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Hi there-
I’m sorry that you are going through this. Have you tried pet insurance to see if they cover some of the cost? Have you tried you local humane society to see if they can point you towards a vet or surgeon who can get you a proper diagnosis and is able to perform the surgery if necessary? Have you spoken to your regular vet and asked their opinion, based on your finances, how to best help your cat or where else you can go for assistance? I would start there. I would also google the surrounding area and start making phone calls to see who else in your area might be able to advise/help/treat.

4 years ago
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Hi again Pawbly friends-
Sad to say that kitty did not make it. We tried best we could- very sad lesson to have the kids learn.????

4 years ago
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Hi there- we are currently working with one of our dogs and his feet. He does not like them being handles or touched either. What we are doing at the moment: after a good long walk, and while he is calm and resting, I have been sitting with him and just “playing” with each of his toes individually, and rewArding his patience with a treat. He is getting much more tolerant with this. So much so, that the other morning I was able to cut almost all of his nails in one sitting. Is has been a process/ still is, but I feel that the repetition is helping to make him less sensitive… and the treats always help????????

4 years ago
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Good morning-
So sorry about Gracie. Dr. Magnifico has a lot of videos on YouTube regarding ivdd AND she has information on her blog- diary of a real life veterinarian- that you may find helpful. Very best of luck to you and Gracie!!????????

4 years ago
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I have never had a situation where the entire nail has been gone- a few times we have had a partial rip and then we did have to make a trip to see the vet or vet tech to have it looked at and snipped. I’m guessing, if there is no pain, swelling, soreness- that it may have happened a bit ago? If there is still a “wound” opening, I would keep it clean and keep an eye on it. If it feels swollen, or sore then definitely call your vet. And honestly, I’m a nervous nelly, so I would probably call my vet anyway and double check with them to see if I should bring them in to be seen…

4 years ago
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Hi there-
I am hoping that Hank has been seen by your vet and/or surgeon already???? We recently had one of our dogs undergo tplo surgery, and although her recovery has been slow, it has been steady. We have been very strict about what she is allowed to do and what she is not to do and she has undergone xrays along the way to make sure she is progressing ok. The fact that Hank has cried out in pain and is regressing is very concerning. Please keep us posted

4 years ago
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Have you mentioned this to your vet or your breeding mentor? I would start there.

4 years ago
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Good morning-
I would start at your vet. I would explain your thoughts and ask for help in finding someone who is willing to perform the surgery at a more affordable price, if they cannot. If that doesn’t pan out, I would start calling around and asking. Maybe try your local humane society or animal rescue? They may know of someone close to your area that is willing to perform the polyp surgery. Perhaps even posting to social media may prove helpful- someone who has been through this situation may see it and point you in the right direction. I hope things work out- please keep us posted.????????

4 years ago
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I would contact your vet and make them aware of this new behavior right away.

4 years ago
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Hi there- I am soooo sorry that you going through this. I am not a vet- I have however had a male cat who had urinary blockage issues and can tell you what we had to do-
First off, the vet we had at the time kept him overnight after the. Lock she was removed to make sure his Irvine was running clear and to monitor him. He was sent home to us with very specific instructions- keep him isolated in a small area in case of accidents(which there were) a change in both diet and litter and multiple water sources. He was also put on a Rx food from science diet for the rest of his life. I would contact your vet first thing- explain to them what has happened since your last visit, ask to speak with your vet and see what they advise. We had to change our litter to “low ash” and the prescription food seemed to do the trick????He ended up living quite a long life with no recurrence.

4 years ago


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