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Julie Brader

Hi, I’ve had 2 Cocker Spaniels with the same problem. My last boy and the one I have now, who is the same age as your dog. Its usually as they get older that cancer can be a problem with retained testicles. I’m intending to have my boy to the Vet when hes two and fully mature, then just the retained one removed. (Though some Vets won’t agree with that). You have a while yet so try not to worry too much, however the testicle does need to be removed so if your Vet can’t find it perhaps a scan would be in order to locate it before further surgery? Good luck !!

5 years ago
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Julie Brader

You still need to take him to the Vet. There is no over the counter medication for this. He may need to be cathertized and a special diet to dissolve the crystals. You could do him some damage if you keep expressing him. Hope hes ok.

6 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hi sorry to hear about your Cocker Spaniel…I too have the same breed. Cockers are prone to spinal problems, IVDD (premature ageing of the spine). It sounds like your dog could have a problem with one of his discs. He needs to see a Vet urgently. If this condition is left he could be paralysed, so please don’t leave him, Vet now. Don’t let him attempt to jump on sofas, go up stairs ect…keep him on the same level. Hope all goes well, please let us know.

6 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hi Sarah, just wondered if you had considered Acupuncture for Butch? I know it helps a lot of dogs.
You could also ask your Vet about Gabapentin as an alternative to Rimadyl. It gives good pain relief and has no side effects in canines.
Do hope Butch is feeling better soon ?

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hi Amy, If you are concerned then go back to your Vet…or see another one if you were not happy with the initial examination. I enlarged the photo and there seems to be a mark in the middle of the lump. I wonder if it could be a bite of some kind? If so she would probably need antibiotics. If she were my dog I would definately take her back to the Vet for a more in depth examination.

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hi …if you are in any way concerned please take your cat back to the Vet before her check up is due. If she is still straining to urinate and has not defacated for 4 days it could be something other than cystitis.
Take a urine sample to the Vet with you and perhaps ask for blood tests to check kidney function etc. I hope she recovers soon.

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hi, I’m so so sorry! How dreadful that someone would do that. I assume you are certain they have been poisioned? They couldn’t have eaten a toxic plant or something? Whichever way your dogs have become you MUST take the ones that are still alive to a Vet URGENTLY. If you don’t you could well lose them all. They really should have gone to the Vet as soon as you saw symptoms and they died. Please please taken them all to a Vet NOW. I do hope they survive…but it is unlikely without professional treatment.

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Please take your dog to.a Vet as soon as you can. Something is obviously wrong. He could have an infection needing treatment or something else. All lumps need checking too. This is bothering him a great deal if he’s constantly licking the area and whatever it is needs to be diagnosed and treated. Hope he’s better soon.

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Hello Amrit, I’m so sorry your Daschund is not well. I’m sure you are very worried. Perhaps you should ask your Vet to carry out some blood tests and an Ultrasound to determine what the problem is. If by chance cancer is again present your best option would be a referral to an Oncologist. They would be able to tell you what treatment options are available. I do hope this is not the case and your dog fully recovers. Please do act quickly though for obvious reasons. Sending best wishes.

7 years ago
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Julie Brader

Must admit I’m intrigued as to why you are asking this question? Even though none of my dogs have ever urinated on me, I would imagine it would feel like someone had spilt tepid water on you!

7 years ago

Julie Brader

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