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I’m so sorry to hear that your cat is so unwell. I’ve luckily never seen ryptococcosis, but if it is treated with itraconazole or fluconazole, maybe ketaconazole is an option to try, too?
Thank you for trying so much for your cat and not giving up on her. You are both amazing.

8 months ago
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I agree with Krista here. One of my past cats also had kidney disease, he was not end stage, but every few months he woulds have a really bad week. Bloodwork weren’t that bad either. But he wouldn’t eat or drink, and sometimes even couldn’t walk. He needed daily fluids (the vet showed me how to do that at home) and was fed with a syringe. After 4-7 days he started to get better again.

I would ask your vet to show you how to gove fluids udner the skin and feeding with a syringe, so that you can do this at home and help her for a few days. If she doesn’t get better it’s maybe nessecary to get a second opinion. But sometimes you just can’t find what is wrong :(.

I wish you all the best!

1 year ago
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Oh just saw this now. I hope he is fine and you got to see your vet?
Sometimes fluids build up after a tumor gets removed. If he’s not in pain and eating normally I would say its okay to wait a week. Of course if it gets herder, the skin gets discoloured (red or bluish) you should go ealier.

1 year ago
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How is he doing? This heavily reminds me of a kitten, that developed cancer on his ear at the age of 4 months. It started with a tiny sratch, that scabbed over. We though maybe he’d played to rough with his littermates. But it started swelling, was red and incrediby itchy. He would sratch at it whenever he could. So at first we also tought abscess, so he was also on antibiotics and cortisone I think and of course he had to carry a cone. But it only helped a little.
We took a biopsy, which showed a mast cell tumor. These produce histamines, hence the itchiness. As it was very small and on his outer ears removement was rather easy.

I can imagine that with this size and lacement on your cat it will be harder to remove it if neccessary.

So… sdditionally to a culture I would maybe do a biopsy?

1 year ago
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Thanks so much for your reply. I’m located in Germany at the north coast. There is a group called “Gemeinsam gegen FIP” (translates at “together against FIP”). They have experienced people that help with treatment. So far they helped me with every cat, too.
They have a homepage, too:
It is a bit chaotic and I don’t think it is avaiable in english, but they have english speaking people. I know they have helped severel cats outside Germany, too.


1 year ago
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I have those bowls that only open for the right cat. Expensive but so worth it…
One of mine needs to take medication twice a day but doesn’t take treats and both are very slow eaters. So I either had to seperate them the whole day, or she wasn’t getting her medication.

As Laura says, get her checked up and if everything is fine, maybe try feeding her more?
I have learned that kittens and young cats can eat as much as they want, so they can learn that there is always enough food. This way they get calmer with food later on. Also – young cats burn a lot of more energy than older ones. Some can eat more than double the recommended account and still not get fat.
Also maybe feed more wet food. It has more volume than dry food, while having less calories. this way she feels full faster. You can also add a bit of water for more volume. A friend of mine added special food cellulose for more volume for her cat.

1 year ago
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When there were already blood and maggots at the bottom of one of them it’s possible they already damaged a lot inside… depending on temperature thay can hatch in a few hours and start crawling in every body opening they can find…
Thanks for doing your best!

1 year ago
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Depending on how the pelvis is broken, it can recover without surgery. You’d need an x-ray to see how it’s broken and if it can recover without surgery. She will need pain medication and her movement needs to be restricted.
The problem is: she is pregnant. Giving birth with a broken pelvis is not only extremely painful, it can kill her and/or the kittens. She may not be able to push them out herself, or they may get stuck.

So even if she does not need surgery right now, she may need a c-section. She needs to be monitored closely if she starts to give birth you need to have a vet where you can go immediatly if she needs help – or depending on how exactlky you know er day of pregnancy plan the c section beforehand.

I wish you the best of luck with her. It’s great that you try to help her and managed to get some money together. It really means a lot that you are going to help her.

2 years ago
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How old is he? Can he move properly without pain? Can he jump? How is his behaviour in general. Did it change?
I’d suggest a visit to your vet, to make sure he isn’t in pain or has other problems that make it hard for him to leave your bed.

If he is healthy and can move normally – does he have reason to leave your bed? Where does he get food, play time, cuddle time?

My previous cat lived on my bed for a few weeks when he was 24, was blind and had dementia. It started with him not being able to jump my on my bed or jumping down. he woudl sort of climb on it and to get down he woudl stand at the edge and meow until I helped him down.

Offering him a stair didn’t help. So I helped him up and down at the beginning. But he slowly lost the ability to find his way around the room and stayed more and more on my bed. He just wasn’t able to find his way around the room anymore.

I guess any limited space would have done, but he would cry out if I wasn’t close, and my bed was always his favourite place. So it was the easiest this way.

2 years ago
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Does he eat wet or dry food? If he eats wet food you can add a little bit of water to every portion.
My cat didn’t drink out of her water bowl… possibly because it was too close to her food bowls. But she started drinking out of my water cups/glasses… so I placed some for her in the rooms and she uses them.
I have a fountain too, but it is only used when I clean her cups.

Otherwise you can use things like the water that’s left when you cooc chicken and there are also special fluids for cats with UTIs. (I think from Royal Canin?)

3 years ago


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