him at home see if you can drop him off at your vets to stay for the day while you are at work. Good luck. It will go down. It will just be an awful 5 days of waiting. And ps I have seen them cantaloupe size. Ouchie!!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Dog Bite. On Christmas Day She Got Bitten By Another Dog . All Vets Are…

Dog bite. On Christmas Day she got bitten by another dog . All vets are closed right now. What can I do until tomorrow to clean the wound or to ease her pain. She’s 11 yrs. old.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing the extent of the injury all I can advise is to try to keep her quiet and calm and monitor for any trouble breathing or discomfort. Signs of breathing difficultly, trouble walking, dissension of the abdomen, bleeding, changes in attitude that include panting, inability to get comfortable, or any sign of distress warrant an immediate trip to the closest emergency clinic. Please see the vet tomorrow and I expect they will do a thorough exam and provide pain medication (please don’t use an over the counter without the vets ok), and antibiotics.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I’ve Just Got Home To Find My Mum Has Bathed My Cats Wound With Diluted…

I’ve just got home to find my mum has bathed my cats wound with diluted dettol. After reading everything online, what should I do???

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I didn’t read too far into it, but it sounds like it’s toxic if ingested.  I would thoroughly wash the wound again and put a cone on your cat to prevent it from licking the wound.

  2. Charlotte Pearce

    Thank you! I’ve throughly washed him, although he hates me now. And making sure he’s drinking plenty. Still being his annoying self, so I think he’s ok!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Got Bit By A Huge Mouse Outside And Started Bleeding, He Seemed Fine…

My dog got bit by a huge mouse outside and started bleeding, he seemed fine by licking off the blood and eating, but im worried, could there be diseases transmitted? Can i clean the wound somehow? Thank you.

1 Response


  1. Joe Mccollum

    A washcloth with warm soapy water should be used to clean the wound. Some diseases are transmitted by mice and could be problematic please contact your vet.